Isis 'execute six men with welding equipment and whip child for wearing Messi T-

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2016 Sep 22, 8:16am   26,198 views  63 comments

by turtledove   ➕follow (11)   💰tip   ignore  

Isis has executed six young men with welding equipment in a horrific public execution in front of a huge crowd of onlookers.

The terror group also brutally assaulted beat three young men for playing football and wearing a T-shirt with Barcelona and Argentina star Lionel Messi, according to Iraqi News.
"The terrorist outfit executed six youths in Mosul. Isis said that the youths belonged to a resistance faction,” said a local man who wished to remain anonymous.
"The youths were first handcuffed and then a welding machine and a welding rod was used to kill them.
"The execution took place in Mosul in front of a large gathering.'
In a separate incident, three youngsters were whipped in public for playing football.
Iraqi News reports that Isis has banned people from wearing football shirts and one of the youngsters had a jersey emblazoned with Messi’s name
The three were beaten in front of a crowd after what is believed to be the first arrests of the football crackdown.
"Isis men arrested three young men for playing football, one player wearing a Messi shirt in Martyrs’ Park in downtown Mosul.”



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41   curious2   2016 Sep 22, 3:11pm  

Rew says

Maybe ISIS and our Christian radicals will come together and wipe out the bathroom and bedroom politics for us?

That does appear to be your plan, calling in reinforcements. Or, rather, it's the plan that useful idiots are serving for partisan reasons, without realizing how they're being used. Certainly the Vatican has made explicit its edict that secular Europe must import more Muslims, who insist upon respect for religion, at the point of the sword. They say whatever they must in order to oppose their shared enemies: especially the dreaded atheists, and secularism generally.

42   Strategist   2016 Sep 22, 3:11pm  

Rew says

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

By the way, around the 40 second mark, the "Teacher" explains why ISIS throws gays off of buildings, it's based on a Koran verse "reduce them to the lowest of the low."

Gosh, "their" radicals think those things? So do "ours" ...

No Rew. "their" moderates think like our radicals. Disgusting subhumans.

Rashomon says

And you don't get attacked for calling out Sharia or certain tenets of Islam. You get called out because you generalize your dislike of Islam to include a frequently bigoted view of Muslims as a whole.

Islam is sharia, and sharia is Islam. There is no difference. Evil is evil.

43   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 22, 3:11pm  

Rew says

Gosh, "their" radicals think those things? So do "ours" ...

How many terror attacks have they committed against gays? Our nuts blabbber. Their nuts do, and aren't even considered that nuts by most.

Rew says

The LRA has claimed over 100,000 lives and displaced over 400,000 since formation in 1987. They are radical Christians.

Is a cult of personality around Kony, with ethnic and tribal aspects. Calling the LRA a Christian Group is like calling the Jim Jones Followers Christians.

Al-Baghdadi is a PhD equivalent of one of the most Prestigious Islamic Universities; Kony doesn't even have a bachelor's from Patriot University.

62% of Pakistanis say they have "No Opinion" of ISIS. IE "Know-Nothings"

44   indigenous   2016 Sep 22, 3:11pm  

IIRC the Muslims borrowed the more violent passages from the Old Testament.

If you go back in history the Christians are the clear winners in violence.

45   Strategist   2016 Sep 22, 3:14pm  

indigenous says

IIRC the Muslims borrowed the more violent passages from the Old Testament.

If you go back in history the Christians are the clear winners in violence.

Who cares for the past. I'm worried about the present and the future.

47   Rew   2016 Sep 22, 3:22pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

To not recognize that we have a unique problem with Islam is

- first, intellectually dishonest, because there obviously is

- second it is immoral (or at best morally confused) because by comparing it to a more benign faith you are in effect defending immoral beliefs.

Islam, like all religions has radicalization elements in it.
Yes, it has the most predominant problem with it right now.
To paint ISIS as the standard and not the radical element is a path toward the darkest chapters in human history. Essentially, hate will lead you to become what you despise.

48   Rew   2016 Sep 22, 3:23pm  

thunderlips11 is deplorable says

Is a cult of personality around Kony, with ethnic and tribal aspects. Calling the LRA a Christian Group is like calling the Jim Jones Followers Christians.

Calling ISIS an Islamic group is the SAME!

49   indigenous   2016 Sep 22, 3:24pm  

it is an indicator that the terrorism will subside.

Generally injustice is a contributor to this sort of thing.

The denizens of this forum do not want to consider the injustice, regardless it fuels the situation.

50   Rew   2016 Sep 22, 3:25pm  

indigenous says

Generally injustice is a contributor to this sort of thing.

The denizens of this forum do not want to consider the injustice, regardless it fuels the situation.

What, you mean like young males with things to live for don't go around joining heavily armed groups, killing people, and blowing themselves up?

51   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 22, 3:27pm  

Rew says

Calling ISIS and Islamic group is the SAME!

