Germany allows Sharia Patrols

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2016 Dec 7, 8:12am   15,608 views  92 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

In a moment of amazing bending over backward to not enforce a clear violation of the law.

A German court has ruled that seven Islamists who formed a vigilante patrol to enforce Sharia law on the streets of Wuppertal did not break German law and were simply exercising their right to free speech.

The ruling, which effectively legitimizes Sharia law in Germany, is one of a growing number of instances in which German courts are — wittingly or unwittingly — promoting the establishment of a parallel Islamic legal system in the country.

The self-appointed "Sharia Police" sparked public outrage in September 2014, when they distributed yellow leaflets which established a "Sharia-controlled zone" in the Elberfeld district of Wuppertal. The men urged both Muslim and non-Muslim passersby to attend mosques and to refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, music, pornography and prostitution.


Wuppertal Mayor Peter Jung said he hoped the police would take a hard line against the Islamists: "The intention of these people is to provoke and intimidate and force their ideology upon others. We will not allow this."Wuppertal Police Chief Birgitta Radermacher said the "pseudo police" represented a threat to the rule of law and that only police appointed and employed by the state have the legitimate right to act as police in Germany. She added:

"The monopoly of power lies exclusively with the State. Behavior that intimidates, threatens or provokes will not be tolerated. These 'Sharia Police' are not legitimate. Call 110 [police] when you meet these people."

Wuppertal's public prosecutor, Wolf-Tilman Baumert, argued that the men, who wore orange vests emblazoned with the words "SHARIAH POLICE," had violated a law that bans wearing uniforms at public rallies. The law, which especially prohibits uniforms that express political views, was originally designed to prevent neo-Nazi groups from parading in public. According to Baumert, the vests were illegal because they had a "deliberate, intimidating and militant" effect.

On November 21, 2016, however, the Wuppertal District Court ruled that the vests technically were not uniforms, and in any event did not pose a threat. The court said that witnesses and passersby could not possibly have felt intimidated by the men, and that prosecuting them would infringe on their freedom of expression. The "politically correct" decision, which may be appealed, effectively authorizes the Sharia Police to continue enforcing Islamic law in Wuppertal.

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1   Strategist   2016 Dec 7, 8:45am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Germany allows Sharia Patrols

Just wait till these animals stone someone to death.

2   MMR   2016 Dec 7, 8:48am  

Strategist says

Just wait till these animals stone someone to death.

They are already on tightrope. Won't take much to ignite neo-Nazis at this point, which is probably why Merkel is throwing crumb to disenfranchised electorate by banning burqa

3   MMR   2016 Dec 7, 8:48am  

.....well, that and re-election, which probably won't happen, since most believe this movement is too little too late. Just reacting at this point to brexit and trump victory

4   Patrick   2016 Dec 7, 9:04am  

Islam claims freedom of speech and freedom of religion for itself, and then explicitly and violently denies those rights to everyone else.

5   Strategist   2016 Dec 7, 9:13am  

rando says

Islam claims freedom of speech and freedom of religion for itself, and then explicitly and violently denies those rights to everyone else.

And the Germans see no problem with that. Try calling Mohammad a pedophile with those sharia animals around.

6   Dan8267   2016 Dec 7, 9:20am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

The men urged both Muslim and non-Muslim passersby to attend mosques and to refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, music, pornography and prostitution

Obviously Islam is bad, the worst of the religions (and all religions are bad). However, all these fools did was dress up in silly outfits and tried to persuade people to behave a certain way. This is no different from the annoying Hare Krishna that used to occupy airports and preach. As such, it was well in the Muslims' rights of free speech to preach their religious briefs. Now, if we removed such protections for religions and banned religions, then it wouldn't be legal. Perhaps we should do that.


7   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 7, 9:23am  

rando says

Islam claims freedom of speech and freedom of religion for itself, and then explicitly and violently denies those rights to everyone else.

