Donald Trump's Orgy of Irresponsibility

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2016 Feb 25, 6:19am   34,639 views  136 comments

by indigenous   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Jimmy Carter knew that one way to win the trust of the citizenry was to appeal to their moral vanity. He was elected president in 1976 promising "a government that is as good and honest and decent and competent and compassionate and as filled with love as are the American people."

Donald Trump does not try to ingratiate himself by telling Americans how good they are. He does it by telling them it's commendable to be bad. His campaign is not so much a challenge to prevailing standards as a rejection of all standards.

Other candidates fudge, exaggerate, and mislead, but they operate within accepted limits on dishonesty. Trump denies truth and embraces falsehood. He can't be proven wrong because he and his followers deny the authority of facts. He encourages his audiences to trust what they feel—and nothing else.

"Donald J. Trump's record on truth and accuracy is astonishingly poor," Angie Drobnic Holan, a reporter for PolitiFact, wrote in December in The New York Times. "So far, we've fact-checked more than 70 Trump statements and rated fully three-quarters of them as Mostly False, False or 'Pants on Fire' (we reserve this last designation for a claim that is not only inaccurate but also ridiculous)."

That was before a new parade of fictions—saying the United States is the "highest taxed country in the world," claiming he vocally opposed the invasion of Iraq before it happened, and accusing Ted Cruz of having a "double passport." Making stuff up is at the core of his campaign.

Of 96 Trump statements scrutinized by PolitiFact at last count, only seven were true. By contrast, Hillary Clinton, whom Republicans regard as a habitual liar, sticks to the facts slightly more than half the time, according to the fact-checkers.

The brazen deceit Trump exhibits would be fatal to most candidates. Cruz, no slave to veracity, had to fire a spokesman for spreading the claim that Marco Rubio had disparaged the Bible. Trump would not have made that claim. He would have recalled the time Rubio spit on a Bible while wearing a Satan mask in the Grand Mosque of Mecca.

Trump's contempt for the truth is no impediment with a large segment of the Republican primary electorate, which has an adversarial relationship with reality. Two-thirds of Trump supporters think Barack Obama is a Muslim, a survey by Public Policy Polling found, and 61 percent think he was born abroad. Other candidates may decline to indulge voters who are ignorant or unhinged. But Trump is not bound by such dreary customs.

In every way, his campaign has been an orgy of irresponsibility. George W. Bush outraged his critics by waterboarding suspected terrorists, a method he insisted is not torture. Trump says it is torture—and its only drawback is being too gentle.

"I think we should go much stronger than waterboarding," he said. In his view, "nothing should be taken off the table." Any form of sadism you can imagine, Trump will happily consider.

Terrorist suspects are not the only ones at risk of brutality. When someone disrupted his rally, Trump wished for the days of old, when a protester "would be carried out on a stretcher."

His anathema for Muslims, like his taste for torture, knows no bounds. He called for a "complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on." He fondly recalled an American general who, according to a doubtful legend, executed Muslim prisoners using bullets dipped in pig's blood.

For some reason, his glorification of hatred and violence appeals to many evangelical Christians, whose savior preached the golden rule. Saintly attributes, in his eyes, are for suckers. Trump tells his supporters that their most vicious impulses should not be suppressed.

Even on less visceral matters, Trump sees boundaries as something to violate without compunction. His tax plan would swell the federal budget deficit by $10 trillion over the next decade. His insistence that this approach will bring the economy roaring back will convince only those who need no convincing. Like his other policies, it treats recklessness as a virtue.

Some politicians think that, on occasion, exceptions have to be made to our observance of civilized norms. Trump wants to toss those civilized norms on a bonfire. He's found plenty of Americans just dying to light the match.


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70   socal2   2016 Feb 25, 3:41pm  

thunderlips11 says

And Trump is the New Hitler.

He does have a big tent!

"Donald Trump endorsed by former KKK leader David Duke"

71   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 3:42pm  

dublin hillz says

The companies view themselves as citizens of the world and are excited by the newly created middle class in emerging market economies.

Thomas Friedman Kool Aide. Companies exist to make profits. That's why they use slaves or children whenever possible.
They'll claim they're masters of the supply chain, then act surprised when somebody says "You source chocolate from this plantation with hundreds of child slaves on it!"
"We do?! Gee, we had *no idea*, yeah, that's the ticket."
dublin hillz says

These people represent an untapped pool of future customers.

