Jail the employers of criminal aliens

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2017 Feb 22, 3:11pm   16,155 views  49 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

We need to jail the employers of criminal aliens, at least 30 days per violation. No easily paid fines, but mandatory jail instead.

Megafarms and other institutions are driving down US wages illegally. The criminal aliens themselves impose a large cost in tax money.

Both Democrat and Republican politicians profit at the expense of the public:

Democrats get more Hispanics who reliably vote Democrat.
Republicans get cheap labor for their rich patrons.

What you lose:

US wages, public safety, respect for the law

The more poor people there are in a society, the more you have to pay in taxes for social services and law enforcement, and the less healthy economic activity per capita there is, resulting in a decrease in material standard of living for all but the richest 0.1%.

Poverty does not just affect the poor.

How they rationalize their abuse:

"No human being is illegal."

How you should respond to their rationalizations:

True, no person is illegal, but everyone who entered the US illegally is a criminal so we should correctly call them "criminal aliens".

Criminal aliens have broken the law by sneaking over the border. They don't belong here.

Even if the criminals were actually brought here by farm owners, they are still criminals and should be deported.

Their illegal immigration results in no bargaining power for labor and thus effective slave labor.

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41   fdhfoiehfeoi   2017 Feb 23, 12:59pm  

Strategist says

Criminals would still come. They are the ones we need to stop first.

I assume you mean criminals on the run from Mexican authorities? If you eliminate 98% of the illegals crossing now, the criminal illegals who still cross to run away, will be pretty easy to spot and deport.

42   Dan8267   2017 Feb 23, 2:16pm  

rando says

@ddshutlz You should not be calling any other user anything on this forum.

Shit, I've been calling people conservatives. That's the worse ad hominem attack.

43   ddshutlz   2017 Feb 23, 2:57pm  

I guess I can't call anyone racist, but I can make comments that are racist.

44   Patrick   2017 Feb 23, 3:01pm  

Yes, please attack the argument and not the person!

It's easy to attack people and call them names without actually making any counter-argument at all.

No one benefits from that. All discussion stops there. Name-calling is exactly what got Trump elected. So many people are sick of its utter pointlessness.

Let's actively try to understand each other's ideas instead.

45   Dan8267   2017 Feb 23, 4:51pm  

rando says

Name-calling is exactly what got Trump elected.

I thought it was his huge hands.

46   Strategist   2017 Feb 23, 5:41pm  

NuttBoxer says

Strategist says

Criminals would still come. They are the ones we need to stop first.

I assume you mean criminals on the run from Mexican authorities? If you eliminate 98% of the illegals crossing now, the criminal illegals who still cross to run away, will be pretty easy to spot and deport.

No, i mean real criminals who come across the border for the sole purpose of committing crimes. The US is a rich country, lots of ways to make money illegally. Drugs, auto theft, burglaries, welfare fraud etc.

48   HeadSet   2025 Mar 9, 8:38pm  

Patrick says

"There are no people to come and pick this." Gee, where have we heard that before? I know. its "Now that the Yankees have freed the slaves, who will pick the cotton?"
49   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Mar 9, 8:46pm  

Patrick says

It's reasonably correct, since just over half of illegal immigrants are from Mexico:

In 2012, 52% were from Mexico, 15% from Central America, 12% from Asia, 6% from South America, 5% from the Caribbean, and another 5% from Europe and Canada.[4]

That has changed radically since 2012. Mexican birthrates dropped substantially in the late 90s and onward.

So since about the late 2010s the number of Mexicans crossing the border illegally has dropped substantially. Now the majority are from Central America.

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