Trump to end outsourcing.

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2016 Jan 19, 7:00am   25,282 views  56 comments

by FortWayne   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


There you go, liberals outsource, conservatives bring jobs back.


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21   tatupu70   2016 Jan 19, 11:28am  

zzyzzx says

It's Clinton who signed NAFTA and Obama that wants TPP. So I'm confident that Trump and a Republican congress can impost tariffs, especially after the Trump tidal wave that will occur in November.. Plus I've noticed that the overwhelming majority of bumper stickers supporting Democrats are on imported cars.

Dems are no shining stars on trade, but they are certainly better than Republicans. Look at the NAFTA voting. Clinton had to twist some arms to get Dems to pass it--there was no such arm twisting necessary for Reps.

22   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 11:28am  

thunderlips11 says

PS If Hillary is elected, absolutely nothing will get done.

Yep. This is the outcome matrix.
1. Sanders - A few reforms get done. Most bullshit gets blocked. Congress remains obstinate. This is the best-case scenario.
2. Hilary - No reforms get done. Most bullshit passes. The worst ideas from the Republican Party get blocked. Congress remains obstinate.
3. Any Republican candidate - Continuous attempts to get Obamcare repealed with a slight chance of that happening and, if it does, causing a massive breakdown of the health care system and chaos. The worst ideas from the Republican Party get passed and America's economy goes in the toilet. America is at constant war and losing on all fronts. Terrorism increases.
4. Trump - In addition to #3, American becomes the laughing stock of the world. Our allies distance themselves from us. Nothing productive happens in Congress. Our military gets its ass constantly kicked by weaker powers due to stupid, arrogant, and ignorant decision making by a self-delusional ego-maniac who cannot admit that he's just plain stupid.

23   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 11:32am  

zzyzzx says

I don't know, but one can try passing legislation through congress.

There is no way that a bill compromising corporate greed interests would get passed by Congress. Even if the Democrats had a supermajority, they could not pass such a bill because there would be enough Democrats not supporting it. You would need a Congress in which the majority of people were exactly like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders to get such a bill passed. Then you would need a president like Warren or Sanders to not veto it. Finally, you'd need to replace the four conservatives, and yes I'm including Kennedy, on the Supreme Court with liberals to prevent any such law from being struck down as Unconstitutional. It does not matter what the content of the bill is, if the transnational corporations don't like it, the courts will declare such a bill Unconstitutional and fill in some flimsy and disingenuous justification.

24   zzyzzx   2016 Jan 19, 11:45am  

Dan8267 says

There is no way that a bill compromising corporate greed interests would get passed by Congress. Even if the Democrats had a supermajority, they could not pass such a bill because there would be enough Democrats not supporting it. You would need a Congress in which the majority of people were exactly like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders to get such a bill passed. Then you would need a president like Warren or Sanders to not veto it. Finally, you'd need to replace the four conservatives, and yes I'm including Kennedy, on the Supreme Court with liberals to prevent any such law from being struck down as Unconstitutional. It does not matter what the content of the bill is, if the transnational corporations don't like it, the courts will declare such a bill Unconstitutional and fill in some flimsy and disingenuous justification.

I think Trump will try, and succeed, without having to go through all the trouble you mention.

25   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 12:08pm  

Dan8267 says

Just look at the class of people on this site who support him.

CIC demonstrates this point exquisitely in his posts above. He adds nothing to the conversation and comes off like a six-year-old throwing a tantrum. It is precisely this level of immaturity and stupidity that it takes to be a Trump supporter.

26   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 1:21pm  

Ironman says

Ahhh, poor baby... You can dish out lies and bullshit but can't handle the truth when it comes back to you? Boo Hoo!!!!!

What are you, a second grader? Honey, your feeble and uncreative attempts to insult me don't even register. You cannot do humor and you cannot be taken seriously. And besides, I have no respect for you so it's impossible for me to give a shit what you say.

Do you really think I'd be insulted by lame homophobia? I'm all for marriage equality and equality under law. I've debated conservatives on the morality of gay man-on-man butt sex and crushed them. Why the fuck would I care if a bigot like you calls me gay? It's as insulting as if you said I had blonde hair. Just because something is inaccurate, doesn't make it insulting. You really are too stupid to understand that.

27   FortWayne   2016 Jan 19, 1:47pm  

Dan8267 says

CIC demonstrates this point exquisitely in his posts above. He adds nothing to the conversation and comes off like a six-year-old throwing a tantrum.

Oh yeah Dan, you should be talking...

29   HEY YOU   2016 Jan 19, 3:57pm  

8 years of G.W. Bush & his slime posse stopped all outsourcing & placed 1000% tariff on imported goods to make America strong again.

