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I'm sure she was devastated beyond speech. Love her, hate her, you cannot knock her effort. In her shoes, I imagine a feeling of gutting disappointment, embarrassment about being the "sure thing" and still losing, stunned realization that she was as hated as some said... So much so that she couldn't even beat Trump. And... I'm sure she was as surprised as anyone by how wrong the polls were.
Trump was the only opponent from the GOP she could not beat. Clinton really put up a good fight. She should be proud.
I'm sure she had better polls, but I could be wrong.
It is all predestined to happen. I can count a few movies that mentioned President Trump. He is the most prophesized US president ever.
In reference to your comment that families learn their voting habits... Here are the texts I woke up to:
From my mom:
Trump supporters believe he's going to give them everything they want, because they haven't been successful themselves and it's the government's fault. It's the government that holds them back -- and he will destroy it and they can be great, rich, or whatever. It's the culmination of the final dumbing down of America -- welcome to the idiocracy! A great win for everyone who needs to blame others for their own failures. Republicans seem not to understand change can also be far worse. Well, they've sown the wind. Unfortunately, we will all have to reap the whirlwind!
From one brother:
You wanted him. You got him. I think there's going to be real panic amongst a lot of people. If Hillary won, sure not many liked her, but I don't think many would panic. But many people, the stock market, will panic at the outcome of this election. I guess here is where we cross our fingers and hope the good ole checks and balances kicks in.
From another brother:
Idiocracy... we have voted into office Dwayne Alezandro Mountain Dew Camancho. The world just became dumber. Trexit is here. Merica.... fuck ya! Trexit. I truly believe that this election result will not have positive impact on the common man. The markets will tank today. My business will shrink over the next 2-4 years. ACA will be repealed and the racist/sexists are the majority. Republican house, senate and presidency. Let the nightmare situation begin. It's like Howard Stern being the most power man on the entire face of the Earth.
From another brother:
I feel like we just survived the Purge: Election without the warm fuzzy ending.
From Stepdad:
Sounds like [TD] would rather take a risk on a self centered, narcissistic, inexperienced, immoral, lying, low life rather than someone who is experienced and cares about something other than themselves and has worked hard. You should move to Mississippi.
This is just a taste of the texts I've been receiving from family. So, saying that political tendencies are learned, clearly isn't always the case. I find it funny... My choice has lost the last couple. I wanted Bush out at the second term, so I took the plunge and voted Kerry... and I've been making the minority choice ever since. That said, with each new president, I always went into it with optimism. I ALWAYS gave the winner the benefit of the doubt. I find it interesting that my own family shows the same dem. pattern of being so completely intolerant of views that aren't identical to theirs. I'm trying really hard not to start any fights. So, I'm keeping kind of quiet on the family texts. Tried making a few jokes... Like "Welcome to the White House and Casino." "And Baldwin has job security for at least four years at SNL... See? Jobs!" They were having none of it. They are acting like spoiled cubs with spikes in their paws. Anyway, I could use some love. My mommy/brothers/stepdad are being mean to me.
It's about time we had a floridly psychopathic leader instead of the plain vanilla politic sociopaths! America is going to get the enema it deserves!
Let the nightmare situation begin. It's like Howard Stern being the most power man on the entire face of the Earth.
What's wrong with Howard? He'd be almost as good as Trump, hahahaha.
"someone who cares about something other than herself" yeah, that one was rich... Unless by that he means caring about money from big banks and hostile governments. Seriously, it's going to be a tough day. I will literally be taking shit from family members ALL day long.
"someone who cares about something other than herself" yeah, that one was rich... Unless by that he means caring about money from big banks and hostile governments. Seriously, it's going to be a tough day. I will literally be taking shit from family members ALL day long.
My wife, an Oberlin graduate who didn't vote, was moaning about the whole "Minority Kids getting beat up in school because Trump." crap that she gets from her snobby Artsy Trust Fund Yentamacher friends on Facebook.
