At least 84 dead, 100s hurt in Nice Bastille Day truck attack, driver shot dead

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2016 Jul 14, 3:30pm   25,584 views  151 comments

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At least 84 people were killed in the southern French town of Nice when a truck ran into a crowd celebrating the Bastille Day national holiday in a suspected terrorist attack.

The truck rammed into the crowd on the Promenade des Anglais seaside walk in the centre of town, regional newspaper Nice Matin reported, citing its own reporter at the scene.

French television channel BFM TV said the local prefecture in Nice was treating the incident as an attack and was asking people to stay at home.

The reason for the crash remained unclear.

Sebastien Humbert, the prefect for the Alpes-Maritime area, said: "A truck rammed into the crowd over a long distance, which explains this extremely heavy toll."

Mayor Christian Estrosi wrote on Twitter: "The driver of a van appears to have killed dozens. Stay in your homes for now. More info to follow."


#france #terrorism

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125   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 15, 1:04pm  

curious2 says

Most don't question authority. They see a photo of a child who drowned in the Mediterranean, and hear a politician say we need to continue bombing Syria and importing Muslims. Somehow, the voters don't question why the child drowned, because the cognitive dissonance would be too painful: the child drowned because NATO air power and militias financed by NATO and Saudi Arabia are waging war in Syria. Prior to the decision to "liberate" Syria, there weren't Syrian refugees drowning in the Mediterranean. Now, there are, and the NATO politicians say it justifies continuing the policies that cause it. Somehow, voters believe it, because they prefer to continue trusting their favorite sources more than their own eyes.

Yep. It started with the policy to destabilize Assad in 2011 - when Hillary was Sec State.

Furthermore, the Turks are using Refugees as a negotiating tool for Germoney; and most of the Med Boat People aren't Syrian, but Eritrean, Somali, etc.

Too many people have a Lord of the Rings view of the world, the Good Liberal Gondorians against the Authoritarian Evil Orcs and (esp.) Easterlings.

Real life is more complicated.

126   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 15, 1:10pm  

Ice Cream Man!

Trust the peaceful Muslim when he claims to be delivering dessert, because not all Muslims are Terrorists.

Killer Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel was parked up on the Promenade des Anglais for almost nine hours before his horrific attack after telling police he was 'delivering ice cream', according to reports.

The 31-year-old French-Tunisian later drove the lorry he had hired two days before through packed crowds who were headed home after Bastille Day firework celebrations, killing at least 84 people.

Online news reports have emerged claiming Bouhlel, who worked as a delivery driver according to Nice Matin, had told police he was dropping off supplies of ice cream.

They allowed him to stay on the busy road for almost nine hours before the attack and failed to check his vehicle - where he had stashed a cache of guns and grenades.


127   curious2   2016 Jul 15, 2:25pm  

thunderlips11 says

They allowed him to stay on the busy road for almost nine hours before the attack and failed to check his vehicle - where he had stashed a cache of guns and grenades.

I wonder if he had perhaps conspired with accomplices who didn't show up, and then maybe he got tired of waiting for them.

128   HydroCabron   2016 Jul 15, 4:42pm  

If more people in the crowd had trucks, this wouldn't have happened.

129   MMR   2016 Jul 15, 5:02pm  

thunderlips11 says

Yep. It started with the policy to destabilize Assad in 2011 - when Hillary was Sec State.

Dumb move, just as going after Saddam, Mubarak,Qaddafi, most of which happened under Obama belt and aided and abetted by Hillary all the way

Even bush going after Saddam, was supported in earnest by Hillary

Muslim countries have to be dictatorships because the plebes are incapable of secular rule. Leave it in their hands and they will pick sharia law

130   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 5:07pm  

MMR says

Muslim countries have to be dictatorships because the plebes are incapable of secular rule. Leave it in their hands and they will pick sharia law

Absolutely. That is why they have to be controlled through puppet dictators.

131   MMR   2016 Jul 15, 5:11pm  

dublin hillz says

I can't believe that it was simply about need for "cheap labor" considering possible alternative sources.

In the case of a country like Germany, it is rooted in guilt over the holocaust. Now they have to overcompensate by showing tolerance to "the downtrodden"

Reality is, many of these guys are neither downtrodden nor are many of them producers. Rather, many are takers

Europe , in particular Western Europe and Northern Europe screwed up by allowing such large numbers to emigrate and ghettoize

132   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 5:18pm  

MMR says

around the world, many multiples of that.

133   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 5:43pm  

indigenous says

Myth, lies, and propaganda. Anyone can make a pie chart and put anything in it.

134   indigenous   2016 Jul 15, 5:49pm  

Excellent explanation that refutes everything.

135   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Jul 15, 6:34pm  

Strategist says

indigenous says

Unsurprisingly, indigenous fell for some of the most unredeemable propositions, usually supported only by the most disoriented leftists like Noam Chomsky.

"It's all our fault. Everything the US does is motivated purely by profits. We are the worst, and if not for us the world would be living a golden age by now. Jihadism wouldn't exist without us."

