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2015 Dec 26, 9:07pm   9,851 views  38 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

@Patrick. I'm no longer being notified of likes. Has that feature been disabled, or is something up? For a moment I thought no one liked me anymore... but then I realized how absurd that is :).

No biggie if it doesn't notify us anymore... just thought I'd mention it in case something is broken and you didn't know about it.

Comments 1 - 38 of 38        Search these comments

1   justme   2015 Dec 26, 9:21pm  

Did it work?

2   Strategist   2015 Dec 26, 9:44pm  

turtledove says

For a moment I thought no one liked me anymore

I like you.

3   Patrick   2015 Dec 26, 9:47pm  

anyone else not getting emails of likes?

4   Patrick   2015 Dec 26, 9:49pm  

@turtledove could they be in your spam folder?

5   indigenous   2015 Dec 27, 2:01am  

Yes they work, at an ever increasing rate

6   Ceffer   2015 Dec 27, 12:02pm  

I don't like being notified of likes. If I wanted to win a popularity contest, I'd wear a Trump wig and loll my tongue around on restaurant windows.

7   turtledove   2015 Dec 27, 2:41pm  

Glad I checked back... since I didn't get any of your notices.

could they be in your spam folder?

Genius! That's exactly where they are. That's so weird. They never used to go to spam. What changed? Perhaps my email account has become self-aware..? Oh well. Like I said, it wasn't really a big deal... I was just a little curious why my emails suddenly disappeared.

8   Patrick   2015 Dec 27, 2:50pm  

well, i think sometimes people mark my emails as spam in gmail or yahoo mail or whatever, and then patrick.net gets put on some blacklist for a while.

please mark them as "not spam" if you can.

i did add an spf field to my dns record, but maybe that's not enough. anyone know some better way?

% nslookup -q=txt patrick.net

Non-authoritative answer:
patrick.net text = "v=spf1 a mx ptr -all"

9   turtledove   2015 Dec 27, 2:59pm  

please mark them as "not spam" if you can.


10   turtledove   2015 Dec 27, 4:02pm  

Strategist says

I like you.

I have some sad news. Sammy is declining fast. Obviously, it's not a surprise since he's fourteen... It's just hard to watch. He's no longer getting up to come to his food... which for a Lab, is a clear sign that the world is not right. Labs never miss meals. He'll eat if I bring the food to him... but he isn't his usual super-excited self willing to eat anything from fillet mignon to drywall. He's also having #2 accidents in his sleep (hard floors throughout the house, so no biggie), but wow... he's decompensating very quickly. So, my very first boy... who I've had longer than my husband and my children is winding down. He was the size of a loaf of bread when I brought him home. I'm trying to be realistic, but I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'll snap out of it. Buddy (our 1-year-old Golden) will be lost without Sammy. My heart hurts so much right now.

11   turtledove   2015 Dec 27, 5:17pm  

anonymous says

Been through this myself too many times and mine who is just shy of 13 years came down with Vestibular Disease earlier this month after getting hit with bronchitis/asthma earlier this fall. She is starting to get picky with food, no accidents - yet, but I can see where this is going - not sure I will have her next year this time. Like yourself I hope for something that I know deep down isn't coming, so for now I am trying to maintain her quality of life going as long as it's realistic for her and try and make the best of each day we have left.

I'm sorry for you, too. You're right about keeping them comfortable and being realistic. His tail still wags, which makes me happy and sad at the same time. He's a happy boy, despite his declining health... I never thought it would be so hard to know when it's time. In the past, I've judged people for keeping their animals alive no matter the affect on the animal. Now, it's getting close and I sense my own conflicted thoughts. The food thing is bad. I just don't know how you steel yourself to lead the pup -- who trusts me completely and follows me with his tail wagging -- to his lethal injection.

