How To Stop Trump

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2016 Mar 8, 7:00am   17,785 views  45 comments

by Strategist   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


At Secretive Meeting, Tech CEOs And Top Republicans Commiserate, Plot To Stop Trump

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6   Shaman   2016 Mar 8, 7:35am  

I hope sanders pulls a squeaker with Hillary where it's bloody obvious that the only reason she won was because of party insiders. That will absolutely INCENSE his supporters and many may either jump ship for a third party (Trump) out of sheer spite or just sit this election out rather than voting for Hitlery in the only vote that actually counts: the general election.

7   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 7:38am  

Quigley says

If EITHER party wants to remain relevant,it will have to actually begin representing the people once again instead of corporate sponsors and fringe groups.

As Bernie has been saying, this will take a big voter turnout and more active participation, either in the form of demonstrations, letters, or calling. If people take the time to voice their concerns, those concerns might be addressed. What strikes me about these elections so far is how few people are voting. For example, VA has 8.3 million people. Less than 2 million people voted in the primary.

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 7:45am  

It's funny, we finally got a candidate talking about Outsourcing, Unfair Trade, etc. with a non-pat, non-dismissive answer peppered with corporate bullshit, and some people are like "Hillary is Better!"

9   anonymous   2016 Mar 8, 7:50am  

As a Bernie voter, i will vote ABC if the Democrat party is so slimy and dishonest as to nominate Clinton.

Everybody knows that a Clinton presidency is THE worst case scenario, and we freedom loving hard working Americans will do whatever it takes to save this country from the Clintons.

But slimy and dishonest is what the Democrat party is all about. One must only look at the fact that Sanders stands strongly for everything american leftists believe in, while Clinton is more of a republican then the republican frontrunner, yet, Clinton is well ahead of Sanders.

Im not afraid of Republicans and Trump, but everyone needs to have a healthy fear of the economy killing, lying racist Hilary.

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 7:53am  

The Huffington Post reported that a handful of tech CEOs also met the weekend of March 6 at an isolated Georgia resort with GOP leadership to derail the Trump train.

The meeting on Georgia’s Sea Island was reportedly attended by Apple’s Tim Cook, Tesla Motor’s Elon Musk, Facebook investor Larry Page, Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R, KY), and House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), along with several other GOP leaders. The meeting was sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute.


I vote against ASSHOLES! Cook is desperate to keep using Chinese Slave Labor for extra profit margins, Musk only invests in industries where he can suck on the government tit, and Facebook is Zuckerfuck's baby. McConnell is married to a Chinese Shipping Princess who makes bank importing into the USA and thus Outsourcing, and Ryan is a Randroid. The AEI is an Anti-American institution.

11   Strategist   2016 Mar 8, 7:54am  

Quigley says

If EITHER party wants to remain relevant,it will have to actually begin representing the people once again instead of corporate sponsors and fringe groups.

Both the parties need to eject their wacky extremists. The R's their moral ground, and the D's their socialistic tendencies.

12   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 8:15am  

Rubio certainly isn't the one. He booked a big convention hall in a Tampa Hotel, then gave it up for a fraction of the space because only 300 people showed up out of an expected 5,000. And probably most of them were local longtime GOP activists, not fired up citizens.

Menanwhile, 7,000 people was just the turn away crowd from Trump's rally in Madison, MS, which is nowhere near the size of Tampa.


Just to show you how out-of-touch the GOPe is, they are having Mitt Romney robocall Republican registered voters for Rubio. Not Smart!

13   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 9:01am  

thunderlips11 says

It's funny, we finally got a candidate talking about Outsourcing, Unfair Trade, etc. with a non-pat, non-dismissive answer peppered with corporate bullshit, and some people are like "Hillary is Better!"

Sure - Trump "talks" about outsourcing and trade to convince the rubes in the Republican party. But Trump's entire professional career has been about inheriting a real estate empire from his Dad, outsourcing, crony capitalism and a string of failed and even fraudulent ventures.

Many people can see right through the charade.