30   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 7:16pm  

zzyzzx says

I think Trump will try, and succeed, without having to go through all the trouble you mention.

And if you thought monkeys were going to fly out your ass, that would be convincing too.

Your assertion lacks any reason to believe it.

31   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 7:18pm  

FortWayne says

Oh yeah Dan, you should be talking...

In other words, you still don't have any response to any argument I made showing you are incorrect.

32   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 7:23pm  

Ironman says

You really need to get a life (outside of Youtube and Georgie's).

For someone who's mentioned Georgie's hundreds more times than I've been there, you sure were a coward not to show up twice! You also seem quite obsessed with it. That supports my theory that you are a self-hating closeted homosexual.

33   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 7:28pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

Trump: "I'll force Apple to make its 'damn computers and things' in US"


From the article,

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's says he'll force Apple to bring its manufacturing back to the US and slap a massive tariff on imports.

Do we really want a president who doesn't even know the basics of how our government works. Tariffs are taxes and thus can only be introduced by Congress. The most a president can do is ask Congress to pass a tariff act and if they do then sign it. Does Trump think he can order a tariff to be enacted? No, that's not how our government works.

34   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 7:31pm  

Ironman says

Are you a parrot??

If I were a parrot, you'd try to molest me.

35   FortWayne   2016 Jan 19, 7:52pm  

Dan8267 says

In other words, you still don't have any response to any argument I made showing you are incorrect.

Why would I ever argue with the most intelligent person in the world? Clearly us mortals who live on earth are inferior to the intelligence of your moon people colony that you come from.

36   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 7:57pm  

The real question is why won't you present an intelligent argument based on facts and free of self-contradiction and hypocrisy instead of bitching about how arrogant you think your opponent is when really he's just demonstrating the intelligence gap between educated liberals and white trash conservatives.

37   lostand confused   2016 Jan 19, 8:38pm  

So I finally had to see what the all the ruckus about the Donald was about and went to a Trump event in in Iowa. The last time I went to a political thingie was when I visited Obama event in CA before his first term.

he certainly matches up Obama in personality and excitement and the event had a surprise guest-Sarah Palin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was lively and fun and so much energy-methinks he is going to win. It was 13F and snowing and there was a huge crowd waiting in line-just so much energy. Lot of interesting people-didn't think I would see such a huge event in Iowa of all places in 13F snowy weather.

38   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 8:41pm  

Ironman says


Anyone who thinks climate change is fake is a moron whose opinion does not count.

39   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 9:05pm  

Yes, your "arguments", and I use that term loosely, are convincing only to morons who think that climate change is a hoax that millions of scientists all around the world from every country and culture are conspiring to fool everyone else. I will concede that you represent conservatives very well.

40   FortWayne   2016 Jan 19, 9:28pm  

Dan8267 says

Yes, your "arguments", and I use that term loosely, are convincing only to morons who think that climate change is a hoax that millions of scientists all around the world from every country and culture are conspiring to fool everyone else.

We are already up to a million scientists already? Pretty big leap from about 12 from last week to millions this week. They really must be putting something new in that cereal.

41   Dan8267   2016 Jan 19, 9:47pm  

FortWayne says

We are already up to a million scientists already? Pretty big leap from about 12 from last week to millions this week.

The fact that you think only 12 scientists hold the position that climate change is real shows how divorced from reality you and other conservatives are. There have been tens of thousands of peer reviewed papers written about climate change stating unequivocally that it is currently happening.

There are islands that have been populated for thousands of years that have suddenly been swept over by the ocean. How do you explain that in your delusional world? David Blaine? Are you really so stupid that seeing something happen right before your eyes isn't good enough proof? Or do you simply not care unless climate change wears a turban and prays to Allah?


When trees are literally under the sea, only fucking idiots deny the reality of climate change.

This used to be land, you idiot. You're not suppose to be able to swim on land.

Climate change deniers are the dumbest people on the planet.

42   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 9:52am  

I see once again when Fort Wayne is confronted with facts and video evidence showing he is utterly wrong, he simply goes silent. Those underwater trees and islands don't support your claims that climate change is fake, Fort Wayne?

43   MMR   2016 Jan 20, 1:20pm  

jazz music says

expatriated anonymous wealth is being used to anonymously buy up all the good real estate on the behalf of untraceable persons; Is anybody stopping that?

In California, this is mostly chinese nationals with a sprinkling of russian oligarchs. Still I often hear the term 'chindian' bandied about. Indians ain't the ones buying up houses in the bay area, LA or OC using blind trusts.

44   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 1:31pm  

The "right to work" movement is disingenuous bullshit whose sole purpose is to destroy labor's collective bargaining power, which is the only bargaining power that most labor has. It's designed to lower wages even further, which is to say, it's designed to allow employers to tax their workers even more.

