Obama backstabs Israel

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2016 Dec 24, 7:15am   39,215 views  258 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

His Political Islam bias comes out, taking advantage of his last few weeks to order the US Representative to abstain on a UNSC resolution telling Israel what it should do on the land the previous owners, the Egyptians and Jordanians, don't want back.

Jerusalem (AFP) - Israel scrambled Saturday to contain the fallout from the UN Security Council vote to halt settlements in Palestinian territory after lashing out at US President Barack Obama over the "shameful" resolution.

The council passed the measure Friday after the United States abstained, enabling the adoption of the first UN resolution since 1979 to condemn Israel over its settlement policy.
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By deciding not to veto the move, the US took a rare step that deeply angered Israel, which accused Obama of abandoning its closest Middle East ally in the waning days of his administration.

The text was passed with support from all remaining members of the 15-member council, with applause breaking out in the chamber.


Congrats, Democrats.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu looks forward to the incoming Boss:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected the resolution and criticised Obama in especially harsh language.

"Israel rejects this shameful anti-Israel resolution at the UN and will not abide by its terms," read a statement from his office.

"The Obama administration not only failed to protect Israel against this gang-up at the UN, it colluded with it behind the scenes," it said.

"Israel looks forward to working with President-elect Trump and with all our friends in Congress, Republicans and Democrats alike, to negate the harmful effects of this absurd resolution."

Donald Trump won't throw Israel to the Muslim Dogs.

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179   MMR   2016 Dec 24, 7:43pm  

Strategist says

You are a Muslim defending your faith at all costs.

Doubt he is; rather, he is an apologist who doesn't think terms like "Asian gangs" is racist since he is brainwashed by BBC and other anti-India publications in Britain, which is to say most of them.

180   Gary Anderson   2016 Dec 24, 9:56pm  

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob hates the fake Zion. So, God turned Obama, who did regime change in Libya and attempted it in Syria, temporarily against the fake Zion.

If you all want to cross God it is your eternal decision. http://newcovenanttheology.com

181   Gary Anderson   2016 Dec 24, 9:58pm  

You all do realize that Trump and Bannon are anti Semitic while being pro Zionist. Now, why do you think they are this way and want to hide their anti Semitism? Because they are part of the plan to get Jews to fuse with Neo Nazis to hate Muslims.

I wrote you a long time ago saying Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the Ukraine/Israel citizen billionaire is trying to do the same in Eastern Europe, with NO SUCCESS.

Most Jews want to throw up at this Zionist idiocy.

182   OneTwo   2016 Dec 25, 2:45am  

Strategist says

Ha ha ha. What sense does that make? I don't believe you are an atheist. You are a Muslim defending your faith at all costs.

What are you blathering on about? It's perfectly clear what I said. Humans are apes. Nothing more, nothing less. They are inclined to violence, group hysteria etc. etc. Until that changes, then we will always have violence of one form or another. Religion is irrelevant to that. How that changes - who knows, but as I suggested, maybe we will evolve out of our baser instincts, maybe people will be genetically modified to influence behaviour. Get it now? What the hell that has to do with you thinking I'm a Muslim is anyone's guess. Like I said, I'm an atheist. If you don't believe that, who cares.

183   OneTwo   2016 Dec 25, 2:49am  

rando says

To declare that all religious texts are somehow the same is willful ignorance.

But if it makes you feel better by reinforcing your prejudice, nothing anyone says is going to shake that good-feeling from clouding your thoughts.

The Bible has been used for centuries as a basis for doing almost unimaginable horrors. Are you seriously denying that very obvious fact? That we have moved forward from that is a very good thing, but Christianity did have a 700 year headstart...

184   OneTwo   2016 Dec 25, 2:50am  

MMR says

brainwashed by BBC and other anti-India publications in Britain, which is to say most of them.

You can't even get your countries right FFS. And it's funny how you moan about the BBC and other UK media when they clearly take a more balanced approach to Israel than the blatantly obvious biases prevalent in US media. What you seem to fail to grasp is that the BBC was brought to task on a number of issues only because it is held to a far more exacting standard of impartiality than your own networks.

