Patrick's Predictions

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2016 Nov 7, 8:46pm   30,277 views  144 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

I don't know whether Trump will win the election or not. I think he has a better chance than polls predict, because the majority of Americans have been strongly conditioned not to speak their actual views through decades of threats of job loss or expulsion from school, and this probably carries over when speaking with pollsters.

If Hillary wins, I predict that Trump's movement against establishment politicians will continue to grow, because the conditions which gave rise to Trump will continue. Hillary will continue to aggressively export US jobs, import foreign labor to depress wages, restrict free speech, attack traditional values, and start additional wars around the world. That would make the next election unfortunately even more interesting.

If Trump wins (very much like the Brexit), the dollar will drop, and therefore US exports will surge. There will be tariffs against China, and US manufacturing will in fact revive. Some form of the wall with Mexico will be built, and millions of illegals will leave or be deported (so the cost of vegetables, maids, and construction work will go up). People will feel free to support traditional values like clear gender roles and heterosexual marriage, and the declining marriage rate will reverse and start rising again. We will withdraw militarily from many countries. Iran will invade and take over Saudi Arabia's mostly-Shiite oil fields, and Saudi Arabia will plunge into civil war, raising the price of oil. Oil production in the US and other countries will go up to compensate and oil prices will fall again. Overall US prosperity will increase for the masses, while the super-wealthy find their wealth stagnating because they depended so much on Hillary's policies. So the gap between rich and poor will decline.


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25   Peter P   2016 Nov 7, 10:33pm  

rando says

Try suggesting that motherhood is actually a worthy and noble use of 20 years of a young woman's life on any college campus.

People are being over-educated. They are learning negative knowledge. Ignorance of one's own ignorance is worse than simple ignorance.

26   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 8, 5:07am  

freespeechforever says

Gary, don't look now, but you are advocating the benefits of asset-deflation, which is the #1 boogy-man of the most liberal economists such as (hack) Paul Krugman and others of his smelly, bearded ilk.

Market monetarists, who are libertarian and opposed to fiscal stimulus, often, also advocate asset inflation just like Krugman. Lambert opposes it and so do I. It was ok to get us off the mat in 2009. It really hurt mainstreet because it continued too long. The divide between rich and poor is simply too great.

27   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 8, 5:11am  

indigenous says

That is a myth. Wages are created by production. The US has more people working now than at any time in history, despite having lost a ton of jobs to China, and we have very low unemployment.

Wages have to decline for certain industries. But you are correct, wages are too low compared to the allocation of capital which is Lambert's argument. So, wages need to go up in order for GDP to grow. That is fact, or the cost of living has to come way down. Speculation in real estate is destroying that option.

Slow the growth of regulations, but not give banks free checking to blow another bubble with bad paper.

28   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 8, 5:18am  

rando says

Or our currency could decline for the same effect, without local wages declining. China is a master at that game.

Only problem is that the cost of living is too high. So, in certain industries that need a financial break, rents and house prices are just too high. Lambert's argument is that labor is not getting enough of the profits which is slowing GDP growth. So, we have a problem, the need to compete against the need to pay better wages. Globalization sure has made this difficult. Real estate speculation will force any gains by labor to go to Wall Street, which undermines the GDP. Many businesses are just hanging on because of low interest rates, but rates need to be raised as I said above, or pensions, insurance companies, and elderly will not participate properly in the economy.

29   Y   2016 Nov 8, 5:41am  

However, the likelihood of the next world war being the last is very high...

Peter P says

I can pretty much guarantee that we have NOT seen the last world war.

30   Y   2016 Nov 8, 5:42am  

With the advent of Boston Market drive-through, the "dinner ready at 6 oclock" meme is dated...

Gary Anderson says

Have dinner ready at 6 oclock or else.

31   Y   2016 Nov 8, 5:52am  

As a result of their middle class jobs being exported. They are too smart for garbage picking, and so are being told the path to success is to educate yourself further and further generating a lifelong mortgage on intelligence...however they wind up at mcdonalds anyway.

