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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 9:37am  

A guy who can't get laid as a man, becoming a woman. There is something to TERF Dykes' complaints that M2F Trans are just trying to sneak into Women's "Spaces".

They're ultimate threat to regular dykes as trans women usually have their dick in place, so the large number of college lesbian types who are afraid of men or have some hangup about males, can get the "real D" yet with a "woman" without having to dyke out. If that makes sense.

2   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 9:49am  

See, you don't have to be black to engage in senseless mob violence. You just have to be stupid.

3   Blurtman   2017 Feb 2, 12:00pm  

Hey, these are just kids satisfying a course requirement.

4   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 12:04pm  

It's interesting that you're more concerned with a few signs than the fact a sitting President is threatening the funding of a major university.

6   tovarichpeter   2017 Feb 2, 12:24pm  

There is no evidence the violence at UC Berkeley was committed by anyone connected with the University and absolutely no reason to suspect any of the scientists or graduate students involved in scientific research at UC Berkeley had any involvement in the violence directed at the speaker. Trump wants to shut down American science by iirresponsible and inflamatory statements, to disguise his intentions.

Neither Trump or his supporters has any use for science and technology which involves really hard work, integrity and dedication, not just spouting off BS, blaming everyone else for your failures and then lying about your deeds.

BTW The University acted to prevent further violence, specifically to prevent people attending the talk from being attacked

7   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 12:30pm  

We need to be sure that Ethnic and Women's studies are being taught as dispassionately academic. That means treating Patriarchy skeptically, not as the Font of All Wisdom.

What's wrong with a History degree, and taking a few more classes on Women or (Insert Nationality) in History? Or Sociology?

I know why: They might be exposed to alternative explanations and narratives in a History or Sociology or Anthro course, especially the latter when it talks about Physical Anthro and compares Humans to other Primates in the sex department.

8   patriotgamer148   2017 Feb 2, 12:32pm  

tovarichpeter says

There is no evidence The violence at UC Berkeley was committed by anyone connected with the University and absolutely no reason to suspect any of the scientists or graduate students involved in scientific research at UC Berkeley had any involvement in the violence directed at the speaker. Trump wants to shut down American science by iirresponsible and inflamatory statements to disguise his intentions.

9   joshuatrio   2017 Feb 2, 12:33pm  

WTF is antifa?

10   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 12:34pm  

joshuatrio says

WTF is antifa?

"Anti-Fascist"... but really just Social Justice Warriors full of Rage AKA Professional Class-raised "Anarchists" and "Communists". They won't be giving up their Trust Funds anytime soon.

11   Ceffer   2017 Feb 2, 12:37pm  

Symbionese Liberation Army and Patty Hearst Redux, with some transgendered co-dependance for added flavor!

12   Ceffer   2017 Feb 2, 12:41pm  

Maybe a "trust fund holiday", and all the protestors will have to go back to Mommy's mansion.

13   patriotgamer148   2017 Feb 2, 12:43pm  

Rashomon says

are they somehow obligated to tow the line

14   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 12:52pm  

Rashomon says

It's interesting that you're more concerned with a few signs than the fact a sitting President is threatening the funding of a major university.

Good point, why are colleges taking federal funding in the first place? Break those shackles, say no to federal funds, and no federal control!

15   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 2, 12:54pm  

T L Lipsovich says


Isn't anti-fascists beating the shit out of random people an oxymoron?

16   joshuatrio   2017 Feb 2, 1:04pm  

NuttBoxer says

Isn't anti-fascists beating the shit out of random people an oxymoron?

That's kinda what I was thinking....

17   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:19pm  

Ceffer says

Symbionese Liberation Army and Patty Hearst Redux, with some transgendered co-dependance for added flavor!

Thanks for the inspiration for this shitty image I just made.

18   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:25pm  

Rashomon says

He isn't automatically free to make his often offensive comments wherever he likes. He was invited to Berkeley by a Republican group. That invite can be taken away if deemed appropriate.

In a private university, maybe. But we need to attach federal (and state) funding to free speech. Not only was he invited and paid for by the College Republicans, but they paid extra for extra security on top of that.

No Platforming is a form of censorship that does not belong in a Public University, which is supposed to be a place of ideas.

What we really need to do is insist on Academic Dispassion again, starting with the Women's Studies department, where most personnel are literal Science Deniers in the mold of Anti-Vaxxers, Flat Earthers and Moon Landing Hoaxers

19   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:28pm  

There were there to Censor Milo on the grounds he's a Fascist for the usual "He hates minorities" lie.