185   curious2   2016 Dec 25, 3:32am  

Rashomon says

I'm an atheist.

According to Saudi law, that makes you a terrorist. According to Sharia and Pakistani law, you must be executed for blasphemy. Even in Bangladesh, you would be hunted down and killed by vigilante patrols.

I am curious what motivates you to defend the hateful fraud of Islam? Are you paid by KSA, or Qatar? Shouldn't you rather persuade Muslims to accept atheism, instead of haranging westerners to accept a doctrine that you don't even believe in? Do you defend every fraud? Seriously, what has (mis)led you to demand acceptance of a doctrine that says to kill you? Did some Muslim smile at you and arouse some misguided emotional commitment? Worldwide, in most countries that have Muslim majorities, most Muslims demand Sharia. IOW, they demand your execution. Have you been fooled by some anecdotal minority exceptions? Patrick is right that if a person from a Muslim country manages nevertheless to be a good person, it is precisely because he is not following the hateful fraud of Islam.

Your totally unpersuasive defense of Islam makes you seem an arrogant, hypocritical coward. You fail to defend what you believe in where it might get you killed, and instead you defend something you don't even believe. You defend your enemies while alienating potential friends by demanding that they accept a doctrine that says to kill you. You should denounce whoever or whatever has (mis)led you to such a self-destructive position.

186   Strategist   2016 Dec 25, 6:36am  

Rashomon says

The Bible has been used for centuries as a basis for doing almost unimaginable horrors. Are you seriously denying that very obvious fact?

So you believe the Bible as the basis for unimaginable horrors, but not the Koran. Bizarre.

187   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 25, 8:11am  

Rashomon says

Whereas the West has an unblemished record in that regard.

It sure does. Arabs enslaved everybody, from Ukrainians to Bantus, for 1500 years. European Slavery was comparatively brief and Slavery was never a thing in the European Homeland, only in their colonies.

The last time there was widespread Slavery in Europe itself, the dominant god was Zeus Pater, not Jesus.

Europeans ended slavery due to internal pressure - the first society in WORLD HISTORY to eliminate slavery. The Arabs were forced at gunpoint, and it still continues today under the disguise of guest workers, whose passports are seized, the maids are beaten and raped, and beaten again by the wife is the husband rapes them, and the manual laborers go unpaid.

If it wasn't for fear of European Weaponry, Muslims would formally reinstitute slavery in a heartbeat.

188   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 25, 8:14am  

rando says

But Christianity is more ambiguous. Clearly the old laws do not apply to Christians. They eat pork, for example. Jesus' main rule was "love your neighbor as yourself", and deliberately flouted the old law by eating without washing his hands to make a point, for example.

"Handwashing is Hebraic Superstition! "

Disagree with you about the ambiguity.

Medieval people would compete to see who could go without bathing the longest, or wear louse-ridden hairshirts until they rotted off the skin. Pious people, like Saint Anthony, were to be imitated, never washing. Even a Spaniard went months between baths. The Pagan Vikings, however, bathed and washed their hair several times a week, even in the dead of winter, those vain Pagan rascals!

And the meatless days, the superstition against horseflesh, all the saint days, the 20 hail marys and 50 counts of the rosary for sings, regular mass attendance, etc.

Horseflesh disappeared from the menu around the time Christianity came to Europe. The Celts and Britons used to eat it like it was going out of style, horse bones in all the middens, but with Christianity it disappeared. That's the equivalent of a pork ban, and of course there were various days to abstain from meat.

And you would face punishment up to and including execution for translating the Bible into a vernacular language.

All that being said, everybody was more fundamentalist in the past. Pre-Enlightenment Jews certainly weren't the secular liberals of today.

The Old pagan religions were probably more tolerant than any of the monotheistic ones

The Enlightenment is probably the Greatest Thing ever.

189   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2016 Dec 25, 8:49am  

Strategist says

Rashomon says

Strategist says

That's the problem. We want Muslims to give up violence, sharia laws, and human rights abuses. What's wrong with that?

