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Government employees don't pay any federal income taxes.
I mean, they file them, and they can claim that they pay taxes, but that's just for show.
Their income is my tax dollars. So they should STFU wrt paying taxes
Government employees don't pay any federal income taxes.
wow, another moronic statement from you.
Their income is my tax dollars. So they should STFU wrt paying taxes
A big ol glass of Shut The Fuck Up
Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says
wow, another moronic statement from you.
Actually another one from you, which is to be expected from a Berkeley Econ grad.
Actually another one from you, which is to be expected from a Berkeley Econ grad.
Sorry, you have me confused with that other guy... I did my graduate work back east.
Do you not take advantage of every and any chance available, to reduce your tax burden down as low as possible?
I don't. I could keep chickens in my back yard, sell some eggs, and claim that my house is a farm to lower property taxes. I could also remodel my basement with very high end finishes, and then advertise it for rent for a few weeks at a very high price. Then, when it didn't rent, I could give up, use the space for personal things, and claim that all of the remodel costs were business expenses for my rental. I could have my wife start an accounting business, pay it $10K for doing my taxes and then use the business CC to pay for all of our dining out for the year as planning meetings. I could start a non-profit for saving stray animals, raise a bunch of money from suckers, and then use that non-profit to pay my wife exorbitant fees for medic...
I do. I've regularly turned down overtime, because it throws my wages into a higher tax bracket, and my time is far too valuable to spend it paying more taxes.
In fact, i base almost all of my decisions by considering the tax implications. That's what smart people do: avoid waste. As a hard working, freedom loving American, I cannot afford to be wasteful.
He wasn't incharge of the questions.
I agree. And I said that. But a masterful debater doesn't give a shit about the questions. They will get their points out no matter what. You start with the premise that you are right and your opponent is wrong. That should be the conclusion drawn from all your answers. Then, you put together a list of the points you want to get out.... then you twist all answers to make those points. Just ask my husband, I do it all the time. ;)
Seriously, Trump needs a theme. If Trump wanted to make three points (or however many, but you have to keep it targeted or it becomes substantially more difficult) But let's say: 1) conflict of interest; 2) questionable/criminal behavior; 3) lack of trustworthiness...
Every answer should have followed these themes. How do we fix race divides? How do we strengthen the economy? The question doesn't matter. He says what he would do (ie, renegotiating trade agreements), but then brings every answer back to... The reason why things are the way they are is due to her conflicts of interest; questionable/criminal behavior; and lack of trustworthiness.... All emblematic of today's leadership. How can she fix the divide when you don't know whose side she's on? How can she fix the economy when you cannot trust which economy she's fighting for?
Saudi money -- conflict of interest;
deleted emails despite a subpoena -- questionable behavior;
history of her own racist/sexist behavior (super predators; going after victims of sexual harassment) and changing positions on things she once called the "gold standard" -- lack of trustworthiness.
Again and again and again. Put her in the position of having only two choices with what to do with her two minutes: 1) let the comment slide; 2) defend herself. If he keeps the theme simple, it's easier for people to identify the message, it's harder for her to ignore the comment, and it easier for him to master the facts so he can speak with greater precision.
I agree with the "Themes" argument made above.
He really needs to stick with trade and economics, because his numbers go way up when he talks about that.
The answer to race questions should be NAFTA and manufacturing again. "There used to be so Many GOOD jobs in these neighborhoods before NAFTA sent them all to Mexico." Detroit is a shithole primarily for that reason.
It would have been a great moment to use the "Can't drink water in Flint, Make cars in Mexico" line.
I do. I've regularly turned down overtime, because it throws my wages into a higher tax bracket, and my time is far too valuable to spend it paying more taxes.
that isn't how taxes work, you dumbfuck.
do you even know what marginal income and marginal expenses are?
I do. I've regularly turned down overtime, because it throws my wages into a higher tax bracket, and my time is far too valuable to spend it paying more taxes.
I don't know if you know this, but it doesn't throw your other wages into a higher tax bracket. When you get into a higher marginal tax bracket, only the additional income is taxed at the higher rate. So, if you are getting paid time and a half for overtime, your reasoning is not correct. If you are only offered your normal pay, and you value your free time more than your after tax income, so be it. Most people who are getting paid hourly, are not in a high tax bracket, so this argument would not make any sense for most people.
Anyway, the decision of when to work and not work is pretty routine and normal. There are plenty of very sleazy things that people can do to lower their taxes. We just don't know exactly how sleazy the Donald has been, because he won't show us. Logic tells us that there is something he is hiding.