This is just a taste of the texts I've been receiving from family. So, saying that political tendencies are learned, clearly isn't always the case.
To be more precise, political identify formation happens later in life. When you talk anyone 20s and under, odds are, they are clones of their parents.
Thunderlips Russian Agent 0069 says
"Minority Kids getting beat up in school because Trump." crap that she gets from her snobby Artsy Trust Fund Yentamacher friends on Facebook.
The liberal SJW gynocracy types are going to be more angry and active. The Trumpets are going to see a big middle finger to minorities. Stir over economic hardship and serve with excessive access to firearms.
Nope. I remember my mom kind of yelling at me for singing "my baloney has a first name, it's J-I-M-M-Y. My baloney has a second name it's C-A-R-T-E-R. Oh, I love to see him everyday, and if you ask me, why I'll say.... 'Cuz Jimmy Carter has a way of screwing up the USA.'" I think I was 8.
turtledove (actually her mom) says
Trump supporters believe he's going to give them everything they want, because they haven't been successful themselves and it's the government's fault. It's the government that holds them back -- and he will destroy it and they can be great, rich, or whatever.
Whoa, I hate it (or do I?) when your mom sounds exactly like me. Has she been reading this blog?
Lena Dunham is going to self-deport. Twice.
So... if she is deported and then deported again from deportation does it mean she is back?
No, silly, it is that she can only fit half of herself on the bus seat each time.
Nope. I remember my mom kind of yelling at me for singing "my baloney has a first name, it's J-I-M-M-Y. My baloney has a second name it's C-A-R-T-E-R. Oh, I love to see him everyday, and if you ask me, why I'll say.... 'Cuz Jimmy Carter has a way of screwing up the USA.'" I think I was 8.
True story: I bought baloney last night at the store. It must have been my subconscious mind telling me something about the election.
PS: you were a little rebel.
Evidently reform is fueled by the tears of Hillary supporters.
Trump is already having a negative impact on the economy as PatNeters waste the entire work day writing smart ass comments about the election.
Nah, perhaps it costs as much productivity loss as that Google HTML5 Pac-Man.
You're right. PatNeters contribute nothing to the economy. What was I thinking? If anything, crime is going down because PatNeters are kept off the streets.
So russia's nukes are launched and shes in the hotel crying...can't even see the buttons in the suitcase.
Not ready for 3am decisions...
Clinton's decision to stay at the Hotel rather than suck it up like a big girl and face the nation is so Hillary Clinton.
True story: I bought baloney last night at the store. It must have been my subconscious mind telling me something about the election.
LOL! The predictive powers of baloney.
She's likely trying to plan her escape.
The Canada-bound luxury bus with all the Hollywood limousine-Democrats will be departing shortly. I'm sure she can catch a ride if she hurries up.
That's a lot of red.
I think that's just blood coming out of your eyes ... or wherever ...
IHLlary is going to escape to Canada and become a fluffer for Rin's hookers.
No, silly, it is that she can only fit half of herself on the bus seat each time.
That is so wrong.
Arizona just finished it vote count!
AP NEWSALERT: Donald Trump has won Arizona's 11 electoral votes, 2 days after Election Day.
I nominate this for thread of the year. An epic middle finger to the political establishment.
Credit to Rew and Justme for sticking it out, even with a candidate I don't think either liked winning.
And a fine swan song for Turtledove as well, she was at her best.
BTW, Patrick, you should ban the two clowns who disliked this thread on general principle.
Anyone else get wood when Trump won the electoral college as well?
I must've jerked off 5 times that day, and then buried the little man in the canoe.
Where is the location of 2.9 million Clinton votes that don't count?
I really looked over the map closely.
Where is the location of 2.9 million Clinton votes that don't count?
I really looked over the map closely.
Where is the location of 2.9 million Clinton votes that don't count?
I really looked over the map closely.
CA bay area
If those illegals were voting Republican, there would be a huge wall, a ditch, land mines, and drones shooting anyone trying to get in.
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