When they start to make decent wages, they in turn get deindustrialized and the companies flee elsewhere.

dublin hillz says

New customers are more valuable than existing customers because they appreciate their new found financial power and are not subject to habituation forces/laws of diminishing returns that represent weary western consumers.

So, when the companies leave, who takes up the now-lost property tax base, corporate tax base? You guessed it! It's either debt or tax increases just to maintain the same levels.

72   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Feb 25, 3:42pm  

indigenous says

"I think we should go much stronger than waterboarding," he said. In his view, "nothing should be taken off the table." Any form of sadism you can imagine, Trump will happily consider.

Being outrageous is not a bug, it's a feature.
It's the finger agitated at the establishment. And the free media attention too.

73   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 25, 3:46pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

indigenous says

"I think we should go much stronger than waterboarding," he said. In his view, "nothing should be taken off the table." Any form of sadism you can imagine, Trump will happily consider.

Being outrageous is not a bug, it's a feature.

It's the finger agitated at the establishment. And the free media attention too.

FYI: Hillary's flip flop on Torture.

In October 2006,Clinton spoke about exceptions to a no-torture policy when speaking to the New York Daily News. Clinton mentioned a "ticking time bomb" scenario in which a captured terrorist has knowledge of an imminent terror attack and interrogators want to use torture.

"In the event we were ever confronted with having to interrogate a detainee with knowledge of an imminent threat to millions of Americans, then the decision to depart from standard international practices must be made by the president, and the president must be held accountable," she said. "That very, very narrow exception within very, very limited circumstances is better than blasting a big hole in our entire law."

Then, on Sept. 26, 2007, Clinton said something different. During a debate, Tim Russert asked her about the ticking bomb scenario and here's what she said: "As a matter of policy, it cannot be American policy, period." She said she met with military generals who told her there is "very little evidence that it works."

In the days after the debate, the Republican National Committee criticized her for flip-flopping, and Obama said he would oppose torture "without exception or equivocation," according to Daily News reports.

Did Clinton change position because of her talks with the generals or because of the "politics of the moment"? We can't see inside Clinton's head, so our ruling doesn't reflect on that part of the statement. But it is clear she changed her mind about the "ticking bomb" scenario. So we rate Obama's claim True.


As usual, Hillary was for something, until a plurality made it safe for her to be against it.

See also gay marriage, prison complex, financial regulation, TPP, etc.

"Hillary: Center-right, until somebody else makes it safe to be Center-left."

74   Entitlemented   2016 Feb 25, 3:51pm  

Please submit a full proposal for Bill and Hillaries Orgy of Irresponsibility.

75   mell   2016 Feb 25, 11:06pm  

socal2 says

thunderlips11 says

And Trump is the New Hitler.

He does have a big tent!

"Donald Trump endorsed by former KKK leader David Duke"


Ah, but we already know how many fucks DT gives about this endorsement and how many fucks DT gives about effete cultural-marxists coming out of the woodwork trying to use it against him. And that's what makes him so popular, he refuses to be guilty by association, clearly distinguishing him from the cuckservatives.

76   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 8:53am  

Trump got clobbered in last night's debate. He finally got exposed as the carnival barker he is. But it is probably too late as the Trump cult is too far gone down the rabbit hole now to see what is so clear before their own eyes. He is the only candidate that loses to Hillary in the national polls now - and the Media (and the Republicans) have barely begun their opposition research dump on him. Clinton is going to win by a landslide if we nominate this New York loud mouth trust fund baby.

Highlights revealed last night:

- Trump has hired illegal workers and was fined $1 million for doing so.
- Trump ran a “fake university” and is being sued for fraud over it.
- Trump has bankrupted companies.
- Trump inherited $200 million.
- Trump cuts deals with leftist politicians, including Harry Reid.
- Trump has no real plan for how to replace Obamacare.
- Trump supported socialized medicine.
- Trump isn’t doing well in head-to-head polling against Hillary Clinton.
- Trump won’t release his tax returns.
- The mainstream media will pick Trump apart over his taxes and his “fake university.”
- Trump can’t exploit Clinton’s weaknesses, such as the Clinton Foundation, because he has been friendly with Clinton and contributed to her Foundation.
- Trump is neutral as between Israel and the Palestinians.
- Trump now claims he opposed overthrowing Qaddafi, but there is video showing that he supported the military action against him.

