Donald Trump's Orgy of Irresponsibility

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2016 Feb 25, 6:19am   34,637 views  136 comments

by indigenous   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Jimmy Carter knew that one way to win the trust of the citizenry was to appeal to their moral vanity. He was elected president in 1976 promising "a government that is as good and honest and decent and competent and compassionate and as filled with love as are the American people."

Donald Trump does not try to ingratiate himself by telling Americans how good they are. He does it by telling them it's commendable to be bad. His campaign is not so much a challenge to prevailing standards as a rejection of all standards.

Other candidates fudge, exaggerate, and mislead, but they operate within accepted limits on dishonesty. Trump denies truth and embraces falsehood. He can't be proven wrong because he and his followers deny the authority of facts. He encourages his audiences to trust what they feel—and nothing else.

"Donald J. Trump's record on truth and accuracy is astonishingly poor," Angie Drobnic Holan, a reporter for PolitiFact, wrote in December in The New York Times. "So far, we've fact-checked more than 70 Trump statements and rated fully three-quarters of them as Mostly False, False or 'Pants on Fire' (we reserve this last designation for a claim that is not only inaccurate but also ridiculous)."

That was before a new parade of fictions—saying the United States is the "highest taxed country in the world," claiming he vocally opposed the invasion of Iraq before it happened, and accusing Ted Cruz of having a "double passport." Making stuff up is at the core of his campaign.

Of 96 Trump statements scrutinized by PolitiFact at last count, only seven were true. By contrast, Hillary Clinton, whom Republicans regard as a habitual liar, sticks to the facts slightly more than half the time, according to the fact-checkers.

The brazen deceit Trump exhibits would be fatal to most candidates. Cruz, no slave to veracity, had to fire a spokesman for spreading the claim that Marco Rubio had disparaged the Bible. Trump would not have made that claim. He would have recalled the time Rubio spit on a Bible while wearing a Satan mask in the Grand Mosque of Mecca.

Trump's contempt for the truth is no impediment with a large segment of the Republican primary electorate, which has an adversarial relationship with reality. Two-thirds of Trump supporters think Barack Obama is a Muslim, a survey by Public Policy Polling found, and 61 percent think he was born abroad. Other candidates may decline to indulge voters who are ignorant or unhinged. But Trump is not bound by such dreary customs.

In every way, his campaign has been an orgy of irresponsibility. George W. Bush outraged his critics by waterboarding suspected terrorists, a method he insisted is not torture. Trump says it is torture—and its only drawback is being too gentle.

"I think we should go much stronger than waterboarding," he said. In his view, "nothing should be taken off the table." Any form of sadism you can imagine, Trump will happily consider.

Terrorist suspects are not the only ones at risk of brutality. When someone disrupted his rally, Trump wished for the days of old, when a protester "would be carried out on a stretcher."

His anathema for Muslims, like his taste for torture, knows no bounds. He called for a "complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on." He fondly recalled an American general who, according to a doubtful legend, executed Muslim prisoners using bullets dipped in pig's blood.

For some reason, his glorification of hatred and violence appeals to many evangelical Christians, whose savior preached the golden rule. Saintly attributes, in his eyes, are for suckers. Trump tells his supporters that their most vicious impulses should not be suppressed.

Even on less visceral matters, Trump sees boundaries as something to violate without compunction. His tax plan would swell the federal budget deficit by $10 trillion over the next decade. His insistence that this approach will bring the economy roaring back will convince only those who need no convincing. Like his other policies, it treats recklessness as a virtue.

Some politicians think that, on occasion, exceptions have to be made to our observance of civilized norms. Trump wants to toss those civilized norms on a bonfire. He's found plenty of Americans just dying to light the match.


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24   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 25, 9:29am  

socal2 says

So you agree that Trump is a no-nothing Liberal who could win as a Democrat?

No I agree that he is the only sensible candidate who is not a partisan hack who could have just as easily hijacked the Democrat party had he been invited to run if he didn't run as an Independent against the establishment Democrat favorite the last time.

