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1,299 -1,105
139-106 in NY
1,438 - 1,211
Thats a lot of ground to make up, but not likely hillary can shake him off prior to the convention
And patrick should offer $1 "ignore disables" to further turn this site into a cash cow.
User pays $1 to reverse a single "ignore".
However, once the original ignorer finds out that his/her ignore has been cancelled, they can buy back the ignore for a buck.
Round and round this would go with user rage funding the site, and patrick collecting premiums the whole while.
Isn't this what a Realtor does?
Maybe ignore should be a premium feature. For example, marcus/"humanity" uses the marcus account to troll and avoid Dislikes. If PatNet charged for that feature, in proportion to the User's trollishness score, then that might discourage trolling or at least enable the site to derive revenue from it.
That's a great suggestion and Patrick could make a bit more money. Get some of the lost Amazon revenue back.
I've seen different bell curves which show that women cluster much more tightly than men, and their center is higher.
So women are smarter than men on average, but the smartest and dumbest people tend to be men.
the smartest and dumbest people tend to be men.
This agrees with a lifetime of my observations.
I guess the only explsnation is curious2's relentless stream of undisputable facts, that rightfully put ACA in a bad light, leave the hydro cabron, CL, marcus, and sadly even tatupu paralyzed and without defense. So they lash out with personal attack of 'retard'.
Come on now--I was just having a little fun there. You said us Dem lovers were going to use the word which is why I did.
Yous should take some time to look in the mirror, and say retard a couple times, see how much you enjoy it.
That's kind of the point, isn't it? I don't think anyone uses that word to make the recipient feel good.
I mean, you originally put me on ignore for revealing that i have an ~ 150 IQ.
Was that on one of those facebook IQ tests?
Bernie holding ground
Anyone with an IQ of 150 would know that it's over for Bernie. He had a good run though.
Is there such a thing as bankster cock sucking seniority? IHLlary would have a point.
Bernie is hosting a rally in my backyard tomorrow. We'll be able to walk over to rally for Bernie!
I need to make a good #neverhillary sign, any ideas?
Doors open at 430
Bernie starts at 730
Drove over past the gym on the way home about 330 snd there was already a line a mile long
Do the other three candidates get this kind of enthusiasm at their events?
Saudi Arabia has been a US ally for years.
conspiracy nonsense.
you really are a dumbasss.
Do the other three candidates get this kind of enthusiasm at their events?
The Canadian Cruzader gets rapture believers to wail and gnash their teeth in eager anticipation of Judgment Day, so they can witness the gory torments they've been fapping over in their Left Behind books and Temptation movies. He has already promised to send ground troops to within range of Armageddon, so as Chickenhawk in Chief, that battle is a promise (PROPHECY!!!) he could definitely fulfill.
So women are smarter than men on average, but the smartest and dumbest people tend to be men.
Bernie holding ground
Do I like Bernie? Not really
Do I like Bernie better than Clinton? Hell yes!!
Does Bernie have a shot? In his ass.
The only things that can keep hillary from winning are death or prison. It's predestined.
Do the other three candidates get this kind of enthusiasm at their events?
No one gets the enthusiasm that Trump gets. Facts are facts.
No one gets the enthusiasm that Trump gets. Facts are facts.
Both with his supporters inside and the protesters outside.
Have you seen such enthusiastic protestors outside a Kasich or Hillary rally?
Yeah, it gets pretty enthusiastic at Justin Bieber concerts too.
So, after Drumpf loses, you dorks can become Justin Beiber fans.
Ol Bernie poised to steal IU
Hillary might have to start emulating more of the winning candidates strategies, because everyone knows that all she has is fraud. I can see her now, "SUCK MY DICK, AMERICA", although much like Bernies positions she coattails, it wont work as well for her as it does for Trump.
Come on Indiana, feel the bern! From Evansville to Terre haute, denounce Crooked Hillary.
He should quit.
