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Only criminals would consider cop killers as martyrs.
It's called freedom of speech.
It's not just for saying blacks are inferior, or Mexicans are rapists.
Only criminals would consider cop killers as martyrs.
It's called freedom of speech.
I call it disgusting and low life. Criminals don't belong in civilized societies.
That chart is off on so many levels.
Number one, if Blacks are the minority than taking a 10,000 person sample of Black population is not equal to a White 10,000 sample. The White side of the table would have be per 40,000 White arrests.
Then since that scenario Isn't statistically possible, because of the disproportionate rate Blacks are arrested, but lets say for argument sake. That more Whites got arrested.
The percentage of blacks of 10K is a bigger sample of the over all black population. So the White statistics to match up that left table would have to be per 40,000 to get a larger sample of the white population.
The Black percentage is still higher, but that's a lot of White guys getting the snot kicked out of them that Fox isn't bitching about.
That is, it's interesting trying to figure out what goes on in that mind of yours. I tried, but I literally can not begin to tell what you're thinking, but let me help you with one thing.
A sample of 10,000 white men and women is understood to be exactly that. A sample of 10,000 black men and women is understood to be exactly that. They are very comparable, and the sample sizes being the same is a good thing, relative to making inferences from the data. The sample of 10,000 black men and women may be a slightly better representation of the total population of all black men and women stopped by police, since it's a higher percentage of the entire population, but that's somewhat irrelevant.
If what you want to say is that you think blacks are treated worse because they are perceived to be more likely to be criminals, based on profiling, then say so.
If there is a problem with those statistics, it's that race is probably not the only difference. There are probably differences in neighborhood and socioeconomic factors. These are confounding variables. Because If someone is poor in America the probability they are black is higher than the probability that a randomly selected person is black. In other words, there are plenty of poor white people in America (as well as other races) but the poor are disproportionately black.
Poor people and people in rough neighborhoods (poor neighborhoods) are treated worse by cops than middle class and upper middle class people. This includes a lot of black folks.
We need to do better with hiring and training of cops. Especially the ones that are assigned jobs in those neighborhoods. It's probably a dues paying thing, and nobody wants those assignments, and it's probably the least competent, least experienced, lowest on totem pole cops that get those jobs. Not the ones that know how to do it right, but worked their way up to detective long ago.
Only criminals would consider cop killers as martyrs.
It's called freedom of speech.
It's not just for saying blacks are inferior, or Mexicans are rapists.
Yep. Just another example of conservatives trying to take away the Freedom of Speech. Why do conservatives hate the US??
If what you want to say is that you think blacks are treated worse because they are perceived to be more likely to be criminals, based on profiling, then say so.
NO there's a smaller sample pool so the same Fools keep getting arrested which is a larger segment of their population than the White population.
You have more to do with than anything, Because you flat refuse to tell them they can be anything they want to be, but tell them TPB is personally holding them back.
You're the math teacher stop fucking around and give me an "A" for my outstanding work above.
NO there's a smaller sample pool so the same Fools keep getting arrested which is a larger segment of their population than the White population.
This makes no sense. 10,000 is a large enough sample size that it represents both populations well. That is if proper techniques were used, such as making sure that the proportion of blacks in the black sample that come from middle class neighborhoods is similar to the percentage that actually are in middle class neighborhoods. But that doesn't address the problem I explained. Because you can't escape the fact that more black folks are poor than white folks, whether you are talking the entire populations, or large samples.
give me an "A"
You deserve an F, but I'll give you a D. That's called grade inflation. No, I'm just kidding, that was solid D work. What I'd like to see from you is an effort to understand what was wrong with your analysis. (see "stratified random sampling" and "cluster sampling." If such sophisticated techniques were not used then it likely increases the problem I described - unless they intentionally sampled blacks disproportionately in middle class areas - trying to isolate race - but that would have biased the sample in favor of not showing how much worse blacks are treated)
Only criminals would consider cop killers as martyrs.
Or Dan too.
Your statements are incorrect and indicative of your immaturity. Just because you don't want something to be called X does not mean that thing does not meet the definition of X. Pretending that something isn't what it is because you don't like reality is a severe form of immaturity.
a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
Whether or not you agree or are even repulsed by the principles the shooter was upholding, the fact is that he sacrificed his life for those principles and therefore is, by definition, a martyr. This is not an opinion. This is not a value judgement. This is simply a cold, hard fact. That you cannot accept this fact demonstrates how childish you two are.
In any case, the later study in the article, on shootings is more interesting, and surprising.
