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True, but I'd like to see the savings passed onto the taxpayers. Sadly, I doubt that ever happens.
If we can no longer lock people up for marijuana related offenses, and we release inmates who are in jail for marijuana related offenses, do you have any idea how much fewer law enforcement officers, judges, lawyers, administrative people we will need as part of the system?
The extreme right won't allow it to happen in certain parts of the country
True, but I'd like to see the savings passed onto the taxpayers. Sadly, I doubt that ever happens.
Perhaps OBama should do some executive orders on this instead of H1B???
What a waste of trillions of $$$ arresting and incarcerating people for decades for a substance that's LESS harmful (by far) than alcohol.
The only caveat is that it should be restricted to those under the age of 25 because it does pose developmental risks to brain circuits/networks until the brain is fully and completely developed (age 25).
We need to all, as a nation, realize that it's a massive financial waste and also human waste (arrest records) to have marijuana as an illegal substance.
Marijuana should be legal at the FEDERAL & STATE LEVELS - PERIOD.