Hillary had the class to bow out in 2008 at this point, when she was closer to Obama than Sanders now is to her.
Time to leave while it's still only mildly embarrassing.
Bernie wins Indiana, and Cruz sudpends his campaign
Hopefully now Trump can focus his energy on going after Crooked Hillary, and that would lead to a Sanders presidency
Ironically, he fares worst in those deep red states where the bible thumping blacks that the "liberals" hate sooo badly, mindlessly vote Clinton
To judge from your attitude to these blacks, you share that opinion, and think they're stupid/inferior.
Who is Drumpf? Oh yeah, it's the anti-White version of "Jigaboo" or "here comes a Dindu".
Holy Crap, I was at the Gym - Bernie WON?!
Ironically, he fares worst in those deep red states where the bible thumping blacks that the "liberals" hate sooo badly, mindlessly vote Clinton
To judge from your attitude to these blacks, you share that opinion, and think they're stupid/inferior.
You got me. Im actually a bigtime liberal!
Yes, that's exactly what that implies. (150 ?)
Sorry, marcus, i missed your comment there.
Yea, you guys got me. I'm a bigtime racist!!
Bernie has won regardless the outcome of the primary.
Don't take away his progress because he lost a battle!
Think of it as a first step for the future
Looks like it's safe to call Berntucky for Sanders
May as well chalk up Oregon awhile, as well.
Time for another Ironman meltdown!
What does it mean when the candidates % don't add up to 100%, and like right now it says Kentucky 10k+ people votes uncommitted?
Do people actually go to vote in a primary, and select the Richard Pryor choice, None of the Above?
Relax ironman, everyone knows that the superdelegates can only cast their votes at the convention. And Bernie has vowed to take this to a contested convention. Rightfully so, he's a better candidate. He might win every state left since Kentucky, save for maybe your crappy home state
Did you beat todays deadline to register as a democrat, so you can vote for Bernie?
Sanders supporters now asking for your life savings:
And the average life savings of typical Bernie voter is what, $23 and some change? ;)
Its going to be a contested convention, so you'll have to keep stumping hard for Hillary for two more months. Lol
When did i ever say that repubs would be a contested convention?
I was rooting home trump back when you were still afraid to admit he was your candidate
Looks like a tie to me
Advantage Bernie
Unfortunately, Bernie has to do better than tieing or Hillary wins. Bernie has to close that small gap between Hillary's delegate count and his in order to win the superdelegates who absolutely will be the ones deciding the primary election.
The superdelegates probably want Hillary because she's establishment. They probably don't like Bernie, but if they can be convinced that Bernie will win against Trump and Hillary won't, then they might switch.
We're going to a contested convention. If Bernie is not the nominee, he will still be a powerful force as Senator. He will force Clinton to make concessions to the left rather than her plan to move even further right, before getting behind her.
Other than that, what can he do? He's being willed by the citizenry. We are funding his campaign, and we are voting for him en masse. He can't step aside when he is the face of this countrys left. So he keeps riding it out. And he keeps getting a majority of the votes.
With California on deck, i think he's also open to the possibility that the voters will reject Clinton for Sanders. If he heads to convention with the entire left coast in his pocket, that is a strong case for him to be the nominee. If you take away just Texas and Georgia, two states that always go red in a general, he is leading Clinton in pledged delegates.
That and everyone knows that Hillary is a terrible candidate. As bad as many would like to make Trump out to be, you never hear the case for Clinton. Nobody has any good reason to back her. She sucks. The country obviously doesnt want anymore of this Bush-Clinton-Bush-Bushbama-Clinton.
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Ironically, he fares worst in those deep red states where the bible thumping blacks that the "liberals" hate sooo badly, mindlessly vote Clinton
As the skin color lightens and the income of the voting base increases, so does his support.
Trump has stolen the show and the media is more than happy to make all the news about Trump, because the MsM is in bed with the establishment, and the only candidate that the Ownership class is actually afraid of is Senator Sanders.