Sexy Picture Thread

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THIS is da Sexy Picture Thread

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1802   richwicks   2021 Oct 1, 12:32am  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
I don't understand this thread.

It's easy to find nude women on the net.

It is easy to find political comments too, but we are sharing here.

Political discussion adds understanding to the world. It's productive.

You may be blissfully unaware of the state of our nation.

We have a president, who wasn't elected, who is senile, who reads teleprompters written by our intelligence agencies, who are funded by our central banking system.

That's our actual situation.

But you go ahead, and look at naked women because.. Well, do it.
1803   HeadSet   2021 Oct 1, 7:36am  

We have time to read political discussion along with discussing housing and viewing nudes.

And whether we spend out time on politics or viewing nekkeds, we will still have " president, who wasn't elected, who is senile, who reads teleprompters written by our intelligence agencies, who are funded by our central banking system."

If you want to change that you will have to run for office or get involved at the precinct level as championed by TenPoundBass.
1804   Ceffer   2021 Oct 2, 11:58am  

Space Vamp Queen.

Patrick Stewart was in that film. I think she kills him.

1805   richwicks   2021 Oct 2, 12:43pm  

HunterTits says
richwicks says
But you go ahead, and look at naked women because.. Well, do it.

Fuck you, Mr Pro Baby Kilker.

You don't get to define what is or isn't posted on PatNet.

Haha, no I don't.

And please stop strawmanning me. When I mean "I don't understand", I mean exactly that. I'm not being sly or trying to be clever in words. I literally don't understand the point of this thread.

And I'm not "pro abortion" either. I'm also not "pro choice", or "pro life", or "anti life".

HunterTits says
All kinds of different subjects are posted here.

This one seems to be particularly frivolous.

But all technologies take off with pornography. Even the Gutenberg press did. Few people know that. The Internet certainly did, before it was capable of transmitting images, and then video, it was a weird thing for nerds to use. I was on this system 10 years for that.

I spent some time thinking about this subject. I suspect you are looking for commonality. That's why this thread exists, to find like minds. Now that, I can understand. To me, pornography is something I've been exposed to for 40 years. I can still appreciate a beautiful woman but it's no longer sexualized for me. I've thought myself out of a lot pleasures probably to my own detriment.
1806   richwicks   2021 Oct 3, 3:47pm  

HunterTits says
richwicks says
I literally don't understand the point of this thread.

Doesn't stop you from spamming it with your off-topic nonsense, tho.

As you said, "You don't get to define what is or isn't posted on PatNet."

I'm just surprised on your position on abortion. It breaks the model in my mind. I assumed you are pretty religious to absolutely oppose abortion from the moment of conception, but at the same time seemingly obsessed with nude pictures of women, that makes me assume that you are not religious.

I have a broken model. I'm wrong in one way or another. Love of porn = not religious, hatred of abortion of any kind = religious. I have to be wrong in at least one way.

When I say I don't understand, I really mean it. You're under no obligation to help me understand that but I'd be curious if you would. I am certainly wrong in at least one way. I really am obsessive about comprehension. I also am aware perhaps you are experiencing cognitive dissonance yourself.

A complete repudiation of abortion and a love of pornography may be a conflict you might now see. I cannot resolve it. I habitually resolve my cognitive dissonance now. I'm very well aware of being wrong.
1807   richwicks   2021 Oct 3, 6:44pm  

HunterTits says
richwicks says
A complete repudiation of abortion and a love of pornography may be a conflict you might now see.

Your problem is that you don't seem to know what a dictionary is and/or how to use it.

Appreciating nude women is not 'pornography'.

And pornography and abortion have nothing to do with each other anyway.

I view pornography as sexual satisfaction without consequence. That's how I view abortion, at least at early termination. I'm horrifically aware of any woman that I have sex with can lead to a pregnancy.

HunterTits says
Appreciating nude women is not 'pornography'.

And pornography and abortion have nothing to do with each other anyway.

I don't see a purpose of enjoying pornography without masturbation to be entirely clear. I view meaningless sex to be incongruent to be in opposition to abortion.

HunterTits says
richwicks says
I also am aware perhaps you are experiencing cognitive dissonance yourself.

What? Because I know how to use a dictionary?

And no. I am not particularly religious. I just don't make excuses for murder.

I've had to check my spelling on words 2 times with this shitty web-browser. I don't give a shit what a dictionary says.

I simply don't understand why you consider it murder before the developing child has developed a brain or even a nervous system.