Yep, Islamist SJWs.
Dan8267 says

Obviously Islam is bad, the worst of the religions (and all religions are bad). However, all these fools did was dress up in silly outfits and tried to persuade people to behave a certain way. This is no different from the annoying Hare Krishna that used to occupy airports and preach. As such, it was well in the Muslims' rights of free speech to preach their religious briefs. Now, if we removed such protections for religions and banned religions, then it wouldn't be legal. Perhaps we should do that.

I think the beef is with their orange vests emblazoned "Sharia Police", and accosting people, they were imitating "real" Police, which can and should be a crime. If they had been neo-nazis with "Anti-Degenerate Police" I think the German Court wouldn't have thought twice about throwing the book at them.

8   Patrick   2016 Dec 7, 9:36am  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

The men urged both Muslim and non-Muslim passersby to attend mosques and to refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, gambling, music, pornography and prostitution.

I heard a great quote about religion once (on NPR, I admit): "All religions seek a monopoly on pleasure."

Every competing form of pleasure is a threat to the religion, and therefore religions seek to ban them. Islam is just far more extreme than any other religion in its intolerance of competing pleasures, so they ban even harmless pleasures like music.

9   Strategist   2016 Dec 7, 9:54am  

rando says

Every competing form of pleasure is a threat to the religion, and therefore religions seek to ban them. Islam is just far more extreme than any other religion in its intolerance of competing pleasures, so they ban even harmless pleasures like music.

They have no problems with the pleasures from sex slaves. Oh wait, that's just Islamic.

10   Rin   2016 Dec 7, 11:46am  

Germany has legal FKKs, a.k.a. brothels, so fuck Sharia or Puritan laws!

11   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 7, 11:57am  

They start by patrolling, then they will intimidate then use force and coerce. Just watch it unfold.

We are renouncing civilization in the name of tolerance.

12   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 7, 12:01pm  

Dan8267 says

They start by patrolling, then they will intimidate then use force and coerce. Just watch it unfolding.

Hare Krishna may be annoying but I doubt their agenda including instituting theocracy, shutting down free speech, women equality, and reverting to medieval Arab sadism as a guideline for civil code.

13   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 7, 12:07pm  

"They start by patrolling, then they will intimidate then use force and coerce. Just watch it unfold.
We are renouncing civilization in the name of tolerance."

When they use force and coerce, then they can be arrested.

"Hare Krishna may be annoying but I doubt their agenda including instituting theocracy, shutting down free speech, women equality, and reverting to medieval Arab sadism as a guideline for civil code."

Should the laws be different for groups you don't agree with? One set for peaceful folks, and a different set for folks you deem "non-peaceful'?

14   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 7, 12:12pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Should the laws be different for groups you don't agree with? One set for peaceful folks, and a different set for folks you deem "non-peaceful'?

Great, than you agree that Muslims can not have more than one wife and reside in the West. If it's forbidden everybody, including Mormons, it must be forbidden Muslims, as well, right?

You wouldn't want two standards of justice. One law for All.

15   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 7, 12:14pm  

"Great, than you agree that Muslims can not have more than one wife and reside in the West. If it's forbidden everybody, including Mormons, it must be forbidden Muslims, as well, right?"

Of course--if it's the law, it applies to everyone.

16   Dan8267   2016 Dec 7, 12:27pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

I think the beef is with their orange vests emblazoned "Sharia Police", and accosting people, they were imitating "real" Police, which can and should be a crime.

Agreed, if that is what they were doing. The court seems to think otherwise though and without being familiar with the case and evidence, I can't say either way.

17   Dan8267   2016 Dec 7, 12:30pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Great, than you agree that Muslims can not have more than one wife and reside in the West. If it's forbidden everybody, including Mormons, it must be forbidden Muslims, as well, right?

You can have as many "wives" as you want, but only one is legally recognized. There's no law prohibiting you from living with multiple women and having sex with them all. You can even call each your wife as long as only one, the same one, is listed on legal documents. In the west, we call this an open marriage, or at least half open.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 7, 12:45pm  

Dan8267 says

You can have as many "wives" as you want, but only one is legally recognized. There's no law prohibiting you from living with multiple women and having sex with them all. You can even call each your wife as long as only one, the same one, is listed on legal documents. In the west, we call this an open marriage, or at least half open.