Peter P says

People are being over-educated. They are learning negative knowledge

32   BayArea   2016 Nov 8, 6:10am  

Patrick says

I think he has a better chance than polls predict, because the majority of Americans have been strongly conditioned not to speak their actual views through decades of threats of job loss or expulsion from school, and this probably carries over when speaking with pollsters.

I keep thinking about this and the effect it is having on the polls up to now. There are a lot of people out there that won't advertise their support for Trump publicly due to backlash within any social, professional, or education system circle they run in.

And @Patrick, you sure do believe that a huge amount of change will take place depending on the elected candidate. I'm not as optimistic on that.

33   marcus   2016 Nov 8, 6:14am  

BayArea says

I keep thinking about this and the effect it is having on the polls up to now. There are a lot of people out there that won't advertise their support for Trump publicly due to backlash within any social, professional, or education system circle they run in.

THen again, how many people like the idea of being a rabble rouser and sturring things up, but when it comes time to vote, they wake up and realize this guy is saying some compelling stuff, but he's a con artist and it's too risky, so last minute they change their mind and decide not to blow up the world.

Also, polls say nothing about percentage of people that will vote. Maybe a lot of people that normally wouldn't bother, will come out to stop this clown.

You don't realize how many people see the guy for who he is.

34   BayArea   2016 Nov 8, 6:18am  

marcus is NOT deplorable says

You don't realize how many people see the guy for who he is.

I do because I'm one of those people.

But if a "silent majority" does exist, it's surely predominantly pro Trump. Hillary has little silent majority because libs run their mouth to anyone who will listen.

35   marcus   2016 Nov 8, 6:41am  

BayArea says

But if a "silent majority" does exist, it's surely predominantly pro Trump. Hillary has no silent majority

Not talking silent majority.

When they poll people, it doesn't capture people that don't vote. PEople that don't vote aren't a silent majoirty, they are people that have a preference but just don't bother voting, becasue they're lazy, they're busy, becasue they don't think their one vote matters or because of some combination of those reasons or others. 57% voted in 2012.

What I'm saying is that people that might otherwise not vote may be voting this time becasue of how much they don't want the other person President. Yes this works on both sides, but I believe it might surprise people what percentage show up for Hillary.

Let's not forget how much better her ground game is where it matters.

36   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 8, 7:01am  

BayArea says

But if a "silent majority" does exist, it's surely predominantly pro Trump.

Not sure. A lot of conservative women are scandalized by Trump. Look at Utah. Mormon women don't want Trump.

37   Gary Anderson   2016 Nov 8, 7:02am  

I think Clinton in a landslide, because you cannot offend women, blacks, Hispanics, disabled and everyone under the sun and hope white men vote for you.

38   marcus   2016 Nov 8, 7:03am  

There's way more dishonesty, stupidity, ego and hate out there than we ever imagined.

39   vanbomel   2016 Nov 8, 7:06am  

If Hillary wins, I predict that Trump's movement against establishment politicians will continue to grow, because the conditions which gave rise to Trump will continue. Hillary will continue to aggressively export US jobs, import foreign labor to depress wages, restrict free speech, attack traditional values, and start additional wars around the world. That would make the next election unfortunately even more interesting.

There's not much of a problem with free speech. Those overhypes stories from college campuses are insignificant. Immigrants may push down wages for some workers, but they don't push down the average wage. Your grandparents or great-grandparents must have pushed down wages for someone whenever they came over, if that's a real issue.

40   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 8, 7:11am  

40c8 says

1. jobs will come back to the US. Bullshit. factories are moving out of china to other countries like vietnam, malaysia, cambodia as I write this, for two reasons: China's aging population is actually making labor more expensive then its neighbors, and the TPP if it passes makes it better to have your company in TPP countries. Tarriffs on china will simply move things faster; Your cheap crap will never be made in the US again, close down china, and it moves to somewhere else with cheap labor.