Black cop killed by white officer: Horror in East Harlem as off-duty rookie is shot pursuing suspect
An off-duty rookie cop chasing a suspected car thief in East Harlem with his gun drawn was shot and killed Thursday night when an officer mistook him for a criminal.
Well, I guess according to Strategist and Call It Crazy, the white cop is a criminal scumbag who deserves to die. After all, if they didn't hold this opinion, they would be hypocrites since the white cop is, by definition, a cop killer having killed a cop.
I call it disgusting and low life. Criminals don't belong in civilized societies.
Nor do they belong on the police force.
It's amazing how you love criminals as long as they wear a badge. ISIS should just deputize their suicide bombers and you'd call them heroes.
It's what a person does, not what clothes he wears, that matters.
If 10,000 people of one race were 5% of a race, then the sample size of the other majority race should be 5% which would have to be more than 10,000 and if we belive the Census, 40,000 is still a low ball figure on my part.
Then you get more White Criminals which Prisons are also full of. There are no Negro only Prisons in America they are pretty much full equally.
The White population in Prison are representative of a larger population of Whites. The Blacks in US prison are representative to their more prone to be criminals because of the Liberal education environment, they are thrust in like some sick Federal National Wildlife park, even though they are a smaller population segment size of America.
By definition, you should be locked up in a mental institution.
Translation: Call It Crazy is too immature to actually address the content of my posts so he throws a little tantrum like a toddler.
Yep. Just another example of conservatives trying to take away the Freedom of Speech. Why do conservatives hate the US??
It's weird. They're either on pee-pee police bathroom patrol, or trying to stop other people from having sex, or stifling free speech.
But of course the SJW left is the real enemy of free speech.
Conservatives totally support the protection of free speech, as long as it doesn't offend them. That is: they believe in protecting only speech which does not require protection.
The shooter was not a martyr.
And the lesson for all cops,
Police your killer cops & be careful who these killer cops piss off.
Dan8267 says:"Contradiction is not a counter-argument."
I joined the Rightwingnuts, contradiction is the Prime Directive.
One value system calls him a martyr.
Another call his a homegrown terrorist cop killer.
And I still think he was pissed off.
If 10,000 people of one race were 5% of a race, then the sample size of the other majority race should be 5% which would have to be more than 10,000 and if we belive the Census
No, that's not how it works. A sample of 10,000 if done well is going to represent a population well. As McGyver said, it just represents it better if the population is smaller.
In this case its 10,000 white folks stopped by police, which is supposed to represent the population of all white people stopped by police.
The sample of 10,000 black folks stopped by police are supposed to represent the population of all black folks stopped by police.
Actually that's wrong - it's per 10,000 stops in New York City.
So it's 10,000 stops, supposed to represent the population of all stops. This is good, because the fact that black people might be stopped more than whites isn't a factor. It just looks at how they are treated.
You are right if they are in one small part of NY, with a smaller black population than white, there could be a problem of the same people being stopped multiple times. But this is a problem for reasons different than what you're thinking. We have to assume that this study was done with a lot of different police and over multiple boroughs hopefully, with a lot of different cops, over some reasonable period of time. Not that hard in a city the size of NY.
Honey, you were the only person here who looked at that toddler and thought of sex. You sicko.
It is obvious you don't understand how statistics work.
I understand that people know how to misrepresent data.
Nobody understands data better than I do.
You don't under stand out of a population that is proned to a certain traits accross the board if we're all human and all things being equal.
Then you can't sample 10,000 blacks and expect their results would align with 10,000 whites.
As you're more likely to have more of the exception people in the black sample than you would from the white sample.
Unless you sampled as much of the white population as you sampled of the Black population.
Your logic is why Software fails constantly around the country.
For that study to have any statistical integrity, you don't go by numbers, you have to go by percentage of the racial population experience with the police.
Actually that's wrong - it's per 10,000 stops in New York City.
So it's 10,000 stops, supposed to represent the population of all stops. This is good, because the fact that black people might be stopped more than whites isn't a factor. It just looks at how they are treated.
I don't think that's what they mean at all.
If what you're saying is true, then the real human story here is. that's a lot of human beings getting their asses beat.
You splitting hairs over the color of hair of the victims and assailants is why it goes on. None of it is racial driven.
In fact the Liberal remedy is fire veteran cops and replace them with untrained newbs. But then you still give them a gun.
A certain percentage of the population is going to get combative and flighty and end up getting shot.
If patrol men didn't have guns, and didn't purse. Then we can have Judge Dredges that goes after the lawless animals gives them one chance to surrender before they send in the Suicide Robot and Lazer guided Kamikaze drones. And that way no innocent people gets hurt.