Allow import of prescription drugs from Canada

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2017 Feb 23, 2:53pm   17,151 views  55 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

And Australia, New Zealand, etc, all countries with perfectly fine health care systems.

Drug companies are some of the biggest corruptors of our Congressmen, because they can make such huge profits from people who have to buy the product or else die.

(Who are the Congressmen who take money from drug companies? All of them?)

Drug companies rationalize their abuse by saying that the need such outsized profits to do research, but this is just not true.

* Drug companies spend more on advertising drugs than on research.
* Drug companies make a perfectly fine profit in other developed countries, while selling the same drugs for much less.
* Drug companies are the primary beneficiaries of government sponsored drug research.
* Drugs are not a free market, because customers must have them and drug companies frequently have a monopoly due to a patent.

patrick.net's 40 proposals


We (Americans) pay some of highest prices in the world. If they want to solve the problem, they should sell the drugs for the average of the prices found in the five countries in the world with the lowest prices. But we know that’s not going to happen because that would decrease the profits. If they did that, then we’d have no need for this program.

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33   Strategist   2017 Feb 24, 7:28am  

Dan8267 says

The fact is that capitalism and communism are virtually identical economic system and become identical taken to their purest extreme.

LOL. ha ha ha. Most bizarre statement in the history of mankind.

34   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 7:54am  

rando says

Dan8267 says

MMR says

Put differently, what made the Chinese flavor of communism successful where the soviet version failed?

The outsourcing of industry to China.

Lol, very true!

It's also yet another inherent failure of capitalism.

Remember, capitalism is merely the mechanism of giving control over production and the distribution of the revenue of production to an owner class that does not produces but simply controls things. These owners will always put their short-term financial interests over the financial interests of everyone else, over the national security interests of their country, and over the economic well-being of their society even when doing so will cause long-term financial devastation to the owners themselves. They cannot avoid doing the last thing because of the Tragedy of the Commons. If one owner does not sell out the economy's long term interest, another owner will.

The very idea of running an economy on the selfish and short-sighted interests of the greediest and laziest 1% of the population is utterly ridiculous. Anyone who actually knows and understands the definition of capitalism would not support it. Only people brainwashed into thinking that capitalism is commerce, free markets, and trade support the dogma.

35   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 8:00am  

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

The fact is that capitalism and communism are virtually identical economic system and become identical taken to their purest extreme.

LOL. ha ha ha. Most bizarre statement in the history of mankind.

It only sounds ridiculous to you because you do not understand the definitions of capitalism or communism. In their purest forms, the two systems differ in nomenclature only. One calls the owners "party members" while the other calls the owners "entrepreneurs", but they are functionally identical and use the exact same mechanics.

Think about it this way, can you name ANY economic system other than capitalism, communism, and feudalism? No, you can't. There's a reason for that, and it's not that there aren't any other possible economic systems. There are literally an infinite number of economic systems. And yet, you could only name two, and now three that I've mentioned feudalism.

Being brainwashed into the cult of capitalism is not different than being brainwashed into the cult of communism. The owners brainwash the public so that the public become compliant against their own interests. This is why many people, including you, cannot even imagine what an economic system other than capitalism or communism looks like. But hey, go ahead and prove me wrong. Describe an alternative system. Take a few hours to think about it. Still can't do it, can you? That's a red flag.

Economics became a religion in the 19th century and has been so ever since. It's time economics stops being a religion and starts being a science and engineering discipline, subject to the scientific method of empirical verification and good engineering practices.

36   anonymous   2017 Feb 24, 8:04am  

It's quite a stretch to label 2017 USA as a Capitalist country.

The term Lemon Socialist is much more accurate.

Good luck with that discussion

37   Shaman   2017 Feb 24, 8:08am  

Dan8267 says

Socialize the cost of research. Get rid of patents. And financial reward the actual biologists and chemists responsible for making the advancements. Cut out the executives. They are just fat.

Usually the research IS socialized, paid for by a government grant. Then the results are sold to a big pharma company which refines them into a product and charges big money selling it back to the government.
Seem insane? That's because it is.
Research costs don't explain this sordid little story...

38   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 8:10am  

errc says

It's quite a stretch to label 2017 USA as a Capitalist country.

The term Lemon Socialist is much more accurate.

Socialism is an economic tactic, not an economic system. It is not mutually exclusive with the mechanism of capitalism, even if the interests served by socialism conflict with the interests of owners. There is no mutually exclusivity between capitalism and socialism.

Think about it this way. It is utterly impossible to run any society without socialism. There would be no army, no public infrastructure, no police, no court systems, no funding of any government activity. It would be literally anarchy, an anarchy always succumbs to the first warlord that decides he wants to seize control. After all, there is no organized and funded resistance.

