
United States, joined 2017 Sep 22   Has 2 followers.   Is following 0.
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threads pinned by MrMagic
authored 4,234 comments and 311 threads

MrMagic's threads

Trump's Approval hits Record HIGH at 52% - Anyone Hear That Today on CNN
by MrMagic on 11 Feb 2019   275 comments, latest 10 days ago
Two Points HIGHER Than Obama at the same point in their terms. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of ...

Millennials: Communism sounds pretty chill, Let's Do It
by MrMagic on 2 Nov 2017   12 comments, latest 2 months ago
‘This report clearly reveals a need for educating our youth on the dangerous implications of socialist ideals’. According to the latest survey from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, a ...

Smartphone Addiction Creates Imbalance in Brain
by MrMagic on 30 Nov 2017   4 comments, latest 5 months ago
Researchers have found an imbalance in the brain chemistry of young people addicted to smartphones and the internet, according to a study presented today at the annual meeting of the ...

Self-Driving Cars And Deciding Who Lives And Dies - Sacrificing Your Family For The "Greater Good"
by MrMagic on 26 Nov 2017   24 comments, latest 7 months ago
Now, with the very real possibility that, in the event of an accident, these cars would literally make the decision between who dies and who lives, Americans have even more ...

Clinton pushes back on Russian uranium deal reports: 'Baloney'
by MrMagic on 24 Oct 2017   19 comments, latest 2 years ago
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday that renewed focus on Russian uranium deals approved during her tenure is nothing more than debunked “baloney" and a sign that Republicans ...

Many People Taking Antidepressants Discover They Cannot Quit
by MrMagic on 9 Apr 2018   16 comments, latest 2 years ago
..and then they become Mass Shooters and Killers.. Long-term use of antidepressants is surging in the United States, according to a new analysis of federal data by The New York ...

NJ hands it's Governorship over to a Tax and Spend Progresive Liberal with ZERO Political Experience
by MrMagic on 15 Jan 2018   37 comments, latest 3 years ago
Phil Murphy will become New Jersey's 56th governor — and the first Democrat to hold the position in eight years. He's a former Wall Street executive. Murphy, 60, spent more ...

BOOM!! DOW Closes over 26,000. Eight days after hitting 25,000
by MrMagic on 17 Jan 2018   18 comments, latest 5 years ago
Dow spikes 322 points, closes above 26,000 for the first time. Stocks traded higher on Wednesday following the release of stronger-than-expected quarterly results from some of the biggest U.S. companies. ...

Boston Globe calls for war of words against Trump media attacks - now up to 350
by MrMagic on 10 Aug 2018   24 comments, latest 5 years ago
BOSTON (AP) — A Boston newspaper is calling for a coordinated EDITORIAL response to President Donald Trump's frequent attacks on the news media. The Boston Globe has appealed to newspapers ...

20% Of California Community College Student Are Homeless, Study Finds
by MrMagic on 11 Mar 2019   1 comment, latest 5 years ago
Driven by the high costs of higher education and the absurdly high cost of living in California, a recent survey revealed a stunning figure: Nearly 20% of Community College students ...

SHE'S OUT - 'I'm not running': Hillary Clinton rules out 2020 bid
by MrMagic on 4 Mar 2019   10 comments, latest 5 years ago
NEW YORK - Hillary Clinton ruled out a 2020 presidential run for the first time on camera in an exclusive interview with News 12, pledging instead to take an active ...

Russiagate In Flames: No Evidence Of Collusion, New Findings Challenge DNC Hack Narrative
by MrMagic on 20 Feb 2019   Posted 5 years ago
In the last few weeks, we have witnessed two pillars of the Russiagate narrative continue to disintegrate and erode. First, we heard that a bipartisan inquiry by the Senate Intelligence ...

The House Is Set To Vote On Trillion Dollar Spending Bill Tomorrow. No One Has Read It
by MrMagic on 13 Feb 2019   2 comments, latest 5 years ago
Where have we seen this movie before? The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a government appropriations bill Thursday evening and, with a day until the vote, lawmakers ...