20   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 1:32pm  

T L Lipsovich says

In a private university, maybe. But we need to attach federal (and state) funding to free speech. Not only was he invited and paid for by the College Republicans, but they paid extra for extra security on top of that.

Which is why they allowed the talk to go ahead.

T L Lipsovich says

No Platforming is a form of censorship that does not belong in a Public University, which is supposed to be a place of ideas.

Yes, but they are free to invite any number of interesting and accomplished individuals. Instead, they invited a known troll who takes pleasure and financial gain from winding up and harassing others (look at his Twitter ban). That was a very deliberate act on the part of the College Republicans in my opinion.

T L Lipsovich says

What we really need to do is insist on Academic Dispassion again, starting with the Women's Studies department, where most personnel are literal Science Deniers in the mold of Anti-Vaxxers, Flat Earthers and Moon Landing Hoaxers

They are?

21   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:34pm  

Rashomon says

They are?

Yes, they deny the effect of Hormones and Sexual Dimorphism, attributing to it to the unfair encouragement of boys to use the jungle gym and girls to play with dolls.

They also teach the Patriarchy as fact, even though it is the Jewish Question for Misandrists.

You will never be exposed to any facts contrary to the Patriarchy Theory if you take Women's Studies classes in the vast majority of schools that offer it.

22   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:36pm  

Rashomon says

Yes, but they are free to invite any number of interesting and accomplished individuals. Instead, they invited a known troll who takes pleasure and financial gain from winding up and harassing others (look at his Twitter ban). That was a very deliberate act on the part of the College Republicans in my opinion.

So what. All controversial speakers can be called trolls by their detractors.

I'm fine with Donna Hylton, a rapist and murderer, speaking at college campuses and calling herself a Civil Rights activist. So long as I get to mock her and her supporters.

23   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 1:37pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Yes, they deny the effect of Hormones and Sexual Dimorphism, attributing to it to the unfair encouragement of boys to use the jungle gym and girls to play with dolls.

They also teach the Patriarchy as fact, even though it is the Jewish Question for Misandrists.

You will never be exposed to any facts contrary to the Patriarchy Theory if you take Women's Studies classes in the vast majority of schools that offer it.

So you know the content of every Women's Studies course in the US and the views of the professors running them, or is this just the usual sweeping generalisation common to Patnet?

24   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 1:39pm  

T L Lipsovich says

So what. All controversial speakers can be called trolls by their detractors.

I'm fine with Donna Hylton, a rapist and murderer, speaking at college campuses and calling herself a Civil Rights activist. So long as I get to mock her and her supporters.

So what? I'm not saying he should have been banned. I'm saying others have the right to express their opinion against him (non-violently) and that includes professors.

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:39pm  

Rashomon says

So you know the content of every Women's Studies course in the US and the views of the professors running them, or is this just the usual sweeping generalisations common to Patnet?

I didn't say every, I said the vast majority. There really isn't any need for it, anyway. Women's Studies can be understood via Sociology, Anthro, or History. Just take more classes that are focused on females.

One thing I can tell you is that no Women's Studies Department requires a Scientific Course on Sexual Dimorphism.

26   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:39pm  

Rashomon says

So what? I'm not saying he should have been banned. I'm saying others have the right to express their opinion against him (non-violently) and that includes professors.

Yep, non-violently. If they are violent, which they were, there should be mass arrests.

And they can't make the Republican Students pay for everything either. Once the violence happens, it should become a state/university financial burden. That makes sure they don't let it get out of hand to begin with.

27   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 1:40pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Yep, non-violently. If they are violent, there should be mass arrests.

Which is a matter for the police. What happened doesn't give Trump the right to threaten the funding of the university.

28   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:40pm  

Rashomon says

Which is a matter for the police. What happened doesn't give Trump the right to threaten the funding of the university.

Sure it does - they are failing to protect the students and the freeplay of ideas that are the cornerstone of a University.

29   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 1:42pm  

T L Lipsovich says

And they can't make the Republican Students pay for everything either. Once the violence happens, it should become a state/university financial burden. That makes sure they don't let it get out of hand to begin with

So it should have been better policed. It was pretty obvious that something like this might happen - that it would attract radical groups from around the area.

30   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 1:44pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Sure it does - they are failing to protect the students and the freeplay of ideas that are the cornerstone of a University.

No, they aren't. The talk was given the go ahead, so how is the university blocking free speech or practicing violence on innocents as Trump claimed? That is simply bullshit on his part.

