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81   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:44pm  

As a history major I'm stunned at the ignorance of even well-educated people as to a major, broad fact of history.

The Arabs' economy was basically run around the slave trade for ~1400 years.

In fact, when the British claimed the right to seized all slave ships, that's when the Arab's MENA Economy collapsed and the gap truly opened up between Europe and the MENA. Not even the spice trade broke the Arabs, it was slavery.

82   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:46pm  

T L Lipsovich says

As a history major I'm stunned at the ignorance of even well-educated people as to a major, broad fact of history.

The Arabs' economy was basically run around the slave trade.

So? Europeans and the US made vast sums off the back of the slave trade as well. These were (are) far more advanced societies at the time and yet they had no qualms about doing it for centuries. You are now attacking less developed countries for doing it longer? I don't really see where you are going with this.

83   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:48pm  

Rashomon says

So? Europeans and the US made vast sums off the back of the slave trade as well. These were/are far more advanced societies at the time and yet they had no qualms about doing it for centuries. You are now attacking less developed countries for doing it longer? I don't really see where you are going with this.

Arabs were NOT less developed than Europe between the fall of the Western Roman Empire (after which there were no slaves of number in Europe and never again in the next 1600+ years) and around 1400-1500AD. Yet that was their time of peak slavery, which did not drop off until Europeans put an end to it with firearms and steamships.

84   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:49pm  

Arab civilization started to go under because of Mongol attacks, and because all the educated Greek-speakers converted to Islam over the centuries, thus the Arabs lost touch with science and learning.

"If it contradicts the Koran, it is Satanic. If it is merely reinforces the Koran, it is superfluous." - Egyptian Caliph on Greek Science and Literature.

85   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:49pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Arabs were NOT less developed than Europe between the fall of the Western Roman Empire (after which there were no slaves of number in Europe and never again in the next 1600+ years) and around 1400-1500AD. Yet that was their time of peak slavery, which did not drop off until Europeans put an end to it with firearms and steamships.

What period was the height of the European and US slave trade? You are comparing two different periods.

86   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 6:50pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Arab civilization started to go under because of Mongol attacks, and because all the educated Greek-speakers converted to Islam over the centuries, thus the Arabs lost touch with science and learning.

"If it contradicts the Koran, it is Satanic. If it is merely reinforces the Koran, it is superfluous." - Egyptian Caliph on Greek Science and Literature.

If you're such a history buff, then you know damn well that is a laughably simplistic explanation. Powers rise and fall for a myriad of reasons.

87   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:55pm  

Rashomon says

What period was the height of the European and US slave trade? You are comparing two different periods.

No. Once the Westerns Roman Empire fell in the 400s, Slavery was never a thing in Europe again. Oh yeah, some Norman King of the two Sicilies or Henry the Navigator might have had a Black or two as a curiousity for Court, kept as a showpiece but not expected to plant cotton or fan his face, but slavery itself hasn't existed inside Western and Central EUROPE since about ~400 AD.

The only European slaves were those taken in raids by Arab and Turkish slavers on the Med Coast, the Balkans and in what is today the Ukraine.

Oops, I lied - I just remembered the Venetians selling the Children's Crusaders into slavery in Alexandria when the Pope couldn't pay. They were reviled throughout Europe for a century for that foul deed.

Rashomon says

If you're such a history buff, then you know damn well that is a laughably simplistic explanation.

It's actually true. One of the reasons Arab Muslims started putting restrictions on converts (beyond reciting that Koranic Verse 3x) is that THEY THEMSELVES made a connection between the number of converts and the economic health of their Kingdoms.

If the Confederacy or the Spaniards said Blacks aren't Slaves if they say the Pater Nostrum 3x or "In Jesus' Name" 3x, you bet your ass local viceroys and governors would be coming up with extra restrictions on how to convert.

88   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 6:58pm  

Rashomon says

I'm curious about your thrust about WHITE, WHITE, WHITE. So the most advanced societies at the time, over prolonged periods of time finally banned slavery, one of them after a civil war? That hardly warrants praise.

