Trump Unstable, Dangerous Nutcase: Will Cause Disaster, Be Impeached w/in 1 Year

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2016 Dec 23, 9:58pm   7,182 views  30 comments

by AllTruth   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Bank on it.

Shit's going to get so real in 2017 it will have Americans truly dazed & confused.


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1   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 24, 6:12am  

I thought hoped Obama would have been assassinated during his inaugural speech.

You never know.

2   Blurtman   2016 Dec 24, 6:36am  

AllTruth says

Bank on it.

No one knows, but there is sure a tremendous amount of emoting going on.

3   WIP   2016 Dec 24, 6:42am  

Fuck you AllTruth. You're either an angry black person or a self loathing, guilt ridden white person. Either way...fuck you over the next 4 years.

4   Shaman   2016 Dec 24, 9:01am  

We stand a much better chance of surviving the next four years now that we won't have a war mongering neocon with a hate-on for the other world super power in charge of the nuclear codes.
Hillary would have started a nuclear holocaust.
And laughed.
And possibly barked like a dog.
She cray-cray.

Instead we get to rebuild relations with that super power, and figure out how to fix some of the damage Democrat rule has inflicted on America.

5   Ceffer   2016 Dec 24, 11:08am  

Maybe we should just pay off all Trump's Russian loans, give him a permanent lifetime tax exemption, a get out of jail free perma-pass, a palace adorned with statues of himself, and hold the election again.

6   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 9, 5:41am  

AllTruth says

Shit's going to get so real in 2017 it will have Americans truly dazed & confused.

Tee Hee!

Tim Aurora says

We are all fucked for next four years, that is if we survive them.

Tee Hee!
7   mell   2018 Sep 9, 8:09am  

Literally hitler!
8   Ceffer   2018 Sep 9, 1:14pm  

Yeah, we need to get back to the Dems parting out the USA to the world for the benefit of Lib Royalty, while promising free shit bread crumbs to the masses.
9   Strategist   2018 Sep 9, 2:26pm  

AllTruth says
Trump Unstable, Dangerous Nutcase: Will Cause Disaster, Be Impeached w/in 1 Year

So many liberal predictions, so many disappointments. Life sucks!
10   RC2006   2018 Sep 9, 2:34pm  

This thread shows that the only thing the left can take to the bank is TDS.
11   Patrick   2018 Sep 9, 3:08pm  

jazz_music says
God it is going to be SO! NICE! to see his downfall

Getting close to two years and Trump's "downfall" does not look any more likely than it was to begin with. Less likely, in fact, since he has been so good for the US economy and foreign policy.

Democrats: remember you can compete with Trump's popularity by getting back to your roots of actually representing working people's interests the way Trump does. Drop the slanderous daily mass accusations of racism and actually listen to the poor "uneducated" people of all races who have suffered under globalization. They do not care about tranny bathrooms. They care about their manufacturing jobs being exported to China, and having to compete with illegal labor for the remaining service jobs.

If you care about the Democratic Party, please do something to save it from the party elite who have corrupted it.
12   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 9, 9:34pm  

No Question about -"Trump Unstable,Dangerous Nutcase: Will Cause Disaster"

North Korea has just staged their parade, celebrating 70th anniversary of founding, without the customary display of nuclear missiles. Theme was peace and economic development. “Experts believe that North Korea cut out the nuclear missiles to show President Trump......

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 9, 2018

...its commitment to denuclearize.” @FoxNews This is a big and very positive statement from North Korea. Thank you To Chairman Kim. We will both prove everyone wrong! There is nothing like good dialogue from two people that like each other! Much better than before I took office.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 9, 2018

14   lostand confused   2018 Sep 10, 5:38am  

Evan F. says
And yet:


So is Iran-difference we gave iran 110 billion . We gave N korea nothing, sanctions still on, w egot back remains and all for nothing. This will take time-but we gave nothing.

We hold no Trump card-pun intended-with Iran, because w ehad a fool in the White house who wouldn't know how to negotiate with a plumber to fix his clogged toilet.

At some time liberals have to wake up for the good of the country-socialism/communism ha salready bene tried-Nazi Germany, Cambodia's Khmer Rouge, the soviet union, China before they became quasi capitalist, Venezuela.

At some point the elft has to wake up and do what is good for the country and not act like bratty punk teenagers. I used to act like a leftoid when I was a teen-my mother can attest to that-but then I grew up.
15   rootvg   2018 Sep 10, 2:48pm  

WIP says

Fuck you AllTruth. You're either an angry black person or a self loathing, guilt ridden white person. Either way...fuck you over the next 4 years.

I'm sure we'll be sitting here in January of 2021 talking about what's going to happen during Trump's second term.
Trump and his people don't run the show. The banks do. Don't you think the guys at the top of the banks vetted Trump before he ran? Don't you think those guys knew who he was and would be would be like?
16   rootvg   2018 Sep 10, 2:50pm  

Patrick says
jazz_music says
God it is going to be SO! NICE! to see his downfall

Getting close to two years and Trump's "downfall" does not look any more likely than it was to begin with. Less likely, in fact, since he has been so good for the US economy and foreign policy.