14   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 9:17am  

CIC, is there a reason you are such an anti social accusatory jerk? Here's a source showing who has been gaining and losing momentum. The other source is fox news coverage this morning, but that was on TV, and I didn't record it.
I'm guessing you think all media are liars, because the D told you so.


15   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 11:40am  

I don't know what happened in that CNN poll, but it was before Trump started bragging about his dick during the debate. It was before little Marco got him repeating himself and so flustered onstage that Cruz told him to just breathe. In any case, it was 2 weeks ago, so isn't all that relevant to the current news stories about him losing his momentum.

16   Strategist   2016 Mar 8, 11:46am  

bgamall4 says

So, given the choice, Clinton is the lesser of two evils. Swallow your barf and vote for the lesser of two evils. She is a regime change puppet of Israel, but all of the candidates are.

So you are now supporting a Zionist. Who'd have ever thunk it.

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 11:46am  

socal2 says

But Trump's entire professional career has been about inheriting a real estate empire from his Dad, outsourcing, crony capitalism and a string of failed and even fraudulent ventures

Right, Trump Towers, Briarcliff, Trump Plaza, Mar-a-Lago, Turkish and Gulf investments, all of which happened long after Donald took the reigns, doesn't count.

But Cruz helped run the Sunday School Bake Sale for a few hours one day 30+ years ago, so that's even better, has spent pretty much almost every year after graduation working as an appointee or elected official - met his wife in the Bush Administration. Hated by college roommates, law firm co-workers, Bush Admin fellows, and in the Senate as a self-promoting, shady, slick know-it-all.

socal2 says

Many people can see right through the charade.

Yes, but unfortunately a handful of extreme religious nuts are still falling for the idea that Creepy Cruz isn't the White Shoe Boy Lawyer he is.

18   anonymous   2016 Mar 8, 11:53am  

Hey let us not forget when Senator Ted Cruz stood his ground , for 23 brave, grueling hours, on the Senate floor, to oppose this centurys Conservative master piece, HeritageFoundationCare

Dont act like he has no accomplishments.

19   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 11:53am  

Honest question - does anyone think Trump would be anything if he didn't inherit his father's real estate empire?

"But news reports show that it’s a bit of a mystery how much Trump inherited from his father, Fred Sr. When he died in 1999, the New York Times reported that "his estate has been estimated by the family at $250 million to $300 million." The New York Daily News reported at the time that the estate was worth $100 million to $300 million based on family estimates."

And if Trump is really a billionaire, why was he bilking middle class people out of a few thousands of dollars for Trump University? Seems pretty small-ball to me - unless Trump is not worth as much as he says he is and really needs the money.

20   Strategist   2016 Mar 8, 11:59am  

socal2 says

Honest question - does anyone think Trump would be anything if he didn't inherit his father's real estate empire?

He would be successful even without his fathers inheritance. He has what it takes to be a success.

socal2 says

And if Trump is really a billionaire, why was he bilking middle class people out of a few thousands of dollars for Trump University? Seems pretty small-ball to me - unless Trump is not worth as much as he says he is and really needs the money.

To Trump, money is just a game that inflates his ego. The power of a President would inflate his ego even more.

21   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 12:14pm  

What a coincidence I'm currently engaged on how to stop Silicone Valley.

22   anonymous   2016 Mar 8, 12:19pm  

Honest question - does anyone think Trump would be anything if he didn't inherit his father's real estate empire?


Its hard to gauge how much credit to give any trust fund baby who got their immense head start from an inheritance.

23   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 12:39pm  

errc says

Honest question - does anyone think Trump would be anything if he didn't inherit his father's real estate empire?

Yes! I do.

You've never met a poor person before who USED to be Rich or a Rich person who used to be Poor?

Don't forget Trump was comming up in the late 70's and early 80's in a time when there were great Small Business tools available because the Government gave a crap about them.
Has Trump not shown, that he can use the resources available to achieve what his goals?
If Trump learned the Bankrupcy laws, you don't think he wouldn't have navigated the Small Business affairs agencies avaiable to him, had he not had money to begin with?
Sure he would have, all he needed was a a business plan that made sense.
He would have been no different than the Haitians and Jamaicans that come here to America with out even owning a pair of shoes. Then within 5 years. Later they own a fleet of Taxis and 5 AM creole radio stations. I know I've worked for a pair of brothers that did just that.