Sure, I would like to entirely eliminate the possibility of abortion. Who wouldn't? People who sell fetal tissue and who sell babies I would guess, obviously gruesome people. I am NOT on their side. But I do not want to see a 14 year old girl be forced to bring a pregnancy to term provided she does it early enough, and I do not regard this as murder. I regard as murder if she terminates it from 24 weeks and beyond. Maybe 12 weeks and beyond. I do not wish to harm.

Again, having a woman terminate a pregnancy at 9 months is not the same as 1 month. You must realize that at some level. Where the cutoff is, that's not clear but I believe you are drawing the line too close at conception. I don't support murder, I don't want to cause pain or suffering, but I cannot see that as happening with 1 month old pregnancy.

If it makes any difference to you, I'm not an advocate in this area. I will not try to change minds. I am only curious as to what people think. I am an engineer, I want to solve problems, and I'm incapable of even identifying this problem at this point. This is why I'm asking for input. If you can understand the other side of the debate, and they can understand your side, I think there is a resolution. I understand neither side. This is mechanical to me. No brain == not human yet, at the very lest, no consciousness == not human yet the very most. My first memory was at 3 years old, but I'm not certain I was human before then - still, I will always absolutely oppose infanticide.
1808   SoTex   2021 Oct 3, 9:15pm  

Not pointing any fingers, it's a long time issue involving many people.

Please don't post comments unless they a VERY GOOD AND RELATED TO TNA in a positive manner.

Mostly this thread works without comment and @HunterTits has done a bang up and down managing it that way.

There are alt threads for critique.
1809   SoTex   2021 Oct 3, 9:16pm  

At least the comments aren't pictures of fat hairy gay men. That used to be a problem.
1811   richwicks   2021 Oct 4, 5:18am  

HunterTits says
richwicks says
I don't give a shit what a dictionary says.... I'm horrifically aware of any woman that I have sex with can lead to a pregnancy.

Yes. You do that a lot. You make up your own definitions and then you don't even apply them with any logical consistency. I've noticed that in other topics.

How so? Can you point to an example. It's possible you're correct, but I'm honestly unaware of it.

HunterTits says
I just point out how fucked up that is. And I certainly do not take what you have to say seriously when you do that. (You don't always do that, btw)

Please explain by first pointing out an example and explaining how I'm misusing a definition.

It's always been a frustration of mine actually. Just as I may see the color green in a different way than you experience, I may view a word in a similar way. I think with a definition of a word, I can actually understand. We all build up an hierarchy of comprehension, but unlike most people, I'm willing to make a few hierarchies.

HunterTits says
richwicks says
I am an engineer

You must not be a good one since 1 + 1 doesn't always equals 2 for you.

Sure it does. You are not being specific though, so I'm unable to see your viewpoint. There are claims that it's never been "proved" that 1+1=2, I think it's a stupid waste of time to make a proof of something that is an axiom that has been more or less proved through repeated example.

HunterTits says
richwicks says
I simply don't understand why you consider it murder before the developing child has developed a brain or even a nervous system.

That's because what you consider doesn't match what is defined in a dictionary.

Life is life. A human zygote is life. Period.


Do you see how the definition depends on itself to define itself? It's not entirely clear.

I think humanity relates to our self awareness but an animal has self awareness. I know this from experience. They certainly have self awareness so what distinguishes us? It seems to be the capacity for abstract thought. An early term baby doesn't have that, I didn't until at least 3 years old.

For a LONG TIME I was vegetarian. I may return to that. Didn't want to be part of ending a life, it seemed cruel and senseless and selfish to me, but even if you don't eat meat, somebody else will end the life for you - refusing to eat meat doesn't change anything. I don't regard abortion as something that should be taken lightly but I'm not absolutely opposed to it. Abortion can ALSO be cruel, senseless, and selfish as well. Particularly in late term. I told you, I do not support abortion, but I also do not oppose it. I absolutely oppose late term abortion, but I do not oppose early term, but what is early versus late? I can't define that, I admit my ignorance.

I've also been an absolute atheist before but there's still quite a bit of wonder and beauty in existence. I've kind of lost my faith though in believing we're all meat machines, that everything living is. Every faith I have had, I lose in time. Existence is perhaps an impossible thing to define, although I know it, but I don't understand nonexistence although I must have experienced it. Who was I in 1950?
1812   richwicks   2021 Oct 4, 7:15am  

HunterTits says
I give up.

It's my failure, not yours.

It is extremely difficult to bridge comprehension. I'm not trying to be difficult, I do my best to show you where I am. It's neither above or below, it's a gulf of comprehension. In terms of math, it's a local maxima.

I do not oppose your viewpoint, again, I simply don't entirely understand it. I understand your opposition to ending a life though, however all life ends. It's difficult to understand where existence begins at least for me. My belief is you believe life beings at conception. This is alien to me.