How many of Trumps businesses, has Donald Trump taken from the U.S., and moved overseas, to avoid Environmental rega, use cheaper labor, and avoid taxes?
How many of Clintons?
I don't know of any for Trump, but off the top of my head, I remember a big one of the Clintons. Burger King. When Dem darling Buffet, used inversion, to 'steal' the taxes from the U.S., and give them to Canada. Because they "wanted to make Canadians happy". Very profitable move for 1% Dem darlings Buffet and Clinton, at the expense of the American people.
Like Trump said last night, politicians like Clinton won't stop our jobs being shipped to high pollution, low reg, low wage environments, because often times THEY OWN THESE COMPANIES! Goes to show that people like Clinton put her own profits before the working class citizens of this country
I don't know if you know this, but it doesn't throw your other wages into a higher tax bracket.
Of course I know this. I assumed it was implied in what I said
Given the clear prejudice of the moderator, did Hillary know the questions in advance?
The DNC pretty much orchestrated the whole debate from soup to nuts.
The DNC pretty much orchestrated the whole debate from soup to nuts.
Covered in Chapter 23 of 'What Do Losers Tell Themselves".
(I didn't mention Trump's numerous extramarital affairs and busted marriages, out of concern for Chelsea being in the audience. I'd like some credit for that.)
Of course I know this. I assumed it was implied in what I said
Your language implied the opposite. You might just say that your marginal tax rate is such that you don't find it worth your time to work overtime, and that you would work more if your tax rate was lower. errc says
How many of Trumps businesses, has Donald Trump taken from the U.S., and moved overseas, to avoid Environmental rega, use cheaper labor, and avoid taxes?
How many of Clintons?
I don't know of any for Trump, but off the top of my head, I remember a big one of the Clintons. Burger King.
The Clintons don't own Burger King, so I have no idea what you are going with that. Trump probably makes all of this products other than food outside of the US. Where do you think his clothing lines are made? Since he can't move his service industry outside of the US, he is sure to import workers with H1bs and claim that his golf courses are farms when filing his taxes.
I do. I've regularly turned down overtime, because it throws my wages into a higher tax bracket, and my time is far too valuable to spend it paying more taxes.
Yeah, having to pay 28% federal on the money earned in hours 41-50 is so much worse than the 25% paid on wages earned in hours 20-40.
Plus, it's not like you could take more vacations and bring that top marginal rate back down to 25% while working less over all.
Why not quit after earning the standard deduction each year. That way you can pay zero taxes - you'll have a shit eating grin on your face as you use all that tax-funded infrastructure you're not paying for.
In fact, i base almost all of my decisions by considering the tax implications. That's what smart people do: avoid waste. As a hard working, freedom loving American, I cannot afford to be wasteful.
Which is of course why you claim you supported Bernie. Oh, hang on. And I have to say your objective comment was very amusing given your rabid anti-Hillary comments on here.
As for Trump being smart avoiding paying any taxes, I'd say that would be his accountants, though it was typically dumb phrasing from him. How about he comment on the system being flawed, and the wealthiest having an obligation to pay their fair share rather than tax dodging, etc., etc.?
The Clintons don't own Burger King, so I have no idea what you are going with that.
Why do you feel the need to lie?
Burger King is owned by its shareholders, one of which is Hillary Clinton
The crowd was laughing at Trump and with Hillary last night. She seemed to be enjoying it.
I could have hugged Holt when he shot Trump's stop and frisk BS down.
In the end, not many minds will have been changed. Check out the #TrumpWon twitter hashtag. It's pretty funny. Have a good day all.
Why do you feel the need to lie?
Burger King is owned by its shareholders, one of which is Hillary Clinton
Jesus Christ. By that standard, I own 1/3 of publicly traded businesses. It's probably that Trump does too. I see Trump has taught you how to tie all negative events of the last 30 yrs to HRC through the customarily allowed 6 degrees of separation.
And the emails?
Most of the emails have been turned over. Of the extra that have been found (probably most of whatever existed in the first place), most have been duplicates, and those are getting released anyway.
Meanwhile, the Clinton's have turned over tons of tax returns and Trump hasn't turned over any. He's trying to distract you with door B, when asked about door A. The whole reason for his 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours deal' is just a way to bring up B when asked about A. He dodges more questions than Picaso has paints. The only thing he dodges better than questions is TAXES.