Dude, you're being obtuse.

Are you going to admit to the fact that Arabs were the greatest slave traders that ever lived, totally international, totally systemic, from the Bay of Benghal to the Horn of Africa to the Straits of Gibraltar to the Crimea and beyond?

And only ended it by European force of arms?

Hell, Saudi Arabia only formally ended slavery in 1964.

89   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 7:01pm  


This is American narration of footage of Arab Slavery filmed by Italians in East Africa, I believe.

More Institutionalized Slavery in Saudi Arabia, where every Saudi prince has his Black Slave carry his books. Also 1960s:

90   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 7:02pm  

Then of course, there's Qatar's winning bid on the World Cup. Every building you'll see is built by Indian, Sri Lankan, Filipino, and Indonesian Slaves, whose passports are taken (violating international law) and live in desert tents in 104 degree weather.

91   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 7:02pm  

T L Lipsovich says

No. Once the Westerns Roman Empire fell in the 400s, Slavery was never a thing in Europe again. Oh yeah, some Norman King of the two Sicilies or Henry the Navigator might have had a Black or two as a curiousity for Court, kept as a showpiece but not expected to plant cotton or fan his face, but slavery itself hasn't existed inside Western and Central EUROPE since about ~400 AD.

The history of slavery in Europe far exceeds 400AD, and which was then basically replaced by serfdom in medieval Europe.

92   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 7:07pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Dude, you're being obtuse.

Are you going to admit to the fact that Arabs were the greatest slave traders that ever lived, totally international, totally systemic, from the Bay of Benghal to the Horn of Africa to the Straits of Gibraltar to the Crimea and beyond?

And only ended it by European force of arms?

Hell, Saudi Arabia only formally ended slavery in 1964.

Why do I need to admit it? Facts are facts. This isn't a bloody game of oneupmanship. It's like the idiotic arguments that if X does it, then so can we (or vice-versa). Different cultures and different economic realities have resulted in different development. Amazing.

T L Lipsovich says

Then of course, there's Qatar's winning bid on the World Cup. Every building you'll see is built by Indian, Sri Lankan, Filipino, and Indonesian Slaves, whose passports are taken (violating international law) and live in desert tents in 104 degree weather.

Yes, it's shocking and extremely widespread.

93   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 7:23pm  

Rashomon says

Why do I need to admit it? Facts are facts. This isn't a bloody game of oneupmanship. It's like the idiotic arguments that if X does it, then so can we (or vice-versa). Different cultures and different economic realities have resulted in different development. Amazing.

Glad you mentioned this.

Teaching that only White Europeans engaged in Slavery for an historically brief time before English Christian Evangelicals and French Humanists got laws passed that wiped it from the face of the Earth, while not teaching about Arab Slavery...

... is the same as teaching about Stalin's Gulags and Holodmor and Judeo-Bolshevism while ignoring, or perhaps only a token grudging acknowledgement made in duress, the Holocaust and the mass extermination of Slavs under Hitler.

This is how SJWs and the modern left generally are just like White Supremacists and Fascists.

What began as a good-intentioned warning about moral superiority and taking a look at the plank in one's own eyes about foreign atrocities, ended up becoming more and more extreme virtue signalling, to the point where American Slavery is the Original Sin of Whites, but Brown People are only mentioned as the victim of Whites.

I guarantee you if you went to BLM or an Arab Parade in Detroit, and starting talking about the absolute fact of massive, millenium long Arab Slavery that was only ended by Europeans imposing their will on them, they'd call you a Nazi and deny the whole thing.

94   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 7:30pm  

The real villain in all this is PoMo, which has taken the highest ideals of Man as expressed in Modernism, and turned it into Relative Truths and competiting Identitarian Narratives. It doesn't do this to act as a warning for mankind, it does this because it's fun word play and allows the salacious fun of destablizing society, being contrarian for contrarian's sake and setting people against each other.