24   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 12:50pm  

I don't know how that chart is constructed. It seems to be a trailing average. The latest point, 37.5 is an average of polls from 2/19 through 3/8. So, like I said, it's old news.

You should stop worrying about my eyes and start worrying about your reasoning ability.

I don't know why the cnn poll gives Trump so high numbers. I did scan the poll, though, and found something interesting.

(of Republican or Rep leaning people)
If Donald Trump won the Republican Party’s nomination for the presidency, would you definitely
support him in the general election in November, probably support him, probably NOT support him,
or definitely NOT support him in the general election in November?
Feb. 24-27
Definitely support him 25%
Probably support him 27%
Probably not support him 13%
Definitely not support him 35%
No opinion 1%

(Of Dem or Dem leaning people)
12. If Hillary Clinton won the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency, would you definitely
support her in the general election in November, probably support her, probably NOT support her, or
definitely NOT support her in the general election in November?
Feb. 24-27
Definitely support her 36%
Probably support her 29%
Probably not support her 13%
Definitely not support her 20%
No opinion 2%

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 12:55pm  

These polls don't matter until a few weeks before the election, period.

If you think these polls are accurate, some of them have Creepy Cruz beating Hillary in the General. Ridiculous!

26   socal2   2016 Mar 8, 1:06pm  

thunderlips11 says

If you think these polls are accurate, some of them have Creepy Cruz beating Hillary in the General. Ridiculous!

Ridiculous! Just like Trump beating Cruz in Maine!

27   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 6:05pm  

I wonder how all of the unnecessary energy they spent on this very undemocratic endeavor will reflect on their next quarter profits? And will their investors take it up the ass while their retirement investments is spending like a drunken sailor trying to dictate democracy?

Where in the fuck is McDonald drive through hat hair woman, AG Loretta E. Lynch. That bitch is as useless as Obama's last feckless AG.

28   Strategist   2016 Mar 8, 6:37pm  

bgamall4 says

God hates Zionism and hates Israel for establishing a Zion that He did not authorize.

There are a lot more important things your God could do besides worry about Zionism.

30   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 6:47pm  

He needed that!

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 6:57pm  

Romneys, a family history of interfering with popular choice candidates:

32   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 7:01pm  

I was explaining the Irony of what that Rotten Bastard did to my Wife tonight.
How he went to Trump with hat in hand and emplored him not to run in 2012, because he was worried it would hurt his chances then.(I thought it was a joke back then. But I guess Romney knew what a juggernaut Trump would be even then).
SO they told him if he didn't run and endorsed Romney they would let him run in 2016. And Romney's CPAC appearance is how He and the GOP thanked him. And ME for supporting Mittens in 2012, by calling us Nazi facists.

33   Strategist   2016 Mar 8, 7:10pm  

Tenpoundbass says

SO they told him if he didn't run and endorsed Romney they would let him run in 2016.

And now they are sorry, because he is actually winning and winning big.

34   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 7:19pm  

$38M dollars in negative ads over the past weeks, and all the establishment got in the end was Paul O'Neill endorsing Trump. The Yankees win... Theeeeee Yankees win!

35   Tenpoundbass   2016 Mar 8, 7:21pm  

Here's Trump stopping the GOP


36   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 7:55pm  

Ironman says

I'm sorry it doesn't match up with the SINGULAR narrative you posted....

Want to try again, this time with the truth?

CNN 2/24-2/27 - Trump with 49% of vote
ABC/WaPo 3/3-3/6 - Trump with 34% of vote
NBC/WSJ 3/3-3/6 - Trump with 30% of vote

CIC (Iraqi information minister) response: Trump hasn't lost momentum. He's gaining momentum! Just average all polls from 2/21 and on. It is obvious. You idiot! Why do you lie?

Did CIC stand for 'Call I Crazy'?