Nope. ISIS Is not a cult of personality, and it's multi-ethnic, and it's not underwritten by a neighboring opposing religious country. The LRA is a largely a Kony personality cult, mostly Acholi Tribespeople (not multi-ethnic) in response to domination and oppression by other Ugandan Tribes, doesn't attract 30,000 foreign fighters from around the world. The LRA was largely supported by the Sudan, a Salafi Islam Oligarchical Theocracy, which underwrote the LRA for their own purposes: The LRA fought Christian South Sudanese on behalf of Khartoum.

If tens of thousands of Christians from Canada to Australia to South Africa to Bolivia joined the LRA, because Deus Vult! you might have a good comparison here.

52   OneTwo   2016 Sep 22, 3:28pm  

Strategist says

Islam is sharia, and sharia is Islam. There is no difference. Evil is evil.

There obviously is a difference seeing as they aren't the same thing. And the relevance of your comment was what, exactly? You spend a good amount of your time attacking ALL Muslims. Not Sharia, not Islam. You attack Muslims irrespective of how they act.
Strategist says

No Rew. "their" moderates think like our radicals. Disgusting subhumans.

And there we go.

53   curious2   2016 Sep 22, 3:30pm  

Rew says

indigenous says

Generally injustice is a contributor to this sort of thing.

The denizens of this forum do not want to consider the injustice, regardless it fuels the situation.

What, you mean like young males with things to live for don't go around joining heavily armed groups, killing people, and blowing themselves up?

Among Muslims, education and wealth increase the risk of supporting terrorism. You can see it in academic studies and countless examples, including many cited on PatNet, including here and here. In his 20s, Osama bin Laden had more than 10 million USD and a university education.

54   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Sep 22, 3:37pm  

More than half of British Muslims want homosexuality banned, and half want homosexual teachers banned from classrooms.
What British Muslims Really Think

If American Christians reported these kind of numbers, the Left would be screaming bloody murder. When Muslims report this, it's "Meh".

32% Ranked Hindus below "50" on a scale of 1-100

Liked Buddhists even less

It was much worse with Shirk Unbelievers

And of course horrible with Jews.

55   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Sep 22, 3:40pm  

Rew says

To paint ISIS as the standard and not the radical element is a path toward the darkest chapters in human history. Essentially, hate will lead you to become what you despise.

Wow... so denouncing immoral beliefs is hateful?
You skipped a few steps here. I'm not the one who is hateful, the islamists are.
I have not (yet) become what I despise. I'm still on the right side. And you should be too.

56   indigenous   2016 Sep 22, 3:43pm  

curious2 says

Among Muslims, education and wealth increase the risk of supporting terrorism. You can see it in academic studies and countless examples, including many reported on PatNet. In his 20s, Osama bin Laden had more than 10 million USD and a university education.

Yea that could be, but you can't tell me that injustice doesn't fuel the situation. I read 250,000 non combatants killed since the 90s by the US. That effects people big time no matter what.

57   Strategist   2016 Sep 22, 3:46pm  

Rew says

What, you mean like young males with things to live for don't go around joining heavily armed groups, killing people, and blowing themselves up?

Hundreds of millions of non Muslims living in abject poverty the world over have nothing to live for, but i only see see Muslims becoming suicide bombers. The problem is not that they have nothing to live for, but what they have to die for. 72 fucking virgins and stupid beliefs spread by this so called religion.

Rashomon says

You spend a good amount of your time attacking ALL Muslims. Not Sharia, not Islam. You attack Muslims irrespective of how they act.

I don't attack Muslims who do not believe in sharia laws. They are the good guys.
If i was to hire someone, i would not hire a religious Muslim, because i know they believe in shariah laws. I see no point in hiring bigots.

58   MMR   2016 Sep 22, 3:46pm  

curious2 says

The polygamists receiving the dole from the Anglicans call it jizya, as per Islam; with four wives, each family can produce four jihadis a year. The Islamic State has begun publishing online "kill lists," including the home addresses of Americans living in America, usually blasphemers but also security workers and other potential HVTs, e.g. transit police.

wonder how he feels about fundamentalist mormons in Utah

59   OneTwo   2016 Sep 22, 3:58pm  

Strategist says

I don't attack Muslims who do not believe in sharia laws.

You've put up post after post attacking Muslims without any qualification.

60   Strategist   2016 Sep 22, 4:55pm  

Rashomon says

Strategist says

I don't attack Muslims who do not believe in sharia laws.

You've put up post after post attacking Muslims without any qualification.

Context my dear friend, context.

61   curious2   2017 Jul 7, 2:27pm  


Muslim chicks in the UK should all be issued M134.

That didn't work out so well in San Bernardino. Also Yemen, where Muslim females killed US special forces. Many of the females are believers, and either enable their husbands (e.g. Omar Mateen) or encourage their sons, and some become suicide bombers themselves. Perhaps we could arm the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, instead.

62   Y   2017 Jul 7, 4:35pm  

I think her left eyebrow is somewhat .....missing

63   Y   2017 Jul 7, 4:36pm  

Dudes on ludes

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