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Can Trump really win with nearly 0% of the black and the Hispanic vote? Either Hilary or Sanders could easily take him down, Sanders by even a larger margin than Hilary. It's a shame that so many democrats are voting for Hilary in the primary out of the false fear that Sanders is less likely to win the general election.
As this thread demonstrates, it's painfully obvious that only white people, mostly racists but with a few exceptions, support Trump.
It's a shame that so many democrats are voting for Hilary in the primary out of the false fear that Sanders is less likely to win the general election.
I don't know who is better to go up against Trump. Sanders has the polls now. He doesn't have an FBI investigation going on. He doesn't have a trustworthy issue. He is authentic. He is definitely fighting for the poor / working class. On the other hand, the poor / working class is in Trumps ass pocket, so it's going to be hard to win those votes. In Hillary's favor is a bigger turnout of blacks - maybe Trump would be likely to help provide that for Bernie. Also, I think that the FBI investigation will go away, helping more people feel fine about that. Finally, Hillary is more battle tested than Bernie. He is smart and doesn't take any crap. I think he would destroy Donald in a debate, and next to Donald wouldn't sound like a grumpy uncle. On the other hand, I think how he responds strategically is a bigger wild card than how Hillary will respond.
So, in the end, I'd say that I'd expect Bernie to do better than Hillary, I think how he does is less well known (has more risk). And because both of them are favored, I'd go with the less risky option if I were placing bet handicaps.
You mean by posting factual videos ? What bothers you ? The truth ? Or that it's known.
You do realize Trump won Broward 100% thanks to evil vile disgusting bastards like you in the Left.
I was just talking with some Jamacians and Haitian American's here at work. They said there's been nothing but Trump signs in their neighborhood.
You're in a minority of Hate Marcus, it is you that is the hate nazi kkk racist.
You should be arrested the things you say to kids.
They had their "free speech area"; why don't they go stand in it?
Real Americans believe the "free speech area" is all of America.
Maybe it was the "black lives matter" tea shirts and the "Trump is a Nazi" signs they were holding?
The white guy was let in and he explicitly stated he was going to protest.
Here's what the hard working Americans have had to put up with from the protesters as of 3/2/2016. It's amazing what the protesters made them do.
This Arab American reporter feels more scared for her safety covering Trump rallys in the US than reporting in Iraq.
A one minute clip probably does not tell the whole story. If you want to perpetuate the race war continue looking at "the color of their skin and not the content of their character".
You must not have watched the video. There was no evidence they were protesters.
You do realize Trump won Broward 100% thanks to evil vile disgusting bastards like you in the Left.
Just to be clear, this was among republican voters who actually participated in the republican primary. That is, exercising their right to show their preference for Trump over Cruz or Rubio.
Why would a minority voter that sees Trump for who he is, even be a republican in the first place, especially in Florida ?
When clues were being distributed you were seriously shortchanged weren't you.
The Democrat primary turn out was dismal. You guys don't have the slave vote anymore.
Yeah but you're just talking. I'll give you 3:2 right now on $1000 that Trump is not our next President.
Real Americans want to live with "Liberty and Justice for all".
Suppressing free speech does not promote liberty and justice for all, whether that speech is hate speech or protest against hate speech.
Around 40 million blacks in the U.S.
Fucking idiots are not smart enough to boycott all Rep/Con/Tea businesses,
locally,statewide & nationally.
Cost the Rep/Con/Teas some money & watch things change.
Stupid Democrats can do the same thing but they have low I.Q.s,most are in the minus numbers.
He's going to be up against Hillary.
The media has not brought the charges that everyone else knows about Hillary.
You just wait until Trump smacks the Demcorat voter base in the face with the facts they've never ever heard before. They will not be able to ignore it.
They will Google, and the only way she will survive that is if Larry Paige scrubs the Google searches clean of any Hillary news that tells the truth about her.
It's already starting those anit videos I posted yesterday from Youtube, When I first clicked on them I got a 4 minute Hillary infomercial then it went on to the next video.
I had to get the non embeded URL to play it full screen, to see the actual videos. People will just think that the title was a smart Hillary campaign click bait.
Or that's what they are hopping. I'll be sure to educate everyone on how evil Youtube and Google is as well. Not that I'll have a hard task.
I'm going to be there right behind you Marcus tearing down everything you stand for. With a smile on.
Some of the protesters who shut down GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trumps rally in Chicago last week show signs of being influenced by a recent taxpayer-funded PBS documentary about the Black Panthers.
“If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.†Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
Let's hijack Saul Alinsky and use him against the Liberals, then keep him as our own private alter to imposing our will against theirs.
They just need to let in some ticket holding Mulsim bomb vesters. No more Trumpligula!
What about that terrorist headscarf?
So she's a terrorist because she's wearing a headscarf. And this is why accusing people of being terrorists who aren't should be criminalized, not just a civil libel matter. Witch hunts are always bad.
Well one thing I'm finding out for sure. YOu guys don't have a candidate that inspires anyone enough to get out and vote. So the only thing you have to save your bacon is drive people to get out and vote against.
They want to they really do, but the more you talk. The more they see you're not asking them to vote for someone, you begging them to save your asses. While you step on their heads to get a better view.
YOu guys don't have a candidate that inspires anyone enough to get out and vote.
Yes. The republicans want a democrat in there these next few years, because the risk of an economic collapse is pretty high. If there is a collapse, they can use propaganda and bozos like you to fan the flames of hate and fear even hotter than now. They can say, "see what the liberals did with their socialism these past 12 years?" And then if they find some puppet to play the fascist with the answers, against some moderate wonk, you can make this same observation, and it will be even more true than it is today.
Maybe even more true than when Hitler or Mussolini came to power, who knows ?
What a crock you are a piss poor example to your profession you idealogical Hack!
My comments here to you have nothing to do with my Math teaching or my being a Math teacher. Unless you want to consider the fact that I have some experience recognizing learning disabilities. I do often try to scaffold the facts in a way that will make it easier for you to put things together. But with you it never seems to help.
Just like when black panther this stood in front of polling stations with batons and military gear on intimidating all the Caucasian voters. Liberal justice. How soon they choose to forget.
Just like when black panther this stood in front of polling stations with batons and military gear on intimidating all the Caucasian voters. Liberal justice. How soon they choose to forget.
Somehow I suspect that whatever you are referring to would be described differently by the black panthers, perhaps as "black panthers protect the rights of all people to vote while states continue to try to deny the right to vote to legal voters through voter ID acts that violate federal voting laws".
Here we go again. TPB whining and complaining about how everyone is out to get poor Trump. Woe is me. The media is out to get him. Republicans are out to get him. Dems are out to get him. The establishment is out to get him.
What an underdog. A true David vs. Goliath story here.
Trump is the new William Wallace.
“If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.†Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog.
Let's hijack Saul Alinsky and use him against the Liberals, then keep him as our own private alter to imposing our will against theirs.
Yeah but you're just talking. I'll give you 3:2 right now on $1000 that Trump is not our next President.
Why would a minority voter that sees Trump for who he is, even be a republican in the first place, especially in Florida ?Not sure about Republican, but Trump has been great for the black community.
I'll give you 3:2 right now on $1000 that Trump is not our next President.
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