Establishment freak out: Why Trump Is needed to shake shit up in one photo

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2016 Nov 2, 6:11am   5,572 views  17 comments

by 8e6e0   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


This is prima facie evidence, in the purest and simplest form, of a oligopoly based on corporate-funded puppets, on "both different" sides of the "American Political Spectrum," that there is no loyalty to the 'Average American' citizen by the ruling class (elected by corporate and foreign-sourced money), and that we have sepsis in our "democracy."

Nephew: George W. Bush may vote for Clinton

By Cristiano Lima

11/01/16 11:31 PM EDT
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George P. Bush said Tuesday that his uncle, former President George W. Bush, may join his grandfather George H.W. Bush in casting his ballots for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump, according to the Associated Press.

The Texas land commissioner made the comments while addressing a small Republican rally in San Marcos, Texas, on Tuesday night, saying that both former presidents in the family may "potentially" vote for the Democratic presidential ticket come Election Day.

POLITICO reported in September that George H.W. Bush plans to vote for Clinton over Trump on Nov. 8, according to the member of another prominent political family, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.


Comments 1 - 17 of 17        Search these comments

1   lostand confused   2016 Nov 2, 6:44am  

Lefites voting for a bush clone-LOL!!!

2   Tampajoe   2016 Nov 2, 6:47am  

OMG They hugged?? I take it all back-both parties are the same.

3   AllTruth   2016 Nov 2, 6:50am  

They did more than hug. They probably jacked each other off and smoked a celebratory cigar after getting a drop bag full of millions from Raytheon.

4   Ceffer   2016 Nov 2, 10:29am  

Trump shakes shit up every morning when he gets out of bed.

5   8e6e0   2016 Nov 2, 1:51pm  

...So happy together....


6   Shaman   2016 Nov 2, 1:58pm  

It's not about Trump.
It's about sending a big "Fuck you!" to the wealthy elites who have run us into the ground.

On November 8th, every vote is equal whether it's an oligarch's ballot or a steel worker's.

So of course the elitists are having a hissy fit.

7   FNWGMOBDVZXDNW   2016 Nov 2, 2:07pm  

Why Trump can't shake things up in one picture.

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 2, 2:26pm  

jazz music says

If she was gonna build a wall, institute a 35% Tariff, and bomb the hell out of ISIS, and was running against the notoriously corrupt Clinton Crime family, I'd vote for her.

9   8e6e0   2016 Nov 2, 3:05pm  

Hillary really is tied into much of the PNAC-Neocon gang that has cost the U.S. trillions in $$$ and the world many hundreds of thousands of lives in foreign adventures in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Syria, etc.

She's as hawkish as they come, and the fact that both she and her husband kowtow to the exact same people who control the allegedly "different" 'alternatives' on the other side of the aisle couldn't be more clear except to a completely tone/news/fact/reality deprived person.


10   truth will find you   2016 Nov 2, 4:06pm  

Quigley is deplorable says

It's not about Trump.

It's about sending a big "Fuck you!" to the wealthy elites who have run us into the ground.

If you've been run into the ground, you're doing something wrong. blame yourself, loser.

11   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Nov 2, 4:22pm  

truth will find you says

If you've been run into the ground, you're doing something wrong. blame yourself, loser.

Yeah... at a time when the middle class is rapidly disappearing, it really makes sense to blame individual people for their lack of trying.
It's all their fault.

Those losers.

It should occur to you that it really doesn't matter if it is indeed their fault. If they feel they have been written off, and are mad enough about it, they going to overturn the status quo. And you'll be left wagging your finger "losers" at a crowd who really doesn't care anymore.

We are talking of the stability of the system, and I'm afraid the elite destroyed it through the exact same kind of arrogance you display here.

12   truth will find you   2016 Nov 2, 4:27pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

And you'll be left wagging your finger "losers" at a crowd who really doesn't care anymore.

Oh, they'll care. They are stuck here, and will suffer through it, I'll move somewhere else in the world. I'll survive the trump economic collapse a hell of a lot better than they will!

13   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 2, 5:07pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

It should occur to you that it really doesn't matter if it is indeed their fault. If they feel they have been written off, and are mad enough about it, they going to overturn the status quo. And you'll be left wagging your finger "losers" at a crowd who really doesn't care anymore.

We are talking of the stability of the system, and I'm afraid the elite destroyed it through the exact same kind of arrogance you display here.

Yep, the big myth that there are $39k Network Admin jobs for every laid off 45-year old laid off Steel Worker, if they would just pony up a couple of hundred bucks for a certificate from the Community College.

14   Strategist   2016 Nov 2, 5:10pm  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

Yep, the big myth that there are $39k Network Admin jobs for every laid off 45-year old laid off Steel Worker, if they would just pony up a couple of hundred bucks for a certificate from the Community College.

I heard on TV you could take coding classes and make $75K+

15   Shaman   2016 Nov 2, 5:33pm  

I'm doing great. I just have the noblesse oblige required to feel bad for the regular hard working folks who aren't as smart and lucky as I am.

16   Shaman   2016 Nov 2, 5:37pm  

truth will find you says

care. They are stuck here, and will suffer through it, I'll move somewhere else in the world. I'll survive the trump economic collapse a hell of a lot better than they will!

First of all, good! Go! We don't need you and you can take your money with you. You'll miss the greatest economic boom in a generation and you richly deserve that failure, and more importantly the insignificance that goes with it.

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 2, 6:24pm  

Strategist says

I heard on TV you could take coding classes and make $75K+

Ha! This reminds me of the Video Professor:
'Please, buy my product'

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