136   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 15, 7:12pm  

MMR says

In the case of a country like Germany, it is rooted in guilt over the holocaust. Now they have to overcompensate by showing tolerance to "the downtrodden"

1%er Germans are aware that the slowly declining population is bad news for wages (increasing) and rents (Decreasing). So if the government taxes middle class workers more to insure the government transfers billions of Euros in rent support for refugees to private landlords.

There were several stories about German hotels laying off their workers and lease the whole hospitality complex over to the Government for Refugee Housing. They get a big fat check, social and other gov't workers run the place, no need for a payroll and no responsibility because the German Government pays for insurance/upkeep.

137   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 15, 7:16pm  

curious2 says

The only people to bring in from Muslim countries are those who are trying to get away from all that, e.g. atheists and other non-Muslims who want to avoid getting killed by Muslims. Current policy of invade&import brings in believers: wherever they go, they bring their problems with them.

This is what many liberals don't get.

"Oh, Farah is a lovely Lebanese Lesbian artist who lives off Dr. Fakeed's trust fund he left her."

Farah isn't the problem. Her parents came decades ago, when only high class Arabs knew how to immigrate to the West and had the desire to assimilate.

Mohammed, Salman, and Ahmed, who came straight from the hickiest hillside of the Sudan or Somalia, or the slums of Marakeech, and owe the Mafia $10,000 for human smuggling, are the problem.

139   Patrick   2016 Jul 15, 8:49pm  

P N Dr Lo R says

I think it is a case of some Westerners hate their culture so much that any other culture is seen as superior to their own despite its obvious flaws that they can't resist anything that undermines the hated one. It's all part of multiculti and diversity--there is no real sense that all cultures are equal but that any culture is preferable to bourgeoise Western, white, heterosexual and especially--ESPECIALLY--Christian culture.

yes, that sounds about right.

141   Strategist   2016 Jul 15, 9:06pm  

thunderlips11 says

Those nearby countries don't want their own kind. They are smarter than us.

142   MMR   2016 Jul 15, 9:16pm  

Strategist says

Those nearby countries don't want their own kind. They are smarter than us.

It's antithetical to the goal of spreading Sharia.

143   deepcgi   2016 Jul 15, 9:29pm  

Unfortunately, now I feel I need to be clear. This is not what I meant (or what France means) by "Bastille Day". Random violence against common citizens celebrating one of the seminal events in the birth of democracy. It is quite the reverse.

It does continue to demonstrate the way the "peasants revolt amongst themselves" and not against those who may truly be making their lives miserable. These islamic radicals, however, are still centuries away from contemplating what that day represents. To them, the 'infidels' are the enemy - in all their classes and creeds. Even if this bastard wasn't taking orders from ISIS, he still knew he'd receive cheers from their direction.

The truly evil part is where we now do nothing in the name of political correctness...where we refuse to admit that we are at war.

144   Dan8267   2016 Jul 17, 10:15am  

NuttBoxer says

Dan doesn't believe in gateway drugs, only gateway religions.

1. Far more people have been killed by religion than by drugs.
2. The war on drugs is an excuse to mass incarcerate people for financial and political profit.
3. The right to control your own brain's chemistry is a fundamental human right. Indulging in delusions should not be a right.
4. I would still be against forcing drugs onto other people, especially children. Yet parents frequently subject their children to religious indoctrination and brainwashing. Christianity and Islam have this in common.

145   anonymous   2016 Jul 17, 11:59am  

That wasn't very Nice.

146   Dan8267   2016 Jul 17, 6:26pm  

Dan8267 says

Exactly. Christianity has been castrated, but it still commits massive harm to the world.

Here's another example of Christianity doing very visible harm in the United States.

Judge orders man to get married or go to jail. WTF? Did I read that right? Yes. That actually happened. No, this is not an Onion news article.

Smith County Judge Randall Rogers then gave him a choice between two years of probation or 15 days in jail, according to Jaynes, 19.

The probation terms included requiring Bundy to write out a Bible verse 25 times a day ("If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it." -- Proverbs 26:27), and getting married within 30 days.

Bundy told CNN affiliate KLTV, "(Rogers) offered me 15 days in jail and that would have been fine and I asked if I could call my job [to let them know]," said Bundy. "The judge told me 'Nope, that's not how this works.'"

So in the courthouse with the In Code We Trust emblem, a judge orders a citizen to write Bible verses and to get married. And if the citizen does not comply, he
1. Loses his job.
2. Is thrown in jail.
3. Is subject to strip searches and body cavity searches.

Now I have no problem with the defendant being imprisoned for this crime as long as #3 does not apply and he's allowed to call his boss to let his boss know the situation so he doesn't lose his job. What the hell is the point of making him unemployed? It only serves to harm society.

However I've got a big problem with the forcing of religion and marriage onto the person. And evidently so does the man and his now-wife. They wanted to get married when they were ready and how they wanted to. Their wedding was ruined and their marriage started off on a faulty foundation as a result of this religious nut judge. And what the judge did was blatantly illegal, but there is no way the judge would go to jail for this and had the man and his now-wife objected to this blatant illegal treatment, he would be in jail and would have lost his job.

And people say that Christianity is harmless. It's not, and it should not be tolerated.