I was a vegetarian for 1/2 my life because I opposed the termination of life, but all life ends. You may see this as irrelevant, but I was very opposed to ending a life at one point, but I realize I cannot stop it.

I will not oppose your opinion.
1813   porkchopXpress   2021 Oct 4, 10:40am  

I can’t find porn anywhere except here. Vons doesn’t carry Playboy anymore. Thanks guys.
1814   Onvacation   2021 Oct 4, 11:02am  

I like boobies. I don't like abortion. Am I hypocritical?
1815   Onvacation   2021 Oct 4, 11:03am  

Show us the boobies! But pure wholesome ladies, not those porno hos.
1816   stereotomy   2021 Oct 4, 11:20am  

HunterTits says

Peak female SMV at its finest
1817   richwicks   2021 Oct 4, 11:39am  

Onvacation says
I like boobies. I don't like abortion. Am I hypocritical?

We'll eventually discuss it on your boat..
1818   Ceffer   2021 Oct 4, 11:41am  

stereotomy says

Gee, I wonder what kind of garbanzo queen my deepest thoughts, desires and core being would conjure up from a vampire.
1819   Rin   2021 Oct 4, 1:39pm  

richwicks says
I view pornography as sexual satisfaction without consequence.

What satisfaction? My imagination goes way beyond porn!

Since world travel is no longer allowed, aka international hoeing, I've gotten myself a RealDoll and forgotten about women entirely.
1820   GNL   2021 Oct 4, 1:56pm  

I'm officially an ass man.
1821   richwicks   2021 Oct 4, 2:01pm  

WineHorror1 says
I'm officially an ass man.

1823   Rin   2021 Oct 4, 3:17pm  

WineHorror1 says
I'm officially an ass man.

Nothing wrong with that. Remember the quote from Jude Law in 'Alfie' ..."I'm on the lookout for face, boobs, and bum!"
1824   porkchopXpress   2021 Oct 5, 12:45pm  

WineHorror1 says
I'm officially an ass man.
Plot twist...it's a dude
1825   GNL   2021 Oct 5, 12:52pm  

porkchopexpress says
WineHorror1 says
I'm officially an ass man.
Plot twist...it's a dude

I'm talking about the ass video.
1826   stereotomy   2021 Oct 5, 12:55pm  

HunterTits says
Adding some ass for variety:

(It is a fine ass, gotta admit)

Favorite 9 1/2 Weeks quote:

"You ever have a chick with a heart-shaped ass? You haven't lived until you've had a chick with a heart-shaped ass."
1827   porkchopXpress   2021 Oct 5, 12:57pm  

WineHorror1 says
porkchopexpress says
WineHorror1 says
I'm officially an ass man.
Plot twist...it's a dude

I'm talking about the ass video.
So was I
1828   porkchopXpress   2021 Oct 5, 12:57pm  

Is it weird that I want her to fart just once?
1829   Patrick   2021 Oct 5, 2:53pm  

1830   Ceffer   2021 Oct 6, 2:53pm  

Rule breaker. I saw some finger spread bagina up there.
1831   Patrick   2021 Oct 6, 11:40pm  

Hey, this is a family site you know!
1832   Tenpoundbass   2021 Oct 7, 6:55am  

HunterTits says
I didn't notice until after I posted it. I was looking more 'north'.

I never even gave her a second glance, I'm still looking at the Dragon lady posted above her. Damn those eyes!
1833   Rin   2021 Oct 7, 3:19pm  

1834   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 7, 4:22pm  

Now that's NURSING.
1835   SoTex   2021 Oct 9, 8:11pm  

1836   Tenpoundbass   2021 Oct 11, 11:20am  

Is that a botched abortion scar on her abdomen?
It's too short for a C Section.
1837   Tenpoundbass   2021 Oct 12, 5:23pm  

I never knew shinny nipples were a thing.
1838   Ceffer   2021 Oct 12, 5:46pm  

Tenpoundbass says
I never knew shinny nipples were a thing.

I hate greasy milk.
1839   Ceffer   2021 Oct 12, 5:48pm  

Tenpoundbass says
Is that a botched abortion scar on her abdomen?

It's a length gauge for qualifiers.
1840   HeadSet   2021 Oct 12, 7:14pm  

Ceffer says
Tenpoundbass says
I never knew shinny nipples were a thing.

I hate greasy milk.

Um, that was jizz from the previous guy.....
1841   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 16, 5:48pm  

HunterTits says
I have to dump these from a dropbox folder that shows up on my work laptop but I am too lazy to move them to another one.

Wow, #2 in the green panties... they're all good but DAMN.

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