37   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 8:18pm  

14 State Wins - closed, open, primaries, caucuses.
6 State Wins for Cruz - mostly rural state caucuses, wins Texas by smallest margin of a Texan Nominee in History.
1 State Win for Rubio - Minnesota, the only CONUS State that didn't go for Reagan in 1984.

But here's the thing. Cruz and Rubio and Kasich get single digit or teens percentages in many states. For example, Rubio in Michigan or Kentucky or Cruz in Mass or NH. Kasich almost everywhere. In fact for Kasich to get into the teens,it was a good race for him.

Trump never falls into the teens in any race. Now he may come in 3rd in Ima'ho. Hey, if Trump is a White Supremacist, how could he be running third in Idaho?

38   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 8:24pm  

YesYNot says


Get the smear right. Rubio Bottom tries to act Alpha and makes joke about Trump's hands. Trump laughs about it. Media turns it into "Trump makes it about his penis" when Trump makes a point about the ~$40M in negative ads paid for by the people YOU YOURSELF dislike.

39   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 8:33pm  

Ironman says

Yet, the national averages show he's going up... Must be that Rubio math again....

ABC/WaPo shows him down on the year.
NBC/WSJ shows him basically flat with ups and downs, but down for the year.

Those are the only two polls that have come out since Trump talked about his Stump. I'm picturing the Fonz jumping a shark about now. I hope I'm wrong, and he waits until he has the nomination before peaking.

While Trump has been flat and may be turning down, Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich have all gained, by picking up votes from Bush and Carson.

40   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 8:40pm  

thunderlips11 says

~$40M in negative ads paid for by the people YOU YOURSELF dislike

I don't like the adds, but the target is deserving of all of the crap that falls on his head. Regarding the hands thing, I'm thinking that was a trap that Trump fell right into. He couldn't help himself, and he can hardly complain about a low brow ad hominem attack. He spends at least 10% of his time doing the same to other people. He's going to find more similar traps, I'm sure.

41   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 8:42pm  

So far this year, by averaging polls, Trump was weakest going into and just after (?!) New Hampshire, when all the Media wanted to talk about was Cruz squeaking to victory by a few points in Iowa with Donald a close second - then Kasich's #2 placement and how Cruz was gonna kick Trump's ass in South Carolina.

Wasn't Cruz supposed to rock the South? Shouldn't Rubio be blowing Trump away in Florida?

42   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 8:57pm  

The real big upset is in Michigan tonight.

Rubio is toast if he loses Florida, which he most certainly will. Rubio voters aren't going to go for Cruz, period, count on it. They may go for Kasich IF he wins Ohio. Trump should be running Trade ads non-stop and hyping Kasich's anti-American economic policies.

43   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 9:00pm  

Ironman says

Which is it, recently or yearly, you jump around more than a woman.

You can no longer jump, so spend most days stuck in a chair.

Ironman says

Trump went from 26 to 30, while Cruz went from 28 to 27.

And Rubio went from 17 to 20 and Kasich went from 11 to 22.

So, of all of the increase, Rubio/Kasich/Cruz picked up 13 and Trump picked up 4. In ABCs two most recent polls, Trump picked up -4, Rubio/Kasich/Cruz picked up 22 points. It seems to me like Trump is not picking up a big share of the votes as people drop out. There are two observations. #1, Trump has polled poorly since PenisGate. #2, Rubio/Kasich/Cruz picked up most of the votes from Bush/Carson/PizzaCzar. Otherwise, you're looking at noise.

44   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Mar 8, 9:20pm  

I'll do you the honor of stooping to your level before I disengage with your stupidity: I know how much you want to grab onto Trumps jowels squeeze them together and fuck them like the banana tits that they look like. They are just an illusion, like Peter Griffin's chin in the family guy. Take a deep breath and relax. Trump will be polluting the airwaves for years win or lose this election.

45   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Mar 8, 9:28pm  

Rubio, two single digits and one teens percentage in 3 states reporting.
Kasich, only a contender in Michigan, but still got Schlonged.

And Neil Bush of the S&L Scandal just joined Cruz' campaign. 'Cos Cruz is a totally honest good Christian man. Neil is AKA "The Invisible Bush"

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