There's nothing wrong with that (though plenty of aspects of sharia law are actually pretty innocuous). You seem to think that the Quran is the driving force of what has happened in the last 30+ years. It's rather more complex than that, and the West has been front and centre in helping to create the current situation.

The Koran has been the driving force for the last 1400 years. The West did nothing wrong. We believe in equal rights, freedoms, and democracy. Compare that to the Sharia laws, and what the perfect Muslim, Mohammad believed in.

India had to breed very large men(Sikh) to create an army to protect India against Muslims. That's how bad Muslims are.

190   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 25, 9:18am  

Rashomon says

Just look at all those crowing about Brexit and wanting the break up of the EU on here. That very organisation has contributed greatly to a period of peace in one of the most unstable regions in the world historically.

The EU is a fundamentally anti-democratic organization. One of the big points in turning the EEC into the EU was to insure that if a European power went Socialist or Communist (a very real possibility in places like Italy), there would be a supranational organization making that transition difficult.

Today it serves as a neoliberal stranglehold on Europeans, pushing the ideology. A natural evolution, since it was designed to restrain democratic impulses from the beginning. It's no accident Junkers declared his dislike of referendums recently. The EU didn't mind referendums back in the 90s when neoliberalism was more popular and most Europeans brought the line hook and sinker

191   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 25, 9:24am  

Just a reminder:

Hitler was Selected, not Elected.

In 1932 the Ultraright coalition actually lost seats, von Papen could not get a majority government together, and eventually struck a deal with von Hindenburg and Hitler to make the latter the Chancellor, with himself as vice-chancellor. It was a backroom deal that brought Hitler to power.

A centrist-left alliance could have easily formed a government, but the Centrists would not join with the Socialists, and neither side with the Communists. Hitler came to power because Liberals wouldn't work with Socialists.

192   OneTwo   2016 Dec 25, 10:08am  

Strategist says

So you believe the Bible as the basis for unimaginable horrors, but not the Koran. Bizarre.

Yeah, yeah, because that is clearly what I said. Oh, hang on, no it wasn't.

curious2 says

I am curious what motivates you to defend the hateful fraud of Islam? Are you paid by KSA, or Qatar? Shouldn't you rather persuade Muslims to accept atheism, instead of haranging westerners to accept a doctrine that you don't even believe in? Do you defend every fraud? Seriously, what has (mis)led you to demand acceptance of a doctrine that says to kill you?

Is reading comprehension such a problem for people on here? Where have I said any of the nonsense you just posted there? Come on, feel free to point it out in my posts. I'm pointing out the problems with individuals on this forum painting every Muslim with the same brush. Of failing to even begin to think about what has contributed to the current mess. Of not even bothering to consider how suicide bombings, a complete anathema to Sunni Muslims until the last few decades, came to be used with such abhorrent consequences. None of you on here seem remotely interested in how that has happened or the part the West has played in undermining stability in the region.

curious2 says

...most Muslims demand Sharia. IOW, they demand your execution.

No, they don't.

curious2 says

Patrick is right that if a person from a Muslim country manages nevertheless to be a good person, it is precisely because he is not following the hateful fraud of Islam.

Nonsense. You think all those peaceful and devout Muslims are not following their religion? I think they might be surprised to learn that.

193   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 25, 10:08am  

Drive that knife DEEP!

194   MMR   2016 Dec 25, 10:10am  

rando says

And how do you explain the Muslim attacks on all the non-Western countries?

BBC didn't talk about that

195   MMR   2016 Dec 25, 10:14am  

Rashomon says

curious2 says

...most Muslims demand Sharia. IOW, they demand your execution.

No, they don't.

Jesus H Christ on a cracker;....he said countries with a Muslim MAJORITY. Way to leave it out. I'm sure that was an innocuous mistake.

Links that Muslim majority countries do not support sharia or you are lying

196   OneTwo   2016 Dec 25, 10:16am  

MMR says

Jesus H Christ on a cracker;....he said countries with a Muslim MAJORITY. Way to leave it out. I'm sure that was an innocuous mistake.