12   Strategist   2015 Dec 27, 8:39pm  

turtledove says

I have some sad news. Sammy is declining fast. Obviously, it's not a surprise since he's fourteen... It's just hard to watch. He's no longer getting up to come to his food... which for a Lab, is a clear sign that the world is not right. Labs never miss meals. He'll eat if I bring the food to him... but he isn't his usual super-excited self willing to eat anything from fillet mignon to drywall. He's also having #2 accidents in his sleep (hard floors throughout the house, so no biggie), but wow... he's decompensating very quickly. So, my very first boy... who I've had longer than my husband and my children is winding down. He was the size of a loaf of bread when I brought him home. I'm trying to be realistic, but I'm hoping that maybe, just maybe, he'll snap out of it. Buddy (our 1-year-old Golden) will be lost without Sammy. My heart hurts so much right now.

I'm sorry. Sammy had a great life thanks to you, and he made you and your family happy. He lived his life, and all you can do at this point is to make sure he does not suffer. Our German is 5.5 years, and already has hip problems. The vet says she will need to be put down in 3 or 4 years if the pain gets too bad. We are considering surgery for her.

13   turtledove   2015 Dec 27, 9:02pm  

Strategist says

Our German is 5.5 years, and already has hip problems. The vet says she will need to be put down in 3 or 4 years if the pain gets too bad. We are considering surgery for her.

Already? It seems like you just got her! It was just yesterday that you were talking about your young German when someone was asking about what kinds of dogs to get. I am so sorry. (((hugs))). If it's any help... Sammy also has hip issues (though not anything premature like you are dealing with). Anyway, he's on a Tramadol, Gabapentin, and Metacam cocktail. It's done wonders for his hip mobility -- even at his age. Of course, surgery at his age would be ridiculous. But given the age of your German, it makes a lot more sense. Are they suggesting hip replacement? Is she covered by insurance?

14   Strategist   2015 Dec 27, 9:12pm  

turtledove says

Strategist says

Our German is 5.5 years, and already has hip problems. The vet says she will need to be put down in 3 or 4 years if the pain gets too bad. We are considering surgery for her.

Already? It seems like you just got her! It was just yesterday that you were talking about your young German when someone was asking about what kinds of dogs to get. I am so sorry. (((hugs))). If it's any help... Sammy also has hip issues (though not anything premature like you are dealing with). Anyway, he's on a Tramadol, Gabapentin, and Metacam cocktail. It's done wonders for his hip mobility -- even at his age. Of course, surgery at his age would be ridiculous. But given the age of your German, it makes a lot more sense. Are they suggesting hip replacement? Is he covered by insurance?

We have had her since she was a puppy. She was spaded at 3 months, and the vet told us new research shows female dogs should wait for the first female period in order to ensure all the hormones are properly received.
We have insurance through VPI.

15   justme   2015 Dec 27, 11:28pm  

Who could have known, Strategist and Turtledove are real life friends!

16   Shaman   2015 Dec 27, 11:39pm  

Dogs are like your kids (or best friends) that you are destined to outlive. You can accept the fact that their lives are short and meant to make the most of. For me, the last dog I had was the best and I've ever gotten over him. Max was my buddy growing up, and it broke his heart every time I left for college. And he was always overjoyed when I returned. I was a college senior when he got cancer and wasted fast. I took him to the vet with my brother, and we watched and held him as he slipped out of this world. I don't think I can handle that again so I can't have a dog. Cowardice I'm sure, but we grow so attached to our puppy friends, it's heart wrenching when they leave us all too soon.

17   Strategist   2015 Dec 28, 7:46am  

justme says

Who could have known, Strategist and Turtledove are real life friends!

It's my weakness for pretty women.

18   turtledove   2015 Dec 28, 6:12pm  

justme says

Who could have known, Strategist and Turtledove are real life friends!

I cannot resist a fellow animal lover. And... We're practically neighbors, too!

19   turtledove   2015 Dec 28, 6:29pm  

Strategist says

She was spaded at 3 months, and the vet told us new research shows female dogs should wait for the first female period in order to ensure all the hormones are properly received.

I've witnessed something like this. I had a dog twenty years ago who was a super sweet German mix. A few months after she was spayed, her whole personality changed. She started attacking other dogs. No kidding! She would see another dog and literally drag the person walking her toward the attack. She looked like a rabid wolf. Suddenly, she perceived ALL other dogs as threats. We put her in an intensive training boot camp. She got better, but she still was very agitated the minute any other dog dared to enter her line of sight. It wasn't until one vet suggested hormone replacement that her personality went back to her old sweet self.

