RT and FOX blatant bias

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2015 Dec 24, 11:11am   6,970 views  17 comments

by dublin hillz   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


"Somebody who only watched RT would have an image of the U.S. as a place of radical economic inequality, widespread civil unrest, corrupt politicians, racial animus and a collapsing economy, committed to expanding its global influence through military might. Of course, somebody who watched only Fox News, would understand the U.S. to be a country that is in the throws of a socialist takeover where an oppressed minority of white, heavily Christian citizens, are now losing the country that was given to them by the almightyy, to hordes of illegal immigrants, non-whites, homosexuals and atheists. Both Fox and RT are propaganda organs espousing very biased views of American politics. The major difference may be that Fox represents one extreme of the domestic political spectrum while RT is the propaganda arm of a foreign government"


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1   resistance   2015 Dec 24, 12:41pm  

sorry to say it, but you should also include NPR and the NY Times. i used to think they were fair in their reporting, but now i'm certain they are not.

they very consistently promote only the most liberal policies, and never report on the harmful effects of those policies, or whom they harm. a few things you'll never hear on NPR or read in the NY Times:

* blacks commit the majority of murders even though only 12% of the population. most racism is simply fear and self-protection in the face of high rates of black violence.
* open and promiscuous gay sex resulted in at least half a million deaths in the US, many of them random innocent people who happened to get a blood transfusion
* utterly unlike christianity, islam explicitly teaches violence and has no "love your neighbor" principal for non-muslims. in fact, islam teaches muslims not to even be friends with non-muslims
* militant feminism makes women unhappy and lowers marriage rates. actually, i have to give NPR credit for at least mentioning this opinion:

MARTIN: Do you feel that feminism has made any contribution to American life?

SCHLAFLY: No. I think it's made women unhappy - it's - to make them believe that we live in a discriminatory and unjust society, and that they should look to government to solve their problems.

MARTIN: What is your advice to the young women in your family - and the men - for that matter?

SCHLAFLY: Well, I think as we say in the book, that it's unfortunate that colleges and women's studies courses guide women to a career path that has no space for men, marriage or children. And I think you should plot a life that will give you the joy of marriage and children.


2   dublin hillz   2015 Dec 24, 12:59pm  

sorry to say it, but you should also include NPR and the NY Times. i used to think they were fair in their reporting, but now i'm certain they are not

Many people who criticize "mainstream media" are fans of RT and Fox (which is very ironic in Fox's case - they have the highest ratings and you can't get much more mainstream than that) have a mistaken belief that they see the truth while in reality they have their own sets of biases that often exceeds the presentation of mainstream media. Additionally, they are often not aware of who the puppeteers are which increases their chances of being exploited for someone else's benefit. From artistic standpoint though, I like the RT commercial of death of mainstream media with the mafiosa/movie star chick.

3   HEY YOU   2015 Dec 24, 5:05pm  

How many in the Main Slime Media reported that Iraq has WMD?

Is being only about how to increase their bottom line a bias?

4   Dan8267   2015 Dec 24, 5:45pm  

they very consistently promote only the most liberal policie

Those are leftist policies, not liberal ones.

Also, Christianity isn't all about love and peace. Christians say one thing and do another. Think about it. Would Jesus approve of guns? Of course not. According to his teachings, you have to "turn the other cheek" and "do good to those to harm you". So if a rapist breaks into your house, according to Christ's word, you should not life a finger of violence against him, preferring to let him rape your entire family to death so your soul will be pure and rewarded in heaven. No Christian follows the teachings of Christ. Christian history is full of violence and hypocrisy, and the most hateful people in America are the hard-core Christians.

