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Nice list of donors protecting their significant investment into Hillary establishment.
I never told your guys this, but when I worked on Madison Avenue I ended up in en elevator with Hillary Clinton.
She smelled like cough syrup and like, when you've just blown out a match. I forget, something with an S.
Anyway, she started pawing my leg with her wrinkled claws and working her way up to Big Jimmy and his two friends when fortunately we came to my destination and I jumped out.
I'll never forget the time Hillary groped me.
She smelled like Nutmeg and Piss when She pulled that stunt on me.
994 Women Emerge 22 Days B4 Election & Claim Raped By Trump Over Past 3 Decades
By the time the elections come around that number will rise 10 fold.
There will be one Cluster B accuser for every Wikileaks Dump... funny how that works!
Partisan morality is a wondrous thing to behold. If my guy did it, it's OK and just a bit of a jape, blown out of proportion, and the privilege of power.
If your guy did it, it's a crass and disgusting perverted, criminal violation, a vile stain on the face of God, Man, and the millions of eager, throbbing Tweeties.