Loved this bit of Trump too....."I don't repeat myself" "I DON"T REPEAT MYSELF!"


77   dublin hillz   2016 Feb 26, 8:54am  

That was great performance by Rubio last night. Trump appeared to be stunned like a boxer who endured a few sharp jabs right in the face. Rubio exposed him as an empty suit, as an emperor with no clothes who runs on nothing but platitudes. That was a game changer and the timing could not be better right before super tuesday.

78   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 9:01am  

Ironman says

Certainly is...

Apparently the Latino vote agrees with him...

That was addressed at last night's debate. Those are caucus results of 100 Hispanic Republicans in Nevada.

This week's national polls show 8 out 10 Hispanics have very unfavorable views of Trump.

Trump is the ONLY Republican candidate losing nationally to Hillary.

We nominate Trump, Republicans lose in a landslide and Hillary will get to stack the Supreme Court for a generation. Time for some people to wake the fuck up. It's been fun watching Trump slap some people and media around and we owe him some gratitude for getting Jeb out of the race. But enough is enough.

79   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 9:06am  

socal2 says

Trump got clobbered in last night's debate.

Bwhahaha. National Review "Manhattan Project" is more like Spinal Tap's "Stonehenge"
It's over, Trump is the Nominee.

socal2 says

- Trump won’t release his tax returns.

When did Romney release his tax returns in the 2012 Campaign?

socal2 says

- The mainstream media will pick Trump apart over his taxes and his “fake university.”

Repeating yourself. We do know that GOPe has unleashed 3 guys famous for dirty tricks, so let the smears begin.

Last night was hilarious. Two lifelong "Public Servants" who never ran a lemonstade stand criticizing a billionaire over taxes and business management

Y'all realize the high season in Florida is not the same as the Jersey Shore or Lake Pokahotti in the Midwest. FL season is Oct-March; resorts need 2-3x more employees than the off season. College students aren't off in the Fall and Spring.

Trump got jumped last night and came out fine.

Rubio looked like he was swimming. I've never see a Miami native drip sweat like that.

80   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 9:15am  

thunderlips11 says

Two lifelong "Public Servants" who never ran a lemonstade stand criticizing a billionaire over taxes and business management

Yes - they are running against a New York trust-fund baby liberal. If they were given $200 million from daddy, they could hire some people and might even build a few buildings with their names on them too!

thunderlips11 says

Y'all realize the high season in Florida is not the same as the Jersey Shore or Lake Pokahotti in the Midwest. FL season is Oct-March; resorts need 2-3x more employees than the off season. College students aren't off in the Fall and Spring.

So now we are back at the "Jobs Americans won't do" excuse? Sounds pretty GOPe to me! There is very high unemployment throughout the country, but Trump couldn't find any local Americans for even a part-time gig? But he can find foreigners from thousands of miles away willing to work for a couple months?

81   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 9:18am  

Oh Socal2, these are all trifling things. A guy with tens of thousands of employees in the resort and real estate business hired some H2-Bs like every other entity in the business like Disney and Club Med.

Rubio and Cruz are one-term Senators with little experience outside of politics, most of it being aides and underlings.

The Choker and the Oily Messiah are toast.

You get signal? Main screen turn on.
It's Trump!
How are you gentleman. All your GOP are belong to us.
"GOPe has no chance to survive. Make you Time. HA! Ha! HA!"

82   HydroCabron   2016 Feb 26, 9:20am  

Trump's intimate knowledge and constant exposure to the bankruptcy laws and courts uniquely qualifies him to manage the federal finances.

Few in America are as adept with negative numbers, often extending to 7 or 8 figures, in long rows and columns.

83   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 9:29am  

thunderlips11 says

Oh Socal2, these are all trifling things. A guy with tens of thousands of employees in the resort and real estate business hired some H2-Bs like every other entity in the business like Disney and Club Med.

Just "trifling" things?

Trump has made his ENTIRE campaign about being tough on illegal immigrants and how he is the only one who will stop the "establishment" sticking it to the little guy.

Tons of Conservatives are willing to overlook all of Trump's manifest shortcomings, ignorance, character flaws and long history of supporting liberal causes - provided he promises to be tough on immigration.

