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I admit to being biased -- in favor of Mexicans. They remind me of the Irish from 150 years ago: Catholic, lots of kids, mostly forced to take shit jobs, but intact loving families and a happy vibe to them overall. Sure, they have the same problems any poor group does, like gangs and crime, but that goes away as they learn English and assimilate. And Mexican women are pretty hot, at least until they eat so many carbs that they become obese, which seems to happen more often than not. You know it's true.
That said, I think we should definitely build the wall. Immigration should be strictly legal and employers of illegals should be jailed. The situation right now makes a joke out of the border and out of the law.
You know it's true.
sometimes mexican women are hot but I'd say African Americans are on average hotter women
mexican women are basically breeder units with zero intelligence
That's not by Ben Garrison. It's some KKK dude who looks more Mexican than White himself who drew this stuff in the 80s I think. The /pol White Supremacist crowd trolls Garrison (and Alex Jones and others) for not being correct on getting rid of Mexicans, Jews, Blacks, etc. by putting their names on shit they make to discredit them. Or just garden variety basement dwellers who hate the world and demand Mom get them more Tendies because their WoW character got killed or something.
Im "racist" according to modern definitions. I think we should remove all affirmative action laws and anything that attempts to artificially equalize the races. If we did that the blacks would be powerless- they have never really civilized themselves, it's not cultural the simply do not have the capacity to act the same way as whites.
the women are hot and I guess that's part of the black thing, they are intensely sexual which guarantees their rapid reproduction. of course once the black woman has reproduced, she morphs into a something akin to a baboon.
I would never voluntarily have a black child, that would be a disaster.
it's not cultural the simply do not have the capacity to act the same way as whites
Actually they do, we're all basically the same and race is mostly a social construct.
mostly a social construct
I guess it's a worldwide social construct because it's true for every single region on earth, especially africa.
Im being facetious btw- blacks are primitive. they always have been. but in our current society which is constructed to channel POPULARITY, we cannot say this. Even our sciences must bend and even break to the demands of the mob. It wont always be like this, we will return to a system that is structured according to natural tendencies.
Well, during the human genome project 'race vs. the govt', I discovered and *patented over 300 human genes so I'm pretty sure about this.
*Fun as hell to get paid to do that knowing they'd get invalidated
thats the thing about these races. their women as I mention above are intensely sexual, as their biological tendency is to have many children very quickly.
they quickly evolve into a completely different organism however.
black women are even more intense than Mexicans. problem is they tend to have a lot of kids from different dads and such. Im convinced that the nuclear family is a white-invented thing and only appeared among black ppl who lived in white countries or were heavily indoctrinated by Christianity. It's just not natural for them at all. they norm is they live in tribal warfare societies, commanded by the women who have the children. the women appoint the biggest badass in the tribe who then enstates a military regime and supports the women like in a harem. that's the natural black society, they still do this in America even.
when a black woman is in her prime(a few years typically) she is actually MORE sexual than a white woman. far more.
as far as basic female attributes go, they have more of it- lips, hips/butt, tits etc. black women are MORE womanly. even their faces are more feminine, white women have bigger chins, smaller lips, etc. the black race is just more intensely feminine. their women are more WOMAN.
Sure, they have the same problems any poor group does, like gangs and crime, but that goes away as they learn English and assimilate.
Agree with most but on gang issue, the gang problem has persisted over time. Mexicans in Atlanta and east coast are much less likely to be gangbangers. Most of the Hispanic kids are respectful of teachers compared to their ghetto black counterparts.
