Neoliberalism created a ruling-class society of monsters.

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2016 Dec 5, 10:46am   4,237 views  15 comments

by CaltRightCrazy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Neoliberalism has created a ruling-class society of monsters for whom pain and suffering are now viewed as entertainment.

Everywhere we look today there is the looming threat of totalitarianism and the eradication of those public spheres that produce the critical and energizing formative culture necessary for a radical democracy. Schools have been modeled after prisons, a range of social behaviors have been criminalized, especially in the public schools where young people are arrested for violating a dress code or doodling on their desk. A war is being waged not on poverty but on the poor as they are subject to laws that increasingly put them in jail for their debts or for simply being Black and poor. The recent killings and then demonization of unarmed Black youth and adults in cities throughout the United States by white police officers have made visible how a kind of military metaphysics now dominates US life. The police have been turned into soldiers who view the neighborhoods in which they operate as war zones. The earth is now viewed as a resource to be plundered, on part with the extraction of wealth, labor, hopes and dreams taken from other spheres of social life. A mad violence now rules US life.

Outfitted with full riot gear, submachine guns, armored vehicles and other lethal weapons imported from the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, their mission is to assume battle-ready behavior. Is it any wonder that violence rather than painstaking, neighborhood police work and community dialogue and engagement becomes the norm for dealing with alleged “criminals,” especially at a time when more and more behaviors are being criminalized? At the same time, violence becomes the DNA of a society that refuses to deal with larger structural issues such as massive inequality in wealth and power, and a government that now unapologetically serves the rich and powerful corporate interests, and makes violence the organizing principle of governance.

Barbarism is not simply a political concept; it is a practice forged in war and violence. Incapable of self-reflection, it smothers ethical considerations in the language of tactics so that the killing of children at home and abroad through the mechanisms of state terrorism is justified under the pretext of a military necessity – a notion of fear forged in the bowels of the rising surveillance and punishing state. Turning poor neighborhoods into war zones is the metric of the financial elite and ethical zombies who without any semblance of moral conscience, merge power and violence, and wage war against those increasing populations now considered disposable. Under such circumstances, the distinction between civilians and combatants disappears. This is truly the logic of disposability central to state terrorism and the new totalitarianism.

It is hard to disagree with a growing consensus that what we are witnessing in the United States is the legacy of slavery and the criminalization of people of color reasserting itself in a society in which justice has been willingly and aggressively replaced by racial injustice. And it is precisely this militarization that should inform any analysis about the growing dangers of totalitarianism in the United States. Racist killings, the loss of privacy, the rise of the surveillance state, growing poverty and inequality, and the increasing corporatization of the commanding institutions of the United States point to something more than civil unrest, spying, police violence and other specific anti-democratic issues. What is truly at work here and unites all of these disparate issues is a growing threat of authoritarianism – or what might be otherwise called totalitarianism with elections.

But there is more at work in the madness of neoliberal capitalism than the oppression caused by its economic structures and the iniquitous gap in wealth, power and income that it produces. Americans also live in an age of death-dealing loneliness, isolation and militarized atomization. If you believe the popular press, loneliness is reaching epidemic proportions in wired advanced industrial societies. The usual suspect is the internet, which isolates people in the warm glow of the computer screen while reinforcing their own isolation and sense of loneliness. The Facebook notions of “friends” and “likes” become disembodied categories in which human beings disappear into the black hole of abstractions and empty signifiers. Yet, blaming the internet is too easy when one lives in a society in which any notion of dependence, compassion, mutuality, care for the other and sociality is undermined by a neoliberal ethic in which self-interest becomes the organizing principle of one’s life and a survival-of-the fittest ethic breeds a culture that at best promotes an indifference to the plight of others and at worse a disdain for the less fortunate and a widespread culture of cruelty. Isolated individuals do not make up a healthy democratic society.


Comments 1 - 15 of 15        Search these comments

1   Dan8267   2016 Dec 5, 11:10am  

Neoliberalism Paleocapitalism created a ruling-class society of monsters.

Neoliberalism IS NOT neo or liberal

2   Ceffer   2016 Dec 5, 11:26am  

So many guilt trips, so little time! Give me reparations, or give me free shit!

3   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 5, 11:33am  

Good Stuff.

4   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 12, 6:50pm  

Yeah, I saw this in The Onion last week.
5   anonymous   2019 Mar 23, 5:22am  

Elite White Privilege

From a NYT article via Steve Sailer:

Jews are “predominantly a middle-class population in Britain, so they don’t fit the idea of what a victim of racism ought to look like,” Professor Feldman said. “There is an expectation that the victims of racism are people of color, that they’re poor, and that in the case of Europe, either they or their forebears were colonial subjects.”

Feldman critiques the “expectation that the victims of racism are people of color”. So whites can be the victims of racism after all? Whew, glad we got that cleared up.

Incidentally, the racial distribution of American Jews:


Colonial subjects? To the contrary, Jews were more likely to own slaves in North America than non-Jews were!

People of color need constant education to ensure they are able to distinguish an elite white “victim of racism” from a humble working-class racist. They must not forget to care about what happened to the elite’s ancestors nearly a century ago on the other side of the world.

To people of color, Jews don’t tend to appear to be particularly oppressed. These elite whites have a lot more power, privilege, and opportunity than their putative oppressed allies do–a lot more power, privilege, and opportunity even than the deplorable whites those elite whites keep calling “racist” do!

For what it’s worth, I get little satisfaction from people reaping what they sow. I wish they’d salt that fetid ground and focus on planting something bountiful on richer soil.

6   Bd6r   2019 Mar 23, 8:37am  

Patrick says
Jews, most got where they are from hard work, natural intelligence, and a strong cohesive community.

