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By BOYCOTTING Republicans into bankruptcy,will they:
"a. Go hat in hand to Congress and ask for a bailout."
It's not a problem for Republicans individuals & businesses
already on their Govt. SOCIALIST teat.
Tit reminds me of a beautiful woman.
Teat reminds me of Republican piglets wallowing in the Republican mud to get any little suckle.
...Which side of the argument will you find yourself on?
California should, on that inevitable and swiftly approaching day of bankruptcy:
a. Go hat in hand to Congress and ask for a bailout.
b. Go pitchfork and torch in hand to Congress and demand a bailout.
c. Go surreptitiously to the Federal Reserve and Treasury to arrange for an un-auditable buy-up of losing-bet securities full of public funds and pensions - because California is too pretty to fail.
d. Threaten to secede from the United States taking all memory of the Beach Boys with you.
e. Keep refusing to let the hapless state government triple your property taxes as they should have years ago.
As far as I'm concerned, it should be A, as C, D, and E are common daily practices, and B is just down-right unneighborly.
Rest assured, however, that the answer will be a resounding raspberry. You see, even the other blue states hate that hypocritical attitude.