The good news is that since PoMo and Identitarian Politics is the dominant paradigm (and notice it avoids class issues because it's primarily an Elite Driven Ideology who don't want criticism turned against themselves), it is now cool to subvert it with old fashioned Liberalism and Civic Nationalism.

Meme Magic for the win. #Kekistan

95   OneTwo   2017 Feb 7, 8:52pm  

T L Lipsovich says

Teaching that only White Europeans engaged in Slavery for an historically brief time before English Christian Evangelicals and French Humanists got laws passed that wiped it from the face of the Earth, while not teaching about Arab Slavery...

... is the same as teaching about Stalin's Gulags and Holodmor and Judeo-Bolshevism while ignoring, or perhaps only a token grudging acknowledgement made in duress, the Holocaust and the mass extermination of Slavs under Hitler.

Not really. I studied history up till I was 18. It was compartmentalized - ancient history, British history, European history... Teaching one doesn't automatically require the teaching of the other. There simply isn't time to teach everything and/or it's simply not on the curriculum at that time.

96   Patrick   2017 Feb 7, 9:00pm  

T L Lipsovich says

The good news is that since PoMo and Identitarian Politics is the dominant paradigm (and notice it avoids class issues because it's primarily an Elite Driven Ideology who don't want criticism turned against themselves), it is now cool to subvert it with old fashioned Liberalism and Civic Nationalism.

Yes, it's my strong suspicion that identitarian (first time I've ever used that word) politics is actually a clever way of turning the left away from its original fight against the idle elite classes.

It then becomes a fight of the various lower-class identities against each other, and they forget who is actually taking all their money.

There's a wonderful old cartoon showing a boss turning his ethnic workers against each other in the same way, claiming each worker said the other kind was lazy, with the goal being to get them all to work hard for the boss. Can't find it right now.

97   CBOEtrader   2017 Feb 7, 9:02pm  

This is a legit theory

98   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 9:10pm  

rando says

There's a wonderful old cartoon showing a boss turning his ethnic workers against each other in the same way, claiming each worker said the other kind was lazy, with the goal being to get them all to work hard for the boss. Can't find it right now.

Have this one saved up! Mr. Block, strip is mostly about the goodhearted but naive American worker who falls for every scam and "aspiration propaganda" in the Man's Book.

1910s: All races unite and Power to the Workers! Fight the Elites and their controlled Media Apologists!
2010s: All races unite and Power to the Admins! Love the Elites and their controlled Media Apologists!

99   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 7, 9:17pm  

Damn indentured servants, slink off at the first chance they get. Need some Negroes.
Damn Lincoln, banned my Slaves. Gotta Get me some Irish Papist Disposable Trash.
Dang Irish, all their kids got jobs as Cops and Clerks with the City and State. Get me some Guinea Goombahs from Sicily and some Swamp Jews to sew clothes.
Dang Goombahs working with the Judeo-Bolsheviks, formin' unions. I'll publish the Protocols to Goddamn these red Commie Anarchists and their 40 hour week.
Get me some, oh goddamn it here comes FDR, Truman LBJ and a massive reduction in immigration.
Dang nabbit, these scum getting Levittown houses and driving cars and sponsoring Little League, they need to be reminded who is the boss 'round here.
Thank God for Ford! Get me some Mexicans to my meat packing plant and break them Union Boys' strike.
Heh, got me more poor Mexicans each year, everytime the whisper of unionization, I bring 100 Guatemalans over the border. Man they hate each other. Got Graham, Pelosi, McConnel and that new kid Booker on my payroll muhahahah.
Now, gotta get me some Pakis and Indians because those White IT workers are getting uppity with wage demands...

Wage increases? No!
Working Hours shortened? No!
Holidays? No!
Paid Holidays? Hell No!
Unlimited immigration?

Why, it's the only morally superior thing to do. You wouldn't want to be an asshole to poor people who just want to work, would you?

100   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 8, 9:36am  

Rashomon says

Words matter. Words lead to deeds. Responsibility for what one says should matter. Free speech doesn't apply everywhere whether you think it should or not - do you really want ISIS to be free to recruit on campus for example? I think there are limits, but then I'm not American, so maybe we just simply hold different perspectives.