Look Liberals don't get to conscript everyone that makes sense. If the Liberals were all that, then congress would be 100% Demcorat, and Obama would have been so fucking awesome that 90% of Ameirca would be petitioning for Obama to run for another 4 years.

Liberals trying hijack everyone that makes the least bit of sense, then bitches like a motherfucker when the person runs his own platform unsanctioned by them.

If Donald was a Democrat then I would be registered as one right, now wouldn't I?

25   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 25, 9:31am  

socal2 says

His past actions of supporting Democrat positions, funding Democrat politicians and documented lies doesn't faze the Trump-bots one bit.

He funded everyone that's how business is done.

Here's a new way to look at. Perhaps Donald is tired of having to give a bunch self serving creeps millions of dollars on both sides of the isle, because it's what is expected and is the only way to business.

Think of Donald running as President, as a Billionaires way of disputing the bill. And wants to change the Washington accounting laws, of give a shitness.

I bet OUR bills start getting cheaper too.

Did Trump ever tell you he's got Smart people working for him?
That's the kind of people I want on my side, you idiots have fucked shit up enough.
Bring on the smart people Trump!

26   dublin hillz   2016 Feb 25, 9:33am  

thunderlips11 says

Trump is exaggerating to win the election. One thing I know he believes in is fixing the Trade Deals. He's been hammering on that since the 80s.

That's what I want, and nobody else is talking about it. So I'm voting for what I want - not another empty suit fake liberal like Hillary or Obama

I don't believe a president has authority to nullify or significantly modify trade deals. How exactly is he going to generate sufficient support in congress given his hostile personality rooted in personal attacks? And that's assuming that he actually believes in fixing trade deals instead of pandering to the disaffected to get elected which is highly doubtful to say the least.

27   mell   2016 Feb 25, 9:35am  

dublin hillz says

I can guarantee you that most of his supporters if born in another place and time such as soviet union or nazi germany would salute and cheer joseph stalin or adolph hitler.

You're likely wrong here. People like Trump or parties like the EU skeptics / new patriotic parties rise due to dynasties of extreme establishment corruption and infringed civil liberties to begin with. It is certainly true that he whips up some good authoritarian talk in some instances, but people simply don't care because they they are being marginalized and oppressed on a daily basis by leftist and cultural-marxists force which hits home much closer to them than any other form of authoritarian force. The do care if they can get fired because of not addressing somebody by their gender-neutral pronoun or a baseless harassment charge, but they don't care if authoritarian forces are being unleashed onto illegal immigrants or terrorists. And they do care about their daily life and struggle with taxes. It's really quite simple, there is no need to introduce psycho-talk into this. Once the political elite has abandoned the rule of law and their constituency, the rise of protest movements and figures is a logical succession.

28   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 25, 9:35am  

Trump killing rent seekers since July 2015

29   dublin hillz   2016 Feb 25, 9:37am  

Tenpoundbass says

Trump killing rent seekers since July 2015

Hotel operators seek rent every day of the week.

30   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 9:40am  

dublin hillz says

I don't believe a president has authority to nullify or significantly modify trade deals. How exactly is he going to generate sufficient support in congress given his hostile personality rooted in personal attacks? And that's assuming that he actually believes in fixing trade deals instead of pandering to the disaffected to get elected which is highly doubtful to say the least.

It's unclear. The Constitution only says that Senate must approve treaties - says nothing about their abrogation. Several Presidents (Lincoln, McKinley, Carter) have abrogated Treaties without Senate input.

There's enough (lack of) clarity here for lawyers to have a field day. And Congress defeating NAFTA or TPP from abrogation is extremely unpopular with the majority of Dem, Rep, and Indy voters. Very easy for Trump to turn the pressure on high on this. Also, you have a potentially empty SCOTUS seat as leverage. "You want another Originalist? Great. Do what I want on trade or fuck your nominees."

31   dublin hillz   2016 Feb 25, 9:43am  

mell says

Once the political elite has abandoned the rule of law and their constituency, the rise of protest movements and figures is a logical succession.