Then we will put tariffs on those countries too. Duh.

41   zzyzzx   2016 Nov 8, 7:12am  

I'm going to predict that Gary Anderson will never be heard from again here, since he is only here for the election anyway.

42   Dan8267   2016 Nov 8, 7:28am  

Patrick says

Patrick's Predictions

Here's my prediction. PatNeters will spend all day looking at preliminary polling results, and when it's all over, half of PatNeters will bitch about the results and call the election rigged. Oh, and this prediction also applies to the general population.

43   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 8, 7:31am  

marcus is NOT deplorable says

You don't realize how many people see the woman for who she is.


44   joshuatrio   2016 Nov 8, 7:35am  

Gary Anderson says

I think Clinton in a landslide, because you cannot offend women, blacks, Hispanics, disabled and everyone under the sun and hope white men vote for you.

Clinton has made very similar offensive remarks.

What's your point?

45   OneTwo   2016 Nov 8, 7:38am  

Does it really say one of the sources is the Daily Mail? FFS!

46   BayArea   2016 Nov 8, 7:38am  

Gary Anderson says

Not sure. A lot of conservative women are scandalized by Trump. Look at Utah. Mormon women don't want Trump

Maybe true... But when you look at the alternative you realize that it's not Mother Teresa standing there hoping for your vote

47   justme   2016 Nov 8, 8:20am  

More generally about the election: Don't forget that there are all kinds of other elections today than for president.

The composition of the US house and senate is going to be hugely important, as it always is. Same at the state level. Voting in those elections also matters.

48   Entitlemented   2016 Nov 8, 8:37am  

Patrick says

Overall US prosperity will increase for the masses, while the super-wealthy find their wealth stagnating because they depended so much on Hillary's policies. So the gap between rich and poor will decline.


Agree with nearly all of what you said. However:
- We have outsourced so many key jobs, and have a large slide in Technology graduates in the US. Some of the very key technologies such as advanced high density circuit boards, HiTech TV components will not easily come back on shore. Much as we did in the 1940s-1970s, US citizens are going to have to work very hard to pick up our slack on Science and Engineering and Manufacturing. I hope I am wrong about this.
- Trump will have to break through loads of Beauracrasy and Legal hurdles that have multipled since WJ Clinton. With those B-crats doing all they can to preserve their job, it may take a nearly revolutionary like push to restore fairness in contracting, make the private sector free-er and bring the Small and Medium business out of the wrath of Politicians and B-crats.

That said going the way of Hillary pushes us towards what the French were in the late 1790s - High Ranking Administrators controlling the Judiciary. (Read DeTocqueville Ancienne Regime Chapt 2-7)

49   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 8, 8:46am  

Trade with China was 110% human-designed by Big Business, think tanks underwrote Economics Chairs at Universities, produced amazing Brochures and Lectures, paid politicians billions of dollars in speeches, donations, PAC donations, etc.

It is not a natural force like a hurricane or earthquake. It is 110% big business in politics. It can be 110% reversed by politics.

Outsourcing to China and Mexico is completely a result of rewriting laws and signing treaties.

People seem to think before the early 90s, nobody owned TVs, Phones, Cars, or Fax Machines because they were all made in the USA and it cost $10,000 to have a touch tone phone or that a Ford Econoline Van cost $250,000 because it was made expensively in the USA, and only the very rich had touch tone phones or cars until we outsourced everything..

50   NuttBoxer   2016 Nov 8, 8:58am  

I noticed in my neighborhood there are lots of signs out for local and state candidates, NONE for presidential candidate. People either hate them too much to support them, or are afraid of their free speech being violated, as well as their lawn, property, and possibly personage.

My predication, one communist is as bad as another, nothing changes.

51   Peter P   2016 Nov 8, 9:11am  

Ranina ranina says

However, the likelihood of the next world war being the last is very high...