It would make sense that premature hysterectomy would have an affect on a female's bones. That's true for human women, where risk of osteoporosis goes way up after hysterectomy. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that it accelerated your girl's hip problems.

Poor baby.

20   Strategist   2015 Dec 28, 6:44pm  

turtledove says

It would make sense that premature hysterectomy would have an affect on a female's bones. That's true for human women, where risk of osteoporosis goes way up after hysterectomy. It wouldn't surprise me at all to learn that it accelerated your girl's hip problems.

Poor baby.

You would think they would have known this 5 years ago. :(

21   komputodo   2015 Dec 29, 8:07am  

turtledove says

@Patrick. I'm no longer being notified of likes. Has that feature been disabled, or is something up? For a moment I thought no one liked me anymore...

Another possible source of income for patrick. Selling LIKES to those who want/need validation.

22   komputodo   2015 Dec 29, 8:10am  

What is the thinking behind DISLIKES being anonymous? Is it to protect our delicate sensibilities?

23   komputodo   2015 Dec 29, 8:11am  

turtledove says

She was spaded at 3 months,

She was spayed twice?

24   Patrick   2015 Dec 29, 9:00pm  

komputodo says

What is the thinking behind DISLIKES being anonymous? Is it to protect our delicate sensibilities?

cuts down a bit on the hostility while still allowing you to express your opinion.

likes are actually anonymous as well, except that the author gets an email of who liked their comment, unless they choose not to in their profile

25   indigenous   2015 Dec 29, 9:07pm  

no bold type here? hmm

26   komputodo   2015 Dec 30, 8:57am  

komputodo says

What is the thinking behind DISLIKES being anonymous? Is it to protect our delicate sensibilities?

cuts down a bit on the hostility while still allowing you to express your opinion.

maybe it's not very consistent.

'God save us from people who mean well.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Like most things in life, it probably has the exact opposite result. It would be an interesting experiment and probably result in less DISLIKES.

27   Dan8267   2015 Dec 30, 9:34am  

komputodo says

What is the thinking behind DISLIKES being anonymous? Is it to protect our delicate sensibilities?

cuts down a bit on the hostility while still allowing you to express your opinion.

maybe it's not very consistent.

Likes may be marginally useful. Dislikes aren't. Both are used to indicate political preferences. Does the author play for my team or the other? And in our polarized society, that means people dislike posts that are completely innocuous like "remember to set your clocks ahead on hour tonight, daylight saving times begins tomorrow". Such a post will get dislikes by people with the opposite political positions, not on daylight savings time, but on abortions, economics, political parties, etc.

Since anger motivates people more than most other things, see Patrick.net Explained, dislikes get used for this much more often than likes get used to show comradery allowing likes to be at least marginally useful.

Perhaps the like/dislike system should be replace by marking posts as insightful, helpful, funny, etc. I think SlashDot used to do that. More importantly, the way the polls are queried needs to be more sophisticated to take into account human nature. Humans are inherently political creatures and always try to game a system to persuade others to accept their position. Knowing this, a good query system has to recognize that a 100 likes or other votes by one user for or against another should only count as a single opinion.

Also, it would be better if the query system also recognized that "birds of a feather flock together" so that if ten users disliked something that you liked, their opinions are contrary, not complimentary, to yours. In other words, if someone consistently has the opposite opinion that I hold, his dislikes should be interpreted as likes, i.e. indicating that I'll probably like a post he hates. This prevents gaming the system and even makes trolls useful as everyone will be attracted to posts they dislike. Trolls can even be identified as the individuals who dislike what most people like and like what most people dislike. Best of all, such a mechanism is self-correcting to any strategy the troll can come up with. The worst case scenario is that the troll just acts as noise leaving the poll results almost entirely unaffected, and even noise can be detected and eliminated.

28   Dan8267   2015 Dec 30, 9:36am  

komputodo says

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

True, but that path is also paved with even more bad intentions. The road to heaven is only paved with good intentions.

Good intentions are a necessary, but not sufficient, for social progress.