The perception of abandonment is itself a psychological phenomenon in this case. However, far from every american feels "abandoned." Things are not as clear cut as they were in soviet union when people basically knew that they were enslaved. Here in america the idea that freedom is being lost to the statists (as they are currently defined) is based more on sales pitch propaganda to which certain populations are more vulnerable.

32   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 9:43am  

Tenpoundbass says

Trump killing rent seekers since July 2015


"Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach describes itself as “one of the most highly regarded private clubs in the world,” and it is not just the very-well-to-do who want to get in.
Since 2010, nearly 300 United States residents have applied or been referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there. But according to federal records, only 17 have been hired.
In all but a handful of cases, Mar-a-Lago sought to fill the jobs with hundreds of foreign guest workers from Romania and other countries."

But....but.....but he "said" he is against illegal aliens and foreigners taking our jobs!

I think you are going to be very disappointed when Trump leaves you at the alter and reneges on all his promises. Virtually his entire life is the opposite of what he is telling the Trump cult over the last few months.

Trump is for Trump - that's it.

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 9:47am  

socal2 says

But....but.....but he "said" he is against illegal aliens and foreigners taking our jobs!

Who allowed that system to be created? The GOPe and DNCe, that's who.

This is like blaming some company that is the last to leave the States long after all it's competitors move abroad. At some point, if all your competition is using labor arbitrage, you have to do the same or you'll be uncompetitive.

34   HydroCabron   2016 Feb 25, 9:57am  

mell says

You may have been played by facetiousness.

Ut-ay up-shay!

35   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 9:59am  

thunderlips11 says

Who allowed that system to be created? The GOPe and DNCe, that's who.

See - it doesn't matter to Trump fans that Trump's ACTIONS are the opposite of his rhetoric and that he constantly lies.

The GOPe and DNCe made him do it!

36   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 10:08am  

thunderlips11 says

It doesn't matter. A GOPe or DNCe candidate will be business as usual. I choose the wildcard.

Blind faith - just like the Obama cult of 2008. How has that worked out for us?

37   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 10:09am  

socal2 says

Blind faith - just like the Obama cult of 2008. How has that worked out for us?

What trade treaties is the GOP Senate planning on renegotiating? How come the GOP Senate hasn't abrogated NAFTA in the past 20 years? DO tell.

What happened to the wall and all the anti-immigration promises over the past 15 years? GOP hasn't controlled or split both Houses since the 90s?

Didn't have both a Republican President, Republican Congress, and a split Senate for several years during "W"?

Seem to have no problem expanding H1-B visas or lengthening patents to 1000 years.

38   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 10:41am  

thunderlips11 says

What trade treaties is the GOP Senate planning on renegotiating? How come the GOP Senate hasn't abrogated NAFTA in the past 20 years? DO tell.

I am not worried about trade treaties and think it is foolish to think we can drag back 19th and 20th century manufacturing jobs to America in a globalized world. Our trade output is higher now than before NAFTA and output per man hour is much higher thanks to automation.

We do have a big trade deficit, but roughly half of that is due to oil imports. And dopey trade protectionist policies are the reason we couldn't export our oil abroad which we now have plenty of thanks to frackers.

39   Y   2016 Feb 25, 10:42am  


Tenpoundbass says

Think of Donald running as President, as a Billionaires way of disputing the bill. And wants to change the Washington accounting laws, of give a shitness.

40   Y   2016 Feb 25, 10:58am  

That's the beauty of the 2nd amendment.
Civilians in the countries that morphed into dictatorships did not have the depth of armaments to prevent this.

41   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 11:44am  

Ironman says

You're going to compare community organizer, half term senator Obama's accomplishments and background to Trump's accomplishments?


Trump is a trust-fund baby. Who couldn't make millions in US real estate when given that much money by one's father?

And about those famous "Trump Deals" he is constantly bragging about. Lots and lots of problems when you look under the hood. No wonder Trump tries to sue anyone that investigates his wealth claims?