So you could not have a society without socialism, and thus you cannot have a capitalist country without socialism.

39   Blurtman   2017 Feb 24, 8:11am  

Ironman says

How do we import drugs from Canada when they are physically made here in the US?

Lots of generics (where possible) sold by Canadian pharmacies from all over the world, especially India.

40   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 8:11am  

Quigley says

Research costs don't explain this sordid little story...

"Research costs" are a lie told to justify policies that are the directly and solely caused by greed. It's big pharma's equivalent of "there aren't enough STEM workers, so we have to import $30k/yr workers".

41   Rin   2017 Feb 24, 8:40am  

Dan8267 says

It's big pharma's equivalent of "there aren't enough STEM workers, so we have to import $30k/yr workers".

Yes, STEM is the only area where there's a constant shortage but yet, we have $40K/yr (which includes O/T) postdocs and adjunct profs working for free, all over the place.

42   Rin   2017 Feb 24, 8:52am  

Dan8267 says

Socialism is an economic tactic, not an economic system. It is not mutually exclusive with the mechanism of capitalism, even if the interests served by socialism conflict with the interests of owners. There is no mutually exclusivity between capitalism and socialism.

Think about it this way. It is utterly impossible to run any society without socialism. There would be no army, no public infrastructure, no police, no court systems, no funding of any government activity. It would be literally anarchy, an anarchy always succumbs to the first warlord that decides he wants to seize control. After all, there is no organized and funded resistance.

So you could not have a society without socialism, and thus you cannot have a capitalist country without socialism.

In a short time, when most white collar jobs disappear due to automation, there will be a huge cry to end capitalism, the way it is today, simply because there'll be nothing for the average person to do to earn a living.

Remember, most people are not Goethe, Newton, etc. They need some overlord, telling 'em what to do and the current system, where people work on Excel spreadsheets, is the best way to utilize the bozos we have in society. Soon, between Watson, Deep Mind, and whomever else there is down the road, these ppl will be on the street.

Ask yourself why someone like the so-called Tony Starks/IM feels the need to post here, nearly 7x24? It's because w/o some job/occupation to fill his hours, he goes crazy instead of writing a novel, building a sculpture, doing some research, etc.

43   Patrick   2017 Feb 24, 9:11am  

Rin says

when most white collar jobs disappear due to automation

I honestly don't think this is going to happen any time soon. AI is not nearly good enough.

Rin says

why someone like the so-called Tony Starks/IM feels the need to post here, nearly 7x24?

Because it's fun! And I learn things I didn't know, and sort-of meet people.

44   Rin   2017 Feb 24, 9:16am  

rando says

Rin says

why someone like the so-called Tony Starks/IM feels the need to post here, nearly 7x24?

Because it's fun! And I learn things I didn't know, and sort-of meet people.

Last I'd checked, you weren't Ironman/CIC.

Plus, you have work outside of here.

rando says

Rin says

when most white collar jobs disappear due to automation

I honestly don't think this is going to happen any time soon. AI is not nearly good enough.

It doesn't have to be "good enough". It simply needs to do the tasks at hand.

Realize, I'd grown my firm, w/o adding any headcount for years, due to my automation tools. We'd saved everything to hire the best prop trader, instead of wasting money on support personnel.

45   anonymous   2017 Feb 24, 9:17am  

rando says

Rin says

when most white collar jobs disappear due to automation

I honestly don't think this is going to happen any time soon. AI is not nearly good enough.

Rin says

why someone like the so-called Tony Starks/IM feels the need to post here, nearly 7x24?

Because it's fun! And I learn things I didn't know, and sort-of meet people.

Hmm did you finally slip up on your alias?

Someone had posited long ago that CiC couldn't possibly be a real person, but rather possibly a character created by Patrick to drive site traffic.

Coincidentally, he seems to have greatly lessened his presence ever since Patricks most recent attempt to better the site. And at the same time, Patrick has filled the void by ramping up his own posts

There are no coincidences

46   Patrick   2017 Feb 24, 9:20am  

errc says

Someone had posited long ago that CiC couldn't possibly be a real person, but rather possibly a character created by Patrick to drive site traffic.

Coincidentally, he seems to have greatly lessened his presence ever since Patricks most recent attempt to better the site. And at the same time, Patrick has filled the void by ramping up his own posts

There are no coincidences

Nope, CIC is real, or at least is not me.

Just like Tovarich Peter. Not a robot. Actually met the guy, and so did Justme.

47   anonymous   2017 Feb 24, 9:27am  

Peter tovarich is alright, he catches a lot of shit for a mismatched title for a thread, or posting one and never joining the comments, but he has been an asset to your site.

