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When queried about White's appointment, Trumpligula chortled "It was the right chemistry".
Saturday Night Love is the dumbest fucking show I've ever had the misfortune of watching, with awful acting, horrendous writing & the worst producer imaginable.
It's good to know there are so many dumbass trolls have won Emmys,Oscars & produced sooo many renowned programs & movies. Opinions & ASSHOLES seem to run in mobs.
Now for the kick in the kidney. These are the same people that have won many Medals of HONOR & pay cash for their healthcare.
If you have such a thin skin you are better off in China and Russia.
They don't realize that's what they want us to be.
Proud to say I never saw one episode of Breaking Bad
I didn't either until many years later on Netflix. I would share my opinion about how good it is, if I thought you'd care.