Democrats: remember you can compete with Trump's popularity by getting back to your roots of actually representing working people's interests the way Trump does. Drop the slanderous daily mass accusations of racism and actually listen to the poor "uneducated" people of all races who have suffered under globalization. They do not care about tranny bathrooms. They care about their manufacturing jobs being exported to China, and having to compete with illegal labor for the remaining service jobs.

If you care about the Democratic Party, please do something to save it from the party elite who have corrupted it.

Trump isn't going anywhere. Of that, I can assure you.
17   Strategist   2018 Sep 10, 7:20pm  

AntiOcasioCortez says
It's been almost two years when this Libtard post was made.

Trump is still around. And as long as he keeps on delivering the low unemployment and new jobs and impressive 401(k) gains, he will STILL be around two years from now.

"It's the economy, stupid!" -- James Carville, who has been all but ostracized from Libtard TV -- unless Obama is also with him, claiming credit for Trump's economy.

The experts knew Trump would never win the elections. He won the election.
The experts knew Trump would be impeached even before he became President. He became President.
The experts knew Trump would be impeached immediately after he became President. He was still President.
The experts knew Trump would be impeached within a year of becoming President. He is still the President.
I now know those experts know less than my dog.
18   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 10, 7:22pm  

They, KNEW it you stupid redneck Trumptard! Everybody with half a brain knew it!

But we all know they're still employed, latching on to any anti-Trump angle they can find.
19   MisdemeanorRebel   2018 Sep 10, 7:24pm  

Evan F. says
And yet:


Can you tell me about the time Obama was negotiating with North Korea, and the Chairman mentioned a possible nuclear free Korea and withdrew ballistic missiles from their annual military parade?

20   Strategist   2018 Sep 10, 7:53pm  

TwoScoopsOfSpaceForce says
Evan F. says
And yet:


Can you tell me about the time Obama was negotiating with North Korea, and the Chairman mentioned a possible nuclear free Korea and withdrew ballistic missiles from their annual military parade?

Kim is just a third generation King of North Korea. He inherited the throne, but does not have the ability to keep it. He was shown by the NK propaganda machine as a tough leader capable of taking on the Superpower of the World, but he is just a wimp with no balls. He could take on Obama only because Obama is an even bigger wimp, but no way can he take on Trump. Trump has scared the crap out of Kim. We can never be sure what Trump told him in private, but whatever it was, it worked.
Thank You Trump. Sorry Obama, you don't deserve any thanks.
21   CaltRightCrazy   2018 Sep 10, 8:50pm  

Strategist says
I now know those experts know less than my dog.

You're an expert!
22   anonymous   2018 Sep 10, 9:13pm  

jazz_music says
Patrick says
If you care about the Democratic Party,

The only thing I care about is a party exists somewhere that will defeat the Republican agenda.
I don’t care if trump is making America great and if my life is better off, I just want trump to lose by any means possible. I’m not a bitter liberal with a little mangina.
23   Strategist   2018 Sep 10, 9:33pm  

PrivilegedtobeWhite says
The only thing I care about is a party exists somewhere that will defeat the Republican agenda.

Here's the address of that party:
The Moochers Party of America.
7 Heavens Dr
City of Gold, Utopia 00001
attn: Obama
Tel: (800) SUCKERS
24   marcus   2018 Sep 10, 11:19pm  

Patrick says
Less likely, in fact, since he has been so good for the US economy and foreign policy.

I don't see anything about the economy that is becasue of Trump (rather than in spite of Trump) except for the tax cuts, which are a stimulus, but also which we pay for in much higher deficits than what we should be running when the economy is strong.

As for foriegn policy and trade policy, I see those some of the most risky and likely huge mistakes he's made. I get it that Trump fans think risking nuclear war with Kim Jung Un and then kissing his ass on the global stage, all for nothing but another round of paying them off to stop testing nukes (just like we've done for decades), is really nifty stuff.

Patrick says
presenting working people's interests the way Trump does

By represent you must mean the things he said he would do to get elected, right ? Sure, he's a great salesman, sort of. But only someone blindly trying to justify their vote would think that he has actually delivered on any of those promises.

Meanwhile he's moving to destroy the environment and flipping off our allies on a regular basis. Great. Yeah, he's so impressive.
25   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 10, 11:23pm  

marcus says
Patrick says
Less likely, in fact, since he has been so good for the US economy and foreign policy.

I don't see anything about the economy that is becasue of Trump (rather than in spite of Trump) except for the tax cuts, which are a stimulus, but also which we pay for in much higher deficits than what we should be running when the economy is strong.

As for foriegn policy and trade policy, I see those some of the most risky and likely huge mistakes he's made. I get it that Trump fans think risking nuclear war with Kim Jung Un and then kissing his ass on the global stage, all for nothing but another round of paying them off to stop testing nukes (just like we've done for decades), is really nifty stuff.