The other one, tvungus, not sure I've ever seen s/he post any comments

48   Patrick   2017 Feb 24, 9:41am  


MMR says

I would not call China a communist country. I would call it a capitalistic economy with some socialist tendencies governed by an elite one-party system that is protectionist in nature and not willing to share its monopoly on political power.

I call it a shithouse. Ended up working in Beijing and Zhengzhou and was appalled at what a scifi dystopian shithouse the place was. You have to get out and walk to see it. A mile out of Tiananmen Square, buildings crumbling, the streets a pockmarked moonscape littered with the elderly and disabled boiling little pots of tar to do shoe repairs, selling cigarettes, etc. The decay and disorder was and likely still is epic.

Very interesting. I'd like to hear more about China.

I travelled a lot during college, and had a similar reaction to Turkey and Egypt. It was like everything that could possibly have gone wrong did. Huge quantities of trash, everything broken or decaying, really spooky. I've heard Turkey has improved a lot since then. I doubt Egypt has.

49   Strategist   2017 Feb 24, 10:08am  

Dan8267 says

Economics became a religion in the 19th century and has been so ever since. It's time economics stops being a religion and starts being a science and engineering discipline, subject to the scientific method of empirical verification and good engineering practices.

Economics is not a religion. Economics is "The study of scarce resources" It's a social science. It involves a lot of theory and math, but is not a true science.

50   Rin   2017 Feb 24, 10:25am  

Strategist says

Dan8267 says

Economics became a religion in the 19th century and has been so ever since. It's time economics stops being a religion and starts being a science and engineering discipline, subject to the scientific method of empirical verification and good engineering practices.

Economics is not a religion. Economics is "The study of scarce resources" It's a social science. It involves a lot of theory and math, but is not a true science.

Yes, it's a social science, however, unlike many social sciences, it's applied as if it's a physical science.

Understand, even psychology is an extension of let's say the medical field of neuro-biochemistry and physiology.

For economics, it's an add-on to let's say political science or sociology, neither of whom are physical sciences.

51   anonymous   2017 Feb 24, 11:22am  

Ironman says

errc says

Coincidentally, he seems to have greatly lessened his presence ever since Patricks most recent attempt to better the site.

Why did you take me off of ignore?

Do you miss me?

No. Patrick neutered you with the ad hominem rule so no real need for ignore anymore

And I'm open to the possibility that even you might post something worth reading, at some point

52   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 11:38am  

Rin says

In a short time, when most white collar jobs disappear due to automation, there will be a huge cry to end capitalism, the way it is today, simply because there'll be nothing for the average person to do to earn a living.

The solution is a modern form of Georgism that includes public ownership of automation. This is, by definition, mutually exclusive with capitalism. The only alternative to this is systemic slaughtering of the masses that used to be middle class workers. That genocide could happen quickly or very slowly, but it is inevitable unless the refinement of Georgism I propose becomes a reality.

53   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 12:08pm  

rando says

Rin says

why someone like the so-called Tony Starks/IM feels the need to post here, nearly 7x24?

Because it's fun! And I learn things I didn't know, and sort-of meet people.

Rin's referring to Call It Crazy because of his new avatar. Ironically, I am almost exactly like Tony Stark as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr. except more introverted, not as wealth -- of course, I didn't inherent a fortune and a company -- no alcoholism problem, and with slightly different political views, although Stark's political views shifted drastically towards mine in Iron Man 1 and Age of Ultron.

Basically, the character of Tony is an ENTJ whereas I'm an INTJ. Two very similar personality types, although I would have preferred to be an ENTJ as they have more fun and are more financially successful because all our institutions reward extroversion. So the irony is that CIC's avatar is homage to people like me who CIC hates because we are vastly superior to him in every way.

54   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 12:23pm  

Strategist says

Economics is not a religion. Economics is "The study of scarce resources" It's a social science. It involves a lot of theory and math, but is not a true science.

My point is that economics should be a science but economists, politicians, and the public treat it like a religion. They cling to unquestionable and unjustifiable dogma and simply turn off thinking because they perceive challenging the effectiveness of an economic system as a challenge to their culture. You demonstrate this exact behavior every time the subject of economics comes up. You equate capitalism with Americanism, which is just plain stupid, as if America cannot be great unless capitalism is great. Economic systems should be judged dispassionately and without cultural influences, and they should be changed like underwear, i.e. whenever the need arises.

55   Dan8267   2017 Feb 24, 12:25pm  

Ironman says

errc says

And I'm open to the possibility that even you might post something worth reading, at some point

Don't hold your breath.

The first truthful thing Call It Crazy ever posted.

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