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2017 Feb 14, 12:22pm   14,775 views  63 comments

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46   NDrLoR   2017 Feb 15, 2:56pm  

rando says

can we all refrain from personal attacks

This is going to be difficult for some people.

47   Patrick   2017 Feb 15, 3:07pm  

(one ad hom from each side deleted)

Jesus, use the thunderdome, guys.

48   Tenpoundbass   2017 Feb 15, 3:29pm  

NuttBoxer says





White Trash







If any sonofabitch calls you motherfuckers any of those words I'll flog the Lot of them!

49   Patrick   2017 Feb 15, 3:39pm  

Bam, yet another personal attack deleted.

Please, use thunderdome or stick to arguments about something other than each other's character.

50   Tenpoundbass   2017 Feb 15, 5:54pm  

zzyzzx says

Preparing for a BLM rally:

I bet Marathon runners would appreciate that pile of bananas.

51   Tenpoundbass   2017 Feb 15, 5:55pm  

I could win the Venezuela election with that pile of bananas right now.
And over throw Kim Junk Young.

52   anonymous   2017 Feb 15, 6:51pm  

rando says

You're right, it is a bit dangerous as a precendent, it's a limitation on free speech, and I don't want to do the work of personally making judgements. Ignore was not really working. People would just come back under alt id's and continue flame-baiting.

I think the original experiment failed, so this is a new experiment: can we all refrain from personal attacks and stick to the point being argued? There is a lot of potential value to be had in giving up the nasty pleasure of direct insults.

And if you really miss insulting other patrick.net users, well, there are now thunderdome threads for that.

What about people too simple to debate ideas? The Simple Simon motherfuckers who can't defend their positions, so they're only option is to attack personally those who do?

Free Speech has no value if One cannot drown out alternative view points with messy noise!

53   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 16, 9:50am  

errc says

What about people too simple to debate ideas? The Simple Simon motherfuckers who can't defend their positions, so they're only option is to attack personally those who do?

Free Speech has no value if One cannot drown out alternative view points with messy noise!

There's a proverb in the Bible that says don't throw your pearls to swine. Translation, don't bother sharing wisdom with dumbasses.

54   rootvg   2017 Feb 16, 4:10pm  

zzyzzx says

Preparing for a BLM rally:

This is going a bit far even for me.

55   rootvg   2017 Feb 16, 4:20pm  

Tenpoundbass says

NuttBoxer says





White Trash







If any sonofabitch calls you motherfuckers any of those words I'll flog the Lot of them!

Carpet Muncher

Clitty Licker

Muff Diver: www.youtube.com/embed/6YRkgLp3cN4 (You just have to have this.)

If that lesbo gets any fatter, she's gonna develop her own gravitational pull!

56   Y   2017 Feb 16, 6:47pm  

I wanna insult somebody but the thunderdome takes the thill away.
How about a new rule where each user is required to read one thunder dome comment for every 5 sane comments. Of course they would be automatically transferred to the dome. No user action required...

57   Goran_K   2017 Feb 17, 8:11am  

I came back after getting Pat's e-mail about the change just to see how compliant people would be. :)

58   Patrick   2017 Feb 17, 8:17am  

@Goran_K welcome back! Miss your good insights.

Note that insults are allowed in threads with "thunderdome" in the title.

59   Goran_K   2017 Feb 17, 8:31am  

I like to visit once in a while Pat, I'm glad this community is still around after all these years.

60   nobaloney   2017 Feb 17, 10:35am  

Assuming that this is still about "free speech" on this thread, protecting other people’s self-esteem or emotional states has become important because humans are no longer seen as being able to cope with ‘disagreeable’ words. This has pretty much become the organizing principle on university campuses throughout Britain and America. But the culture of limiting ‘offence’ has only encouraged people to perceive and exaggerate all manner of comments as ‘offensive’. We’ve reached the point where an individual’s subjective ‘hurt’ now triumphs over solidarity with other people. Indeed, solidarity based around work, how most of us are only one pay check away from penury, was once a powerful social bond among the powerless in society.

61   a1sinclair   2017 Feb 17, 11:37am  

One sided news is "Fake News" and the mainstream media are the largest offenders. The essence of journalism was to present both sides of the issue. When was this lost? Fox tries to be "Fair and Balanced". CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and many others are very biased.

62   Rew   2017 Feb 17, 4:48pm  

a1sinclair says

Fox tries to be "Fair and Balanced".

Fox has a hard right reputation. Undeniable.

When someone says something blunt like "Believe me" odds are you should consider doing the opposite. The same with tag lines and mission statements.

When someone with horrible credibility calls something FAKE NEWS, you can almost guarantee there is very little basis for the accusation. They may point at certain articles, but they will be unable to challenge the actual factual record, the article now challenging them, and sometimes even their own words are against them.

63   a1sinclair   2017 Feb 17, 11:40pm  

Fox has a hard right reputation because the other networks are so unfair and biased to the left. Watch Fox and you will see two sides of most stories (fair and balanced). It is the old style of journalism. Viewership continues to migrate towards Fox from the other networks. The public has come to realize how the other networks have lied "Fake News" about so much and presented a wholly biased opinion instead of facts. You can stick with the other net works but the independents are moving to Fox. That is why Hillary lost the election. These demonstrations by lefties are driving more people away from the democrat party. What the left does not understand is that the private sector must be healthy and if it is not government revenues and the economy weaken. Capitalism works and Socialism does not. Government is a burden on the economy and not an engine. Once you understand that, you realize that we must do more to support the private sector. In the last election, the voters that have jobs and are paying taxes decided that they resent those that are not working and are collecting. They are a burden to the system and we must create more jobs or fail. Soros knows that Capitalism will beat Socialism and the only reason he invests in U S Politics is because he wants to convert us to Socialism so we don't destroy the European economy. Think about it, there is no other reason. He is trying to protect Europe by destroying capitalism in the United States. The secret is not to mandate higher wages but to create more jobs and create more demand for labor. Only 3% of the working population work at minimum wages; it should be called a starting wage. It is critical to get people employed. Higher starting wages just creates more robots more welfare and fewer employed people. Kids that had a job in high school permanently earn more than kids that did not. At the very least we should exempt people under 20 and handicapped people from any minimum wages.

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