Another 15 year old kid gets lucky

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2016 Sep 30, 7:10am   7,258 views  31 comments

by zzyzzx   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  


2 Women Accused Of Having Sex With 15-Year-Old At Pizza Party

DERRY TOWNSHIP (KDKA) — Two women have been accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy at a pizza party in Derry Township.

Tonia M. Simms, 37, and Melissa E. Weaver, 26, are charged with statutory sexual assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, corruption of minors and indecent assault.

The 15-year-old boy involved told police he met Simms and Weaver through an acquaintance on July 8 and was invited over for pizza at Simms’ apartment in the Holiday Acres complex.

After eating pizza and drinking alcoholic beverages, Simms invited the teen and Weaver upstairs to her bedroom.

Weaver allegedly said to the teen: “What, you’ve never had a threesome before?'”

The women then allegedly had sex with the 15-year-old and had sex with each other.

The teen showed officers a text conversation in which he and Simms discussed his age.

Simms was out on unsecured bond. Wednesday, a judge ordered police to take her into custody and jail her on $20,000 bond. Weaver remains out on unsecured bond.


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1   Dan8267   2016 Sep 30, 8:03am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

Two women have been accused of having sex with a 15-year-old boy at a pizza party in Derry Township.

That's just the plot to every 80's porno.

2   Dan8267   2016 Sep 30, 8:15am  

The entire reason the state is arresting women for having sex with 15-year-old boys is so that the state can continue to pretend that it is not ridiculous and unjust to arrest men for having sex with 15-year-old girls or 15-year-old boys. The world now accepts that the state cannot discriminate against people based on gender, so in order to keep consensual sex between men and teenagers illegal, the state has to prosecute consensual sex between women and teenagers.

The truth is that both prosecutions are ridiculous. Teenagers are sexual beings with sexual desires. There is nothing worse about a 15-year-old having sex with a 25-year-old than that 15-year-old having sex with another 15-year-old, which is entirely legal. If anything, two teenagers banging each other is far more problematic than one teenager banging an adult precisely because in the former case both are irresponsible, hormone-driven sex maniacs. At least one older person increases the chances that they will practice safe sex and contraception.

The sickest thing about our society is the stupid self-delusion that sexual desire happens immediately and only when the local clock strikes midnight on a person's 18th birthday. This self-delusion is harmful to society. Teenagers are obsessed with sex. Deal with it or don't have kids.

3   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Sep 30, 8:56am  

Has anyone looked at the pictures of the two "ladies"?

In no way shape or form did this 15 year old boy get lucky.

4   Rew   2016 Sep 30, 10:00am  

The Deplorable DFJ says

Has anyone looked at the pictures of the two "ladies"?

Predators are generally disgusting in and out, and adolescence is fraught with perils.

It's hard to draw an artificial line at an age where individuals are magically sexually mature enough for consent. Anything defined is imprecise, it isn't one size fits all, because we all mature and experience life at different rates. Growing up and figuring sex out is extra difficult in our prudish culture and we generally mature slower on this front than most of the rest of the world. There are some positives and negatives with where we are drawing the lines, and how we are societally shaped in America, to raise our kids and grow up.

I think it is pretty telling that we seem to be warped in our societal reactions to young adults, of BOTH sexes, who appear to be sexually taken advantage of. For the victims, it may be #StopTheShame for girls, and I'm starting to think the counterpart for boys is #DontCallMeLucky. It's the equivalent of locker room high fives shit talk on a massive online media front, when in many cases the guy probably has very mixed feelings, at best, about what happened.

It is no wonder most choose never to report sex crimes.

5   Dan8267   2016 Sep 30, 10:12am  

Ironman says

Dan8267 says

The sickest thing about our society is

allowing CIC into petting zoos.

6   RC2006   2016 Sep 30, 10:17am  

They should get the death penalty, kids life is ruined.

7   Dan8267   2016 Sep 30, 10:22am  

Rew says

It's hard to draw an artificial line at an age where individuals are magically sexually mature enough for consent. Anything defined is imprecise, it isn't one size fits all, because we all mature and experience life at different rates

1. That line should be drawn by each individual in his or her own life.

2. If Bob isn't old enough to consent with a 25-year-old, then he's also not old enough to consent with person his age. The laws do not handle this. If anyone under 18-year-olds aren't mentally capable of providing legal consent to sex then all minors who have sex with anyone under 18 are criminals. This, of course, is ridiculous. Damn few adolescents under 18 are virgins. Making this effectively the law is puritanical and ridiculous.

3. Although some people don't like the idea of their teenager sons or daughters -- really just daughters -- having sex, it is a human right to choose whether or not to have sex and with whom. Preventing consenting people from having sex with each other is a human rights violation. This applies as much for adolescents as it does for adults.

4. It is utter hypocrisy, and a violation of the equals protection clause of the 14th Amendment, to try any minor as an adult, for say murder or terrorism, if that minor is not mentally capable of consenting to sex. How can a person be a legal adult in regards to terrorism charges or first degree murder charges, but not for making a basic life decision to have sex with someone?