This is just the tip of the iceberg. Trump is going to get absolutely murdered by the Liberal sycophant media in the General Election when they start hitting him with all the sleazy shit that the Republican establishment has inexplicably refused to bring up in the primary.

The media are holding their fire hoping Republicans are dumb enough to nominate Trump. Just wait until the Democrats start playing up how Trump literally brags in his books that he likes to sleep with married women. Trump is an UNREPENTANT adulterer and dumb as fuck evangelicals and so called social conservatives are flocking to him because they are in thrall of his celebrity.

42   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 11:46am  

Ironman says

Just a FYI for ya, Trump built his empire in the liberal BLUE town of NYC, if you aren't greasing the people who help get projects approved, you aren't a good businessman. He's come out a admitted it, he had to Pay to Play in the big City...

Spend some time working around in the 5 boroughs of NY, you'll learn quick.

So did Nurse Bloomberg.

I sure as shit don't want him as president either.

43   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 12:54pm  

socal2 says

I am not worried about trade treaties and think it is foolish to think we can drag back 19th and 20th century manufacturing jobs to America in a globalized world. Our trade output is higher now than before NAFTA and output per man hour is much higher thanks to automation.

We do have a big trade deficit, but roughly half of that is due to oil imports. And dopey trade protectionist policies are the reason we couldn't export our oil abroad which we now have plenty of thanks to frackers.

All of the outsourcing was 100% generated in DC and NYC. GATT, WTO, NAFTA, TPP all began in the US by the top 1%. If we started it, we can stop it.

It's not some 'natural market phenomenon." It's taken massive amounts of money, bribes, chicanery, and outright lying to the public to get America to deindustrialize and become a globaloney state.

It's very natural and normal for Republics to degenerate into Plutocratic Oligarchies with a pastiche of democracy. We occasionally need the reverse of "labor discipline" I call "Oligarch discipline", where the oligarchs lose control and are on the backfoot for a while to maintain a balance.

It's a catch 22, because when a Democracy tries to reign in Overmighty Servants, there's always the Chance the Oligarchs will say "We rule, fuckheads. Hey, religious cunts in our payroll, and you dumb kulaks, come flock to the banner and join us to overthrow the populist scum". But if you don't do it, it will slowly happen over time anyway.

44   indigenous   2016 Feb 25, 12:57pm  

thunderlips11 says

It's not some 'natural market phenomenon." It's taken massive amounts of money, bribes, chicanery, and outright lying to the public to get America to deindustrialize and become a globaloney state.

Add to that Milton Friedman orchestrated an automatic 2% annual increase in the money supply.

45   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 1:01pm  

There was a battle in Venice for one of their last outposts in Dalmatia or the western coast of Albania or Greece - a key place near the entrance to the Adriatic where it narrows between what was Yugoslavia and Italy. Corfu, maybe, I don't recall. The 1%er leaders valued their wealthy lives more than preserving the Venetian Republic - indeed, the very life blood of Venice - and browbeated the crews and captains eager for a fight into retreating, abandoning the fort that was holding out against the Ottomans.

It was better to rule a reduced Venice as a minor Oligarch, than risk their Oligarch lives to defend the Republic and the standard of living.


46   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 1:23pm  

Nobody put more People in Prison, mostly for non-violent drug offenses, than Bill Clinton aided by his wife.

America under the Clintons surpassed Russia and China in imprisonment.

Only a balanced freedom lover who imprisoned millions of poor Americans, who called Snowden a traitor, empowered radicals by overthrowing stable regimes, believes any medical reform is impossible, and can't wait to get into a nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine, is the safe choice.

Please, pull for the proven record of the reliable and safe Hillary Clinton.

Remember, as a woman she won't feel any extra added pressure to act tough!

47   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 1:37pm  

thunderlips11 says

It's not some 'natural market phenomenon." It's taken massive amounts of money, bribes, chicanery, and outright lying to the public to get America to deindustrialize and become a globaloney state.

