Knowledge is the greatest thing you can share with another person. To share knowledge in any conversation, you must start with what the audience already knows because knowledge is gained only at the periphery. If you start with what they do not know, they will not understand you. But if you start with knowledge common to the two of you, you can then expand into areas they do not know.
If any person, man or woman, said that my explaining things to them was condescending, I would immediately lose all respect for that person. Such a person is willfully ignorant and deserves no respect. If you want to impress me with your knowledge, then demonstrate it. I would receive knowledge as gladly as I give it.
The only thing the term mansplaining does is make the case that men should not include women in intellectual conversations as they are too emotional immature to handle them. And does that really promote equality of opportunity? I don't mind ignorance as long as it's not willful. I'll take a person ignorant of a subject but wanting to learn over a knowledgeable person who has stopped learning. The former will always perform better.
After all, poor men only have mansplaining, whereas women have IHLsplaining, Feminazisplaining, Bitch-on-the-Ragsplaining, and all the sundry and varied emotional hysterias.
Sweden opens a hotline to report mansplaining
Audio in above article.
Knowledge is the greatest thing you can share with another person. To share knowledge in any conversation, you must start with what the audience already knows because knowledge is gained only at the periphery. If you start with what they do not know, they will not understand you. But if you start with knowledge common to the two of you, you can then expand into areas they do not know.
If any person, man or woman, said that my explaining things to them was condescending, I would immediately lose all respect for that person. Such a person is willfully ignorant and deserves no respect. If you want to impress me with your knowledge, then demonstrate it. I would receive knowledge as gladly as I give it.
The only thing the term mansplaining does is make the case that men should not include women in intellectual conversations as they are too emotional immature to handle them. And does that really promote equality of opportunity? I don't mind ignorance as long as it's not willful. I'll take a person ignorant of a subject but wanting to learn over a knowledgeable person who has stopped learning. The former will always perform better.
#politics #triggerPlease