Links that Muslim majority countries do not support sharia or you are lying

Every one can read his post - you do understand there is now a limit to the length of posts. And again, you demonstrate problems with basic reading comprehension. 'No, they don't' was referencing the idiotic IOW comment.

197   MMR   2016 Dec 25, 10:18am  

Rashomon says

Nonsense. You think all those peaceful and devout Muslims are not following their religion? I think they might be surprised to learn that.

Those moderates you speak of are actually 'bad muslims' as per wahhabi dictates.

They will not fight for sharia themselves but will happily acquiesce to those who do. At least, until they reach critical mass. This is quite evident in Western Europe, with all the rioting.

Yes, those in denial are often obtuse to the fact that they are in denial. Why don't you go brush up on some 'Asian gangs' you racist BBC supporter

198   MMR   2016 Dec 25, 10:19am  

HEY YOU says

Drive that knife DEEP!


You support muslims who are not in least bit interested in your way of life more than you do the underclass whites who are disenfranchised by globalism. Interesting

199   OneTwo   2016 Dec 25, 10:20am  

MMR says

Those moderates you speak of are actually 'bad muslims' as per wahhabi dictates.

So what? They don't speak for all of Islam, do they?

MMR says

Why don't you go brush up on some 'Asian gangs' you racist BBC supporter

Yeah, you're a real expert on it after reading a couple of articles on your go to alt-right (or more likely in your case far right) websites.

200   Strategist   2016 Dec 25, 10:28am  

Rashomon says

MMR says

Those moderates you speak of are actually 'bad muslims' as per wahhabi dictates.

So what? They don't speak for all of Islam, do they?

Why not? They are the most religious, and read the Koran the most. They know more about Islam than anyone else.
They emulate Mohammad, the Perfect Muslim. Everything Mohammad did would get him the death penalty today.

201   MMR   2016 Dec 25, 10:35am  

Rashomon says

'm pointing out the problems with individuals on this forum painting every Muslim with the same brush

Let's guess, you were against brexit.

To the point; let's talk about "Asian gangs" and how your beloved BBC likes to paint Hindus, sikhs, christians and buddhists from Asia as the same as muslims when the "Asian gangs" in question are overwhelmingly Muslim.

Tell me, of those muslims who are not in 'Asian gangs' why are those muslims overwhelmingly ghettoized whike Hindus and sikhs are spread through Britain? But of course, BBC never asks those questions, so neither do you. Could it be that they are highly intent on injecting themselves into politics?

What about the fatwa issued on mayor khan for approving same sex marriage and then kowtowing to these 'moderates' later by banning 'body shaming' ads when all he's really doing is a solid for the hijabi/burqa community


202   OneTwo   2016 Dec 25, 10:53am  

MMR says

Tell me, of those muslims who are not in 'Asian gangs' why are those muslims overwhelmingly ghettoized whike Hindus and sikhs are spread through Britain?

Except I was born and grew up in the UK and know damn well that the Hindu community, for example, has its own areas as does the smaller Sikh community, as do many other groups of foreigners. That is what generally tends to happen - they form communities - something that is more pronounced in a country the size of England. The fact some are more spread out around the country than others is largely down to when those groups arrived. And FYI, Muslims are very much spread out throughout England and Scotland - Manchester, Luton, Blackburn, Birmingham, London, Leicester, Derby, many of the smaller old industrial Northern towns, Liverpool, Glasgow, Edinburgh... Yeah, that's pretty spread out I'd say, but hey, don't let facts get in the way of whatever it was you were trying to say.

203   Strategist   2016 Dec 25, 12:26pm  

Amazing statistics on how much Muslims the world over support terrorism>



83% of Pakistanis support stoning adulterers
78% of Pakistanis support killing apostates

Center for Social Cohesion: 40% of British Muslim students want Sharia
ICM Poll: 40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK

GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state

NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;

MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)

Islam, Human Rights and Public Opinion (Durie refers to 2006 poll): 58% of Indonesians believe adulterers should be stoned to death.

BBC (2007): 28% of Muslims in the UK prefer Sharia (37% for those younger).