5   resistance   2015 Dec 24, 6:42pm  

Dan8267 says

according to Christ's word, you should not life a finger of violence

basically, yes, jesus was ultra-nonviolent himself.

so you're complaining that most christians don't actually follow jesus' teachings. fair enough.

my complaint about islam is that mohammed was ultra-violent and lots of muslims actually do follow his teachings.

actually, my complaint is that the PC police in america will not allow mainstream media publication of the fact that islamic violence comes directly from islam itself. at least muslim terrorists are honest about what they are doing. they are following mohammed's example.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Dec 24, 6:58pm  

dublin hillz says

"Somebody who only watched RT would have an image of the U.S. as a place of radical economic inequality, widespread civil unrest, corrupt politicians, racial animus and a collapsing economy, committed to expanding its global influence through military might. Of course, somebody who watched only Fox News, would understand the U.S. to be a country that is in the throws of a socialist takeover where an oppressed minority of white, heavily Christian citizens, are now losing the country that was given to them by the almightyy, to hordes of illegal immigrants, non-whites, homosexuals and atheists. Both Fox and RT are propaganda organs espousing very biased views of American politics. The major difference may be that Fox represents one extreme of the domestic political spectrum while RT is the propaganda arm of a foreign government"

And if somebody read the WaPo, NYT, or Slate, they'd think we're a breath away from Fascism in the form of Trump, the USSR is on the verge of being resurrected by the center-right Putin, wouldn't know the IMF abandoned their never-once-broken-in-60-years policy of not lending to countries that default on sovereign debt, that Iran's #1 enemy right now isn't Saudi Arabian Sunni Terror attacking Shi'a worldwide but rather the USA, that there is a viable Moderate Resistance to Assad, or that Saudi Arabia/Qatar are lovely democracies worthy of our support at Lockheed-Martin arms.

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Dec 24, 7:09pm  

Muslims are 1% of the US population, give or take a couple of tenths of a percent.

About 3M Muslims created enough extremists who killed the almost same number of people (~45) as the entire rest of the ~330M non-Muslim population for ALL Causes, including but not limited to Christianity (~48).

The latter includes Holocaust Deniers, White Supremacists, general Anti-Government/Black Helicopter People, IRS Haters, etc. as well as Anti-Abortion or Anti-Gay Christian-motivated extremists.

Note the Muslim number does not include the Beltway Snipers, who were both Muslim Converts and there was plenty of evidence of Koran Quotations, anti-Kaffir writings, etc. that identified John Mohammed as religiously motivated. I suspect Bush put pressure on the FBI not to count that as terror, lest it be used against him as "Bush failed to prevent other attacks after 9/11".

If you included the Beltway Snipers, that would add 17 (10 in the main Beltway area campaign, but 7 in other parts of the country), that would put Muslim Extremist body counts well above all other reasons of terror including but not limited to Christian Extremism for a total of 62 deaths compared to 48 for all non-Islamic reasons.

So every religion creates terrorists, but some are better than others in doing so. Probably not many terrorist Jains around.

8   FortWayne   2015 Dec 24, 10:02pm  

That's one idiotic article.

9   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Dec 24, 10:10pm  

dublin hillz says

"Somebody who only watched RT would have an image of the U.S. as a place of radical economic inequality, widespread civil unrest, corrupt politicians, racial animus and a collapsing economy, committed to expanding its global influence through military might. Of course, somebody who watched only Fox News, would understand the U.S. to be a country that is in the throws of a socialist takeover where an oppressed minority of white, heavily Christian citizens, are now losing the country that was given to them by the almightyy, to hordes of illegal immigrants, non-whites, homosexuals and atheists. Both Fox and RT are propaganda organs espousing very biased views of American politics. The major difference may be that Fox represents one extreme of the domestic political spectrum while RT is the propaganda arm of a foreign government"

Let me give you a great example of hidden bias.

Anne Applebaum is/was recently on the editorial board of the WaPo. She is employed by the Legatum Institute, which is a neocon/lib think tank for "Free Markets, Free Minds, Free People". The Legatum Institute is funded by a private equity firm based out of United Arab Emirates, that nation well known for it's commitment to Free Minds, Free Speech, Free People, Democracy, etc. Probably as a means of hiding the true donors, which is some Sunni Arab-US MIC-Anti-Russian connection.