But now we see he is a total hypocrite. He has no core and will do nothing that hurts his bottom line financially let alone his brand. Just imagine Trump as president and he runs into the first rough patch that hurts his poll numbers. He will fold like a cheap suit "to make deals" with the establishment because Trump the narcissist NEEDS to be loved and feel popular.

Even if he manages to beat Hillary (which is unlikely) - he is going to let you down so so hard.

84   dublin hillz   2016 Feb 26, 9:30am  

thunderlips11 says

Trump got jumped last night and came out fine.

I wouldn't call being compared to the crooks at corinthian university/apollo group as having a damage free performance. In fact, it makes him look even worse that Mr Bain's infamous 47% comment.

85   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 9:33am  

socal2 says

Trump has made his ENTIRE campaign about being tough on illegal immigrants and how he is the only one who will stop the "establishment" sticking it to the little guy.

H2-Bs are not illegal. His Romanian employees were legal. How many people does Rubio employ, outside his overpaid taxpayer-paid Senate Aides?

socal2 says

Tons of Conservatives are willing to overlook all of Trump's manifest shortcomings, ignorance, character flaws and long history of supporting liberal causes - provided he promises to be tough on immigration.

Right, so they'll say "Gee, Trump hired some Romanians for his resort in the busy season. Fuck him, I'm voting for Rubio or Cruz, the Gang of 8 people."

This is like the tie and hats argument. If Trump could even find a US textile manufacturer, his stuff would be far more expensive. Blaming Trump for systemic imbalances in Trade and having to make a business decision based on that is absurd; doesn't fix the problem.

His voters understand this, and they know the GOPe is absolutely unhinged and desperate.

The truth is the Golfing and Warmongering Insider and Donor Class of the GOPe prefers Hillary. She'll definitely give them more wars and won't do anything to hurt their outsourcing profits. Kristol and others have already sad it, and were saying it weeks ago.

Come Tuesday, you're in for a shock. And after that, nothing matters, because every state is winner-take-all delegates.

86   HydroCabron   2016 Feb 26, 9:37am  

thunderlips11 says

Right, so they'll say "Gee, Trump hired some Romanians for his resort in the busy season. Fuck him, I'm voting for Rubio or Cruz, the Gang of 8 people."

Why shouldn't they?

There are several people here whose entire argument for believing in Trump consists of considering the flaws of Hillary.

87   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 9:46am  

HydroCabron says

Why shouldn't they?

Because they're typical GOP Donor Class Whores. Rubio is definitely pro-unlimited immigration in the face of millions of native unskilled underemployed Americans. Cruz and his attempt to massively increase H1-Bs.

Thing is, you've got a working class GOP element that knows damn well immigrants are lowering wages and adding to fierce competition for jobs. They already have experienced GOPe candidates promising tough immigration restrictions, then letting everything continue as normal.

You can't tell me Burger King and Walmart Warehouses are going begging for labor, offering $14/hr to start, pick your own hours, just please, come work here!

Kristols and Lowrys have nothing to offer these guys. 20 years after NAFTA, the "hold on, it'll get real better soon, you'll see - and while you can't pay rent because you can't find full time work, have you noticed laptops are much cheaper?" doesn't fly anymore.

They'll take their chances with an Outsider.

88   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 9:54am  

thunderlips11 says

H2-Bs are not illegal. His Romanian employees were legal. How many people does Rubio employ, outside his overpaid taxpayer-paid Senate Aides?

Back to "Jobs Americans wont do" excuse? It's also legal for US companies to manufacture over seas, and Trump sure as shit rails against that - while outsourcing himself.

And what about his Polish workers? Not so legal.

thunderlips11 says

Come Tuesday, you're in for a shock. And after that, nothing matters, because every state is winner-take-all delegates.

After seeing the Obama cult from 2008-12, nothing will shock me.

But I think alot of Trump-bots will be shocked when the Democrats wipe the floor with Trump in the General election in November.

89   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 9:57am  

Ironman, Trump legally hired some Romanians during busy season Oct-March in Palm Beach when all the College Students are in classes at 50+ hours/week. Not that Palm Beach is full of colleges, either. Just like Club Med, Disney Resorts, and every single other hospitality operator does in Florida. He's a hypocrite! He should have labor troubles to ruin his business on sheer principle by fighting the system and putting his and his investors money at risk! Don't you understand! One-Term Senators and GOPe Media/Think Tank schmucks know more about business than a billionaire.