CNN and FOX news said Trump lost debates with Rubio then Kasich, then Cruz.
And the emails?
Most of the emails have been turned over. Of the extra that have been found (probably most of whatever existed in the first place), most have been duplicates, and those are getting released anyway.
Meanwhile, the Clinton's have turned over tons of tax returns and Trump hasn't turned over any. He's trying to distract you with door B, when asked about door A. The whole reason for his 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours deal' is just a way to bring up B when asked about A. He dodges more questions than Picaso has paints. The only thing he dodges better than questions is TAXES.
You surely must be jesting. Telling your employee to bleach bit emails, clearly showing intent, is a criminal offense, esp. since you know the emails will have to be turned over and investigated. So is deleting these emails (evidence) in the first place. You know she belongs in prison, but since Trump is such a "bad" candidate for you, you choose to support a criminal that is above the law. If you had emails the FBI let you know it wants and you bleach bit them or destroy the evidence otherwise, your ass goes to prison faster than you can say blueberry pie. At least write in Mickey Mouse or vote for one of the other candidates on the ballot, don't need to vote for Trump necessarily.
I'm objective
He wasn't incharge of the questions.
Of course not, you retard, that's why he looked as dumb as you do.
You surely must be jesting. Telling your employee to bleach bit emails, clearly showing intent, is a criminal offense, esp. since you know the emails will have to be turned over and investigated.
Using bleachbit was not an offense if all of the work emails were handed over. The offense was in omitting some or classifying them incorrectly. I don't know if it was a judgement error or what. Maybe the FBI classified some of them as work related when HRC thought that they were Clinton Foundation related. In any case, she admitted she was wrong and is getting judged for it. Trump, you, and TD seem to think that that gives Trump a get out of jail free card when it comes to his taxes. It doesn't, and he still looks like an asshole who is hiding something.
If you are into equivocating, we might as well say that as long as Trump keeps his taxes private, we have to give HRC a pass on emailgate. Do you see how stupid that game is?
Using bleachbit was not an offense if all of the work emails were handed over.
And who has the authority to determine which are "work" and which are "personal?" Surely it isn't the person who potentially has something to hide? We don't typically trust the suspects to hand over all the evidence. But we did, here. Further, I disagree that she even had personal emails. IMHO, the emails became property of the State Department the minute she sent them from her work email. So, again... laws are being conveniently reinterpreted to her benefit.
Which is of course why you claim you supported Bernie. Oh, hang on. And I have to say your objective comment was very amusing given your rabid anti-Hillary comments on here.
The fact is that a business man has to please his customers or they don't buy from him. The more customers he has the more benefit he is doing for the community.
I could have hugged Holt when he shot Trump's stop and frisk BS down.
It was actually very effective, fuck the moderator.
I recoil at the police having that much power but it was effective. Might consider it to be a Marshall law situation though.
And who has the authority to determine which are "work" and which are "personal?"
Nice job staying focused on door B. It's very shiny and it might be fun to polish it some more, but I take that as tacit admission that there's a bombshell behind door A. And by bombshell, I'm not talking about a hot young Miss Universe who FB is busy degrading.
We choose plenty of inefficient things, and insecure things, to preserve civil liberties and freedoms.
I'm sure Trump would love Marshall law. He would probably paint it as a path to restoring black communities to their former heights.
Fixed it for ya mr. intelligence...
Sharingmyintelligencewiththedumbasses says
trump can't answer a simple question, so more followups
isare appropriate.
We choose plenty of inefficient things, and insecure things, to preserve civil liberties and freedoms.
Either way it was effective.
I think Hillary blew her wad. 1970s lawsuit. Tax returns. Sexism. Birtherism. That's it.
He held back on Email, Benghazi (her ONLY legacy), Clinton Foundation and, Bill's exploits.
Clinton Foundation
Considering the good that it has done in comparison to the laughable Trump version, he'd be better served avoiding that topic.
zzyzzx is deplorable says
Bill's exploits
He's not running.
zzyzzx is deplorable says
Like those haven't been flogged to death.
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I hope everyone will be tuning in... Perhaps, we can have some live discussion. Kind of like Mystery Science Theater... only with Patnet members and politics...
For those living under a rock, the debate begins tonight at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 for us west coasters).
So... Any pregame discussion? Are we taking odds on Hillary coughing/tripping/fainting...? Or Trump losing his temper and calling Hillary a "pig...?" Or perhaps bets on how many times he says the word "yuuuuge?"
Finally! Some drama!