Here's the problem: Many Muslims in the UK are listed as dads of multiple women's (other wives) kids. Who pays for the child support and welfare, since many don't have jobs?

19   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 7, 12:47pm  

joeyjojojunior says

Should the laws be different for groups you don't agree with? One set for peaceful folks, and a different set for folks you deem "non-peaceful'?

They are not peaceful, or if they are, it is only to the extent that they aren't in sufficient force to win a confrontation.
Just look at the Islam party in Belgium: they already stated that they want to create an Islamic state in Belgium. It is their stated goal.
i.e. Their stated goal is to fundamentally reject all values and institutions that make western civilization possible.
They use the freedom YOU grant them to reject western freedom in general for everyone.
And they reproduce faster than non-Muslims.
And they are a cult. They spread those beliefs. In fact these patrols represent an obvious attempt at proselytizing.

20   Dan8267   2016 Dec 7, 12:53pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Here's the problem: Many Muslims in the UK are listed as dads of multiple women's (other wives) kids. Who pays for the child support and welfare, since many don't have jobs?

That's not a problem with polygamy. It's a problem with letting people have children without being financially secure first. The problem occurs with both monogamy and with non-married polygamy. Hell, many African Americans have the exact same circumstances. How many kids don't even know who their father is?

We really need to license parenthood. Yes, such power is ripe for abuse, but it could be done right and if it's not done abuse is rampant in other areas.

21   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 7, 12:59pm  

You can't prevent people from having children without some sort of severe abuse. Look at China 1 child policy.

22   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 7, 1:12pm  

"Here's the problem: Many Muslims in the UK are listed as dads of multiple women's (other wives) kids. Who pays for the child support and welfare, since many don't have jobs?"

That's not really a problem unique to Muslims. Jerry Springer has made a career out of it in the US.

23   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 7, 1:13pm  

Dan8267 says

We really need to license parenthood. Yes, such power is ripe for abuse, but it could be done right and if it's not done abuse is rampant in other areas.

Agreed. And you should pay $10,000 down to have more than one child (whether male or female). And the state should pay for vasectomies and hysterectomies, including as a penalty for having more than one child you can't support.

Obligations are two-way streets, too many are like "Muh Religion!" or "Muh Human Rights!"
joeyjojojunior says

That's not really a problem unique to Muslims. Jerry Springer has made a career out of it in the US.

Even so, should Muslims be legally allowed have more than one wife but not non-Muslims? Yes or No?

24   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 7, 1:13pm  

"They are not peaceful, or if they are, it is only to the extent that they aren't in sufficient force to win a confrontation."

Many aren't, but you still can't arrest them until they commit a crime. That's a basic right.

25   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 7, 1:14pm  

"Even so, should Muslims be legally allowed have more than one wife but not non-Muslims? Yes or No?"

I answered that already. Of course not. But a wife and a baby mama aren't the same thing.

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 7, 1:19pm  

Refusal to Assimilate in action

This is the gratitude America gets for sharing our great country with people who have no respect for it. #StandUp #NationalAnthem pic.twitter.com/jlLwVZEYGC

— Steve Hirsch (@Stevenwhirsch99) December 7, 2016

27   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 7, 1:28pm  

Where are all the children, old, and women refugees if they are fleeing war and disaster? Overwhelmingly young men, including "teens' who are really 5 years older than they claim. Just lose the passport after you cross into Germany and you're all set. "I'm only 16" (Ha, infidel, I am 23, but this will make my application faster and more likely to be approved).

28   Dan8267   2016 Dec 7, 1:29pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

And you should pay $10,000 down to have more than one child (whether male or female).

Way more than that. Each child should require a non-returnable prepayment of $304,480. This pays for all socialized costs of children including education costs up to and including college degrees, parks, all safety and protection services, food stamps, basic clothing, day care, and medical care. You should also be 100% debt free.

This would have many benefits.
1. Paying for all the extra services the state provides for children.
2. Eliminating deficits.
3. Reducing other taxes.
4. Eliminating childhood poverty by assuring critical expenses are paid.
5. Discouraging overpopulation.