World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country

204   Strategist   2016 Dec 25, 12:27pm  

Rashomon says

curious2 says

...most Muslims demand Sharia. IOW, they demand your execution.

No, they don't.

Rashomon you are full of shit. Read above.

206   Strategist   2016 Dec 25, 12:35pm  

More shit for Rashomon on Sharia support.


According to the survey findings, most Muslims believe sharia is the revealed word of God

207   HEY YOU   2016 Dec 25, 1:12pm  

MMR says

HEY YOU says

Drive that knife DEEP!


You support muslims who are not in least bit interested in your way of life more than you do the underclass whites who are disenfranchised by globalism. Interesting

Too bad you are so shallow minded as to not have read comments where I talk about obliterating MECCA,MEDINA & the DOME OF THE ROCK. If you don't immediately demand that america takes this action,
You just might be a america hating Muslim Lover.
Do you support sending american tax dollars to Israel when we have hungry,homeless,abused women & children who are american citizens? Sounds like SOCIALISM with my tax dollar.
How much outsourced Communist Chinese crap did you buy this year?

Expert trolls are having a HAPPY BIRTHDAY,JESUS! celebration pointing out hypocrisy.

208   junkmail   2016 Dec 25, 1:58pm  

I for one am glad the US abstained.
Long overdue IMHO.

209   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 25, 3:52pm  

Rashomon says

No, they don't.

Even in Western countries, substantially large numbers of Muslims support Sharia and half want homosexuality illegal and punished by law.

Half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal, poll finds

Survey for Channel 4 documentary finds 23% want sharia law


In the UK, where Muslims are exposed to Western Culture 24-7-365. Many are second generation who grew up in the UK.

The real conceit of multicult leftists is they only think Westerns think their culture superior. And therefore, Muslims must be the victims of Western Hegemony.

210   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 25, 3:58pm  

Rashomon, do you support one law for all?

I find it bizarre that American and British Leftists get all hot under the collar about Mormon Polygamy, wouldn't think twice about imprisoning the father and throwing the book at him under the Monogamy Laws --

Yet tolerate without question and wouldn't dream of legally punishing Pakistani Men having two wives - with the children all on Benefits to boot.

It's not like the Home Office doesn't have a ready made database of suspects:

211   crashtheninvest   2016 Dec 25, 10:31pm  

Strategist says

Rashomon says

Strategist says

What did Obama gain by this?

Decency? Some semblance of alignment with the rest of the world on this matter?

What exactly is the problem?

Backstabbing our friend is decency?

Israel isnt our friend. Our zionist controlled gov't sends money there against the will of most Americans. Our good American name is now forever tarnished for associating with Israel and all their evil. Death of other peoples is very ok with Zionist Israel. Real Jews hate the illegal state of Israel. G.d explicitly told the real Jews that they werent allowed to own land or have their own country. Real Jews want peace just like most Christians. What you have today are immoral Zionist shitbags claiming to be Jewish that hate G.d, dont go to temple, and don't consciously practice the law of Moses. To add insult to injury their still being allowed to commit murder and genocide in the name of Judaism.

212   curious2   2016 Dec 26, 3:35am  

Rashomon says

No, they don't.

What motivates your lying on behalf of Islam? Taqiyyeh? As an atheist, you would be much worse off if Shariah were imposed on you, and yet you defend it.

anonymous says

"most Muslims believe sharia is the revealed word of God"

The real problem is not where they believe it came from, but rather how many want to impose it by force.

In most countries that have Muslim majorities, most Muslims demand Sharia. That has the effect of punishing and crushing everything contrary to Islam, including Anglicanism and atheism. Something has turned Rashomon against himself: some psychological and cultural apoptosis, but he refuses to say or even consider what has done this to him. Instead, he blames everyone else. Petrodollar propaganda has evidently extended suicidality in service of Islam even to non-Muslims in NATO countries.

Rashomon says

peaceful and devout Muslims are not following their religion?

The Koran commands them to strike terror into the enemies of Allah and to kill the disbelievers. The only "peace" in Islam is the grave, although on earth Islam commands Muslims to use terror and the equivalent of a prison curfew to silence dissent, including atheism.