So she is both a director of Legatum and on the editorial board at the WaPo. The current director of the LI is Jeff Gedmin, who is a noted neocon with corresponding memberships at the AEI, CFR, Atlantic Partnership, Aspen Institute, a correspondent for the Weekly Standard and former director of Radio Free Europe - apparently Communism isn't dead yet, and Russians don't have access to the internet.

Her WaPo and Slate pieces generally leave out her marriage to the (former) bigwig in the Polish Foreign Ministry. They often leave out the Legatum connection. And certainly her long term defense of the Iraq War and all it's outcomes - then marking it up as a failure without acknowledging her long term support of it.

She loathes internet comments being allowed on articles - including her opinions - and whines about the "failings of the public discourse", meaning people offering counter-evidence to her preferred narratives. I've posted on her twice before.

More recently, she called on Mark Zuckerberg to police Facebook for comments she thinks is outre. Which means, anything skeptical of US neocon/lib policy, but not on MSM insider-generated whoppers like Yellowcake, or how Iran has been 5 minutes away from developing a nuke for the past decade, but things like Hersch's article about how OBL was really tracked down, or the "Fuck the EU Phone Calls", or her own husband's embarrassing taped dinner conversations arranging cash for deals and influence and complaining Poland isn't getting enough for sucking US Establishment Dick (in his own words) should be policed by Facebook, on the advice of some appointed, unelected committee of Clerisy members like herself. I guarantee Chomsky or Stephen Cohen or anybody but front-and-center neolib-cons would be on that committee.

"Guided Democracy"

10   justme   2015 Dec 25, 2:53am  

What is a MIC?

Anne Applebaum is a witch. She sees trolls where there are none. Anyone that disagrees with her is a troll, by her definition.

In reality, a troll is a person that likes to post outrageous and untrue statements only to get a rise out of people.

Urban dictionary says: Troll:
One who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument

11   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2015 Dec 25, 4:47am  

NPR is not so biased, according to science...


It's audience is pretty much from across the board:

according to the media research firm GFK Mediamark, 23 percent of people who have listened to NPR news stations in the past week self-identify as "middle of the road", versus 36 percent who say they are liberal and 26 percent who say they are conservative.

Conservatives who actually listen to NPR stories often find them objective:

Kaplan added, moreover, that when listening to NPR programming in focus groups, the conservatives often concluded that, to their surprise, the reportage was straight.
Last year we presented a small group of individuals who had identified either as conservative or as affiliated with the Republican party with a few clips of NPR programming from our newsmagazines. Typical comments expressed surprise such as, 'I had the impression that NPR would be liberal, but I did not hear that in this report.'

12   KgK one   2015 Dec 25, 7:14am  

Patrick create a list of news medias, ( cnbc, cbs, fox,..... ) ( biased mostly towards dem, republic, neutral, other). Popular news anchors ( biased toward dem , rep, ...).

We take survey in this site , you can create nice report and it will drive lot of traffic here.

Those stock news media anchor speaks of stock, they have to say if they own that stock. As disclaimer so we know is opinion could be biased .

13   Tenpoundbass   2015 Dec 25, 9:07am  

Would you guys consider this site "New Media"?

It's not really a news site persey but the subjects we post and discuss. We definately take it to both sides of the politcal spectrum. The thins we discuss are things that people who only follow the MSM are not even aware of. 90% of the things we discuss here, is lost on everyone else if you try to discuss the same thing with them.
They accuse you of one side or the other fear mongering. These are often under reported stories that will be affecting them within a few weeks. By time the news reaches them, (through appropriate channels of course!), it's already been skewed to call the real version of facts, a liar.

14   FortWayne   2015 Dec 25, 9:29am  

The only real opinions on politics you get is probably and economy on this site, because everyone can anonymously discuss their real opinions with disregard for PC and other MSM bullshit. Because none of us have a paycheck to protect by writing an opinion that requires boss's approval.

observer.com you say? they are just as full of shit as every other MSM.

15   Dan8267   2015 Dec 25, 9:59am  

my complaint about islam is that mohammed was ultra-violent and lots of muslims actually do follow his teachings.

