Trump won the night. Schumer and Pelosi lost.

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2019 Jan 8, 9:36pm   9,278 views  40 comments

by MrMagic   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

This was posted on WaPo... I'm shocked they would allow such an article.

President Trump did something Tuesday night that he has rarely done since taking office: He used the presidential bully pulpit to reach beyond his hardcore base of supporters to make his case to the American people as a whole.

Speaking from the Oval Office for the first time during his presidency, Trump embraced our country’s tradition as a nation of immigrants, declaring “America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation.” He then offered a cogent explanation why he believes we face what he called “a humanitarian crisis — a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul” along our southern border.

He was, in short, presidential.

Democrats insisted on equal time, which is highly unusual for presidential addresses other than the State of the Union. It was a mistake. In contrast to Trump, Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) came across as small and intransigent.

They charged him with using the “backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.” They were partisan and petty, while Trump came across as reasonable and even compassionate.

To normal Americans watching in the heartland, and who are not steeped in Trump hatred, the president must have seemed like the adult in the room.

Until now, Trump has owned the 18-day government shutdown that prompted this address, because he’s the one who started it. But if Democrats continue to attack him, and won’t entertain any compromise, soon the shutdown will be all theirs — because they’re the ones who have refused to end it.


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2   RWSGFY   2019 Jan 8, 10:02pm  

Did WaPo actually publish this? THE WaPo?

Pigs are flying, folks! Cats are moving in with dogs. The end is nigh.
3   Ceffer   2019 Jan 8, 11:30pm  

The Dems and LibbyFucks have lowered the bar so far in the direction of corruption, empty propaganda, lunacy, incitement, rabble rousing, slander and hysterical screed, that any random four year old would appear like an adult by comparison.
4   SunnyvaleCA   2019 Jan 9, 12:06am  

Hopefully we'll see more of this kind of President Trump. When you have the FACTS on your side you should push the FACTS. Calm, cool, and collected, President Trump laid out the situation and followed with a reasoned solution. Democrats and others with TDS have a difficult time putting forward a reasonable denunciation.

"They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside."

I hope we can have this version of President Trump more often.
5   clambo   2019 Jan 9, 4:06am  

Besides Trump being much more "telegenic" than either Pelosi or Schumer, his other obvious advantage is he made points which are correct; human smugglers, female traffickers, drug traffickers, gangsters, and others are invading the USA freely. The other point is how much crime is committed in the USA by illegal alien criminals, drunk drivers, and the rest. The mischief must stop.

The argument by Pelosi, Schumer and their ilk is absurd; barriers to illegal activity are "mean" or "immoral'? Really? Do they have doors on their houses and do they lock their car doors when they park them?

In Mexico the thing that looked very strange to me was houses surrounded by walls everywhere, with broken glass embedded into the cement at the top of the wall. Lately they are using concertina razor wire instead. My friend send me proud pictures of his back yard and it looked like a prison with 10' walls and barbed wire on top of it.
In Mexico, Mexicans build walls to keep other Mexicans out.

One thing I was thinking when Trump was speaking was they have underestimated this guy again; he was not talking like a guy who is going to back down. I don't think that he will.

Have you ever been around a dominant personality in a group? Have you ever seen a weak lameass twerp try to change his position?

Like that Tom Petty song "I won't back down". They can drag Trump by his feet to the gates of hell and the soles are burning and he won't back down. Good for him and good for us.

Disclaimer: I have lived and worked in Mexico as a professional, not a tourist. I am bilingual, and know tons of illegal aliens. About every person I know in Mexico since 1980 when I met them has family members illegally living in the USA. They don't deserve our sympathy, empathy, nor opportunities, nor benefits. Deep down they want "their territory back" and don't respect our laws one goddamn bit.
8   HeadSet   2019 Jan 9, 6:34am  

Deep down they want "their territory back" and don't respect our laws one goddamn bit.

What do they think about the US appetite for illegal drugs that finances the most viscous criminals, and leads to the assassinations of mayors and police chiefs, plus tens of thousands killed by drug lord gangs?
9   clambo   2019 Jan 9, 6:54am  

Headset, if they think about it, they might say Americans are to blame for being drug addicted in the first place.

The root of the problem is (almost) free govt. housing in the USA which encourages all kinds of mischief but that's another topic.
10   HeadSet   2019 Jan 9, 7:00am  

Headset, if they think about it, they might say Americans are to blame for being drug addicted in the first place.

I was not blaming Mexico, I was wondering about Mexican resentment for what the American demand for drugs has done to Mexico via cartel violence and cartel muscling in on governments.
11   MrMagic   2019 Jan 9, 7:52am  

Pelosi, Schumer kick a little dust during prime time, accomplish little else .

Politicians just interrupted regularly scheduled programming to bring you a message they’ve been repeating ad nauseum for the last three weeks.

Trump was presidential in that Trump was unusually low key. He didn’t declare a national emergency, a move which would have thrown Congress and the courts into an immediate crisis. He just repeated the boilerplate language from his campaign.

