Debate Thread and Real Time Comments Test.

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2016 Oct 19, 3:59pm   22,177 views  225 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

"Parental Discretion is Advised."

"This Debate brought to you by MediPlex, makers of Levadopa. Don't let your medical disorders stop you, no matter how high you aim!"

"Furnishings provided by Western Chair and Stool, Inc. of Reno, Nevada"

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175   Rew   2016 Oct 19, 11:10pm  

neplusultra57 says

Best of all, breitbart's own poll has Clinton having won the debate 62% to Trump 38%.

"Wrong ... wrong ... media is rigged."

Clinton best lines paraphrased tonight:
- That's because he (Putin) would rather have a puppet (Trump), than a president of the United States.
- Only one of us has shipped jobs to Mexico. Trump hotel in Las Vegas: made with Chinese steel.
- Every time things aren't going his way, he claims it is rigged: FBI, Iowa caucus, Republican Primary, Trump University suit (and the judge), and even the Emmys.
- I was helping kill OBL while you were doing celebrity apprentice. (KNOCK OUT!)

176   bob2356   2016 Oct 20, 4:20am  

AllTruth says

Trump will net 55 million to 57 million votes, while Hillary will muster 51 million to 53 million votes - so a major combined net loss for the democrats on top of the ticket and down-ballot).

Vegas is offering you the chance to make a killing on this. Bet the farm.

177   joshuatrio   2016 Oct 20, 4:53am  

Best line of the night was when Trump owned her and said "excuse me, my turn."

Shut the fugly bitch up.

178   zzyzzx   2016 Oct 20, 5:01am  

Rashomon says

I base my opinion on the facts


179   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 5:08am  

zzyzzx is deplorable says

Rashomon says

I base my opinion on the facts


Coming from the person who thinks the Clinton Foundation only spends 4.7% of the money it receives on charitable programs, I think I can very safely say I know who's laughable.

180   joshuatrio   2016 Oct 20, 5:24am  

So funny... Hillary gets this nasty glare whenever anyone cheers for Trump.


(just getting caught up on debate)

181   Tenpoundbass   2016 Oct 20, 5:40am  

And the Smile when Her lies are brought up. Everytime Trump had her number, she put out this cheesy smile.
Like when you grab a Dog by the nape of the neck, they shut up, like that.

182   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 5:46am  

Tenpoundbass says

And the Smile when Her lies are brought up. Everytime Trump had her number, she put out this cheesy smile.

Like when you grab a Dog by the nape of the neck, they shut up, like that.

Come on, he had yet another of his all too typical meltdowns. He just couldn't keep the calm and steady facade up for long, could he?

183   lostand confused   2016 Oct 20, 5:48am  

Tenpoundbass says

And the Smile when Her lies are brought up. Everytime Trump had her number, she put out this cheesy smile.

Like when you grab a Dog by the nape of the neck, they shut up, like that

Yeah, he won. He did his job-which was to look Presidential. I still think this country has a good shot at electing him. WE need that to avoid become a 3rd world hell hole. The guy who got caught on tape in the voter fraud is married to a dem congresswoman from Chicago and visited the White house 340+ times. Obama and Clinton are Saul Alinsky acolytes-no substance, just riot, disrupt rallies, no ideas for our future-just a bunch of loony anarchists who like to live the high life on other people's dime. I think we can move past this sad story of our history.

184   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 5:51am  

lostand confused says

Yeah, he won. He did his job-which was to look Presidential.

You must have been watching a different debate to everyone who isn't a Trump apologist. He did a decent enough job for the first 30 minutes or so. After that, he went way off the deep end. That bit about not confirming he will accept the result was pathetic.

185   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 5:53am  

Rashomon says

lostand confused says

Yeah, he won. He did his job-which was to look Presidential.

You must have been watching a different debate to everyone who isn't a Trump apologist. He did a decent enough job for the first 30 minutes or so. After that, he went way off the deep end. That bit about not confirming he will accept the result was pathetic.

What were you watching? Trump certainly did a better job than Clinton. Everyone knows this

186   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:01am  

errc says

What were you watching? Trump certainly did a better job than Clinton. Everyone knows this

Everyone knows this? Er, obviously not as a cursory glance at the polls etc. tells you. I watched the debate. Overall, and as with the other 2 debates, he was soundly beaten on the details. But hey, we know that you pretended to be a Sanders supporter on here and have now 'suddenly' morphed into a lover of Trump and a hater of anything and everything to do with Clinton, so paint me unsurprised by your comment.

187   lostand confused   2016 Oct 20, 6:03am  

Rashomon says

He did a decent enough job for the first 30 minutes or so. After that, he went way off the deep end. That bit about not confirming he will accept the result was pathetic.