Romney released his 2011 tax returns at the end of September 2012. But Trump needs to release 2015 tax returns before April 15th, right now! And 10 years of tax returns too.

The Great Business Expert Rich Lowry, CPA, MBA, CFP, Esq. hath spoken! Whenever IBM has a cash flow problem, they bring in the National Review writers and interns.

This is the desperation of the Socal2 side of the GOPe. They think the filthy house needs no cleaning.

91   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 10:11am  

dublin hillz says

I wouldn't call being compared to the crooks at corinthian university/apollo group as having a damage free performance. In fact, it makes him look even worse that Mr Bain's infamous 47% comment.

Hey, guess who went to bat to derail the investigation into Corinthian College? Rubio.



Nothing to do with Corinthian donating money to Rubio and his PACs.

"Fuck Trump, I want a brought and paid for Senator like Normal!"

Trump University was not a degree-issuing institution that stole Federal Funds. It sold DVDs, CD, and tickets to Seminars. Corinthian College had 350,000 students and fucked most of them over while pocketing taxpayer money.

92   tatupu70   2016 Feb 26, 10:20am  

Ironman says

The next thing you'll start with is saying that "if Trump put that money in an index fund, he would have made more money and would be worth more"....

Truth hurts, doesn't it.

You can say some good things about Trump--he gets that free trade is NOT good for the country. He understands the effects of immigration. He is not bought and owned by Wall St. Not many candidates can say those things.

One thing you can't say is that a man who inherited $200MM, sent 4 companies into bankruptcy, and whose current wealth is less than what he would have accumulated by doing nothing over his life is a wildly successful businessman. You just can't.

93   tatupu70   2016 Feb 26, 10:30am  

Ironman says

Yes, we should elected a socialist who couldn't hold a job hammering nails and lived off of welfare the majority of his life... Now THAT'S the poster child for a amazing businessman with unbelievable accomplishments!!

we should vote for the best candidate who has demonstrated the best judgment in his voting history and who has the best policy ideas for improving the country.

94   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 10:40am  

Ironman says

HE didn't hire polish workers, he hired a contractor, and that contractor hired the polish workers.... The contractor is the ultimate one responsible.

Buck stops where?

The company I work for is the Prime Contractor for numerous water projects in California, and if one of our subs was caught breaking labor law, my company would also be liable and responsible.

I can see Trump a few years from now into his presidency after he starts a shooting war with China and we lose a bunch of soldiers. "I didn't hire those grunts!"

95   tatupu70   2016 Feb 26, 10:43am  

Ironman says

We don't need anymore IDEAS.... didn't you learn from your failed vote the last two cycles?

Talk is cheap, the last 7 years should be your best benchmark.

The best candidate is the person who has PAST accomplishments and experience that can be applied to the job.

Yep, we need better ideas. And better implementation.

What we don't need is a guy whose past accomplishments include 4 bankruptcies. That's not the type of experience I want applied to this job.

96   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 10:52am  

Ironman says

We don't need anymore IDEAS.... didn't you learn from your failed vote the last two cycles?

Talk is cheap, the last 7 years should be your best benchmark.

The best candidate is the person who has PAST accomplishments and experience that can be applied to the job.

Sorry - this is just dumb. You are basically saying:

- "We don't need a PLAN!" "We just need ACTION!"

The problem I (and many people) have with Trump is that he says and does different stuff every single day. He has no core and a long history of Liberal impulses. I don't think you are going to like his "actions" once he wins and has to deal with a likely split Congress. Dude is going to be cutting deals all day long.

Get ready for really BIG and CLASSY government! Government is going to be so YUGE with Trump and the Democrats. That's what you want right?

97   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 10:54am  

Repeat after me, GOPe supporters:

"(FILL IN THE BLANK) Lost because... he wasn't a Real Conservative(tm)"

Great from Bush 1 to Dole to McCain to Romney!

Of course, when those guys were nominated due to the Donor Class and Insider GOP activists, they were "True Conservatives!" They only became "not a true Conservative" when they lost.

GOPe can't pick winners, because they are losers.

98   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 10:56am  

BTW, Trump only person offering a Free Market solutions by knocking down inter-state Health Insurance boundaries.

Something the Health Insurance industry hates and will fight tooth and nail. The smaller and more disperate the groups, the more the premium for risk.