This is what the kids are saying at Berkeley:

Since Milo's speech will lead to violence, we're justified in a pre-emptive strike to stop those violent words, so attacking his supporters is really self-defense.

101   MMR   2017 Feb 8, 11:11am  

T L Lipsovich says

I will let @MMR discuss their benign, loving rule of India and Hindus and Sikhs under the Mughal Empire.

Muslims lost their grip on India after ruling for 700 years. This and victorian england is the reason why a lot of Indian people are sexually repressed.

Muslims in India are disenfranchised, but it's due to their emphasis on mosques and madrassas and not education. Ghettoization is a big problem. They keep crying about affirmative action, although even upper caste people from poor families get fucked on daily basis.

Muslims in India are still better off than Muslims in Pakistan. Lot of whining, yet Parsis, Sikhs and Christians have done relatively well compared to Muslims.

Muslims and Hindus have lived relatively peacefully for centuries, but the violence in last few decades is due to 'arabization' of pakistanis and bangladeshis

Muslims are marginalized in India due to lack of assimilation (surprise surprise just like Europe).....they cry about Hindu right but the hindu right has been in power only 8 out of the close to 70 years of independence. Arguably, the arabization of muslims has given rise to the hindu right.

Muslims from India that grew up outside of the ghettos with non Muslim neighbors and friends tend to be the highest achieving in terms of literacy and economic output. The larger point I am trying to make is while Muslims maybe in a minority they always surround themselves with other Muslims to feel that they are in control and the result is zero understanding of the world outside of their surrounding. The population prefers self imposed isolation and exile and starts blaming the system for their ills . More Muslims in these ghettos oppress Muslims than non Muslims oppressing Muslims. The world also tends to view them as a collection instead of individuals thus the infamous terror tag .

102   MMR   2017 Feb 8, 11:14am  

Muslims in North India have become nothing but a vote bank, they vote en masse driven by religious motivations which was nicely exploited by Congress for years and now by a myriad of different local parties. The so called muslim elites are the 'thakedars' of this 'mass' and it is in their interest to keep the muslims poor and un-educated....these elites and the vote bank politics has done more damage to muslims than any right wing politics. Most people may not know but it was Congress under Rajiv Gandhi which first raised the Babri masjid issues.....

Just like a certain group with blacks in the US

103   MMR   2017 Feb 8, 11:15am  

Hindu nationalism arises due to unending appeasement of Muslims through vote bank politics. Also Muslim women movement like that of Bhartiya Muslim mahila sanghathan should be highlighted which maybe is the only women led Muslim movement in the world. Low and middle class Muslims are marginalised everywhere in the world including their home countries.

104   MMR   2017 Feb 8, 11:19am  

prominent Muslims from India - APJ Abdul Kalam, AR Rahman, Hamid Ansari, Mohd Azharuddin, Bollywood Khans, Haaji Mastan, Karim Lala, Dawood Ibrahim, Abu Salem, Tiger Memon, Ali Budesh, Chotta Shakil, Shabir Ibrahim kaskar, Ejaz Lakadawhala etc. In which other country they will get so much fame and glory?

.......while I cannot think of a prominent Hindu from Pakistan. Gee wonder why? Pakistan used to be 20% hindu and is now 1.5%

105   Shaman   2017 Feb 8, 11:28am  

T L Lipsovich says

I guarantee you if you went to BLM or an Arab Parade in Detroit, and starting talking about the absolute fact of massive, millenium long Arab Slavery that was only ended by Europeans imposing their will on them, they'd call you a Nazi and deny the whole thing.

I think it's more likely they'd beat you to death and rape the corpse. These people have shown repeatedly that they have no respect for facts, free speech, property, other people, or the law in general. They are literally the barbarians at the gate, and our leaders have been holding that gate open for their invasion.

107   Patrick   2017 Feb 18, 9:03am  

I signed it.

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