Basically the first 30 min he was respectful, then he savaged Clinton and exposed her for the corrupt lying hag she is-so it must seem like that to you.

188   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:06am  

lostand confused says

Basically the first 30 min he was respectful, then he savaged Clinton and exposed her for the corrupt lying hag she is-so it must seem like that to you.

No, in the first 30 mins he pretended that he could take a swipe at addressing the issues in the manner that it should be done in such a debate. The rest of it demonstrated the reality that he is entirely unprepared for the demands of being President and is simply a petulant and thin-skinned man-child who is way out of his depth.

189   lostand confused   2016 Oct 20, 6:09am  

Rashomon says

The rest of it demonstrated the reality that he is entirely unprepared for the demands of being President and is simply a petulant and thin-skinned man-child who is way out of his depth

project away. He exposed the lying corrupt hag-so the lefties resort to their usual SJW tactics-because just like their Dear leader-their brains short-circuits. Now we know the lefties actually paid people to do SJW tactics and the chief guy for the voter fraud from Chicago visited the White House 300+ times. What a web we weave.


190   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:11am  

lostand confused says

project away. He exposed the lying corrupt hag-so the lefties resort to their usual SJW tactics-because just like their Dear leader-their brains short-circuits. Now we know the lefties actually paid people to do SJW tactics and the chief guy for the voter fraud from Chicago visited the White House 300+ times. What a web we weave.

Exposed her how? He exposed himself (once again) to be the childish and intellectually inadequate demagogue that he so clearly is.

191   lostand confused   2016 Oct 20, 6:14am  

Rashomon says

Exposed her how? He exposed himself (once again) to be the childish and intellectually inadequate demagogue that he so clearly is.

192   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:15am  

Feel free to actually respond with some meaningful content.

193   lostand confused   2016 Oct 20, 6:16am  

Rashomon says

Feel free to actually respond with some meaningful conte

When you post something meaningful and not talk like a broken record.

194   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 6:17am  

Rashomon says

errc says

What were you watching? Trump certainly did a better job than Clinton. Everyone knows this

Everyone knows this? Er, obviously not as a cursory glance at the polls etc. tells you. I watched the debate. Overall, and as with the other 2 debates, he was soundly beaten on the details. But hey, we know that you pretended to be a Sanders supporter on here and have now 'suddenly' morphed into a lover of Trump and a hater of anything and everything to do with Clinton, so paint me unsurprised by your comment.

Take you Wahibbi propaganda back to your homeland. Anyone with a brain can see Trump drubbed her


195   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:18am  

lostand confused says

When you post something meaningful and not talk like a broken record.

Yawn, so you can't explain your claims. Predictable. Anyway, you and the rest of your ilk seem to think he won all the debates and the polls are all rigged, so presumably he'll win the election at a canter and you can all gloat on here at your leisure. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.

196   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:19am  

errc says

Take you Wahibbi propaganda back to your homeland. Anyone with a brain can see Trump drubbed her


More brain fart nonsense from our resident pretend Bernie supporter.

197   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 6:21am  

Uh oh, Ratfink is #triggered by the truth!

198   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:21am  

errc says

Uh oh, Ratfink is #triggered by the truth!

What truth would that be? That you were never an actual Bernie supporter? Have an IQ of 150 but can't string together a coherent argument?

199   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 6:25am  

Rashomon says

errc says

Uh oh, Ratfink is #triggered by the truth!

What truth would that be? That you were never an actual Bernie supporter? Have an IQ of 150 but can't string together a coherent argument?

Nice. Resort to lies like the good little Clinton lemming you are

200   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:27am  

errc says

Nice. Resort to lies like the good little Clinton lemming you are

Yeah, of course, because hell, you only leaped from being a supposedly massive Bernie supporter to being love struck at anything Trump says. Sure, sure. Has the real ring of truth and thoughtful consideration expected of someone with an IQ of 150.

201   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 6:34am  

Somehow, you dumb twits equate objective criticism of Hillary, as support for Trump.

In your tiny box, what do you expect liberals and progressives that voted for Bernie, to do?

202   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:38am  

Sure, sure, which is of course why you say things like Trump drubbed her in that debate when he obviously did no such thing. I can't honestly remember you ever criticising something that Trump has said despite the litany of offensive comments he's made. But, hell, Clinton just needs to wake up in the morning and you're in attack mode.
And what do I expect Bernie supporting liberals and progressives to do? Not spend their entire time attacking a candidate who is more in line with their supposed beliefs than Trump will ever be whilst simultaneously turning a completely blind eye to all the inflammatory bullshit he throws around at will.

203   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 6:42am  

Oh alt-Marcus account #3, do tell, how you feel that Clinton is the candidate in line with my beliefs?

