Sam Harris - The Putin Question (with Garry Kasparov)

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2016 Dec 30, 6:19pm   4,328 views  24 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

On most subjects Sam Harris is open to learning. I wish a few of the Trump fans around here could learn from him.


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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 6:21pm  

Sam Harris fucking hates Islam and the apologetics-for-fascism term "Islamophobia".

Just to be sure you knew that. Kasaparov is a neoliberal asshole.

2   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 6:24pm  

T L Lips says

Just to be sure you knew that. Kasaparov is a neoliberal asshole.

Yeah, I knew there was no way you would or could listen to this. You're even more close minded than TPB. At least he knows on some level that he's an idiot with little more than emotion to back his fantasy views.And yes, I don't view everything in the world in exactly the same way Sam Harris does.

Gary Kasporov is a Russian Chess Grandmaster. So the only two things I know for sure, is that he is way smarter than you and knows infinitely more about Russia and Putin than you.

3   missing   2016 Dec 30, 6:27pm  

Kasparov is an egomaniac. Karpov was better, more talented for sure.

4   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 6:30pm  

T L Lips says

Hey, what happened to all those women who accused Trump of sexually assaulting them on Planes, in Nightclubs, etc. How are their lawsuits progressing?

PRobably the same thing that happened to incriminating Hillary emails, or proof of pay for play.

5   Strategist   2016 Dec 30, 6:46pm  

marcus says

On most subjects Sam Harris is open to learning. I wish a few of the Trump fans around here could learn from him.

I love Sam Harris. But the video is too long.

6   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 7:00pm  

Strategist says

I love Sam Harris. But the video is too long.

Summary: Putin has expansionist plans. Putin says himself - once a KGB guy, always a KGB guy. Therefore bribery and covert means of manipulating the world are his preferred methods. Once he became a dictator, Putin found the benefit of using fear and negativity to dominate the people (perhaps coached Trump on this). They have 24/7 propaganda in Russia aimed at showing the evil West and especially the U.S as the reason for all of their problems. The story that Hillary wanted world war 3 with Russia, came from Putin's propaganda machine.

Trump has showed a pattern of never saying anything negative about Russia or Putin, which begs the question, why ?

There's a lot more. You should listen when you get a chance.

7   Strategist   2016 Dec 30, 7:06pm  

marcus says

Summary: Putin has expansionist plans. Putin says himself - once a KGB guy, always a KGB guy. Therefore bribery and covert means of manipulating the world are his preferred methods. Once he became a dictator, Putin found the benefit of using fear and negativity to dominate the people (perhaps coached Trump on this). They have 24/7 propaganda in Russia aimed at showing the evil West and especially the U.S as the reason for all of their problems. The story that Hillary wanted world war 3 with Russia, came from Putin's propaganda machine.

Russia is not an economic superpower. It will not succeed.

marcus says

Trump has showed a pattern of never saying anything negative about Russia or Putin, which begs the question, why ?

Hard to answer. One reason could be.... Trump wants to join hands with Russia to fight radical Islam.

8   MisdemeanorRebel   2016 Dec 30, 8:55pm  

Congrats, your Party is now indistinguishable on Foreign Policy from Lindsay Graham and John McCain on foreign policy.
You and Tovbot's beloved WaPo were fawning over the Bushes for all but endorsing Hillary.
All your old Neocon Iraq War friends like Bill Kristol and Krauthammer and Glenn Beck are now full-time Russia Bashers.

9   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 30, 11:01pm  

marcus says

Therefore bribery and covert means of manipulating the world are his preferred methods. Once he became a dictator, Putin found the benefit of using fear and negativity to dominate the people (perhaps coached Trump on this). They have 24/7 propaganda in Russia aimed at showing the evil West and especially the U.S as the reason for all of their problems. The story that Hillary wanted world war 3 with Russia, came from Putin's propaganda machine.

So there is a dictator that wants to destroy the US.
So what?
There is always a dictator that wants to destroy the US.
The future cohesiveness of the US doesn't depend on what covert technique Putin uses.
No, it depends on the probity, fairness, and earnestness of our leaders, and the trust it earns from the citizen of this country.
It depends on the credibility of our media, earned through years fair and truthful reporting.
If we had these things we would really have nothing to fear from Putin.

10   marcus   2016 Dec 30, 11:14pm  

Heraclitusstudent says

If we had these things we would really have nothing to fear from Putin.

That assumes that much the rest of the world doesn't look to us to lead and defend. You can question that role, but it's a role we are already in. You're probably going to misconstrue, and think I'm denying the self interest we usually act in. No. That's obvious. But it's also obvious that we are in various alliances and inter-dependencies. Those don't just disappear becasue of your choice of which propaganda you most enjoy believing as to who you should trust.

You only see a small fraction of the picture. And then what, you resent that leaders by definition aren't fully transparent ?