California has an interesting mix of newcomers and Chicanos not present in most of the US. Some of the newcomers there are more likely to be influenced by their Chicano counterparts in an effort to assimilate.
see when I talk about race, ppl tend to want to say blacks are DUMB. its not that simple. The human mind is incredibly powerful, and the black mind is no different.
its a question of their temperament and nature. it's totally different to whites. esp when it comes to sexual/mating/courtship habits.
blacks were the ones who introduced this 'hookup culture' into white society- mostly via music. they always did this, and the more it makes its way into white culture, the less white we get. Because when you abandon the modes of white courtship and marriage, black women who are way more agfressive and physically compelling in virtually every way beat out the white women. You can go visit these clubs and see white women trying to emulate what black women do naturally. When they are in their prime they are virtually irresistible. Note all the stories about black seductresses ranging from Solomon and Sheba to Cleopatra. It's always a powerful white male who is seduced by a black queen.
white-invented thing and only appeared among black ppl who lived in white countries or were heavily indoctrinated by Christianity
Maybe but, until LBJ implemented the great society programs, black families were nuclear
notice something- whites are not reproducing while blacks are multiplying like fucking rabbits. True for the US and Europe.
its because of this, when whites get TOO WHITE, they stop breeding. See my other post about the Neanderthals- an early white prototype. The reason they died out and interbred with the homo sapiens was because they couldn't multiply fast enough although they were more intelligent and fit in every way.
they recognized the threat blacks posed to white society in the US very early on. They knew that they would just continue to multiply and make white society inviable, black people simply dont take naturally to FAMILY PLANNING the way whites do no matter how much education you give them. Hence "Planned Parenthood", a org designed to keep the black population under control. Their entire sexual/endocrine system is just geared up to fuck and breed as quickly as possible. See my pics for evidence. Black women are intensely sexual for a short time.
black families were nuclear
not really true. Black aka Africans have NEVER had such societies in serious numbers. Still evident today. This idea of a father figure is really quite alien to them.
at some point the white race emerged and they were the ones to introduce this idea of a nuclear family and fatherhood. Prior to that, the women of the tribe just got laid and took the dick and had children, and they were raised by the tribe and the males would get indoctrinated into the military system. Kind of how gangs and ghetto life is run today. Been going on for a long time.
Whites OTOH had the notions of fatherhood and male-led families which created a completely different kind of civilization. It's what created enterprise. The father "owned" the children and worked hard and planned for their survival even across many generations. The earlier forms of civilization did not allow for that and blacks still are organized this way and are genetically predisposed to this form of society.
Driving back to San Antonio from Brownsville, Texas after conducting some training for the Texas Army National Guard. I get pulled over by the border patrol. "Are you a US citizen" they ask me. "Yes I am." I was still in uniform and showed both my drivers license and military ID. I do however, like Mexican Food. :-)
Mexicans are good people.
IMO they suffer from racism (rich v poor, Spanish v Indian) in Mexico which is carried forward from the Spanish.
The average Mexican immigrant gets about 4 years of school.
They do get subsidized by the Calif government which gives them an unfair advantage in the work place.
With China's wages going up Mexico is getting more manufacturing work. The wall may become redundant.
Mexico's people are noticeably less educated (cultural IMO) than those from other South American Countries.
I agree with Patrick's comments above. But Mexicans are either ignorant or ashamed of their Indian ancestry, and so you get nonsense terms like Latino, Hispanic, and the belief that these words define a race. Ironic because these folks who deny their Indian ancestry treat the Indians as total shit. And this group in denial recreates history, like saying the border crossed them, when it was the Indians' land that was appropriated. If Europeans raped, mutilated and fed to dogs my ancestors, I don't think I would adopt their name to describe myself.
get nonsense terms like Latino, Hispanic, and the belief that these words define a race. Ironic because these folks who deny their Indian ancestry treat the Indians as total shit.
Mexico is interesting genetically because it's a good example of the replacement of the Y-chromosome (the male line) by an invading people (the Spanish) while leaving the majority of the DNA indigenous.
The paternal ancestry estimated in western Mexican-Mestizos was mainly European (60-64%), followed by Amerindian (25-21%), and African ( approximately 15%).
Roughly speaking, the Mexican population was calculated to be 65 percent indigenous and 35 percent non-indigenous (European, African, Asian).
