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Get used to it, Libs.
The Clinton Crime Family, with Hillary at the Helm, is bringing the slimy, criminal funk & noise back, for another several decades worth of investigations, indictments, impeachment and convictions.
Crushing the hope-filled "it's just a backup of what they have already seen" narrative of a campaign clutching at straws to defend their candidate
this is a very significant point.
Crushing the hope-filled "it's just a backup of what they have already seen" narrative of a campaign clutching at straws to defend their candidate
YesYNot - your main talking point about the emails seems to be coming into doubt...
Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says
YesYNot - your main talking point about the emails seems to be coming into doubt...
Bret Baier has already apologized for his shoddy reporting. But by all means, continue your group orgasm.
Bret Baier has already apologized for his shoddy reporting. But by all means, continue your group orgasm.
That was a retraction about the pending indictment, not about the fact that at least some of the State Emails on Weiner's computer Aren't Duplicates.
Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says
about the fact that at least some of the State Emails on Weiner's computer Aren't Duplicates.
I never said they wouldn't find any new emails. I just said they would find them in an hour of they aren't incompetent. Plus, I notice that the new leak said related to Hillary's time at state, but they don't say how they are related. They might just be from that time period. I don't expect we will hear anything official before Tuesday. I put the odds of Hillary going to jail at less than one percent. Most of these ambiguous leaks are garbage, and getting blown out of proportion for profit and political reasons.
Why is Hillary such a dishonest, sleazy, shrill, disingenuous, bitch?
(If she were male, I would have replaced "bitch" with "dick," Social Justice Warriors & PC Principal).
Apparently you didn't READ Comey's statement today. You think she's 100% clear of any future prosecution? You're a special kind of stupid.
"Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July," - i.e. no crime that any prosecutor would file.
Say, are you going to wait till after tuesday to erase all of your "trump winning" posts? Deleting all 10000 "mitt romney winning" posts must have taken you some real time, so why not get a headstart you lying gutless sick of shit?
Crushing the hope-filled "it's just a backup of what they have already seen" narrative of a campaign clutching at straws to defend their candidate, and confirming Fox News Bret Baier's earlier reporting, CBS News reports that the FBI has found new, non-duplicate emails related to Hilary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State on Anthony Weiner's laptop.
Sources earlier described to Fox News' Bret Baier as an "avalanche of evidence..."
And tonight we are getting further clarification, from US Officials, as to what that evidence consists of (via CBS News)
These emails, CBS News’ Andres Triay reports, are not duplicates of emails found on Secretary Clinton’s private server.
At this point, however, it remains to be seen whether these emails are significant to the FBI’s investigation into Clinton.
It is also not known how many relevant emails there are.
This is a major problem for the surrogates, lawyers, life-long friends, and defenders of the status quo as it destroys the narrative that has been painted suggesting these emails found on Weiner's laptop are merely backups of what law enforcement officials have already seen (and found no intent in).
But what is most intriguing is the question of whether the missing 33,000 'personal' emails 'deleted' by Bryan Pagliano in the full knowledge of Hillary Clinton (according to Wikileaks emails), are also on the estranged husband of Clinton right-hand-lady Huma Abedin's laptop.
As Federal law enforcement officials concluded to CBS News tonight:
"These emails have never been seen before"
The noose is tightening....