11   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 30, 11:39pm  

marcus says

That assumes that much the rest of the world doesn't look to us to lead and defend. You can question that role, but it's a role we are already in.

Why? I'm talking of the internal cohesiveness and unity of the US. If we don't have that, then the rest of the world can start seeking an other leader.

12   marcus   2016 Dec 31, 12:08am  


Americans are so fricking naive and easy to fool with propaganda. Putin must be laughing so hard at American idiots.

How does the reasoning go ? Is it that all Trumps lies about what he was going to do, we're just so he could displace the neolibs or neocons that have been playing us ?

IF you are convincing yourself that Trumps constant deceptive con artist tactics were all ploys because now he's going to fight for the workers, and the middle class then you've been played far more than Hillary would have. With Hillary we would have been far closer to knowing what we will get. She wasn't playing us at all as far as I can see, other than trying to conceal a few things in her digital paper trail.

13   marcus   2016 Dec 31, 12:21am  

Strategist says

One reason could be.... Trump wants to join hands with Russia to fight radical Islam.

Why would Putin want to fight radical Islam, outside of Syria ? That's just one more thing he's probably laughing about. That is the terrorist problem in Europe, which he will probably find ways to inflame. Putin is in bed with Iran and plays all sides just as much if not more than the U.S.

14   Shaman   2016 Dec 31, 4:38am  

Putin doesn't need propaganda to ridicule our Dear Leader. He only needs to speak the truth. That must be why he's been so effective at swaying certain voters away from the neocon candidate Hillary. An honest man won't try to argue with the truth.

15   Y   2016 Dec 31, 5:10am  

How's Hillary Russian reset working out?
Time for new tactics.
Give TAOTD a chance to succeed.
We are on the brink as it is...

16   Y   2016 Dec 31, 5:15am  

The world's run amuck with weak leaders at the helm.
Better to get current turmoil straightened out now before the upcoming rogue nuclear states become uncontrollable

17   marcus   2016 Dec 31, 7:22am  

Quigley says

An honest man won't try to argue with the truth.

TRump won only becasue dimbulbs liked his lies. You even knew that he was lying far more than any candidate in modern history.

An honest man could not vote for Trump. Period.

18   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 31, 7:34am  

marcus says

An honest man could not vote for Trump. Period.

You're the one going to hell the crap you teach kids these days.

19   RWSGFY   2016 Dec 31, 7:36am  

Strategist says

Trump wants to join hands with Russia to fight radical Islam

Russia has nothing to offer in this regard. All they can is induscriminately bomb cities into piles of rubble (Grozny, Aleppo) and prop up cannibals (Kadyrov,Assad).

20   Tenpoundbass   2016 Dec 31, 7:46am  

Straw Man says

All they can is induscriminately bomb cities into piles of rubble (Grozny, Aleppo) and prop up cannibals (Kadyrov,Assad).

Why not? All of the residents are staying at the Merkle Inn Express and Barack and Breakfast, while Putin does a little remodeling.
It's the perfect time. Tent for termites, cut out the rotten wood, replace a few worn out beams. Refinish a few walls, a coat of paint new flooring.
They'll be back in by this time next year.

21   Strategist   2016 Dec 31, 7:53am  

marcus says

Strategist says

One reason could be.... Trump wants to join hands with Russia to fight radical Islam.

Why would Putin want to fight radical Islam, outside of Syria ? That's just one more thing he's probably laughing about. That is the terrorist problem in Europe, which he will probably find ways to inflame. Putin is in bed with Iran and plays all sides just as much if not more than the U.S.

Because they have a serious problem with the Islamic Chechen rebels too.
Where there are Muslims, there is trouble.

22   marcus   2016 Dec 31, 7:57am  

Tenpoundbass says

You're the one going to hell the crap you teach kids these days

Which one do you think is is more offensive to your god ? The fundamental theorem of calculus, or the central limit theorem in statistics.

23   missing   2016 Dec 31, 8:17am  

PCGyver says

California Has a bigger economy than Russia.

GDP can be misleading. If I sell you rose petals and pay you with the proceeds for you to wipe my ass (with the petals), this will add to the GDP. There is a lot of expensive ass wiping in the US economy.

24   Heraclitusstudent   2016 Dec 31, 4:23pm  

marcus says

Americans are so fricking naive and easy to fool with propaganda. Putin must be laughing so hard at American idiots.

The first thing to understand about propaganda is that it doesn't applies only to fools: even very smart people are influenced by propaganda, even if they know how it works.
It takes an active effort to resist propaganda, and the point is that in most cases people DO NOT want to resist that propaganda that agree with them.

People think Putin wants Trump to be president. But this is not what he wants.
He wants to create division and political chaos in the US.
The recent effort to push California to secede for example was proved to have been a Russian effort.

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