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How exactly did they fail?
Do you see any revolt in America? do you see mass poverty in America ... no way there could be a consumption based society of any duration because the masses would rise to revolt
You still don't make sense...
I shouldn't make sense to any of you guys
You have to project a bad economy .. what else would you talk about .... None of you can read data properly, none of you would ever put your real names and faces out here
Just look at your headline conversation topics
You're all way to educated to act like rag doll trolls.. I am just calling your BS... time will prove me right.... my goal is to time stamp all of you people... that's all and when 2027 comes and nothing has collapsed
Apologize to everyone for this sickness and madness of an American collapse
How exactly did they fail?
Do you see any revolt in America? do you see mass poverty in America ... no way there could be a consumption based society of any duration because the masses would rise to revolt
Because there is no revolt in America, Marx has failed? Very deep.
Blah, blah, blah. Whenever you're called on your bullshit, you resort to the same tired nonsense about fake names, time stamping posts, and Anti-American.
Wake me up when you get a new shtick.
Blah, blah, blah. Whenever you're called on your bullshit
Brilliant ... beautiful... Now we are getting some where
I hope to god I piss every one of you Anti Americans bears off... because your stuff is dreadful.. just terrible
Hold on your horses buddy. I only asked you to clarify a question you asked me, which was ambiguous.
e, which was ambiguous.
This was never supposed to happen, poverty was never supposed to collapse like it did
Mortality has collapsed
People are reading now
All of your death calls have failed
and Americans are working, raising their families ...
Taking phrases out of context and making anti-American accusations - is this you Senator McCarthy, back from the dead?
Senator McCarthy,
He was Fighting a fake enemy that didn't pose a threat
Don't give yourself that much credit
Your theories lack data
and you can't even give your country credit for what it has done the last 70 years
Any success you might have reflects not so much positively on you but negatively on the field you are in.
Any success you might have reflects not so much positively on you but negatively on the field you are in.
Ya but I am man enough to say it with my real name and face
195 Â
Really, this is the voice of reason
you are fool enough, that's all
this fool is going to burn the trolls on this site once the recession/recovery cycle happens... and the American people will know that Anti American trolls are nothing but trolls who can't read data
You guys created me... I am simply the reaction to your non sense ....not just here, twitter, facebook linkedin
You all bet against the wrong country...
bad bad move with everything time stamped
You can't take back what you have said.... only doing this because you can hide behind cute photos and fake names.. you would never speak like this in real terms...
Someone had to call your BS ....
Is this your niche? Batshit crazy rants against imaginary anti-American trolls? Does it sell? I wouldn't be surprised.
Does it sell?
This isn't about $$$ or clicks... this is about American Pride ....
Numbers are the closest thing we have to handwriting of God...
You have no training, you have no discipline... and maybe that is what this site is about ...
Just random rants between the left and right
Did you not think you wouldn't get a push back?
"I hope to god I piss every one of you Anti Americans bears off... because your stuff is dreadful.. just terrible"
Sorry to disappoint--I'm not pissed off. Just bored. I was hoping to actually engage in an interesting discussion, but you've shown, once again, that you are incapable.
interesting discussion
Every question you have I provide data and charts .. you just don't believe them because it doesn't fit your narrative
Which is fine.. but don't say I don't bring it ... because I do... every time .. every thesis...
"Every question you have I provide data and charts .. you just don't believe them because it doesn't fit your narrative. Which is fine.. but don't say I don't bring it ... because I do... every time .. every thesis..."
Of course you bring charts. What you don't bring is a well reasoned explanation as to what the charts show and what they mean going forward. Any monkey can copy and paste a bunch of charts and graphs--the key is being able to interpret them correctly. You have shown no such ability.
Any monkey can copy and paste a bunch of charts and graphs--the key is being able to interpret them correctly. You have shown no such ability.
Bingo Bingo Bingo....
Now allow me to retort
What is it that you ask?
Galbraith would shit in your mouth
it's only a matter of when and how deep the trough
Ok.. if this thesis was valid
Great Recession lost 8.8 million people.. that meant over 100 million people were working, the recession lasted 18 months
And adjust to demographics labor is working at near full employment with wages at all time highs, financial asset at all time highs
This is your economy that you choose to cry about every day even when the weakness in Europe and Japan is evident
Theme is that the extreme left brings up 1929 due to wealth concentration.... because our economy now is exactly the same as the roaring 20's
... your move...
go ahead prove me wrong
"What is it that you ask?"
