Trump Winning! Hillary on the ropes

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2016 Feb 11, 12:28pm   203,178 views  915 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


Trump sued Univision, the biggest Spanish language broadcaster in the United States, for $500 million last summer. Trump and the CEO of Univision, Randy Falco, issued peacemaking statements. "I have known Donald Trump for many years in both a personal and professional capacity and we are pleased to settle this matter and move forward," Falco said. "I'm glad we are able to put these differences behind us," Trump said. A Univision spokeswoman declined any further comment.


Hey HO! Ramos has got to GO!

This is what Liberal electioneering will get you, and trying to place every Latino on the Lbieral plantation in their place along side depressed gheto blacks that the Liberals kick back down every time they try to crawl out.


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220   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 7, 6:10pm  

socal2 says

China is still a massively poor country compared to America despite being the world's second largest economy. Don't we want more rich countries and people to trade with? Do you REALLY think we are going to bring back tons of labor intensive manufacturing jobs back to America in the 21st Century?

I think it would be wonderful to have true free trade with the EU. That would be trade between equally developed economies. The only way Americans can compete with China or Mexico is to degenerate into a third world lifestyle for at least half the working population.

socal2 says

Noticed that none of those cars were built in California, Illinois, Washington or New York. Most of the non GM cars were built in lower cost-of-living Southern States with little to no unions.

I'll take what I can get. Better a $13/hr non-unionized manufacturing job than the only jobs Free Trade creates, which are shitty service jobs. And yeah, Tom Sowell, a tiny minority of service jobs are high paid PR Executive or Accountant or whatever. But most aren't, they're mostly McJobs.

Have you see the Job Creation Mix in the US? We create the same kind of jobs a third word, tourist dependent country creates - Housekeeper, Dishwasher, Lettuce Picker - we don't create anywhere near enough jobs for college graduates, either. American Dream absolutely unsustainable with those jobs.

We need an answer - if the economy is better under Free Trade, why can't a married factory worker have a modest home, a car, all the appliances, and a wife who doesn't work like he did in the 50s, 60s, and even into the 70s?

Working 2-3 Part Time Jobs that pay single digits per hour is now the norm in the United States. Over 40% - 40%!!!! not just Teenagers and Bored Retirees - make less than $15/hr.

We must engage in protectionism to conserve the American Way of Life, and not become Belize or Gabon.

The choice is Tariff or Tenement.

221   Shaman   2016 Mar 7, 6:17pm  

Once again, the POINT of offshoring is NOT to give consumers cheaper products, but to reap greater profits for corporations! They price their goods at the price point precalculated to maximize profits. If the cost of the goods goes up suddenly, and the price point doesn't change due to economic factors like people being richer, the profit is sacrificed to bring the price back down to the price point of greatest sales. So instead of Apple making 150% profit per phone, they price it lower and make 50% profit per phone WITHOUT THE PRICE CHANGING!
This is a wash for consumers, but a disaster for wealthy owners. Why do you think they hate Trump so dang much? He threatens their profits!

222   Shaman   2016 Mar 7, 6:21pm  

thunderlips11 says

The choice is Tariff or Tenement

Most of the poor would consider a tenement a step up from their current living circumstances. In the land of the free you are free to start your own business or starve. Or both. Either way you're probably going to be homeless.

223   turtledove   2016 Mar 7, 9:45pm  

thunderlips11 says

I think it would be wonderful to have true free trade with the EU.

We are so far from that... You can't even send a present of any value without someone having to pay a "tariff." When we first moved to Ireland, my mother sent my kids a really neat train set for Christmas. I had to pay 125 Euro in VAT to collect the gift from the delivery man.

224   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 8:54am  

Ironman says

First, it's YOUR love to put your labels (conservative/liberal, Left/right) on certain people. I don't give a shit about political labels. Plus, you are are amazingly fixated on titles or parties instead of issues. I REFUSE to support do-nothing senators with ZERO accomplishments as President. Haven't you learned anything from the last 7 years?

I want a President with verifiable proof of getting something done, not a series of campaign "promises", but when you look to their past record, it's BLANK.

Got it - you have no interest in political or economic ideology, you just want a "man of action". Even if that action is to the Left of Obama, Hillary and Bernie?

So what ISSUES are most important to you where you can credibly say Trump is better than the remaining Republican field, let alone the Democrats?

I suppose you could have said immigration a few weeks ago, but after last week's debate and Trump's massive flip flop - most thinking people realize that Trump is full of bullshit and just spouting off rhetoric he thinks "the right-wing crazies" will like so he can win the nomination.

