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Podesta is a real winner. The democrat voters get exactly the "leadership" they deserve. Pathetic
Globalists are assholes with power. Trump can't get there cause he won't bend over to tie his own fucking shoe. This is the guy you dicks make your hero? Without a camera on him he doesnt even put on pants. How can a fool like that become president nad run a country?
Liberals because all one needs to be able to do, to be President. Is bend over and tie their shoes.
You do know if Hillary bent over her brains would drain out of her nose?
So we've been saying that the polls are rigged and the media is in total collision with Hillary's campaign. Turns out that the more we find out, the more we can prove that supposition to be TRUTH.
Mass Media has lost most of its credibility and will lose more before this is over.
The curtain has been drawn back, and the "wizard" is wearing nothing but her gross pair of Depends.
Actually, that's not the case at all. Oversampling doesn't mean what you think it does.
All you've done is crawled further and further down the conspiracy hole.
Oversampling mean that they've surveyed a disproportionately high % (relative to their general population %) of certain groups - in this case, all groups who vote in disproportionately numbers for democrats.
To add insult to injury, not only have they oversampled these groups relative to their general composition of the population on a % basis, but these groups (blacks, Hispanics, etc.) tend to be the least likely to actually show up and cast a vote on actual election day, amplifying/compounding the effects of the errors created by the oversampling.
Oh well, now I am hoping IHL wins. It will be so much fun -the next four years for us. If Trump wins, at leats people like me will expect he keep his promises. IHL corrupt critter who deleted 33,000 emails after a subpeone, publicly reveals classified info during debates, bribes the FBI and now looks like incites mob violence. It will be fun with her in the helm.
Now it looks like Hilalry was personally involved int he trump protests
Yes, they do that to get accurate numbers for those groups, but then they adjust those numbers back down to the correct population.
Oversampling reduces error. There is a good explanation on a different thread.
Can't wait for the Trump tax cuts, they will cheer me up even if Trump wins. The Trumptards don't get it... either way they lose and the 1% will win, bigly.
Whereas Hillary will regulate Wall Street, Eliminate Corruption, and pursue a plan of World Peace.
They don't even try & hide it.
This is a paradoxical election season, whereby Hillary, who between her & her husband, who were paid 121 million dollars in speaking fees since 2001, mainly to Wall Street & financial groups, are clamoring for the Bernie Sanders voters, as well as the votes of blacks, Hispanics and working-class women.
Hillary the Wall Street Puppet, the war-mongerer, the globalist, the open borders candidate.
Get ready."Project+Atlas."Trump+Wins.+Only+Surprise+b/c+Hillary+&+MSM+rig+published+polls.
"Project Atlas" has essentially been a coordinated attempt between globalists and the polling "firms" (many of whom are headed by Clinton Foundation Donors) that do work for main stream media outlets to oversample core, democratic-leaning voting demographic blocks, such as African-Americans & Hispanics, by such a historically greater margin (as much as +22% compared to past years, depending on state/county/district) during survey outreach, in order to get headlines that proclaim Hillary has a comfortable lead, in an attempt to psychologically condition the sheeple that there "must be something wrong with Trump if Hillary has such a comfortable lead."
She does not.
a) Over-sampled groups under "Project Atlas" typically do not show up beyond the 45% to 53% rate to vote (Obama's 2008 & 2012 super-cycle election years were exception as he was 1st African-American Candidate).
b) The margin of women voters the Hillary Campaign and almost all polls claim as advantage is hugely overstated (it may wane closer to 9% among all women, versus the ridiculous 15% to 22% numbers thrown out by pollsters, and is more than offset by a 23% lead by Trump with highly motivated, white male voters).
c) This will be a "wave election," similar to 1994, where working-class and middle-class whites turn out in record numbers, to vote disproportionately for Trump, whereby traditional democratic voters will (as is common) have tepid enthusiasm and turn-out.