Local "News" channels rigged for Trump, no fact check, no comments, no analysis

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2016 Dec 22, 10:58pm   6,944 views  13 comments

by CaltRightCrazy   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Sinclair Broadcast Group packages the local news and they got access by promising not to fact check, comment on or analyze ANYTHING Trump says.

Jared Kushner arranged for more Trump coverage on a vast network of local TV stations across the country. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. http://tytnetwork.com/go

"Donald Trump's campaign struck a deal with Sinclair Broadcast Group during the campaign to try and secure better media coverage, his son-in-law Jared Kushner told business executives Friday in Manhattan.

Kushner said the agreement with Sinclair, which owns television stations across the country in many swing states and often packages news for their affiliates to run, gave them more access to Trump and the campaign, according to six people who heard his remarks.

In exchange, Sinclair would broadcast their Trump interviews across the country without commentary, Kushner said. Kushner highlighted that Sinclair, in states like Ohio, reaches a much wider audience — around 250,000 listeners — than networks like CNN, which reach somewhere around 30,000.

“It’s math,” Kushner said according to multiple attendees.

But Sinclair and other networks said such a deal is nothing nefarious or new - just an arrangement for extended sit-down interviews with both candidates, one many campaigns have done in previous years to get around the national media and directly to viewers in key states.”*

Read more here: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/12...


Comments 1 - 13 of 13        Search these comments

1   Bellingham Bill   2016 Dec 23, 6:47pm  

Sinclair's ownership is far-right of course.

This summer I noticed in the check-out aisle every week a new attack on Clinton on the cover of the National Enquirer.

"Trump and Enquirer CEO David Pecker have been friends for years."


Hillary needed ~22,000 Trump voters in PA and just 5,000 in MI to have won.

Just the drumbeat of Enquirer hit pieces on Clinton could have been enough for that 5,000 in MI to go the other way.

That and Comey's nothingburger October Surprise.

2   Bellingham Bill   2016 Dec 23, 6:48pm  

Grab them by the pussy Trump says

Does anybody start to see the fall of the American republic here?

We already fell 16 years ago, actually.

Just haven't hit the ground yet.

3   Strategist   2016 Dec 23, 6:54pm  

Bellingham Bill says

Grab them by the pussy Trump says

Does anybody start to see the fall of the American republic here?

We already fell 16 years ago, actually.

Just haven't hit the ground yet.

We hit the ground in 2008 during the Great Recession. Since then we have been slowly recovering. Now the recovery will accelerate, and we will be flying high.

4   Strategist   2016 Dec 23, 6:58pm  

Call It Crazy says

Local "News" channels rigged for Trump, no fact check, no comments, no analysis

And the world is flat.
And pigs fly.
And Santa Claus comes down the chimney.

5   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 24, 6:22am  

Grab them by the pussy Trump says

Does anybody start to see the fall of the American republic here?

It's not as scary as Obama sitting back laughing while Black militant students were accosting White students for having white dreads.
There's other stuff too, but that's the most family friendly.

America is going to Suck for fucksticks that thought THAT was how America rolls. I guaran fuckin tee it!

6   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 24, 6:23am  

Well CNN can still Lie about Trump, I don't think that will change.

7   Strategist   2016 Dec 24, 7:34am  

Tenpoundbass says

Well CNN can still Lie about Trump, I don't think that will change.

They keep exaggerating and harping on the negatives to make it look like all hell is breaking loose.

8   Shaman   2016 Dec 24, 8:57am  

So the big scandal is that some trump interviews were published without scathing and derogatory commentary from the corporate Leftist media owners! For shame! Nobody is supposed to be beyond the power of the oligarchs! They have a Divine Right to distribute their propaganda uninhibited by any vestige of truth!

9   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 24, 10:08am  

BOYCOTT ALL Republicans!
There's nothing they can do to stop you
and it takes little effort.
Just decide whether you need what they are selling
or if their actions are against you.

10   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 24, 10:31am  

I ditched Cable because I was sick of the 547 channels dedicated to shoving Obama's gay dick down my thoat.
That was 5 years ago now, and I haven't looked back.

11   MMR   2016 Dec 24, 8:18pm  

jazz music says

Deal in cash as much as possible

Incentives to not deal in cash are strong, for the fiscally responsible

12   MMR   2016 Dec 24, 8:21pm  

jazz music says

stop traveling, vacations are extreme rip offs anyway

Most of my relatives travel but they have money to do it; unlike them, I generally dislike travel because im living out of uncomfortable hotel room and eating out everyday, plus I don't drink and think sight seeing is lame.

Might do a cooking vacation down the road but mostly I travel to meet relatives

13   MMR   2016 Dec 24, 8:25pm  

jazz music says

boycott the whole system incrementally. They need you to blow your money, have kids, buy their crap food, make loans, and have expensive hobbies. So the cure is t

Exactly. This is also why I consider voting to be a waste of time. We vote everyday by the way we spend our money

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