29   HEY YOU   2015 Dec 30, 9:37am  

turtledove says: "For a moment I thought no one liked me anymore... "

Who said anyone liked you to begin with? You do know this is Patnet?
The road to hell is paved with Republican & Democratic voters.

30   FortWayne   2015 Dec 30, 9:51am  

In the political section of the forum the Likes and Dislikes split on political opinions pretty often. In other parts of the forum it seems more based on quality of the post. At least that is my perception.

31   komputodo   2015 Dec 30, 10:05am  

komputodo says

What is the thinking behind DISLIKES being anonymous? Is it to protect our delicate sensibilities?

cuts down a bit on the hostility while still allowing you to express your opinion.

maybe it's not very consistent.

Have you ever tried it or is that just speculation?

32   turtledove   2015 Dec 30, 10:37am  

cuts down a bit on the hostility while still allowing you to express your opinion.

I totally agree. And I don't think you need to test this theory to find out if it would increase the hostility. There's enough bickering on this site without adding endless posts about who disliked whose posts. If you are going to make dislikes visible then you might want to make it optional. So, each person can decide if he/she wants his/her dislikes to be visible-by-name to the recipient.

33   Dan8267   2015 Dec 30, 1:53pm  

Ironman says

Dan8267 says

marking posts as insightful, helpful, funny, etc.

Which category would we mark all your bestiality images and videos in?

Insightful as it shows how fucked up you are. In contrast, you have never posted anything insightful.

34   Patrick   2015 Dec 30, 5:47pm  

komputodo says

Also, it would be better if the query system also recognized that "birds of a feather flock together"

that could be done. i could point out users who are most similar to any other user on the basis of their likes and dislikes without giving away exactly who liked or disliked what.

would that be interesting? want to know who is like you and who is opposite?

35   komputodo   2015 Dec 30, 6:05pm  

turtledove says

cuts down a bit on the hostility while still allowing you to express your opinion.

I totally agree. And I don't think you need to test this theory to find out if it would increase the hostility. There's enough bickering on this site without adding endless posts about who disliked whose posts. If you are going to make dislikes visible then you might want to make it optional. So, each person can decide if he/she wants his/her dislikes to be visible-by-name to the recipient.

I DISLIKED your comment because its just another idiotic attempt to make this forum a safe space like Facebook where only nice, supportive things are said. I would rather that this forum be a true free speech area where you have to own up to your BS. I choose VISIBLE... BTW, isn't that the new pop culture meme "transparency"? Or is transparency only valid when it doesn't offend someone?

36   komputodo   2015 Dec 30, 6:08pm  

Ironman says

Dan8267 says

marking posts as insightful, helpful, funny, etc.

I DISLIKED your comment because typically, it focused only on "positive" comments i.e. insightful, helpful, funny, etc. when over half of them are idiotic, moronic, senseless, humorless.

37   turtledove   2015 Dec 30, 7:20pm  

komputodo says

I DISLIKED your comment because its just another idiotic attempt to make this forum a safe space like Facebook where only nice, supportive things are said. I would rather that this forum be a true free speech area where you have to own up to your BS. I choose VISIBLE... BTW, isn't that the new pop culture meme "transparency"? Or is transparency only valid when it doesn't offend someone?

Not at all. I merely suggested that you could opt to be visible as the person disliking a particular post if you choose to, as some might not be comfortable being attacked for disliking someone else's post. However.... I really have no dog in this race. I RARELY dislike people's posts. I feel very strongly that each person is entitled to his/her opinion. I would never dislike a post because the person's position differs from mine. I tend only to dislike a post if the argument isn't well supported... Irrespective of the argument itself. Or, perhaps, if the person's position is super offensive to me. But it's got to be bad for me to hit the "dislike" button. Not because I want everyone to be my friend... but because everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Who am I to say someone's opinion is bad? "Likes," on the other hand, are a little different. I will like a post mostly because it says exactly what I was thinking... Or is particulary well written. As a journalism undergrad, I have a soft spot for good writing.

38   Y   2015 Dec 30, 10:45pm  

I'd like to dislike posts heavily liked, but unlike others I likely just don't have that many dislikes in me...

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