204   Y   2016 Oct 20, 6:44am  

Typical liberal viewpoint...

Rew says

George Takei:

"I hear the bathrooms

205   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 6:47am  

errc says

Oh alt-Marcus account #3, do tell, how you feel that Clinton is the candidate in line with my beliefs?

I'm not Marcus. And I'm not saying Clinton is in line with your beliefs. I'm saying I believe that you lied about being a Bernie supporter given your constant attacks on Clinton and the fact we never hear a squeak from you against Trump. But hey, do you really want me to explain why an actual real-life Bernie supporter should be more in line with Clinton than Trump? Maybe you could just ask the man himself...

206   Y   2016 Oct 20, 6:49am  

He just has a color tv...

Rashomon says

lostand confused says

Yeah, he won. He did his job-which was to look Presidential.

You must have been watching a different debate to everyone who isn't a Trump apologist.

207   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 7:06am  

Rashomon says

errc says

Oh alt-Marcus account #3, do tell, how you feel that Clinton is the candidate in line with my beliefs?

I'm not Marcus. And I'm not saying Clinton is in line with your beliefs. I'm saying I believe that you lied about being a Bernie supporter given your constant attacks on Clinton and the fact we never hear a squeak from you against Trump. But hey, do you really want me to explain why an actual real-life Bernie supporter should be more in line with Clinton than Trump? Maybe you could just ask the man himself...

That's rich. You lie, and then call me a liar.

And Bernie attacked Hillary to the bitter end, so I see why you're confused about my objective vetting and subsequent criticisms of Clinton.

208   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 7:13am  

errc says

That's rich. You lie, and then call me a liar.

Er, what did I lie about? Are you referring to your Marcus comment? I'm obviously not Marcus. I'd have thought someone with an IQ of 150 might be able to notice that our writing style is entirely different.

errc says

And Bernie attacked Hillary to the bitter end, so I see why you're confused about my objective vetting and subsequent criticisms of Clinton.

Amazing considering he was competing against her. Or not. Who's he endorsed now? And your objective vetting? Ha! Where's your objective vetting of Trump? Got lost somewhere, did it?

209   anonymous   2016 Oct 20, 7:29am  

Marcus is the only poster to get all hot and bothered over my IQ. Also, it's something I mentioned once in passing years ago, so odd that you would even know that.

Are you sure Bernie endorsed Clinton? I guess I missed that, do you have a link?

Not sure what you need me to pile on with your ilk and the media blasting Trump 24/7...seems redundant and a waste of time.

210   FortWayne   2016 Oct 20, 7:37am  

Trump did well at first, kind of went off on tangents mid debate. Hillary was always avoiding talking about what she'll do, because she knows that her "private positions" are bad for everyone but her.

Hillary flat out promised to replace all middle class jobs with foreigners with STEM degrees, and she did not get called out on that at all. I suppose it didn't come up, or maybe just people don't realize they are getting fucked until after it'll happen.

211   Tampajoe   2016 Oct 20, 7:42am  

Or maybe she didn't actually promise that at all?

212   neplusultra57   2016 Oct 20, 7:45am  

FortWayne says

Hillary flat out promised to replace all middle class jobs with foreigners with STEM degrees

You're such a fucking idiot. Your stupidity used to be entertaining, like watching a millennial run into a lampost while texting; now it's just like watching the sun rise.

213   OneTwo   2016 Oct 20, 7:46am  

errc says

Marcus is the only poster to get all hot and bothered over my IQ. Also, it's something I mentioned once in passing years ago, so odd that you would even know that.

It's cropped up a few times on here in recent months - I no doubt read it when you and him were going at it.

errc says

Are you sure Bernie endorsed Clinton? I guess I missed that, do you have a link?


errc says

Not sure what you need me to pile on with your ilk and the media blasting Trump 24/7...seems redundant and a waste of time.

And this site isn't a constant stream of attacks on Clinton? Seems redundant you chipping in as well. Perhaps you could point out now and again how ridiculous some of the anti-Clinton claims are - the 4.7/5.7% (whatever the figure is today) Clinton Foundation falsehood springs to mind as a transparently obvious lie that is repeated ad nauseam on here. Bit of balance, seeing as you are saying you don't support either candidate.

214   Rew   2016 Oct 20, 8:16am  

Pointless arguing here over who won. By tomorrow or Mon all the polling data will be in on debate impressions.

I don't think anyone watching would claim a 6+ bump is possible for Trump off it, to close the gap. That would mean a decisive victory in combination with a Hillary blunder. A typical vanilla win is 3+.

Bottom line is every day that passes is a day closer to the rise of the dark queen. Bad hombres and nasty women are rejoicing. Sorry deplorables.

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