And, of course, apply this same exact financial criteria for all immigrants, legal or not. I suspect we'd solve many problems at once.

As a side benefit, this would force women to choose good mates that are willing and able to financially support children. Encouraging non-productive people to reproduce is never a good thing. You reap what you sow.

29   Dan8267   2016 Dec 7, 1:38pm  

Thunderlips is Tovbot2 says

Overwhelmingly young men, including "teens' who are really 5 years older than they claim.

First clue...

30   Shaman   2016 Dec 7, 2:16pm  

How about mandatory sterilization for all refugees? Bet they'd reconsider settling in a place that offered that sort of bargain.

31   PockyClipsNow   2016 Dec 7, 2:26pm  

rando says

Islam claims freedom of speech and freedom of religion for itself, and then explicitly and violently denies those rights to everyone else.

-- Just like modern lefitists.

32   Strategist   2016 Dec 7, 2:31pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

They are not peaceful, or if they are, it is only to the extent that they aren't in sufficient force to win a confrontation.

Just look at the Islam party in Belgium: they already stated that they want to create an Islamic state in Belgium. It is their stated goal.

i.e. Their stated goal is to fundamentally reject all values and institutions that make western civilization possible.

They use the freedom YOU grant them to reject western freedom in general for everyone.

And they reproduce faster than non-Muslims.

And they are a cult. They spread those beliefs. In fact these patrols represent an obvious attempt at proselytizing.

They are using the freedoms granted by democracy, to destroy democracy.
We need to step back and curtail some of the freedoms until the threat is gone.

33   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 7, 2:33pm  

What's the problem?
america allows retard Ds & Rs to roam freely
& even vote for some of the worst nominees
which is leading to the destruction of the u.s.

700-800 u.s. military bases globally, political parties of PEACE.
How many innocents have been killed by D & R military adventures?
america is FOF (Full Of Fools).

Damn violent Muslims!

34   Strategist   2016 Dec 7, 2:39pm  

HEY YOU says

Damn violent Muslims!

Only part of your comment that actually makes sense.

35   justme   2016 Dec 7, 2:45pm  

Germany would definitely not allow private patrols from political parties (think: brownshirt nazis of the 1930s)), so why would they allow religious patrols?

And is it not illegal to claim to be POLICE or POLIZEI?

36   joeyjojojunior   2016 Dec 7, 2:57pm  

"And is it not illegal to claim to be POLICE or POLIZEI?"

I agree--that would seem to be against the law.

37   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 7, 3:52pm  

Anyone who believes in Shariah is by definition rejecting the core European values and institutions.
If immigrants, they should be immediately cast back into the dusty shit holes from whence they crawled.

38   Patrick   2016 Dec 7, 6:10pm  

HEY YOU says

What's the problem?

america allows retard Ds & Rs to roam freely

& even vote for some of the worst nominees

which is leading to the destruction of the u.s.

700-800 u.s. military bases globally, political parties of PEACE.

How many innocents have been killed by D & R military adventures?

america is FOF (Full Of Fools).

Lol, "destruction of the u.s." seems to mean repeated stock market records since Trump's election. If that's "destruction", sounds good!

And those global military bases? Trump wants to reduce their number. Unlike warmonger HIllary.

39   missing   2016 Dec 7, 7:52pm  

Dan8267 says

Each child should require a non-returnable prepayment of $304,480. This pays for all socialized costs of children including education costs up to and including college degrees, parks, all safety and protection services, food stamps, basic clothing, day care, and medical care.

You can look at these socialized costs as partial(!) repayment from society to the parents who raise the children, for their efforts and expenses. Or you think the parents should bear the whole burden for an activity that benefits society (as well as them, of course)?

40   missing   2016 Dec 7, 7:57pm  

joeyjojojunior says

"They are not peaceful, or if they are, it is only to the extent that they aren't in sufficient force to win a confrontation."

Many aren't, but you still can't arrest them until they commit a crime. That's a basic right.

Right. But you can refuse them to immigrate. Immigration is not a basic right. Problem avoided.

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