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Only in the left media. I've consistently stated that religion, all religion, is bad regardless of the specific mythology. Islam today is exactly like Christianity was in the Dark Ages before rationalists and atheists neutered it in the western world. Of course then, Islam is even worse than Christianity. Their followers are more faithful. Faith is evil. Faith by its very nature demands the suspension of critical thought, skepticism, and changing one's mind. It is ludicrous that faith in anything is ever considered a good thing.
Yes, but when it comes to actual damage, it's the Islamists. We gotta remember that Muslims are less than 1% of the population, and Christians (however nominal) are probably 3/4 of the population.
All religion sucks, but Islam is far more dangerous than post-Enlightenment Christianity.
All religion sucks, but Islam is far more dangerous than post-Enlightenment Christianity.
Yes, but the key is to understand why Islam is more dangerous. It's not because of the stories and the rituals. It's because the degree of faith and influence of that faith is greater. That's it. Back when Christianity commanded such vigorous faith, it was just as bad. I guarantee you that if you somehow converted 100% of Muslims into Christians, but they kept their religious fervor, they would be just as dangerous. Jesus, Mohamed, it does not make a difference.
When I say atheists, agnostics, and secularists neutered Christianity, it is because that's exactly what happened. Even with all the ways Christianity screws up our government and society today, it's nothing compared to a mere 100 years ago, nonetheless 400 years ago when they were burning witches, atheists, and heretics. The success of our civilization is only possible because western society largely expunged religion. Every decade gets better as religion continues to die.
The bottom line is that irrational superstition, which is all that faith is, is not good for safety, security, economic prosperity, liberty, cooperation, or peaceful relations. Rationality works. Rational lines of thought can solve any solvable problem. Irrationality prevents problems from being solved and creates new problems.
Ultimately, it's not a choice between accepting Christianity or Islam. The best way to defeat Islam is to defeat Christianity. A religious person is far more likely to convert to another religion than an atheist is to become a religious person. Fighting irrationality at its root is the best and only way to eliminate Islamic terrorism and all the other vices created by every religion.
Additionally, there are forms of irrationality other than religion. The refusal to acknowledge climate change or pass any kind of gun control or to reign in banks are all the result of irrational forces dominating the American political will. Think about all the misdirected outrage of SJWs that could be put into a useful form if they actually focused on real problems and lobbied for real reforms. The bottom line is that for our species to survive in an era where our technology allows us to destroy ourselves through various means including nuclear war and ecological collapse, we have to become more rational.
We need simple solutions. Like a ban on Muslims. Like a 1,989-mile wall on the border.
Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.
Obama will probably say something about how this is a "gun control" issue.
Hillary's already been spewing this bullshit.
We need simple solutions. Like a ban on Muslims. Like a 1,989-mile wall on the border.
Not complex liberal faggot measures like forbidding mentally-ill fucktards from buying weapons.
Oh yes, a two-thousand mile wall along Mexico and banning all Muslims from America is much simpler than implementing the gun control laws that Australia did in three months solving its mass shooting crisis.
Oh the other hand, clearly Christians have no problem repealing the religious protections of the First Amendment, so I say let's do that and apply it to all religions including Christianity. Go to church, get deported to the Vatican.
Additionally, there are forms of irrationality other than religion. The refusal to acknowledge climate change or pass any kind of gun control or to reign in banks are all the result of irrational forces dominating the American political will. Think about all the misdirected outrage of SJWs that could be put into a useful form if they actually focused on real problems and lobbied for real reforms. The bottom line is that for our species to survive in an era where our technology allows us to destroy ourselves through various means including nuclear war and ecological collapse, we have to become more rational.
No disagreement here.
The irrational forces aren't dumb people, it's the media and the elites. Every democracy ends up in the shitter because the Oligarchs dominate all aspects of society and begin to push for the things that benefit them (no regs, no nationalism except army to expand markets, etc.) and use various smoke screens to distract people with side issues.
As Jared Diamond's "Collapse" shows, the Elites go into extreme directions to benefit themselves, then irreversibly set the society into decline, they ride it down to the bottom or sell out to a nearby civilization to keep most of their power.
We've got to create chaos in the Dem and Rep parties as currently composed. Chaos = Opportunity.
It's criminal when they drone civilians in the Middle East
They don't. We never target civilians.
it's criminal when they shoot unarmed club goers here.
It's the Islamic way.
They don't. We never target civilians.
Then drones are either highly ineffective, or the MIC is targeting them, and you're wrong/in denial/ignorant:
Every democracy
Perhaps, but there hasn't been a democracy on this planet since ancient Rome. A republic is a far cry from a democracy and suffers from all problems of democracy plus many more.
As Jared Diamond's "Collapse" shows, the Elites go into extreme directions to benefit themselves, then irreversibly set the society into decline, they ride it down to the bottom or sell out to a nearby civilization to keep most of their power.
Yes, but that is due to capitalism, private control over industry and the distribution of wealth by those elites, rather than by democracy.
Capitalism is inherently parasitic and unmaintainable.