As a Conservative, I want our government doing as little as possible short of national security and maintaining a basic safety net. Trump has already said he will do nothing to reform entitlements (our biggest liability) - and demonstrated at last week's debate he hasn't a clue about the size and scope of government expenditures.

225   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 9:38am  

Ironman says

I guess that "man of action" should be Ted Cruz...

Ironman still seems to be confused about the different roles of legislators and the private sector.

Again, I don't want my government promising to "do" all sorts of shit. They already "do" too much and have fucked up this country with bigger and more bloated and inefficient government.

I will take Cruz with his 100% Conservative rating any fucking day. We need a guy like Cruz that will even go against the Liberals in his own party to stick with Constitutional principles of limited government.

Again, if you want our government bigger and more liberal "doing stuff" - Trump is your man.

226   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 9:39am  

I think we want a Nationalist President, not another "Conservative" Ideologue.

Cruz is absolutely unelectable in the general election - and the GOPe knows it. They prefer another Bush-Clinton neoliberal like Hillary. AKA The Pro-Choice Female Romney.

Time to get behind the front-runner.

227   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 9:46am  

By the way, how "Conservative" was Bush and the GOP when they bailed out the banks, after decades of claiming the market was at work and doing nothing when companies shut down and moved overseas?

228   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 9:52am  

thunderlips11 says

Cruz is absolutely unelectable in the general election - and the GOPe knows it.

Unlike Trump, Cruz is beating Hillary in the head to head polls. You do believe in polls don't you? Trump talks about them all the time.

Unlike Trump who can't talk his way out of a paper bag when pressed on policy specifics, Cruz will run circles around Hillary at the debates.

229   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 9:58am  

Ironman says

Why do you keep spewing such bullshit?? Trump is the only one running that has ANY clue what a budget is... If anyone knows how to control costs, it's him better that all the other clowns in the show.

Huh? Did you even watch last week's debate? Specifically on budgets, Trump was exposed as knowing fuck-all about the size and scope of the Federal Government. It was embarrassing.

Watch at the 6:00 minute mark.

Trump even campaigns that he won't reform our out of control entitlement system. This is the single biggest liability our government has and is growing more and more unsustainable.


230   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 9:59am  

socal2 says

Trump even campaigns that he won't reform our out of control entitlement system. This is the single biggest liability our government has and is growing more and more unsustainable.

That's a loser, if you're referring to the pre-paid annuity and pre-paid health insurance programs. Please, Cruz, touch that 3rd Rail and get utterly zapped.

What has Cruz proposed about Soc Sec and Medicare?

231   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 10:03am  

Also, your Miami Clubbing Bottom has won ONE state, and comes in 3rd and 4th everywhere. I know Rubio Math counts 1st place as one point, and "show" as 3 points, but you need to win games in order to get to the Championship.

Cruz' position on Abortion and his Dominionist 7 Mountains Father who thinks religion should be upfront and foremost in Sports, Media, Government, etc. and has hours and hours of speechifying on that, which makes him unelectable. Hillary will use it to scare the piss out of everyone.

Cruz is distant 3rd in Ohio and Florida both.

Kasich will probably win Ohio by a hair - his first victory.

232   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 10:08am  

Even send Catfish haul from Mississippi to China for processing. Not good, folks, not good.


233   zzyzzx   2016 Mar 8, 11:06am  

socal2 says

is your support for Trump rooted in the goal to make the Republican party a more liberal and moderate party?

I support Trump because I do think Trump will Make America Great Again. He's going to do that by throwing out and keeping out illegal aliens, imposing tariffs that will keep or return manufacturing in the US, and do away with h1b's. If that's all Trump accomplishes, it will still be great. Jobs in the US will be plentiful and will most likely pay much more. But wait there is MORE!!! He will make healthcare pricing transparent (at least for some stuff), do away with some stupid education programs that are a waste of money (no child left behind, common core), and he wants to simplify the tax code (although I don't see that part passing any congress). In other words Trump actually has fixes for some of America's problems. None of the other presidential candidates (of either party) else seems to even WANT to do any of this. They are all for the status quo, which is out continual slide to third world country status.

I don't see how anyone could view throwing out illegals (thereby fixing the job market for low income Americans), building a wall (most likely making illegal drugs very difficult to obtain, while potentially putting Mexican druglords out of business), and (essentially) forcing anyone selling their stuff in the US to make it in the US as being liberal. In fact, I think forcing Toyota to make the Prius in the US would make most liberals piss in their pants.

234   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 11:14am  

zzyzzx says

I support Trump because I do think Trump will Make America Great Again. He's going to do that by throwing out and keeping out illegal aliens, imposing tariffs that will keep or return manufacturing in the US, and do away with h1b's.

