Pepe's after you, Hillary

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2016 Sep 16, 4:15pm   119,265 views  388 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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33   Tenpoundbass   2016 Sep 28, 7:18pm  

I'll give up Pepe when you rip his legs off trying to pry him from cold dead hands.

34   zzyzzx   2016 Sep 30, 7:28am  

Link to actual Pornhub video is:

Comments on PornHub are priceless.

37   Shaman   2016 Sep 30, 2:37pm  

This frog thing is really ridiculous. But I get it. People have been attacked so much for speaking the truth that they're using an alter ego "Pepe" to say it for them and then cheering him on. Same reason people like Trump. He's unapologetic about speaking the truth. It drives the Leftists absolutely bonkers nuts, but every time they try to spin it into something racist, they just bring attention to the truth that Trump is saying.

38   mell   2016 Sep 30, 2:54pm  

Quigley is deplorable says

This frog thing is really ridiculous. But I get it. People have been attacked so much for speaking the truth that they're using an alter ego "Pepe" to say it for them and then cheering him on. Same reason people like Trump. He's unapologetic about speaking the truth. It drives the Leftists absolutely bonkers nuts, but every time they try to spin it into something racist, they just bring attention to the truth that Trump is saying.

It's gone even further. Google now censors websites and blogs that use one or more out of a chosen set of words, appeasing the cultural-marxists/leftists. So many have started swapping out those censored words with agreed upon substitutes so that their sites/blogs will get indexed and actually show up in online searches. In some cases they use the censor itself, for example 'black' is replaced with 'google' and you would talk about 'google-on-google crime' to keep your site indexed. It's amazing how far free speech censorship has come under the left, regular people are now starting to use code words and develop their own languages which was previously only heard of in organized crime or terrorism. In essence the Left has made a 180 degree turn from defending free speech to brutally oppressing it.

39   Shaman   2016 Sep 30, 4:02pm  

And that's why the Left will lose. They've gone from promoting the inclusion of "1984" in required reading lists to emulating the worst excesses of the antagonists in that novel. And it's taken only 3.5 decades.
And Obummer hands over the Internet tomorrow to the fascists and communists and dictators. But I have faith that technology will continue to outpace regressive Leftist oppression.
Fuck you, Leftists! Fuck you in the goat ass!

40   Shaman   2016 Sep 30, 4:31pm  

He's ignoring me anyway, the big nerdy pussy.

41   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 30, 5:23pm  

Pepe is about as racist as Willy Wonka "Tell me again how..." memes. If I was a supremacist, I could make one that has Willy Wonka saying "Tell me again how Blacks don't shit in their own neighborhoods." Does that cancel out the tens of thousands of other meme images that featuring Wonka and everything from the NY Knicks to some crap TV show?

See?! Willy Wonka meme is an Atheist meme. Or a conservative one. Or something.

I feel embarrassed on Pepe Bashers' behalf.

Pepe supports ISIS, too.

43   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 1, 6:07am  

Is it racist that Pepe cheats on his taxes?

44   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 1, 4:04pm  

Mexican Pepe:

45   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 1, 4:04pm  

Polish pepe:

46   mell   2016 Oct 1, 4:12pm  

Dude, can't stop laughing. This is so good, and it's getting better by the day! Pepe just makes your day brighter.

47   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 1, 4:12pm  

British pepe:

48   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 1, 4:13pm  

Hungarian Pepe:

50   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 2, 10:30am  

Pepe was foretold in the Bible.

51   Patrick   2016 Oct 2, 11:27am  

YesYNot says

What the fuck is the story behind this homoerotic frog man that Trumpkins are so enamored with?

@YesYNot : The point is that you can get journalists to believe and print pretty much anything, regardless of the truth, as long as it fits The Narrative.

The Narrative is that anyone opposed to Hillary is by definition a Nazi.

To prove it, some guy trolled a journalist into believing, yes, all Trump supporters are secretly Nazis, and their symbol is... (what is the most fucking ridiculous thing we can find to make this journalist look like an idiot?) yes, a cartoon frog famous only for peeing with its pants down!

And the journalist believed it.

And so the trolling continued. And the entire left was instantly TRIGGERED anytime they saw Pepe. It was just so easy to give them epileptic fits, and so much fun!

And now we have it officially on Hillary's site that Pepe the cartoon frog is a Nazi symbol. And on the ADL's list of hate terms.

And journalists and Hillary supporters still don't understand that they were expertly trolled into a lather when they should have just chilled out a bit and questioned how easily they are triggered.

52   anonymous   2016 Oct 2, 12:09pm  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

Pepe was foretold in the Bible.

53   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 2, 12:28pm  

rando says

To prove it, some guy trolled a journalist into believing, yes, all Trump supporters are secretly Nazis, and their symbol is... (what is the most fucking ridiculous thing we can find to make this journalist look like an idiot?) yes, a cartoon frog famous only for peeing with its pants down!

Yes, a frog is so ridiculous. It is almost as ridiculous as wearing a white sheet, and then making a conical hat out of another piece of the sheet, and cutting eye holes like a burka, and going out to taunt the blacks.