Not really. You will be surprised.

52   junkmail   2016 Nov 8, 9:15am  

For me this election has shown the media to be too powerful and corrupt. I can't find a news source that doesn't have a built in bias. Staying in touch with what's going on is a massive day to day slog. I have some shows that I like on YouTube, but I never watch main stream news anymore.

What worries me is the media was so successful this election and I'm sure big business sat up and took notice. So I only expect it to get worse.

53   OneTwo   2016 Nov 8, 9:34am  

Yeah, because Youtube channels sure have the resources to do quality investigative journalism.

54   indigenous   2016 Nov 8, 9:45am  

Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says

It is not a natural force like a hurricane or earthquake. It is 110% big business in politics. It can be 110% reversed by politics.

That's not true, comparative advantage is known and accepted natural law.

China is guilty of mercantilism. OTOH the US is guilty of exploiting the reserve currency status.

55   indigenous   2016 Nov 8, 9:45am  

Peter P says

Ranina ranina says

However, the likelihood of the next world war being the last is very high...

Not really. You will be surprised.


56   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Nov 8, 9:47am  

junkmail says

For me this election has shown the media to to too powerful and corrupt. I can't find a news source that doesn't have a built in bias. Staying in touch with what's going on is a massive day to day slog. I have some shows that I like on YouTube, but I never watch main stream news anymore.

If Clinton is elected, will she allow the AT&T-Time Warner merger to go through? Quite frankly we should be busting up the current media companies, not allowing more mergers between them.

57   anonymous   2016 Nov 8, 9:48am  

With any new regime change, our enemies will attack us soon to test the strength of our response. It's like a child testing the response and pushing the limits of a parent. You heard it here first.

58   indigenous   2016 Nov 8, 9:50am  

just any guy says

With any new regime change, our enemies will attack us soon to test the strength of our response.

Spoken like a true comrade.

illary is a neocon my fear is the opposite problem.

59   anonymous   2016 Nov 8, 9:51am  

Gary Anderson says

I think Clinton in a landslide, because you cannot offend women, blacks, Hispanics, disabled and everyone under the sun and hope white men vote for you.

How did he offend Blacks, Hispanics and Disabled? Quotes please.

Why did you capitalize Hispanics and not "blacks"? You're a racist.

60   ja   2016 Nov 8, 10:14am  

rando says

Try suggesting that motherhood is actually a worthy and noble use of 20 years of a young woman's life on any college campus. You'll be tied up, doused with gasoline, and burned alive, while being kicked to death.

And ask those same girl 10 years later. She'll feel as a failure if she didn't get any 'husband material' with which do Crl+V of her genes

61   ja   2016 Nov 8, 10:17am  

Patrick says

If Trump wins (very much like the Brexit), the dollar will drop, and therefore US exports will surge. There will be tariffs against China, and US manufacturing will in fact revive. Some form of the wall with Mexico will be built, and millions of illegals will leave or be deported (so the cost of vegetables, maids, and construction work will go up)

Patrick says

Overall US prosperity will increase for the masses

So I guess Donald Trump will find an error on David Ricardo's math

62   indigenous   2016 Nov 8, 10:35am  

ThreeBays says

Hahahahaha. Trump and republicans will pass big tax breaks for the wealthy, increasing owner class's share of wealth generating assets, while the worker class is increasingly enslaved to rent and borrow.

It's true Trump is not a capitalist.

He is a crony capitalist. The one thing about him is that he creates things illary destroys them and is a neocon.

63   NuttBoxer   2016 Nov 8, 11:09am  

indigenous says

The one thing about him is that he creates things illary destroys them and is a neocon.

I don't know, isn't most of his wealth due to leveraging in the property market? Not much manufacturing going on there...

64   indigenous   2016 Nov 8, 11:16am  

NuttBoxer says

I don't know, isn't most of his wealth due to leveraging in the property market? Not much manufacturing going on there...

Is that not creation?

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