Ahhhhhh, More Democrat Hypocrisy, Beto Claims Walls Don't Make Us Safer - Look at What's Behind Him
by MrMagic on 11 Feb 2019   8 comments, latest 5 years ago
Beto did a dueling rally against Trump in Texas today. Look at the picture of his stage. What do you see?? Yes, A FENCE, yet he claims Walls don't make ...

American's Confidence in their Finances at a 16 year high, It must be because of Obama.... oh, wait...
by MrMagic on 11 Feb 2019   Posted 5 years ago
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' optimism about their personal finances has climbed to levels not seen in more than 16 years, with 69% now saying they expect to be financially better ...

"Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, "End Mueller Investigation"
by MrMagic on 19 Jan 2018   307 comments, latest 5 years ago
UPDATE, RELEASED! All hell is breaking loose in Washington D.C. after a four-page memo detailing extensive FISA court abuse was made available to the entire House of Representatives Thursday. The ...

Kavanaugh Comes Clean!!
by MrMagic on 3 Feb 2019   Posted 5 years ago
When you're contemplating, "How terrible can the Political arena get," then this comes to light? Kavanaugh comes clean about school and college years: “I spent the last two years of ...

The Woman Who's Third in Line for the Presidency - Did She Have a Stroke???
by MrMagic on 1 Feb 2019   7 comments, latest 5 years ago
Nancy Pelosi botches words, suffers face spasms, confuses Dems, GOP - this is from yesterday. Hey Dems, this is who you vote into power in the Dem party? Man, you're ...

Here's how the tax bill will affect the middle class in every US state
by MrMagic on 21 Dec 2017   24 comments, latest 5 years ago
As for how it will affect individuals, in general, the more you earn, the more you'll save on taxes. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy ran the data to ...

Democrats were FOR a wall before they were against it
by MrMagic on 11 Jan 2019   15 comments, latest 5 years ago
Democrats are doing it over a border wall strikingly similar to one that they almost unanimously supported just five years ago. While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) now says that ...

Here’s President Trump’s stock-market scorecard after 2 years in office
by MrMagic on 22 Jan 2019   26 comments, latest 6 years ago
President Donald Trump has often taken credit for how well stocks do, inadvertently turning equities into a proxy report card for his presidency. Jan. 20 marked two full years since ...

Nancy Pelosi: I was FOR the State of the Union Address before I was AGAINST It
by MrMagic on 23 Jan 2019   7 comments, latest 6 years ago
Government shutdown starts Dec. 22nd. On January 3rd, Nancy invites Trump to give State of the Union address on Jan. 29th (government was closed) ....."“In the spirit of our Constitution, ...

People Love "Medicare For All" - Until They Find Out It Will Raise Taxes
by MrMagic on 23 Jan 2019   5 comments, latest 6 years ago
According to a survey released Wednesday by the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation, initial support for the "Medicare-for-all" comes in at 56% - increasing to as much as 71% when people ...

The Government Spends close to a $11 Billion Each Day, so the $5 Billion for the Wall doesn't even equal a half day of Spending.
by MrMagic on 16 Jan 2019   12 comments, latest 6 years ago
This is what Nancy and Chuck are being assholes about. $5 Billion (out of almost $4 TRILLION). That's a half a day of spending out of the complete year for ...

Why Don't Democrats Care About Dead illegals?
by MrMagic on 16 Jan 2019   3 comments, latest 6 years ago
At least we know, none cross the border outside of Checkpoints (according to the Democrats).. Oh, wait.... The remains of 127 dead migrants were recovered in southern Arizona in 2018. ...

Los Angeles teachers are on strike, leaving 600,000 students in limbo
by MrMagic on 14 Jan 2019   11 comments, latest 6 years ago
Marcus gets a day off! So, the Democrats think it's horrible for 800,000 federal workers to go without a paycheck with the shutdown, but they think it's fine to leave ...

Walls Don't Work - They're Immoral, (except all the ones in this article), Right Democrats?
by MrMagic on 15 Jan 2019   8 comments, latest 6 years ago
So, if you listen to Pelosi and the Democrats, they say walls don't work to keep people out. So, Democrats, scroll the list below and tell me why they exist. ...