99   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 10:59am  

thunderlips11 says

BTW, Trump only person offering a Free Market solutions by knocking down inter-state Health Insurance boundaries.


100   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 11:07am  

Ironman says

Sure, and putting one of two first term Senators, who couldn't cut it and hold a job in the private sector is such a great idea.... right?? There's just so qualified, even though they haven't run a lemonaide stand or managed any type of organization.

As opposed to at trust-fund vulgar celebrity who is being exposed as a pathological liar?

No to mention Trump is the only Republican candidate that will lose to Hillary?

I'll pick Cruz or Rubio all day long. Hell - I will even take Kasich before Trump.

101   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 11:08am  

socal2 says


Isn't it hilarious when a libertarian conservative think tank is fighting to preserve trade barriers between government entities?

Many people are stuck on the wrong side of a state border, where there's a big city with many options and cheaper services on the other side, but their health care doesn't contract with them because of regulatory and agency differences.

102   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 11:11am  

As for Tatupu, Trump just attacked Bezos for buying the WaPo to generate political inlfuence.

Now he just said he's gonna change libel laws to allow a pattern of biased and unfair coverage by media to be sued senseless. Look out National Review! Look out NYT!

Free Market solution to the loss of the Equal Time rule :)

103   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 11:15am  

Ironman says

If you really think Trump can't chew up and spit out Hillary, you're so far down the rat hole and unreachable.

Anybody thinks that sweating, choking, one-term senator newbie baby Rubio can stand up to the Clinton machine in and out of the debates, is smoking crack.

I'm believing that the GOPe has settled on Clinton as their second choice. Busting the public unions might be a little tougher, but they'll get the wars and no change to outsourcing/insourcing. In fact Hillary will sign every Cruz 500% increase in H1-Bs that passes her desk.

Backing Rubio is just an insurance policy, but Trump must not win in their view.

Kristol and others have already said nice things about Hillary's Foreign Policy in the past few weeks.

104   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 11:21am  

Ironman says

So, you're all for continuing the last 7 years for the next 4 to 8 years.... Got it!!

See - this is how far down into bizarro-world the Trump-bots have fallen. It really is remarkable thing to witness.

You think Cruz? CRUZ would be a continuation of 8 years of Obama?

For real?

Anyhoo - looks like Trump just got endorsed by Chris Christie. No GOPe there!

105   mell   2016 Feb 26, 11:21am  

thunderlips11 says

Isn't it hilarious when a libertarian conservative think tank is fighting to preserve trade barriers between government entities?

Libertarians have the right ideas and it is the ideal form of existence with most individual freedom and civil liberties. However these are noble ideas which in practice often undergo a perverse transformation by hostile forces and political opponents and end up being used against the very same demographics of people proclaiming them, mostly white middle-to-upper-class (but not uber-wealthy) folks. Free trade is "perversified" into stealth trade agreements favoring other nations, civil liberty and freedom of choice/religion is perversified into mass-immigration and forced appeasement of radical religious and cultural-marxist doctrines, and so-on and so forth. That's why different times need different solutions. DT is more authoritarian but could very well restore some of the original ideal state of the Republic as envisioned by the original Liberal/Libertarian bourgeoisie. The time for appeasement and forced-tolerance of globalist corruption is over.

106   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Feb 26, 11:22am  

Final thought:

The Rabbit and the Jackal are only attacking the Lion because they are desperate. They avoided taking on the Lion for months, and are only doing so now because they have no choice.

107   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 11:23am  

Trump has Palin and Huckleberry too!

Provided Hillary doesn't get indicted, Hillary is going to win in a landslide.

108   socal2   2016 Feb 26, 11:23am  

thunderlips11 says

Final thought:

The Rabbit and the Jackal are only attacking the Lion because they have no choice. They avoided taking on the Lion for months, and are only doing so now because they have no choice.

Captain Obvious!

109   HydroCabron   2016 Feb 26, 11:29am  

mell says

Libertarians have the right ideas and it is the ideal form of existence with most individual freedom and civil liberties. However these are noble ideas which in practice often undergo a perverse transformation by hostile forces and political opponents and end up being used against the very same demographics of people proclaiming them, mostly white middle-to-upper-class (but not uber-wealthy) folks.

So many Scotsmen turned out fake!

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