Democrats offered their rebuttal next, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., standing cadaver-like behind a shared podium. They may haunt the dreams of any child who was unlucky enough to be awake during prime time, but aside from that they didn’t accomplish anything new.

Pelosi said the president was holding the country hostage. Schumer followed up arguing that the president was appealing to fear, not facts, and that Democrats and Republicans agree border security is necessary. They just disagree, Schumer posited, on how to do it.

12   MrMagic   2019 Jan 9, 7:54am  

Tim Aurora says
WaPo is not a mouthpiece and gives equal time to both sides.

Did you really say that? "Gives equal time to BOTH sides???



13   Patrick   2019 Jan 9, 9:10am  

Tim Aurora says
WaPo is not a mouthpiece and gives equal time to both sides

That is pretty funny, so incredibly removed from the reality of what the WaPo actually publishes.

WaPo is nothing but another mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. That's why is so amazing that they gave any time at all to letting someone praise Trump's actions.
14   RC2006   2019 Jan 9, 10:17am  

HeadSet says
Deep down they want "their territory back" and don't respect our laws one goddamn bit.

This is what makes them different from most other immigrants.
15   rocketjoe79   2019 Jan 9, 10:39am  

Patrick says
Tim Aurora says
WaPo is not a mouthpiece and gives equal time to both sides

That is pretty funny, so incredibly removed from the reality of what the WaPo actually publishes.

WaPo is nothing but another mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. That's why is so amazing that they gave any time at all to letting someone praise Trump's actions.

Bezos owns the Washington Post. Haven't they become more conservative since he bought them?

Will his wife get half in the divorce?
16   MrMagic   2019 Jan 9, 2:32pm  

ThreeBays says
The wall doesn't solve the migrant crisis America has on it's border, and really doesn't need to be part of the same funding bill or tied to opening the government.

Really??? So why did Pelosi and Schumer agree to a Wall in Jordan last year, if they don't stop migrants?

Democrats Funded a 287 Mile Wall in Jordan – LAST YEAR! But Won’t Fund Border Wall in US!

The 2018 omnibus provides just enough funds to build 33 miles of fencing on the Texas border — but it also provides $500 million to help Jordan build a wall and defense line against jihad terrorists trying to cross its 287-mile border with Iraq and Syria.

The omnibus budget says on page 394:

SEC. 9011. Up to $500,000,000 of funds appropriated by this Act for the Defense Security Cooperation Agency in ‘‘Operation and Maintenance, Defense-Wide’’ may be used to provide assistance to the Government of Jordan to support the armed forces of Jordan and to enhance security along its borders.

Democrats had no problem funding the wall in Jordan.
It was not an “immoral wall.”

Nancy Pelosi argued this week that “walls are immoral.”

17   NDrLoR   2019 Jan 9, 3:13pm  

MrMagic says
Democrats had no problem funding the wall in Jordan



So true!
20   clambo   2019 Jan 9, 5:19pm  

for Headset:
"I was not blaming Mexico, I was wondering about Mexican resentment for what the American demand for drugs has done to Mexico via cartel violence and cartel muscling in on governments."

Mexicans are very content that the drugs are exported to the USA; Mexico is poor and needs ANY export it can to the USA to maintain its economy.

Mexico exports are: 1. drugs 2. oil 3. poor workers 4. agricultural products 5. cars (but not called imports by the USA under NAFTA) 6. tourism (considered an export by some)

Much of Mexico depends on the drug trade for their economy; visit Culiacan Sinaloa and it looks prosperous. The drug money is made in the USA but it's brought back to Mexico and many Mexicans depend on this money.

In a nutshell, Mexican official government policy is that ANY and ALL Mexico exports to the USA are good for Mexico.

Trump has a much cooler head than I; I would have fixed Mexico's wagon good for the organized government collusion with cartels.

Some Mexicans make the connection to their govt. allowing the cartels to gain power to violence and resent both the government and the cartels both. These don't blame the USA. A Mexican friend of mine last night said she wished that the USA would invade and annex her state so it could be prosperous and safe.

Interestingly there were several states in Mexico which did want to secede from Mexico and join the USA once upon a time.

The average Mexican just thinks we are to blame for everything, in addition to "the rich" and "politicians" taking keeping them poor (having 10 kids on $50/week doesn't count)
21   komputodo   2019 Jan 9, 8:58pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
"They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside."

I hope we can have this version of President Trump more often.

That was a brilliant line.
22   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jan 9, 9:04pm  

This post could also be titled "How the Republicans got their balls back".

In the past, in the face of this opposition, the Republicans would have folded, led by crying John Boehner and John McCain.

Not this time...not with President Trump taking the heat and not with the American people so strongly behind their position.

Really we need to let President Trump know exactly how much we support him, exactly how much we care about the US and its economic integrity, as well as the safety of our family and friends.
23   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jan 9, 9:04pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostikovitch says
Everyone knows how this will end!

Trump in a cell with a punctured colon, bleeding out and screaming for a medic and the neonazi cannibal serial killer inmate cold cocking him and flipping him on his face for the 1445th anal rape of the day, finally Trump shrieking for a bullet, offering his last million for a bullet.