The solution is to tie executive compensation and shareholder payouts to worker wages. Don't let the owner class make more money than the wealth producing class. If the owners want to get richer, they should only be able to do so by making their workers richer. The failure to make this connection is the fundamental flaw of capitalism.

45   FortWayne   2016 Jan 20, 3:02pm  

Dan8267 says

I see once again when Fort Wayne is confronted with facts and video evidence showing he is utterly wrong, he simply goes silent. Those underwater trees and islands don't support your claims that climate change is fake, Fort Wayne?

Dear Dan, climate has been constantly changing before human race even existed, I don't get your point or what it has to do with outsourcing as the topic.

46   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 3:47pm  

Ironman says

Guess what Einstein.. The apartment you're currently living in was once under water, long before SUV's and power plants were invented.

Yeah 65 million years ago. That doesn't mean man-made climate change isn't real, dumb ass.

You really are the stupidest person in the world. Your momma must have dropped you on the head a few times while banging the garbage man.

47   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 3:50pm  

FortWayne says

Dear Dan, climate has been constantly changing before human race even existed, I don't get your point or what it has to do with outsourcing as the topic.

I stand corrected. Fort Wayne is the stupidest person on the planet.

Let me show you the flaw in your "logic".

Premise: People were murdered before guns were invented.
Conclusion: No one can be murdered with a gun.

That's conservative logic.

In math terms, A cause C does not imply that B does not cause C. Why is that so fucking hard to understand? My two-year-old niece even understands this. Falling down causes an ouchie, but so too can touching the hot stove. Conservatives lack the reasoning skills that even two-year-olds possess.

Maybe if I phrased it another way... Obama pointed out that Americans died of cancer long before terrorism. Therefore, we don't have to worry about terrorists killing Americans. Do you agree with Obama or is man-made climate change real?

48   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 3:58pm  

Natural occurring climate change takes millions of years. The man-made climate change is measurable over even decades and is significant over the past century. Even a child can understand the difference. You are retarded.

49   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 6:29pm  

Ironman says

Once again CIC demonstrates how idiotic climate change deniers are. The graph above shows climate changing over tens of millions of years. Compare that to the mere decades for man-made climate change today.

Climate change deniers are the village idiots. Who are you going to believe, these village idiots of the millions of scientists from all different countries and the tens of thousands of peer reviewed papers and the thousands of lines of independent physical evidence gathered from all over the world?

50   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 7:28pm  

Straight from NASA, bitch.


They even have a video showing the timelapse temperature rise for idiots like you who can't read papers or news reports.

51   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jan 20, 7:56pm  

Dan8267 says

When trees are literally under the sea, only fucking idiots deny the reality of climate change.

That's called storm surge, or flood. Trees doing grow in standing water. You can't show a picture of a flooded scene out of context.
What does that same picture look like today?

52   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jan 20, 8:04pm  

That house in the back is on land, they built up the front and reinforced it so the front sits over the water line. The trees in the front are mangroves, and since no root is exposed that picture is high tide. Which matches with the tidal line on the seawall in the background that the house is seated on.
The Pavilion with metal roof, if the the SJW wasn't on a Kayak so he could position him self so the that the raised dock deck was not in the shot just the roof. Giving the illusion it's a ground level structure and the photo is from a flood which it's NOT.

That's just mangrove water front, what a colossal FAIL!

Ooh Trees growing in the water!

53   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jan 20, 8:06pm  

Dan8267 says

This used to be land, you idiot. You're not suppose to be able to swim on land.

Dan Stop you're drunk again! That's a barrier island.

54   Tenpoundbass   2016 Jan 20, 8:10pm  

Here's the nomenclature if you're interested.

55   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 9:25pm  

Ironman says

So, a 0.8 degree C average rise over 135 YEARS is a catastrophic change in temps?

Yes, because
1. The thermal expansion of the oceans are threatening areas where hundreds of millions of people live including tens of millions of Americans.
2. The mosquito line is rising to levels where towns are built threatening millions with malaria and a new disease carried by the mosquito-borne Zika virus.
3. The changes in thermal patterns are causing massive droughts on land that has been fertile for thousands of years.
4. The rise is increasing exponentially and uncontrollably.

Just because you don't care about others does not make their plight insignificant.

Tenpoundbass says

That's called storm surge, or flood.

No it's not. Take the time to actually watch the video.

Tenpoundbass says

The trees in the front are mangroves

Not the same thing. Again, actually watch the video.

56   Dan8267   2016 Jan 20, 9:28pm  

This is what a climate change victim looks like.

The Zika Virus and it's link to climate change.

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