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porous borders and "free trade"
Everyone knows that Rep/Con/Teas have solidified our borders &
stopped free trade that harms america.
Some just don't know the facts!
Carlos slim is a destructive asshole. If the Mexican people had any backbone they would storm his residence by the millions and string up his corrupt ass.
This is exactly what is happening.
The entire media is controlled by corrupt, globalist, vile scumbags.
They will never voluntarily allow true American Sovereignty again even if they have to foment war or civil war to try & prevent American Sovereignty.
Both papers (controlled by globalist billionaires who depend on porous borders and "free trade" aka cheap products made by low-wage laborers exported to U.S.) trash Trump constantly, and literally promote Hillary & bury her sins.
Trump & his advisors need to seize upon this, because it's factually TRUE, and inform independent & undecided voters about how media rags owned by globalist scumbags who oppose "free trade" reform that Trump has spoken of are literally sabotaging Trump's campaign, and have huge, direct, $$$ interest in seeing Trump lose to Hillary Globalist Clinton.