You sure about that? When you have a man like Trump that has no core and such a massive liberal history, how can you trust anything he says today? Especially when he flip flops on his major campaign promises in less than 24 hours? This the most conservative we will ever see Trump. If he wins the Republican nomination, he will run so far back to the Left our heads will spin.


235   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 11:36am  

Ironman says

Yet, you'll vote for Cruz, who has no anything...

Other than having one of the strongest and most consistent Conservative voting track records in Congress.

That used to mean something to Conservatives who think our government has gotten too big and strayed to far from our Constitutional principles.

You know Nurse Bloomberg also has a pretty impressive track record in business too. Do you want that gun-grabbing and soda-banning nanny-stater as president as well? How about Mark Zuckerberg? He's another big liberal who has "accomplished" some things.

236   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 12:58pm  

So much for Trump putting New York in play. Hillary beats Trump by 23 points in the latest poll....


237   anonymous   2016 Mar 8, 1:10pm  

building a wall (most likely making illegal drugs very difficult to obtain, while potentially putting Mexican druglords out of business)


Oh dear.

How did you come up with such a silly idea?

238   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 5:19pm  

Kasich and Trump neck and neck in Michigan with 1% of the vote in.

Bernie and Hillary within 4pts of each other in Michigan also, 1% of the vote. Marcus voters in the lead.

239   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 5:23pm  

Now Bernie's ahead in MI @ 1.5% of vote. Trump and Kasich still neck and neck.

240   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 5:32pm  



241   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 5:44pm  

Trump put some Thump on Mississippi.

242   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 5:47pm  

Trump is 1/3rd of the way to sealing the delegates needed.

243   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 5:47pm  

Wow. Trump killing it in Mississippi, over 50% so far. Comfortable lead in Michigan, almost 10 pts.

244   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 5:48pm  

By the Way, GOPe activists, Michigan + Mississippi = One Florida. Exactly 99 delegates.

245   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 5:57pm  

Trump has the smartest low information voters out there voting in this election. Every thing that man touches is Smart.
He redefines smart, he owns smart now.

He ran the smart campaign and they ran the Nazi Hitler small penis campaign. You push the Bull you get bullshit.
Bring on Gasbags Hillary


See not to Smart!

246   anonymous   2016 Mar 8, 6:01pm  

The Establishment getting reemed tonite!!

Hillary went hard after Michigan, but Doc Brown giving her the business


247   mell   2016 Mar 8, 6:11pm  

Great night for Trump again, how's stopping the Trump train working out for y'all? And here's to Bernie winning Michigan.

248   anonymous   2016 Mar 8, 6:18pm  

Bernies margin just keeps growing

And all the late voters waiting in lines can only help Bernie, what with the huge enthusiasm gap

249   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 6:20pm  

mell says

Great night for Trump again, how's stopping the Trump train working out for y'all? And here's to Bernie winning Michigan.

Hear hear.

#Rubio in the single digits in both states. Something nobody mentions: Cruz, and especially Rubio and Kasich, may come in 2nd here and there, but in other states they get beaten like a drum, single digit percentages. Who cares if somebody comes in 2nd here and there (and 3rd and 4th) if they never win, and they barely register in other states.

Ryan may be starting to kiss Trump's ass. Ryan is young, has a long career if he plays it smart and gets on the team. McConnell is a fuddy duddy.

250   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 6:23pm  

Jesus, so many things, I forgot about Trump Shuttle - sold in the worst airline market after 9/11 for a "Phenomenal" Profit.

Where's Cruz Airways... "Enjoy the Cruz"?

251   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 6:25pm  

The GOP entered Hospice today, and Nurse Eliemae said she would take real good care of him, in a sinister tone, but not body thought enough of it to investigate any further. As they piled in their car and rove off never looking back.

252   anonymous   2016 Mar 8, 6:30pm  

What does it take for these media slime balls to call Michigan for Bernie?

253   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 6:31pm  

"Rove off" - was that intentional? Ha!

254   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 6:46pm  

Trump only needs about 15 more delegates tonight to stay on track for a March 15th hurt lock beatdown on the Establishment.

258   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 9, 4:36pm  

Football Stadium seats 1000s, Rubio cannot fill the end zone. Estimated ~100 people in his home CITY, Miami

259   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 9, 5:04pm  

He's as 'bout as Spanish me grouping all Latino's as Spanish when I address them all as a cohesive group.
Him and Cruz going for the "Latino" or the "Spanish Vote" thing in Ameirca was a dumb move.
There is no such thing as Spanish. Just a small group of Cubans they latched on to, while alienating them selves from a bigger population of Ameircans, that may identify with another latin American country.
But for those folks, Cuba or Cubans don't mean a damnn thing for them.

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