We've got to create chaos in the Dem and Rep parties as currently composed. Chaos = Opportunity.
Trump will do that to both parties. That's why it's better in the long term if he wins the general election rather than Hillary.
Trump will most likely be a one-term president and his administration will leave the GOP in ruins.
The first order of business against potential radicalization from homegrown threats would be to disallow/disable access to any suspicious websites from overseas where one could become "radicalized."
The first order of business against potential radicalization from homegrown threats would be to disallow/disable access to any suspicious websites from overseas where one could become "radicalized."
That's the China policy. Make sure you include "democracy" and "Tiananmen Square" in your list of banned search words. Also, you'll have to replace Google with a search engine that filters out any offensive content. Might I suggest Baidu. It's a search engine with years of proven results solving the exact problem you are trying to solve.
At least now we can all admit that Communism has won and is the better system. After all, we all seem to want to move to it and be exactly like Russia and China.
No, but it's taking over the west:
Eric Holder gave him the guns, with Obamas blessing
He was just doing the only thing he knows how to do, drum up business for his corporate "health " "care" masters
That's the China policy. Make sure you include "democracy" and "Tiananmen Square" in your list of banned search words. Also, you'll have to replace Google with a search engine that filters out any offensive content. Might I suggest Baidu. It's a search engine with years of proven results solving the exact problem you are trying to solve.
At least now we can all admit that Communism has won and is the better system. After all, we all seem to want to move to it and be exactly like Russia and China.
China and communist thug regimes want to limit access to competing ideas proactively because they are insecure about their worldview and know that it's corrupt. In this case, there has been clear evidence from last couple of years that these weakminded conformist individuals are susceptible to "radicalization" based on exposure to recruiters through the websites and their contents. Then, they proceed to commit attacks. I think U.S and western europe would be more than justified to react and eliminate access to these websites from their territories.
laws which address crime address the criminal act and not accidental attributes of the criminals.
Being a Muslim is hardly accidental.
Actually, in the eyes of justice, it is. Call me old fashioned and conservative, but bear with me. I went to google, selected images and typed in “justiceâ€. The first result of that search has stood our nation in good stead for many years and deserves to be conserved. When justice doesn’t wear the blindfold it resembles our near worthless politicians whose laws don’t benefit the common good but rather benefit the upcoming election.
We end up with Democrats who say the answer to gun violence by Muslims in America is more Muslims. And we end up with Republicans who say the answer to gun violence by Muslims in America is more guns. It’s going to be a long and bloody summer until we realize both guns and immigration must be regulated differently than they currently are.
Eric Holder gave him the guns, with Obamas blessing
Obama has been trying to get laws changed, were suspected terrorists can't legally buy guns. He had just spoken about this the other day.
Of course, they could still get them from friends, or through any of a number of current loop holes. No law will stop a determined terrorist from getting guns on its own obviously, but that isn't an excuse not to pass a few reasonable standards now.
Go ahead, post some more lies and simpleton stuff like "scarlet whore" etc, since my points will go over your mentally limited grasp.
Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says
Obama has been trying to get laws changed, were suspected terrorists can't legally buy guns. He had just spoken about this the other day.
Of course, they could still get them from friends, or through any of a number of current loop holes. No law will stop a determined terrorist from getting guns on its own obviously, but that isn't an excuse not to pass a few reasonable standards now.
I don't think preventing this Omar bastard from buying guns would have prevented an attack. However, I agree preventing suspected sympathizers of ISIS or American haters from buying guns would make it much more difficult for them to carry out their virgin seeking deeds.
They don't. We never target civilians.
Then drones are either highly ineffective, or the MIC is targeting them, and you're wrong/in denial/ignorant:
I repeat....WE NEVER TARGET CIVILIANS. Collateral damage is acceptable.
I repeat....WE NEVER TARGET CIVILIANS. Collateral damage is acceptable.
So let's follow that statement to it's logical conclusion. If civilians are never targeted, drones are highly ineffective(see above smidgen of links). Once it's known that drones are highly ineffective, but they continue being used, what is MIC now saying... That they support targeting civilians.
You see, before I knew how easily drones killed innocent people, not on my target list, I had an excuse. Now that I know, and continue aiming at "terrorists", for example in the middle of a Yemenese wedding(oh wait, there weren't any terrorists there), I can pretend like you and say "I'm not targeting civilians", but the reality is I know when I pull that trigger, those innocent people ARE going to die, and it will be MY fault.
Remind me to never go hunting with you Cheney Jr, Don't want to be caught in your "acceptable collateral damage" radius.
I can pretend like you and say "I'm not targeting civilians", but the reality is I know when I pull that trigger, those innocent people ARE going to die, and it will be MY fault.
Of course. It is the same with all weapons. The USG knew that civilians would be killed in the invasion of Iraq. In fact, a study in Lancet estimated that 100,000 mostly women, children and elderly civilians were killed in the lead up bombing to the invasion. And if folks knowingly invaded Iraq under false pretenses, and knew civilians would be killed, and laughed bout it - what would you call that?