You can totally see how such a thing could happen socially: the invading Spanish had much higher status in the resulting society and more food, protection etc, so when they married native women, their sons also had higher status, and therefore more surviving sons, etc.
And beyond that, there's the smallpox immunity that being part-Spanish was likely to confer, another big advantage of mestizos over Indians.
Arab genes spread through the Mideast in a similar way, as conquering armies took the local women as wives.
Jewish genes in Europe are strangely different. Most European Jews are descended from male traders ultimately from the Mideast who picked just a few European women to marry out of necessity but after which the society was almost exclusively endogamous.
The finding establishes that the women who founded the Ashkenazi Jewish community of Europe were not from the Near East, as previously supposed, and reinforces the idea that many Jewish communities outside Israel were founded by single men who married and converted local women.
Sure, where else do all the hot Jewish Blondes come from? Probably married Viking Girls when peddling steel and jewelry along the Volga.
Don't see many Sephardic Blondes or Freckled Redheads.
hot Jewish Blondes
those girls look like they are part of the wave of Russian immigrants to Israel
Mexicans are part black, its a well documented part of their history that they all deny. They come here and scream RACISM, Mexicans are racist as hell. They do not like black people and consider themselves higher than blacks.
where else do all the hot Jewish Blondes come from
From a bottle? I'd love to inspect, but sometimes the eyebrows tell all.
the invading Spanish had much higher status in the resulting society
Yes, they created a caste system that has been discussed here. But do the rest of us have to engage in this game of pretend? It is to the point that even the USG discriminates against its own Indians, while treating Indians from south of the border much more favorably. A reward for capitulating to the Europeans?
hey Im not anti jew at all. I guess Im sympathetic to Hitler but also respect Ashkenazis. I also support Zionism.
Then there's this nasty bitch, Saint Pancake of Olympia.
"I fight injustice worldwide! Social justice yay! Let me wear this symbol of female submission and protest the bulldozing of terrorist's homes. Oops."
some aspects of Islamic civilization are ideal, their treatment of women for instance.
some aspects of Islamic civilization are ideal, their treatment of women for instance.
I don't agree. It creates social disorder and violence (many men have no chance at female relations, while a handful have multiple wives) and is bad for genetic health (disproportionally more ugly ass women, since most guys have to settle with whatever they can get, and tons of cousin marriages.) I think something like 3/4 of genetic diseases in the UK are found in the Pakistani Popultaion from the generation-after-generation of cousin inbreding.
It's like inbreding dogs. Dystemper, Health Problems, Bad Fur, etc.
DieBankOfAmericaPhukkingDie says
I went through this in El Paso and wanted to burn down the fucking nazifuck hut.
Back in the day I crossed over the border into Ciudad Acuna to do some shopping on a CA to NJ road trip. Upon crossing back into the USA, I got pulled over by the US border agents who were convinced I was smuggling drugs into the country. They tore into my gift wrapped presents and throughly searched my truck I was quite worried that they were going to plant something. They seemed quite frustrated that they found nothing. I did have some small amount of recreational stimulant which they thankfully missed. I was glad that I was a citizen. Freaked me out.
Mentally Unbalanced Faggot Still Waiting For The Right Conservative Comment To Incite Him.
in the future, people will realize what a massive failure our current civilization is.
our concepts about race and gender are based on what is POPULAR, not on what is true.
women are irrational, materialistic and destructive. Mankind how known this for millenia and it only LAPSES for brief periods leading to complete destruction. We are in one of those periods right now.
I didn't read this thread, but I have to say:
For someone that dislikes (hates?) black people as much as TOB does, he sure has as a peculiar thing for black women.
Original Bankster needs some Black Diamonds, some of that dark chocolate.
The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice.
Interestingly, on a thread titled "Mexican Stories" there's hardly anything about Mexicans.
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candid mexican story time! were all anonymous so you can say what you want!