This is true. Of course, half the Bible does the same, and the "good" half, the new testament, is pro-slavery. So despite the lovey-dovey stuff that hippie Jesus said, neither he nor his followers were moral role models.

The mythology of Islam is more violent than Christianity, but the real problem is the irrationality of claiming anything as the word of a god. Once you allow for that, people will cherry pick which parts of a holy text they consider to be that false god's intent.

Even more importantly, in order to defeat Islam, we must first defeat Christianity. To quote its bible, Luke 6:42

How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Even bad things can have good parts, and this is principle is good. Islam can only be defeated through rationality, naturalism (the belief in laws of nature), acceptance of the scientific method, and rejection of faith (the belief without proof or evidence). And for our society to be able to culturally conquer the Middle East, we must first embrace these things in our society. In order to defeat Islam, we must abandon Bronze Age myths and become a rational, skeptical society and then export that culture along with a higher quality of life. The strategy of trying to convince people that our version of the Abrahamic god is better than their version will not work because acceptance of a false god requires irrationality and then all bets are off.

actually, my complaint is that the PC police in america will not allow mainstream media publication of the fact that islamic violence comes directly from islam itself. at least muslim

Absolutely, and it doesn't stop with religion. Remember Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers who had to resign after five years of harassment, misrepresentation, and political pressure from from idiots for saying that

The president of Harvard University, Lawrence H. Summers, who offended some women at an academic conference last week by suggesting that innate differences in sex may explain why fewer women succeed in science and math careers, stood by his comments yesterday but said he regretted if they were misunderstood.

"I'm sorry for any misunderstanding but believe that raising questions, discussing multiple factors that may explain a difficult problem, and seeking to understand how they interrelate is vitally important," Dr. Summers said in an interview.

MIT biologist Nancy Hopkins ’64 said she felt physically ill as a result of listening to Summers’ speech at a National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) luncheon, and she left the conference room half-way through the president’s remarks.

“For him to say that ‘aptitude’ is the second most important reason that women don’t get to the top when he leads an institution that is 50 percent women students – that’s profoundly disturbing to me,” Hopkins said. “He shouldn’t admit women to Harvard if he’s going to announce when they come that, hey, we don’t feel that you can make it to the top.”

But Lee Professor of Economics Claudia Goldin, whose own research has examined the progress of women in academia and professional life, said she “was pretty flummoxed” by the negative response to Summers’ speech, which—in her view—displayed “utter brilliance.”

Summers spoke from a set of notes—not a prepared text—so a transcript is not available. But in an interview with The Crimson this evening, Summers said that his speech was a “purely academic exploration of hypotheses.”

Sorry to go off on a tangent, but I have a point to make and this example illustrates it perfectly. If a person truly cares about the education of girls and women, then Summers would be praised as a hero for addressing a critical, real problem. Only those who put their social agendas before the well-being of these girls and women would attack Summers, but indeed, that's a large and vocal percentage of the population and the press backs them up 99% of the time.

The critical point to understand is that political correctness is based on
- irrationality
- refusal to place evidence before conviction
- rejection of the laws of nature (physics, chemistry, mathematics) whenever they contradict a treasured belief
- abandonment of the scientific method when the results aren't what you want
- deliberate misrepresentation of those who challenge your position even if they weren't intending to
- adherence to dogma irrespective of any knew idea, evidence, or reason

Sounds a lot like a religion, doesn't it? In fact, climate change denial, unregulated capitalism, homophobia, racism, political correctness, and religion are all essentially different manifestations of the same monster, a monster that despite being responsible for almost all evil in human history, has no name.

16   justme   2015 Dec 25, 10:22am  

thunderlips11, Still not sure what MIC means, google was not helpful.

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2015 Dec 25, 11:19am  

justme says

thunderlips11, Still not sure what MIC means, google was not helpful.

MIC: Military-Industrial Complex (Lockheed Martin, Booz-Allen Hamilton, General Dynamics, etc.)

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