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Everyone knows Bernie's position is more progressive than Clinton across the board, and that Clinton has gotten as much more more done directly on the progressive agenda. The role of people like Bernie and Jill Stein is to advocate to shift public opinion, which they have done well. It's also clear for anyone with a brain, that this chart was made to make Clinton look more to the right than she is.
The Clintons (Bill and Hillary) represent(ed) moderate governance, from the center-left. By the nature of being compromising people in the center, they have shifted their positions as the country has shifted theirs.
and that Clinton has gotten as much more more done directly on the progressive agenda.
Bwahahahaha. For me you lost all credibility of being an intelligent, independently-thinking person.
Magpie is a paid-Hillary Troll. There's an army of IT out there, like a bad Stephen King novel.
Clinton has gotten as much more more done directly on the progressive agenda
Please list examples. I am genuinely curious because I can think of none.
Hillary but the Letters "B-I-T-C-H" in Establishment. The cunt added a "C"
Clinton has gotten as much more more done directly on the progressive agenda
Please list examples. I am genuinely curious because I can think of none.
This is the list of Hillary’s accomplishments that come to my mind:
Her reckless promotion of war from various positions of power.
Hillary advocated for every conflict the U.S. has gotten involved with in the past 20 years.
She’s currently an ardent supporter of arming the so-called moderate Syrian rebels and toppling the legal government of Bashar Al-Assad.
She supported the disastrous regime change in Ukraine.
She backed the surge in Afghanistan, which, predictably, accomplished exactly nothing.
She was the deciding factor in pushing Bill to bomb Serbia in the 1990s.
She infamously voted for the 2003 Iraq invasion.
She now is relentless in her demonizing Putin and provoking potentially catastrophic conflict with Russia.
Her Secretary of State in-waiting is the insane neocon warmonger Victoria Nuland, and she has the support of virtually the entire neocon elite.
And, of course, she was one of the main proponents of the NATO intervention in Libya that toppled Gaddafi and created yet another failed state and attendant large scale misery. After rebels gruesomely executed Gaddafi—they reportedly sodomized him with a bayonet—Hillary said on national TV, “We came, we saw, he died.â€
A sort of sociopathic neocon spin on “Veni, vidi, viciâ€.
We have no legitimate reason for any of these misadventures.
War and more war, fought by the sons of the underclasses and profiting the political donor class.
Hillary Clinton: “I'm Kind Of Far Removed From The Struggles Of The Middle Class"
Hillary the bastion of tolerance and understanding and compassion
A candidate so progressive that she was handed the questions by Donna Brazille prior to a debate with sanders. So progressive that the NYT coordinated release dates of negative information about her to the timing of least impact.
Progressive indeed.
Please list examples. I am genuinely curious because I can think of none.
Chip program. Your turn.
Please list examples. I am genuinely curious because I can think of none.
Chip program. Your turn.
OK, I guess.
She loves to claim credit for this.
Bill said "Hillary helped "get done" the Childrens Health Insurance Program", kind of faint praise.
"He avoided specifying how much credit she should get for that" Politifact says, but rates her claims "Mostly True".
That's part of her story. Unless you are president, all you do is help get something done. Even if you are president, all you do is help, although you are given credit and blame for more than your part. Every graduate of grade school should understand this - the Donald excluded.
That's part of her story. Unless you are president, all you do is help get something done. Even if you are president, all you do is help, although you are given credit and blame for more than your part. Every graduate of grade school should understand this - the Donald excluded.
She claims 40 years of "public service", surely she has a few more accomplishments.
I was able to list several of her "accomplishments" off the top of my head.
surely she has a few more accomplishments
Sure she does, and she lists them now and again, so they are not to hard to find. I just wanted to give you a start, in case you were just procrastinating. She doesn't pay me enough to do all of your work.
This article in the post gives two contrasting opinions of Hillary from people who have worked with her. Gingrich the partisan grinch says of Hillary: “Hillary, on the other hand, is someone who is hard left. They are totally different people with different instincts.†Lott, the Reasonable Republican says “And Hillary has seen how important communication is. She understands they’re not just a bunch of rogues up there. . . . You’ve got to be willing to give a little to get a little. That’s how Bill Clinton and I made deals across the board.†He acknowledges the truth, which is that she is willing to negotiate and deal rather than stick to her guns and try to have it exactly the way you want it.
Lott is a huge Lobbyist - big league.
They're going to pass TPP and then it's going to be the 90s all over again while America burns.
How many Rep/Con/Teas have been on their SOCIALIST Taxpayer paycheck for years?
Can one say they are ESTABLISHED?
!00% chance TPP passes within one year of Hillary's coronation.
I'd have to see voting records before I'd believe any of the Bernie claims.
"End the corporatist, militarist, Wall Street-corrupted political duopoly, personified by Hillary Clinton."