147   curious2   2016 Jul 19, 12:10am  

"Nice [France] Attacker Mohamed Bouhlel Was 'Bisexual,' Investigators Say." As with the Orlando Islamic terrorist, these Muslim closet cases go from zero to hero when they become martyrs, according to Islam: they avoid eternal damnation, their prayers to "pray the gay away" are finally answered because they have proved worthy, and they proceed directly to paradise no matter what they had done previously in their lives.

"The man who rammed a lorry into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice showed signs of radicalisation only shortly before his attack, which killed 84 people and injured scores, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said on Monday.

Tunisian-born delivery man Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, who was not on any police watchlist, did not appear to be a devout Muslim as he ate pork, drank alcohol, took drugs and had an “unbridled” sex life, Molins told a news conference.

Lahouaiej Bouhlel was described by his family and neighbours as a violent man, and he grew a beard on religious grounds just eight days before the attack, the prosecutor added.

While there is no evidence at this stage that Lahouaiej Bouhlel actually had ties with the group calling itself Islamic State – which claimed responsibility for the attack – a search of his computer and mobile phone showed a clear and recent interest for Islamist militancy and violent imagery, Molins said."

There is clear evidence of one tie with the Islamic State: they are both Muslim, contrary to all the taqiyya and politicians' denials.

148   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Jul 19, 7:40pm  

curious2 says

There is clear evidence of one tie with the Islamic State: they are both Muslim, contrary to all the taqiyya and politicians' denials.

How do you know that Bouhlel wasn't an Italian irredentist or radical Brexiter or extreme Le Pen supporter. By his name? You Bigot!!!

149   NuttBoxer   2016 Jul 20, 9:38am  

Dan8267 says

Here's another example of Christianity doing very visible harm in the United States.

The judge is a representative of government, not God. Nowhere in the bible is authority to marry vested in the government, only in God. This ruling means the judge is trying to sit in God's place, a very agnostic action.

Dan, you're so confused you are arguing against your own beliefs. Or maybe you are a closet christian?

150   Dan8267   2016 Jul 20, 10:01am  

NuttBoxer says

The judge is a representative of government, not God.

The judge ordered the man to write Bible verses. He's clearly a Christian nutjob -- I know, that's redundant -- who holds a powerful government position. It's not being in government that fucked him up. It's being Christian. And he's abusing his state power precisely because of his faith. This is clear.

151   curious2   2016 Jul 21, 2:02pm  

"Attacker in Nice plotted for months with 'accomplices,' prosecutor says"

thunderlips11 says

By his name?

I get the joke, but the name is a legitimate clue. Adults can change their names. If your parents were Nazis and named you Adolf Hitler Smith, I am guessing you would probably change that at the first opportunity, for example to Adam Harold Smith. Western culture has mostly renounced Nazis including HItler, and so the culture would help you make the right choice about your name and your life. Muslims in the west are harmed by a culture where people claim to "respect" Islam (usually without reading it). That ignorant "respect" enables too many Muslims to self-destruct and take others with them. The Nice attack cost the perpetrator his life, and 84 innocent people their lives, and who knows how many permanently debilitating injuries among the maimed. We can blame one Muslim and his accomplices for doing what Islam says to do, but at some point we must also consider politicians and voters who claim to "respect" that. If politicians funded by tobacco companies say they "respect" smoking, and enact policies to encourage and promote it and even subsidize it by importing smokers from all over the world, then they bear some share of blame for the deaths and suffering that smoking causes.

Meanwhile, in Belgium, the suicide trucker's name is now the most common name in elementary schools. The Muslim birth rate is much higher than the non-Muslim birth rate, and Muslims will probably be a majority in Brussels within one generation, and in all Belgium within three generations. Brussels is the capital of the EU, and Belgium is a NATO member with nuclear plants and American nuclear weapons. I don't know who will win the Presidency in 2016, but people are going to figure out one way or another that DJT is right about Islam. To borrow a phrase that has been unfairly discredited, I hope that confirmation won't come in the form of a mushroom cloud. Even if one boy cried wolf in the past when he shouldn't, that doesn't mean there are no wolves.

Some people look at the alleged Gulf of Tonkin incident and the alleged Iraqi WMD and draw a false conclusion that there are no threats, only the MIC making up enemies. The MIC does in fact look for enemies and at times invent them, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Some in the MIC may have begun to recognize the enemy that the military haven't thought much about since the Barbary Wars. Some might imagine that America's first enemy was Britain, but that wasn't really true: the complex relationship with Britain included both friendship and enmity and then alliance. The really inherent enemy was as President Jefferson saw when he read the Quran and ordered the first transatlantic mission by the United States Navy, including five separate bombardments of Tripoli and the famous landing by United States Marines. Jefferson and his protege President Madison recognized the problem, solved it, and most people forgot about it. I watched a politically fashionable historian's biography of Jefferson, and it omitted entirely the first Barbary War, choosing instead to agonize at great length about racism. I have stopped saying "politically correct" with regard to Islam, because the politically fashionable views are demonstrably incorrect. Westerners will see it sooner or later, but I hope it won't be too late.

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