About 150 years ago, about 70% of Americans were involved in farming. Now it is roughly 2% and we produce more food than ever and can feed the world thanks to innovation. Do you really think innovation hasn't played a major role in the decline of manufacturing jobs in the US as well?

Apparently many Americans think they are too good for farming or landscaping work. Do you think all the Millennials coming out of school with humanities degrees and $100k in student loan debt are desperate to find a factory job? My parents' generation were desperate to get out and not be stuck like their parents working in the local factory or coal mine.

I think many of these protectionist policies are clinging to a past that no longer exists.

48   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 1:40pm  

socal2 says

About 150 years ago, about 70% of Americans were involved in farming. Now it is roughly 2% and we produce more food than ever and can feed the world thanks to innovation. Do you really think innovation hasn't played a major role in the decline of manufacturing jobs in the US as well?

The promise was millions of new high tech high paying jobs serving "a billion new customers". Of course, the NAFTA and MFN for China pushers knew from the get go they planned on outsourcing to China.

If they told the truth "Lose your job at the chip fabrication plant when it moves to Shenzen Province! Then make half as much at the Walmart Warehouse after you get foreclosed on!" it would have been defeated.

There is no future for a mass middle class without industrial jobs, period. P/T Starbucks and Warehouse jobs at barely above minimum wage cannot replace Full Time manufacturing jobs. There is a glut at for every broad field of college educated. Disney showed that high education, high performance College Educated Americans are at risk also.

Promote the General Welfare. Protect America - don't trade it away for Free.

49   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 1:49pm  

Ironman says

Come on, you forgot to include his 4 bankruptcies in your rant. If you want to be consistent, you need to follow ALL the Mother Jones and Salon talking points!

And like many Trump supporters, you refuse to address any of Trump's past actions, support for Liberal/Crony Capitalist policies, narcissism, unrepentant adultery - and seem to have absolute religious faith in the shit that Trump is saying on the campaign trail in 2016.

We are blowing the most winnable election in a generation by running the equivalent of Nurse Bloomberg with a more vulgar mouth. This guy is going to let you down so hard if he manages to win the whole thing. He will be worse than the Jesse Ventura/Schwarzeneggar train wrecks and will fuck over Conservatives for a generation.

50   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 2:10pm  

Ironman says

You think so, if there were so many skeletons in the closet, why hasn't Cruz thrown them out there with all the shit slinging going on between them?

I honestly think many of them thought Trump would implode on his own believing Trump had about 35% ceiling. The rest of the Republicans were more concerned about each other and wanted a 2 man race with Trump which they think they can win. So they have been attacking each other. That didn't pan out like they thought, so tonight's debate should be interesting.
Ironman says

The "Liberal sycophant media" have been digging forever, if they had crap on him, they would have rolled it out months ago.

They are holding their fire waiting for him to be safely nominated. How is Trump going to be able to attack Hillary for Bill's "war on women" when Trump fucking brags about sleeping with married women in his books? How many women are going to pull the lever for a dude on his 3rd wife who says creepy shit about banging his daughter and openly brags about sleeping around?

Ironman says

Trump's NOT a conservative (or a politician), he's more of a middle of the road moderate, so you can get your panties out of your crack.

Yep - just like Bloomberg. With the exception of gun control and Trump's loud mouth, there isn't that much difference between Bloomberg and Trump. I don't want a New York Liberal as President. Simple as that.

51   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 2:53pm  

Ironman says

I don't either... Trump has bounced around all sides of the political arena, he's more about actually policy then if there is a D or R after it.

If you really believe Trump is "about policy" than why do you admit that he has "bounced around all sides"? FFS - just a few years ago he was saying Mitt Romney was too mean in saying we should enact immigration policies that would encourage illegals to self-deport.

But now Trump boosters really seem to believe Trump is all of a sudden a hard core immigration opponent despite his past statements and ACTIONS of hiring foreigners over Americans to work at his hotels?

Trump has no ideological core or beliefs - he is only for Trump and has a long history of screwing the little guy just as long as it helps his bottom line and brand. When you have no ideological core, I suppose it allows Trump to "bounce around all sides" of the issues depending on what side of the bed Trump wakes up on.

