by patriotgamer148 ➕follow (1) 💰tip ignore
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When they come here, they have wet backs. When Trump is done with them, they will have a wet face.
I mean from the water boarding. Not the peeing.
7.2% of Nevada's population is comprised of illegals. NO ID required at all vote in Nevada! Hillary won the state by 2.5%.
"7.2% of Nevada's population is comprised of illegals. NO ID required at all vote in Nevada! Hillary won the state by 2.5%."
They recounted because of that concern, and guess what?? They found like a 5 vote difference!! Stop the presses. Bigly voter fraud!!
7.2% of Nevada's population is comprised of illegals
They recounted because of that concern, and guess what?? They found like a 5 vote difference!! Stop the presses. Bigly voter fraud!!
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