31   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 1:49pm  

Rashomon says

No, they aren't. The talk was given the go ahead, so how is the university blocking free speech or practicing violence on innocents as Trump claimed? That is simply bullshit on his part.

You answered your question - the police should have been better prepared. The Administration will have to do a better job when Milo returns soon :)

32   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 1:52pm  

T L Lipsovich says

You answered your question - the police should have been better prepared. The Administration will have to do a better job when Milo returns soon :)

I notice how you and others have singularly failed to address the actual topic of the thread...

33   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 2:01pm  

Rashomon says

I notice how you and others have singularly failed to address the actual topic of the thread...

If the University has a record of failing to protect Free Speech, they should lose funding.

34   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 2:48pm  

T L Lipsovich says

If the University has a record of failing to protect Free Speech, they should lose funding.

I wonder who'll be the judge of that...

35   Entitlemented   2017 Feb 2, 4:40pm  

Next Time bring a red hat,

"Make the 1st Amendment Great Again"

36   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 6:09pm  

Ironman says

Amazing how people are being TROLLED by this Rashomo dude....

Oh fuck off CIC. You are apparently some retired sad sack who spends his entire waking day on here doing nothing but posting the most idiotic, childish, petty trollish shite one could possibly imagine. Isn't it time you fucking grew up or are you so emasculated that this is all you can resort to? This trollish nonsense you post constantly gives you your only sense of empowerment, does it? How very sad you are.

37   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 6:13pm  

Rashomon says

I wonder who'll be the judge of that...

The government. After all, elected officials control the purse according to the Constitution. If they can decide to drone bomb a country we aren't at war with without their permission, they can certainly cut off funding if they think a University is winking at Repression.

The unelected 4th Estate Neoconlib 5th Column is something else, however.

"It's okay to punch out Nazis. Therefore, this gay jew liberal who is opposed to special treatment for everybody and doesn't acknowledge the evil of white privilege is a nazi, therefore it is okay to punch him and his henchmen supporters."

38   OneTwo   2017 Feb 2, 6:21pm  

T L Lipsovich says

The government. After all, elected officials control the purse according to the Constitution. If they can decide to drone bomb a country we aren't at war with without their permission, they can certainly cut off funding if they think a University is winking at Repression.

The unelected 4th Estate Neoconlib 5th Column is something else, however.

"It's okay to punch out Nazis. Therefore, this gay jew liberal who is opposed to special treatment for everybody and doesn't acknowledge the evil of white privilege is a nazi, therefore it is okay to punch him and his henchmen supporters."

You want Trump's administration to make that kind of decision? And based on what? That he wakes up in the early hours and says X university is responsible for preventing freedom of speech and bringing violence upon innocent bystanders when they did no such thing.
Some people seem awfully angry about what a handful of young people did. Personally, I'm more concerned that a number of you seem happy to totally ignore the threat that Trump so readily tweeted out, no doubt with his usual little to no thought.

39   Entitlemented   2017 Feb 2, 6:35pm  

In the same way that allowing ISIS to grow creates a vacuum in the areas they took over,

NAFTA and the millions of jobs lost created a backlash against the social engineering(job loss, career loss, massive welfare). The great irony is that the parents of these kids have lost good jobs, and the kids themself earning potential is cut just as the jobs have gone out, and the last 10 have seen reduction in average salaries.

This is as deceptive in many ways as the Bolshevik revolution, who promised power to the people, and a control of their destiny, a means of goverment production. Of course after 10s of millions of lives lost and Russia only recently emerged out of communism this was proved to be wrong.

Many of the kids protesting were not around when the wall came down in Berlin, and CNN and MSNBC dont report this. However the perception is that the wall we are building is too overzealous (and the drug culture and its negative side effects are not on the radar for these types of protestors).

When the protesters dont realize the why they are mad, what caused them to get in this position, this is the root of socialism and the path towards totalitarianism and dictator ship. We have seen a few dictators go in the Arab spring, but we need to see it through to the end.

Best medicine would be a 3 year Army stint to middle east ( but these flakes are way too special for this)!

40   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 2, 6:46pm  

Rashomon says

Some people seem awfully angry about what a handful of young people did. Personally, I'm more concerned that a number of you seem happy to totally ignore the threat that Trump so readily tweeted out, no doubt with his usual little to no thought.

I'm puzzled by your logic.

On one hand, you think the devolution of power from Oligrarchical Multinational Concentrated Media like Comcast, Fox, News Corp, Time-Warner, etc. is a bad thing, on the other hand you dismiss the recent outbursts of political violence as no biggie.

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