Of course. It is the same with all weapons. The USG knew that civilians would be killed in the invasion of Iraq. In fact, a study in Lancet estimated that 100,000 mostly women, children and elderly civilians were killed in the lead up bombing to the invasion. And if folks knowingly invaded Iraq under false pretenses, and knew civilians would be killed, and laughed bout it - what would you call that?
I only support one war in our nations history, the first one. Now yes, civilians probably died during the Revolution, but that's not the same thing. If I use a pistol to target an enemy combatant, and the bullet ricochets, killing a civilian, that's not the same as using a missile to shoot at someone on a grainy as shit screen, in a place I've never been, and saying "whoops" when civilians are also killed.
China and communist thug regimes want to limit access to competing ideas proactively because they are insecure about their worldview and know that it's corrupt.
Why do you vote for people who want to send as much High Tech subcontracting China's way?
FortWayne says: " Dumb ass president."
Which dumb ass president said, DOH! Iraq has WMD
killing ~ 4500 servicemen based on a LIE.
If one sits on their dumb ass on 9/11, are they complicit
with the death & destruction.
Idiot brainwashed Republicans can't escape the facts.
Mateen dined in Saudi Arabia, stayed at luxurious accomodations.
Not bad on a security guard's salary.
Mateen dined in Saudi Arabia, stayed at luxurious accomodations.
Not bad on a security guard's salary.
His dad the Taliban supporter sells life insurance door to door. I can't help suspecting somebody may have bought multiple policies for the maximum benefits. (Although Islam prohibits insurance and lending at interest, the Saudis have proven notably flexible in some instances, while incredibly strict in others, depending on whatever suits their omnipotent ego extension, aka themselves.) If somebody bought policies, then I wonder who paid the premiums and who the beneficiaries are.
I repeat....WE NEVER TARGET CIVILIANS. Collateral damage is acceptable.
So let's follow that statement to it's logical conclusion. If civilians are never targeted, drones are highly ineffective(see above smidgen of links). Once it's known that drones are highly ineffective, but they continue being used, what is MIC now saying... That they support targeting civilians.
Lets follow the facts. Drones are highly effective in taking out terrorists. Otherwise we would not do it. It is impossible to always expect no collateral damage.
Remind me to never go hunting with you Cheney Jr, Don't want to be caught in your "acceptable collateral damage" radius.
Make sure you never dial 911 for an ambulance. Collateral damage is common while answering 911 calls.
By the way, if Mateen and his wife cased Disney, that shows his primary motive was Jihad, not Anti-gay.
A religious self-hating gay is the fault of the religious upbringing, not the Gay.
Although Islam prohibits insurance
Maybe these idiots think life insurance will prevent their targets from dying.
By the way, if Mateen and his wife cased Disney, that shows his primary motive was Jihad, not Anti-gay.
Excellent analysis. Thanks. :)
By the way, if Mateen and his wife cased Disney, that shows his primary motive was Jihad, not Anti-gay.
A religious self-hating gay is the fault of the religious upbringing, not the Gay.
She has got to do time, unless the caught in a quandary liberal hypocrites regard her as a defenseless weaker sex.
Mateen and his wife cased Disney,
A religious self-hating gay is the fault of the religious upbringing, not the Gay.
True always, and especially where the dad supports the Taliban.
First and foremost, kids are a victim in the environment they grow up in and....
will follow the teaching/enabling of the parents...
except for some who commit suicide or otherwise escape. At least the New Testament does not command believers to kill apostates, in fact it prohbits that by reiterating "thou shalt do no murder." In contrast, Islam commands it.
Lets follow the facts. Drones are highly effective in taking out terrorists. Otherwise we would not do it. It is impossible to always expect no collateral damage.
So far, I'm the only one who's provided any, showing overwhelmingly that drones don't work. I think what you meant to say is "Let redefine reality to match my bullshit, genocidal viewpoint". By your logic, nuclear bombs are highly effective at taking out terrorists. If you accept collateral damage of hundreds of civilian deaths, why not millions!?
Hey Chairman Mao agrees with you. The Great Leap was super successful, because "collateral damage" is just the way life goes.
Lets follow the facts. Drones are highly effective in taking out terrorists. Otherwise we would not do it. It is impossible to always expect no collateral damage.
So far, I'm the only one who's provided any, showing overwhelmingly that drones don't work. I think what you meant to say is "Let redefine reality to match my bullshit, genocidal viewpoint". By your logic, nuclear bombs are highly effective at taking out terrorists. If you accept collateral damage of hundreds of civilian deaths, why not millions!?
I accept collateral damage as long as it's minimized. Never heard of a war where innocent people don't die.
I accept collateral damage as long as it's minimized. Never heard of a war where innocent people don't die.
Now that's a somewhat less homicidal statement. You might want to re-evaluate drones based on above sentiment. Also the definition of war, especially in relation to eternal war as illustrated by Orwell. I doubt the innocent people who have been killed and driven from their homes would define the US campaign as war...
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