That's ridiculous and it demonstrates unequivocally that anti-sex laws are NOT intended to protect minors. If the purpose was to protect minors, then the state would not be allowed to try minors as an adult ever because minors are not mental equals to adults. The only purpose consistent with the law is to take power away from adolescents, not to protect them. This is morally and ethically wrong.

8   Ceffer   2016 Sep 30, 10:24am  

Man, look at those hefters. Kid is lucky he came out of it without a skull fracture.

9   Dan8267   2016 Sep 30, 10:54am  

Ceffer says

Man, look at those hefters. Kid is lucky he came out of it without a skull fracture.

This just demonstrates that adolescent boys are so desperate for sex, they'll bang anything. This, of course, further demonstrates the ridiculousness of the lie that adolescents are incapable of not only consenting, but desperately longing for sex. Any law based on lies is a bad law.

10   Dan8267   2016 Sep 30, 11:17am  

We all know where CIC got his "wife".


CIC is just upset that his girl sprung a leak. Nothing a little duct tape won't fix, especially since it's such a small hole.

11   Ceffer   2016 Sep 30, 11:25am  

At least he didn't fuck the milk bottle and then put it back in the fridge.

13   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 6:16pm  

zzyzzx says
The teen showed officers a text conversation in which he and Simms discussed his age.

Fucking idiot.

Back in my day you would embellish the story and send it to Penthouse.
15   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 6:23pm  

Dan8267 says

Dan8267 says

The sickest thing about

Come back! We can bash Trump together, if he gives into the communists!
16   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 6:25pm  

Dan8267 says

On second thought, never mind.
17   Booger   2021 Jan 7, 6:36pm  

Onvacation says

Is that real?
18   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 6:37pm  

Booger says
Is that real?

Probably. Blow up dolls were way less sophisticated back then.
19   Onvacation   2021 Jan 7, 6:39pm  

Oh wait. That issue is from 2017. I stopped reading in the late 70's when real women started to be willing to do me.
20   HeadSet   2021 Jan 7, 7:20pm  

From Booger's article:

Alexandria Allen, a 25-year-old onetime sub at Royal Spring Middle School, was arrested Monday by Georgetown police on three counts of third-degree rape

That is not the kind of "third degree" I got when I was a middle school lad. Lucky bastard, hot babe teacher as well.
21   Tenpoundbass   2021 Jan 7, 7:22pm  

The Kid was like...
"You had me with Pizza!"
23   Onvacation   2022 Jun 30, 12:07pm  

zzyzzx says

This time it's a 14 year old that gets lucky:

Sometimes 45 year old MILF's just can't control their horniness.

24   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jun 30, 12:21pm  

Until I hit my mid 20's the only experience I had with women were women at least 10 years older than me.
I had been with tens of women from the age 25 to 47. I liked it because they didn't scratch their wrist with dull razors when they were depressed.
Didn't give me blue balls because they were saving it for their wedding night. And they had the best places to go fuck. I was a victim like Joe Biden is a President.
25   WookieMan   2022 Jun 30, 1:15pm  

Onvacation says

zzyzzx says

This time it's a 14 year old that gets lucky:

Sometimes 45 year old MILF's just can't control their horniness.

Not a MILF in my world. Needs to eat a fucking meal. Face is a B- as well. Makeup does wonders for ugly women. Harsh, but true for the times when every female photo is basically staged in some way or another. I don't mess around, but I need A material. That woman is not that. I wouldn't hit that even at 14. I'd take a BJ though.
26   Onvacation   2022 Jun 30, 1:18pm  

WookieMan says

Not a MILF in my world

I didn't call her a MYLFWookieMan says

I wouldn't hit that even at 14.

Yes you would have, if she was offering. At least I would have.
27   Onvacation   2022 Jun 30, 1:18pm  

Normal 14 year old boys will try to screw anything, at least I did.
28   WookieMan   2022 Jun 30, 1:32pm  

Onvacation says

Normal 14 year old boys will try to screw anything, at least I did.

I did as well. And it wasn't that. Not a good face and the one photo she's too thin. Almost unhealthy thin. Bodies matter, but if I cannot look you in the face and be attracted, you're toast in my world. The implants and anorexia are obvious as well. She's weak and would be an awful person to be with. Again, harsh, but true. Body image is very telling with women. They're all insecure, but gal is off the charts. I'd rip out her ribs and smoke them and eat them. Super skinny chicks are disgusting.

Her face is awful is my main point. And yes, super judgmental. But she's just not attractive to me. 5-6 at best. Would do the deed, but wouldn't be happy about it.
29   GNL   2022 Jun 30, 1:34pm  

Wookie may be a poser. Just a hunch.
30   Tenpoundbass   2022 Jun 30, 4:29pm  

WookieMan says

I wouldn't hit that even at 14.

Yes I had a niche market for pulling in skeet, it was a cottage industry of banging hot experienced broads. I was fulfilling a need not many 14 to 17 year old's were willing to fill.
Oh the things I did for the team!
31   clambo   2022 Jun 30, 8:47pm  

Forbidden fruit is sweet at first bite.

Hugh Grant had a hot girlfriend and he went for street strange.

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