A guard says, 'A million?' and Trump shakes his head in agreement, as the guard takes aim, pulls the trigger and an empty click ricochets off of the cell walls and the assembled guards and inmates howl with uproarious laughter and Trump weeps helplessly as the neonazi cannibal serial killer inmate plunges mindlessly on, fucking Trump's puss-oozing, bloody asshole and shrieking SEIG! HEIL! between the wet slaps of his legs on Trump's immense shit-stained, bloodied ass cheeks.


You can dream, right?
24   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jan 9, 9:05pm  

MegaForce says
the "MUELLER MONSTER" go away.

The Nothingburger, you mean.


25   Patrick   2019 Jan 9, 9:11pm  

Booger says

I checked that out. It is actually a real Tweet from Netanyahu:

26   krc   2019 Jan 9, 9:45pm  

"Disclaimer: I have lived and worked in Mexico as a professional, not a tourist. I am bilingual, and know tons of illegal aliens. About every person I know in Mexico since 1980 when I met them has family members illegally living in the USA. They don't deserve our sympathy, empathy, nor opportunities, nor benefits. Deep down they want "their territory back" and don't respect our laws one goddamn bit."

Sad but true.
27   Patrick   2019 Jan 9, 10:09pm  

Good question, what happened to Mueller?
28   REpro   2019 Jan 9, 10:21pm  

krc says

Deep down they want "their territory back" and don't respect our laws one goddamn bit."

California for example wasn't Mexican territory originally.
First were American Indian, then Hispanic missionaries. They give names of California cities; Las Angeles, Palo Alto, San Jose etc. They bought Spanish language and Christianity.
When Mexican finally kick them out they take over all territory they occupied, before US take it over.
Mexico never had they original national language. Every village had some specific dialect.
29   komputodo   2019 Jan 10, 6:21am  

Patrick says
Good question, what happened to Mueller?

He's busy working with omarosa's ghost writer on his new book.
30   Goran_K   2019 Jan 10, 7:27am  

Mueller has nothing and will never have anything. He’s a pimple that won’t go away.

Also, LA times had an article on a woman who is getting kicked out of public housing after 25 years because she can’t afford the tax payer subsidized rent.

The kicker? She’s an illegal alien. The image of the prosperous and hard working illegal is a myth. Most of them come here and free load.
31   MrMagic   2019 Jan 10, 8:12am  

Tim Aurora says
In case you do not remember, WaPo is not a mouthpiece and gives equal time to both sides. This article was written by a Republican

Why would you repeat the SAME lie over again, when anyone paying attention knows how biased WaPo is?

Please provide proof in number of daily articles WaPo publishes that they are equal in number.
32   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2019 Jan 10, 8:19am  

Tim Aurora says
Patrick says

That is pretty funny, so incredibly removed from the reality of what the WaPo actually publishes.

WaPo is nothing but another mouthpiece of the Democratic Party. That's why is so amazing that they gave any time at all to letting someone praise Trump's actions.

In case you do not remember, WaPo is not a mouthpiece and gives equal time to both sides. This article was written by a Republican

Marc A. Thiessen
Marc Thiessen writes a twice-weekly column for The Post on foreign and domestic policy. He is a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and the former chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush.

A lot of their opinion articles are written by conservatives.

Dislike due to blatant lie. The problem isn’t their opinion pieces. The problem is their “news” articles ARE the opinion pieces.
33   NDrLoR   2019 Jan 10, 8:48am  

Goran_K says
He’s a pimple that won’t go away
He's more like a basal cell.
34   Goran_K   2019 Jan 10, 11:17am  

Tim Aurora says
But many times you can find opinion pieces from very reputable conservatives.

You can but the ratio is literally 10 to 1.
35   MrMagic   2019 Jan 10, 11:20am  

Tim Aurora says
OK, I agree that it is not the same # of articles in WaPo and it is Progressive leaning.

Wow... I'm shocked...

Tim Aurora says
But many times you can find opinion pieces from very reputable conservatives.

Even a blind squirrel finds a occasional nut.
36   Ceffer   2019 Jan 10, 11:34am  

MuellerFuck has failed in his politically motivated smear mission, while the Justice Department ignores real crimes by LibbyFuck Dems! When is he going to commit harikari by impaling himself on a Writ of Mandamus!
38   MrMagic   2019 Jan 11, 7:47am  

zzyzzx says

So, here's a recap:

The Southern border is approximately 1954 miles long.

Currently, there is approximately 700 miles of fencing/border wall.

The Democrats never had an issue with a fence or wall before, there are multiple videos and printed statements confirming that. Guess when a big section of fencing was built?

...."But some 700 miles of border fencing had already been completed along the country's nearly 2,000-mile border with Mexico, much of it during Barack Obama's presidency, as part of the Secure Fence Act of 2006, which was signed by George W. Bush. It was constructed using mostly the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the National Guard, according to the Congressional Research Service. "

Wait, what.... the fencing was built during the Obama Presidency??? Say it isn't so!!!

But, NOW, a fence is "immoral"???? Really???

Liberalism and being a Democrat is definitely a Mental Disease.

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