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He will not have another chance.
Thank GOD he won't have another chance. So far he has picked Sotomayor and Kagan, so he's batting zero for zero, I see no reason to let him swing again. The man is a loser and every action that he's taken shows it.
Why so he can make Trump shine again when he will be only person in the media that will stand up for Me and You?
The last thing Obama want's to do is hand pick a judge right now. There's no need for it, the next president has already been decided. He should just wait for Hillary or Bush to get elected.
He can do it during the Riots of November 9th.
Interestingly, Kagan was who Scalia wanted him to pick. At least that is the hearsay.
A recess appointment is temporary, until late 2017. That's not that much better than just having it delayed until the next President is in office. I would rather see Obama nominate someone HIGHLY respected on both sides as a great jurist. One that doesn't seem to lean either way particularly. Of course these days, not being a radical conservative, means he's a liberal, like Kennedy (who was appointed by Reagan).
A recess appointment is temperary, until late 2017
That's two years. Enough to overturn Citizens United.
Oow, sorry about the spelling. That looks bad, *temporary* (I'm correcting that).
As for your point. I don't know whether that's true or not. Could the right wingers hold it off the docket untill after then? I would think maybe so.
Just blow hard on Ginsburg, and she'll keel over, too, and the court will make 4/3 arbitrary decisions instead of the usual 5/4 arbitrary decisions until they find another pair of legal skeleton geezers for SCOTUS.
Obama,being a member of the Big Club, can't appoint without permission of other members.
Don't use correct spelling,no one on Patnet could read it.
A recess appointment is temporary, until late 2017. That's not that much better than just having it delayed until the next President is in office.
Really not much different from the Clint Eastwood suggestion either, since he probably won't last much longer anyway.
If Obama had balls, he would make a recess appointment of Supreme Court Justice this week and forgo the crazy political theater for the rest of the year. He will not have another chance.