The Young Children Are Having a Temper Tantrum - Pelosi Requests Trump Reschedule SOTU Speech
by MrMagic on 16 Jan 2019   4 comments, latest 6 years ago
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the extraordinary step Wednesday of urging President Trump to delay his State of the Union address until the partial government shutdown ends, or submit the ...

FAKE News publishes FAKE Paper, WaPo Releases Fake Copy of Paper
by MrMagic on 16 Jan 2019   Posted 6 years ago
Not only do they lie on a daily basis, but now they release Fake copies of their Fake news. You can't make this shit up. The lead front page story ...

STUDY: Trump TV News Coverage Was 90% Negative in 2018...
by MrMagic on 15 Jan 2019   1 comment, latest 6 years ago
But, but, but... his approval rating is 4 points under Obama's at the same point in time.... At the midpoint of Donald Trump’s first term, the establishment media’s obvious hostility ...

Trump's Approval only 4 Points Under Obama's at the Same Time Point.
by MrMagic on 14 Jan 2019   1 comment, latest 6 years ago
Considering Trump gets his head kicked in by the 90% of the media on a daily basis with FAKE news, he should be down like -20% at least. Considering this ...

UC Davis students protest photo of slain police officer holding Blue Lives Matter flag
by MrMagic on 13 Jan 2019   3 comments, latest 6 years ago
What the fuck is in the water in CA? “I would like this photograph to serve as my gratitude for all of those law enforcement men and women who have ...

CNN declined our 'local view' from San Diego TV Station because of reports on wall effectiveness
by MrMagic on 11 Jan 2019   10 comments, latest 6 years ago
Another perfect example of FAKE News from CNN. Ignore FACTS and DATA that doesn't support the FAKE narrative they're pushing. A San Diego television station on Thursday said that CNN ...

Trump won the night. Schumer and Pelosi lost.
by MrMagic on 8 Jan 2019   40 comments, latest 6 years ago
This was posted on WaPo... I'm shocked they would allow such an article. President Trump did something Tuesday night that he has rarely done since taking office: He used the ...

Congressman from California calling for a Civil War against Trump
by MrMagic on 10 Jan 2019   15 comments, latest 6 years ago
Civil War II on deck. A sitting Congressman claiming that "we" will fight a sitting President..... in the streets. It'll be a long, nasty, dirty war. If you're not alarmed ...

Students hate Trump's immigration, border wall quotes, don’t realize they’re from Democrat Leaders
by MrMagic on 8 Jan 2019   5 comments, latest 6 years ago
Ha Ha Ha... Liberals... these quotes are from Schumer, Clinton and Obama. More proof the Democrat party is FULL of idiots that don't know crap, except from the Kool-aid they're ...

Why Democrats oppose the Wall
by MrMagic on 7 Jan 2019   Posted 6 years ago
They want to destroy Trump’s credibility, especially with his base. Nothing about this debate is about morality or cost. It’s all about politics, folks. The food is terrible and the ...

Democrats introducing impeachment measure against Trump on first day of new Congress
by MrMagic on 3 Jan 2019   3 comments, latest 6 years ago
Well, that didn't take long.... A California congressman is introducing articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday -- the first day of the new Democratic majority in the House. ...

Ahhh, More Liberal Tolerance by a Terrorist - "Impeach The Mother-F**ker" - On First Day In Office, Muslim Congresswoman Slams Trump
by MrMagic on 4 Jan 2019   30 comments, latest 6 years ago
One of America's first two Muslim congresswomen has explained in succinct and direct words exactly what the new "most diverse ever" Congress' goals are in the next session. Just hours ...

U.S. gains 312,000 jobs in 10-month high that shattered Wall Street forecasts
by MrMagic on 4 Jan 2019   19 comments, latest 6 years ago
This just has to stop... We need to Impeach TRUMP.... STAT.... Quick, go get Nancy on the phone!!! The numbers: The U.S. gained 312,000 new jobs in December, capping off ...
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