52   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 2:55pm  

Ironman says

So, who's a better choice as YOUR perfect conservative Repub?

None are perfect, but of the remaining candidates Cruz, Rubio or Kasich are light-years better than any Democrat running (including Trump).

53   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 25, 3:01pm  

socal2 says

"Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach describes itself as “one of the most highly regarded private clubs in the world,” and it is not just the very-well-to-do who want to get in.

Since 2010, nearly 300 United States residents have applied or been referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there. But according to federal records, only 17 have been hired.

In all but a handful of cases, Mar-a-Lago sought to fill the jobs with hundreds of foreign guest workers from Romania and other countries."

A business man has to compete with the rules that Obama and Bush created. Remember Trump didn't build that Obama DID!

54   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 25, 3:02pm  

Trump is winning get over it! Get on the right side of History bitches!

55   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 25, 3:05pm  

You don't like him. Just that alone is enough for me. He's got a lot on his plate if he can't take care of everything. Then I guess we'll have to wait for Conay West to get in there in 2024.

56   Y   2016 Feb 25, 3:10pm  

It's an "international club". Why would anyone not hire a sprinkling of nationalities from around the world?
That's just good business practice.

socal2 says

"Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach describes itself as “one of the most highly regarded private clubs in the world,” and it is not just the very-well-to-do who want to get in.

Since 2010, nearly 300 United States residents have applied or been referred for jobs as waiters, waitresses, cooks and housekeepers there. But according to federal records, only 17 have been hired.

In all but a handful of cases, Mar-a-Lago sought to fill the jobs with hundreds of foreign guest workers from Romania and other countries."


57   HydroCabron   2016 Feb 25, 3:15pm  

Tenpoundbass says

You don't like him. Just that alone is enough for me.

This is the best way to make the call on any issue: Just ask yourself "Will it piss off liberals?" and if so, do it.

There will be no place for liberals in the Trump Presidency, because there is no room for such people in a great country.

58   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 3:15pm  

socal2 says

None are perfect, but of the remaining candidates Cruz, Rubio or Kasich are light-years better than any Democrat running (including Trump).

Ah, your neocon-lib status quo candidates.

As for Hillary (aka the Pro-Choice Rubio/Kasich), She most certainly will say and do anything to get elected; the Clintons are famous for triangulating and abandoning their base, who grovels back for more unlubricated Anal, just like blacks in South Carolina will do yet again.

59   HydroCabron   2016 Feb 25, 3:17pm  

SoftShell says

It's an "international club". Why would anyone not hire a sprinkling of nationalities from around the world?

That's just good business practice.

Nothing says continental style and class like "Romanians" - their very language being the language of love.

You can't fault Trump (on this or anything else).

60   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 3:24pm  

By the way, the Clintons are to blame for the world we live in. Their adoption of neoliberalism and attempts to outflank Republicans from the right are exactly why we are in this position. They got a plurality or more of elected Democrats joining with Republicans to create the Prison Complex, the R2P bomb 'em all foreign policy which started when we backed the Utsashe and Muslim conquest of Serbia/Yugoslavia , Unlimited Outsourcing, H1-B expansion, college and insurance cost explosions, and of course financial deregulation. While blaming it all on white working class racism.

Trump was created by Bill Clinton.

61   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 3:25pm  

Tenpoundbass says

A business man has to compete with the rules that Obama and Bush created.

No they don't.

Trump hired foreigners over Americans to maximize *HIS* profits. Or are we to believe that Trump's businesses are so precarious that they can't afford to pay their waiters and cooks a decent wage?

62   Tenpoundbass   2016 Feb 25, 3:26pm  

socal2 says

Trump hired foreigners over Americans to maximize *HIS* profits.

Or he didn't get the Obama dreamer tax credits.

63   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 3:27pm  

Joe Kennedy pulled a lot of stock scams. Didn't stop him from regulating Wall Street.

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