Patrick says
presenting working people's interests the way Trump does

By represent you must...

You didn't call him Hitler. We're going in the right direction :)
26   doik   2018 Sep 11, 11:04am  

AllTruth says
Be Impeached w/in 1 Year

Not a chance. Only the Republicans can impeach Trump since they have the majority and the Democrats aren't going to get the majority in the fall. The Republicans aren't going to impeach him because he's giving them pretty much everything they want including a crackdown on illegal immigrants and putting their people into key positions like the Supreme Court and the heads of various agencies. Trump is enabling the Republicans to turn over Roe V. Wade, an ironic consequence to the feminist movement to make Clinton the first female president, and possibly even gut Obamacare while keeping the individual mandate, the one part Republicans love because it's a tax whose revenue goes directly to the private sector.

There's no way Trump will be impeached, and you wouldn't want that anyway. Think about it. What happens if Trump is removed from office? Pence becomes president, and if you hate Trump, you'll really hate President Pence.
27   HeadSet   2018 Sep 11, 11:18am  

and possibly even gut Obamacare while keeping the individual mandate, the one part Republicans love because it's a tax whose revenue goes directly to the private sector.

The Republicans already repealed the individual mandate effective for the 2019 taxes, while leaving the rest of Obamacare mostly intact. The exact opposite of what you wrote.
28   doik   2018 Sep 11, 11:25am  

My mistake. But that's a rather stupid move since the individual mandate is exactly what is funding Obamacare. Without it, everyone's premiums will go up by a lot.

Also, it's quite a backtrack for the Republican Party since they advocated the individual mandate back when Hillary Clinton was tasked with reforming health care.

I find it's likely that the Republicans are just setting up Obamacare to fail. It's a ruse. They should just have the balls to repeal it. That's what they keep saying that they want.
29   CBOEtrader   2018 Sep 11, 11:51am  

doik says
But that's a rather stupid move since the individual mandate is exactly what is funding Obamacare. Without it, everyone's premiums will go up by a lot.


Perhaps looks at stats before making such statements. Just a thought.

FYI: I sell insurance and have access to all price info by policy/state/county, whatever you want.

Removing the individual mandate is the right move for americans.

doik says
Also, it's quite a backtrack for the Republican Party since they advocated the individual mandate back when Hillary Clinton was tasked with reforming health care.

More made up fake news or do you have facts this time?
30   doik   2018 Sep 11, 1:11pm  

CBOEtrader says
Perhaps looks at stats before making such statements. Just a thought.

A statistic is a measurement that has been taken, not a guess as to what will happen in the future. By definition, there are no statistics yet since the policy hasn't been implemented.

CBOEtrader says
Removing the individual mandate is the right move for americans.

The individual mandate was always a bad idea, even when it was first proposed by the Republicans. But removing it without repealing the rest of the law is a receipt for disaster. Would you say that the only problem with Obamacare is the one part that came from the Republican Party? If that were true, it would have been a damn good plan.

The fact is that the money to pay for people's health care has to come from somewhere. It's not magic. If it's not coming from young, healthy adults, then it is coming from somewhere else, and that somewhere else is anyone who gets health insurance, particularly as part of their benefits package from their employer.

CBOEtrader says
More made up fake news or do you have facts this time?

I thought this was common knowledge, but I guess identity politics trumps that. I hate both political parties, so don't bother trying to pigeon hole me into your enemy's camp. The fact is anyone who thinks that either Trump or Hillary are good policy makers is an idiot deserving no respect. The best case you could make for either is being the lesser of the two evils, and that's hardly a compelling case.

Some conservatives originally saw the individual mandate as a way to make certain that uninsured people who became ill or were injured — but were still entitled by law to medical treatment — did not push the cost of their care onto others.

“If a young man wrecks his Porsche and has not had the foresight to obtain insurance, we may commiserate, but society feels no obligation to repair his car,” Stuart Butler, a distinguished fellow at the Heritage Foundation, said in a 1989 lecture on how to ensure affordable health care for all Americans. “But health care is different. If a man is struck down by a heart attack in the street, Americans will care for him whether or not he has insurance.”

Part of Mr. Butler’s solution back then? “Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance.”

But Democrats were leery of the idea. In 1993, when President Bill Clinton put forward the broad outlines of his health care proposal in a speech to the National Governors Association in Tulsa, Okla., he called for requiring employers to buy coverage for their workers. The idea of an individual mandate, he noted in the speech, “has found some favor in the United States Congress, primarily among Republicans, but not exclusively, because it has the appeal of not imposing a business mandate, which has a bad sound to it.”

To combat President Clinton’s proposal, a large group of Republican senators, including the minority leader at the time, Bob Dole, and several who are still in office, proposed a bill that would have required individuals, and not employers, to buy insurance.

I don't care what your identity politics are, you don't get to rewrite history, and the Republicans originating and demanding the individual mandate is something that's very easy to confirm.

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