Well, I've asked it like 3-4 times already, but I will ask again. You seem to be saying that the economy now if fundamentally different than in 1929 and therefore increasing inequality won't lead to a recession/depression. I asked what you think is different that will allow the US economy to perform well with such a large chunk of the assets and buying power in the hands of a few people? Certainly you must agree that $10MM in the hands of 10,000 people will create MUCH more demand than $10MM in the hands of 1 person.
Obviously our economy is different now, but I'm asking you to detail what differences are important and why.
hands of a few people?
5 points here
1. No home ownership factor back in 1920's like it is now, which is the highest net asset most Americans outside the top 1% have
2. Social security, Medicare and unemployed benefits wasn't even around like it was then
3. Pension plans wasn't even around then
4. Real wages are at all time highs as more Americans are working with dual household incomes not single household incomes
5. The people with the highest nominal debt loans
- most educated
- highest income earners
- have the highest net worth of assets on top of the debt
This isn't 1929... and adjusting to demographics, we have a stronger patch coming in now in a few years.
Unlike 2007 when prime age labor force peaked from a high debt leverage bubble with non capacity owning debt
Fixed low debt cost against rising wages, it's the golden egg on debt service economics
You seem to be saying that the economy now if fundamentally different than in 1929 and therefore increasing inequality won't lead to a recession/depression. I asked what you think is different that will allow the US economy to perform well with such a large chunk of the assets and buying power in the hands of a few people?
You have it all wrong Joey, wealth inequality is not the problem. e.g.
Lets say in year 1 you have $10,000 and your neighbor has $100,000
Year 2, you have $11,000 and your neighbor has $1000,000.
Are you better off, or worse off?
Housing never goes down.
When supply goes over 6 months home prices will go down.
The 1988 and 2007 meltdowns were caused by America-hating marxists who disagree with objective,
Both cycles had clear over investment thesis ... this cycle we don't have any yet... commercial real estate would be the area to look at
Wow--thank you. A rational response. Here's my response to you.
1. home ownership is included in wealth inequality numbers so you're trying to count it twice.
2. The safety net is definitely important and would keep the US economy from bottoming as far as it did in the Great Depression. Although Republicans are itching to hack away at it, so who knows what it will look like in a few years.
3. Pension plans are underfunded, in general. But they will help some retirees
4. Real wages are only slightly higher than they were 30 years ago despite MASSIVE increases in productivity. This is the core problem with our current economy.
5. Of course the highest nominal debt holders are the people with the highest earning capability. Otherwise nobody would loan them that much money. Not sure what your point is there. Debt is very high because the 1% loans the money they steal from the 99% back to them so that they can afford to buy stuff. If/when they don't--the economy will grind to a halt.
I know you are a huge believer in demographics--the problem is that the underlying assumption in your theory is that people in your target demographic have $$ to spend. If they don't have $$, they don't have demand regardless of what previous generations did.
Didn't create the housing bubble ... everyone took part in it
I would you can't have a massive bubble without a prime age labor force factor in it
Although Republicans are itching to hack away at
They won't .. not in a meaningful manner
"You have it all wrong Joey, wealth inequality is not the problem. e.g.
Lets say in year 1 you have $10,000 and your neighbor has $100,000
Year 2, you have $11,000 and your neighbor has $1000,000.
Are you better off, or worse off?"
Depends on what inflation was for that year. Most likely you are much worse off.
The pie grows at 2%/year. If your neighbor grows at 1000%, then everyone else loses.
. Pension plans are underfunded, in general. But they will help some retirees
We have near 30 trillion dollars on pension plans.. some cities are underfunded for sure but they will still be able to draw out $$$
Plus it's not big enough to bring a 1929 crash
"More people own homes, different than 1929"
And that value is included in wealth inequality charts. Don't try to count it twice.
ncreases in productivity.
Productivity gains mostly came in manufacturing sector hence why it doesn't impact total wages rising...
I have documented all of the working force and pay grades...
Don't try to count it twice.
Trust me.. nobody living in 1929.. is living now with their homes
Debt is very high because the 1% loan
Most of the high debt are mortgages, mortgage owners now are the best we will ever see in our life time
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All your worthless crying ...... you're not men you're trolls