If an otherwise non-racist person goes up and trolls people who he doesn't know by saying racist shit, the joke is not on the person who is doing the trolling. The joke is on the idiot who is being a racist even though he doesn't 'believe it,' so that he can get a rise out of someone. Whatever it started as, the irony is that the frog is no held up as an icon by people who feel that treating minorities with respect is an overbearing infringement on their rights.

57   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 6, 8:36am  

Since NJ could now possibly go either way in this election:

58   junkmail   2016 Oct 6, 9:29am  

The original Pepe.

60   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 10, 7:32pm  

Since Michigan is now a swing state:

61   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 10, 8:15pm  

YesYNot MAPGA says

the irony is that the frog is no held up as an icon by people who feel that treating minorities with respect is an overbearing infringement on their rights.

Damn Right!! It's nothing but Reverse Racism coincident with Political Correctness!! You cannot, must not, disconnect the act and the thing itself. If white men are not treated as The Standard of all things American, from nachos to karate, then you're a goddamn reverse racist politically correct triggered hater of everything that happened in the last 50 years TrigglyPuff beta male orbiter Clinton lover in need of a safe place. Didn't you know that?

62   anonymous   2016 Oct 10, 8:19pm  

neplusultra57 says

YesYNot MAPGA says

the irony is that the frog is no held up as an icon by people who feel that treating minorities with respect is an overbearing infringement on their rights.

Damn Right!! It's nothing but Reverse Racism coincident with Political Correctness!! You cannot, must not, disconnect the act and the thing itself. If white men are not treated as The Standard of all things American, from nachos to karate, then you're a goddamn reverse racist politically correct triggered hater of everything that happened in the last 50 years TrigglyPuff beta male orbiter Clinton lover in need of a safe place. Didn't you know that?

Yous are really discovering yourselves this election, congratulations. This is your #duende moment

63   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 10, 8:39pm  

errc says

ous are really discovering yourselves this election, congratulations. This is your #duende moment

By the way, I added to your excellant Hillary dig. I'm paraphrasing from memory so give me the benefit, OK? Tell me what you think:

errc: Voting for Hillary is like chugging from the milk carton straight from the fridge without sniffing first.

neplusultra57: Voting for Trump is like inheriting your Daddy's one-owner, 7400 original mile, '67 Corvette, and giving the keys, for four years, to Justin Bieber.

64   anonymous   2016 Oct 10, 9:13pm  

Voting for Trump is more like getting a bj and she's tickling your balls, and then her fingers are working further south, until she's knocking at the back door. You're not sure if society allows you to like it, but fuck it, it just feels good!

2016 is Americans #duende moment; we're done worrying about right and wrong, and we're just going to do whatever feels good.

65   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 10, 9:54pm  

Oh well. When the Biebs wraps your '67 Vette around a liveoak because, fuck it, it felt good, you might not like the way your butthole puckers. Or maybe you will. Anyway, there's a lot of us who have something to lose and that's why Justin Bieber won't get the keys. I'd rather puke once, get it over with, and keep the car.

66   anonymous   2016 Oct 10, 10:03pm  

Anyway, there's a lot of us who have something to lose


Yes, we do. Which is why we keep voting against Hillary.

In the 08 primary
In the 16 primary
In the 16 general

Then there's plenty of folk that seem to have lost their way. They stopped at the Kwik e Mart to ask for directions , and Apu sent them off the wrong way...--> with her.

68   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Oct 11, 4:31pm  

Investigative Journalism is a Russian Plot to distract us from important issues like Men apologizing for Locker Room Talk.

69   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Oct 11, 5:34pm  

errc says

Voting for Trump is more like getting a bj and she's tickling your balls, and then her fingers are working further south, until she's knocking at the back door. You're not sure if society allows you to like it, but fuck it, it just feels good!

Sadly, you are in a car in her driveway, and her husband is about to come home and coast up the driveway with his lights off as he always does. When he runs into the back of your car, her jaw will clench, and...

70   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 21, 10:47am  


Apple nixes ‘Build the Wall’ app because the creator used ‘offensive’ Pepe the Frog

“I had a free game coming out on iOS today for y’all, but Apple has banned it’s release due to a cartoon picture of Pepe The Frog #FreePepe.”

Treadstone told Breitbart.com, “It’s just a fun little game where you are building a wall to keep out illegal immigrants, and as the illegal immigrants climb over the wall there’s a timer, and if you run out of time you’re out.” He added, “Your quest is to build the highest wall.

Apple reportedly wrote to Treadstone that it would not accept his app because some of the content was “offensive” and “objectionable,” noting, “Specifically, your app includes Pepe the Frog character.”

Over the last few months, Pepe the Frog has become a hate symbol for the alt-right. The creator of the once-sad-frog-meme, Matt Furie wrote in an op-ed for TIME, “Before he got wrapped up in politics, Pepe was an inside-joke and a symbol for feeling sad or feeling good and many things in between.”

71   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 27, 7:29pm  

The election where a cartoon frog has more journalistic integrity than the mainstream media. SAD!

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