Exactamento. Don't be envious, don't complain, copy their behavior in order to be as successful as they are.
7   Shaman   2019 Mar 23, 8:42am  

I’d be less resentful if the very Jews who are so white and privileged would stop being so fucking Leftist and trying to make it cool to actively oppress and discriminate against underprivileged whites.
Given, these are mostly JINOs, who’ve abandoned a belief in G_d for a belief in cultural Marxism and social justice. So they’re basically privileged white people trying to keep other people down while hiding behind a contrived victimhood status which they bolster at every opportunity by talking about Hitler and the Holocaust. I firmly believe that such talk is merely meant to make other people shut up and accept their status as untouchables.
8   Patrick   2019 Mar 23, 10:16am  

Quigley says
I firmly believe that such talk is merely meant to make other people shut up and accept their status as untouchables.

Yes, of course it is. And it clearly works. The wealthiest Americans are the gold medalists in the victimhood Olympics. This is tremendously ironic, given that they are the most privileged and least victimized in America these days.

d6rB says
Don't be envious, don't complain, copy their behavior in order to be as successful as they are.

It's a logical thought, but white people attempting to maintain a cohesive community and help each other will soon be classified as an imprisonable offense.
9   AD   2019 Mar 23, 6:54pm  

Patrick says
Yes, of course it is. And it clearly works.

Yes, and there seems to be some unspoken rule that white Jewish people are made exempt from the effects of the social justice causes that they promote such as affirmative action in job hires and college admissions, etc.

If one day there will be some major movement for South Africa-style expropriation (i.e., redistribution of wealth based on race or some modern 40 acres-and-a-mule scheme), then rich white Jewish people will be exempt since they historically have been viewed (or propagandized) as victims.
10   RWSGFY   2019 Mar 23, 7:06pm  

d6rB says
Exactamento. Don't be envious, don't complain, copy their behavior in order to be as successful as they are.


11   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 Mar 23, 9:41pm  

Claiming white privilege in America, is like claiming Chinese privilege in China.

It’s just stupidly labeled by left for identity politics. All it is is “majority”. In my area most are Mexican, somehow they don’t go into “Mexican privilege” here. No political gain from stating it.

Patrick says
Everything you could possibly claim about "white privilege" is an order of magnitude more so for Jews.

Jews are over-represented in the Ivy Leage, media, finance, and in the top 1% by at least tenfold relative to their population in the US.

But no one claiming white exclusivity and privilege ever dares mention how much more so all their complaints logically apply to the Jews.

Nothing against Jews, most got where they are from hard work, natural intelligence, and a strong cohesive community. So why shouldn't gentile white people be allowed to do the same?
12   anonymous   2019 Mar 24, 5:08am  

Patrick says
white people attempting to maintain a cohesive community and help each other will soon be classified as an imprisonable offense.

Like this ? Steve King contrasts New Orleans to Iowa on disaster response: 'Iowans take care of each other'.

Republican Rep. Steve King (Iowa) contrasted Iowans as being willing to help one another compared to victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. (King was one of 11 people who voted against aid post Katrina)

“Here’s what FEMA tells me: We go to a place like New Orleans and everybody’s looking around saying ‘who’s gonna help me?' ” King said at a town hall event in a video posted to his Facebook page.

He said that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told him that an Iowan, however, would say “wait a minute, let me get my boots, it’s Joe that needs help. Let’s go down to his place and help him.”

"They’re just always gratified when they come and see how Iowans take care of each other,” he added.


Of course King forgot to mention the billions in farm subsidies the state gets from the Government.

Iowa farmers received $30.8 billion in farm subsidies between 1995 and 2017, according to the data, which is drawn from USDA records.


His district received more than $9 billion in federal farming subsidies between 1995 and 2017 - more than any other district in Iowa, which has received more subsidies than any other state in the nation.


U.S. Taxpayers on the Hook for Insuring Farmers Against Growing Climate Risks

13   CBOEtrader   2019 Mar 24, 5:13am  

Patrick says
Everything you could possibly claim about "white privilege" is an order of magnitude more so for Jews.

Jews are over-represented in the Ivy Leage, media, finance, and in the top 1% by at least tenfold relative to their population in the US.

But no one claiming white exclusivity and privilege ever dares mention how much more so all their complaints logically apply to the Jews.

Nothing against Jews, most got where they are from hard work, natural intelligence, and a strong cohesive community. So why shouldn't gentile white people be allowed to do the same?

Ofc every word of this is true. I'd take it a step further and suggest everything the SJWs say about white privilege HAS been said about Jews. Intersectional feminism combines the worst of the Nazis and the communists. Somehow it also makes women fat, ugly, and angry. Go figure
14   AD   2019 Mar 24, 9:06am  

FortWayneIndiana says
Nothing against Jews, most got where they are from hard work, natural intelligence, and a strong cohesive community.

Patrick and the rest of the posters, please explain what is meant by Jews and "natural intelligence".

If one was to convert to Judaism, what are the chances they could be fully accepted in that "strong cohesive community" ?
15   CBOEtrader   2019 Mar 24, 9:31am  

AD says
please explain what is meant by Jews and "natural intelligence".

Jews have high IQ's. Roughly one full st dev higher than the average, from memory I think its 109 average (for jews) vs 100.

Tail end of the distribution is where the disruption happens though. While the average jew of 109 will be a normal dude, the rate of geniuses in the Jewish community is many times higher than the population. These are the einsteins, etc... of the world and yes Jews are very much so overrepresented in that group.

AD says
If one was to convert to Judaism, what are the chances they could be fully accepted in that "strong cohesive community" ?

If its just a label, zero % chance. If you actually go to temple, do a bar mitzvah, engage w the community, 100% chance. In fact, this is very normal when people marry into Jewish families for ex.

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