213   Strategist   2016 Dec 26, 7:14am  

crashtheninvest says

Backstabbing our friend is decency?

Israel isnt our friend. Our zionist controlled gov't sends money there against the will of most Americans. Our good American name is now forever tarnished for associating with Israel and all their evil. Death of other peoples is very ok with Zionist Israel. Real Jews hate the illegal state of Israel. G.d explicitly told the real Jews that they werent allowed to own land or have their own country. Real Jews want peace just like most Christians. What you have today are immoral Zionist shitbags claiming to be Jewish that hate G.d, dont go to temple, and don't consciously practice the law of Moses. To add insult to injury their still being allowed to commit murder and genocide in the name of Judaism.

As an atheist I dont care what God is supposed to have said. I do know that Israel and the US face the same enemy- Islam. An enemy of an enemy is a friend. Therefore Israel is our friend, as is every other country that faces Islamic terror.

214   Strategist   2016 Dec 26, 7:19am  

curious2 says

What motivates your lying on behalf of Islam? Taqiyyeh? As an atheist, you would be much worse off if Shariah were imposed on you, and yet you defend it.

He is simply lying about being an atheist to make it easier to drive home his points on beautiful Islam.
He is probably a Pakistani Muslim raised in England. The first 4 letters of his name "RASH" probably stands for Rashid, a Muslim name.
And yes, I am speculating.

215   curious2   2016 Dec 26, 7:46am  

Strategist says

He is probably a Pakistani Muslim raised in England. The first 4 letters of his name "RASH" probably stands for Rashid, a Muslim name.

And yes, I am speculating.

That would make sense. He might be an atheist and in denial about what Islam says to do to him. With only 5% Muslim population, the British are unlikely to execute him in this generation. If he lived in Pakistan, he would know that Islam commands all Muslims to kill him, and prohibits all Muslims from protecting him, and that many Muslims stand all too eager to do what Islam says.

216   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 26, 8:09am  

I think Rashomon is a Kurasawa Movie.
curious2 says

That would make sense. He might be an atheist and in denial about what Islam says to do to him. With only 5% Muslim population, the British are unlikely to execute him in this generation. If he lived in Pakistan, he would know that Islam commands all Muslims to kill him, and prohibits all Muslims from protecting him, and that many Muslims stand all too eager to do what Islam says.

Majorities of Muslims in Egypt and Pakistan support the death penalty for leaving Islam

If she stayed in Pakistan, she would be killed

Where atheism is punishable by death - and every single one is a Muslim Country.

10 years and 2000 lashes:

It's amazing how much energy Multicult Lefties spend on bashing Evangelicals for not baking a cake, Pussy Riot's disruption of church services, and Manspreading, and how they studiously ignore the status of Human Rights in Muslim Countries.


217   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 26, 8:19am  

crashtheninvest says

Israel isnt our friend. Our zionist controlled gov't sends money there against the will of most Americans.

The United States is a republic. The support of Israel is exactly in keeping with Americans' preferences:

Interesting: Support among Democrats for Israel is actually rising:

crashtheninvest says

Death of other peoples is very ok with Zionist Israel.

No country bends over backwards to give violent insurgents maximum human rights than Israel. Those who hate Israel ignore other US Allies who have no regard for human life whatsoever, especially Saudi Arabia.

The UN is a ridiculous institution that gives Angola the same vote as Brazil, a country many times larger and more powerful. UN members vote with the Muslims because the Muslims control much of the world's oil, which they use as leverage to get votes.

218   deepcgi   2016 Dec 26, 1:48pm  

New settlements in the West Bank? How is there any more room for "new" settlements? Are they still pushing people out to make room? I don't care which side God is on, that strikes me as wrong.

I have no problem with Israel's right to exist. I also believe Palestine has a right to exist. The Palestinians certainly outnumber them.

It's one thing I admire Obama and Kerry for. Standing up to our allies in Israel for the sake of coexistence..because the Israelis never will do it on their own.

They need to find room to give them an independent Palestine. Then...let them fight forever.

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