Defend Islam

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2017 Feb 26, 10:18pm   69,010 views  298 comments

by PeopleUnited   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of Islam and/or why any non-Moslem would consider it a good thing if more Moslems lived in their town or neighborhood.

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1   curious2   2017 Feb 26, 10:28pm  

Funny - though you've changed your name from "Vaticanus" to "PeopleUnited", your modified toilet sign avatar provides the Vatican's answer to your question: divisiveness. You can count on most Muslims to agree with the Vatican in opposing marriage equality, even in countries where the majority support it. You can likewise count on Dennis Hastert and similar closet cases to vote the same way. So, you and Dennis Hastert and the Vatican closet cases vote "united" with Islam, possibly the most divisive ideology on earth.

2   PeopleUnited   2017 Feb 26, 10:37pm  

I'll speak for myself on what the avatar, marriage or Vaticanus means to me. Your words don't speak for me, and it is your words that are divisive. But if you care to defend Islam now is your opportunity.

3   lostand confused   2017 Feb 26, 10:38pm  

The only weapon against feminazis??

4   PeopleUnited   2017 Feb 26, 10:41pm  

Humor. Ok so Islam is now the butt of your joke. Seriously though is it worth having Moslems next door to protect you against feminazis?? Will you Defend Islam L And C? lostand confused says

The only weapon against feminazis??

5   marcus   2017 Feb 26, 11:39pm  

PeopleUnited says

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of Islam and/or why any non-Moslem would consider it a good thing if more Moslems lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being overweight and/or why any thin would consider it a good thing if more overweight people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of nerds and/or why any non-nerd would consider it a good thing if more nerds lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being white and/or why any non-white people would consider it a good thing if more white people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of gun ownership and/or why any non-gun owners would consider it a good thing if more gun owners lived in their town or neighborhood.

etc., etc., etc.

7   PeopleUnited   2017 Feb 27, 6:29am  

marcus says

PeopleUnited says

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of Islam and/or why any non-Moslem would consider it a good thing if more Moslems lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being overweight and/or why any thin would consider it a good thing if more overweight people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of nerds and/or why any non-nerd would consider it a good thing if more nerds lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being white and/or why any non-white people would consider it a good thing if more white people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of gun ownership and/or why any non-gun owners would consider it a good thing if more gun owners lived in their town or neighborhood...

marcus says

Muslim Americans raise funds to repair Jewish cemetery


Ok you identified some groups of people to disparage. But will you defend Islam?

By the way raising money for a cemetery is good PR if you look past the fact that their religion has a habit of putting people into cemeteries.

8   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 6:32am  

PeopleUnited says

So you don't like people who disagree with you?

Says the person who started this thread...

9   PeopleUnited   2017 Feb 27, 7:29am  

Rashomon says

PeopleUnited says

So you don't like people who disagree with you?

Says the person who started this thread...

Will you defend Islam?

Do you want more Islamic neighbors in your town and on your street?

10   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 7:36am  

PeopleUnited says

Will you defend Islam?

Do you want more Islamic neighbors in your town and on your street?

Err, I'm an expat living in the Middle East. Every single one of my neighbours is a Muslim, and they're as nice or nicer than any neighbours I've had/have in other countries, including the US and the UK.

11   PeopleUnited   2017 Feb 27, 8:28am  

I'm happy for you. Sounds like you found a place that you belong.

12   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 8:30am  

PeopleUnited says

I'm happy for you. Sounds like you found a place that you belong.

Slow handclap. I also have a home in Monterey and am looking at a place in Japan. I guess I belong there as well.

13   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 8:38am  

PeopleUnited says

So you don't like people who disagree with you? We know Marcus. But will you defend Islam?

He will. to the last drop.

PeopleUnited says

By the way raising money for a cemetery is good PR if you look past the fact that their religion has a habit of putting people into cemeteries.

LOL. Love it.

14   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 8:39am  

PeopleUnited says

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of Islam and/or why any non-Moslem would consider it a good thing if more Moslems lived in their town or neighborhood.

It's OK to have secular Muslims next door. It's the religious ones who are a problem.

15   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 27, 8:41am  

Rashomon says

am looking at a place in Japan.

Rashomon says

at a place in Japan

The most Xenophobic country in the world. They even paid to send back South American Japanese because they feared they were somehow 'tainted' by living a few generations there, whether they were 100% ethnic Japanese or not.

How many refugees does Japan take in? And they only take those that can show Japanese Ancestry.

How many Korean-Japanese are still second class citizens there, generations later?

Why are you moving to an extremely racist and xenophobic society obsessed with "Outside Pollution" damaging the Pure Islands?

Japan must improve the living standards of its own people before it can consider accepting Syrian refugees, the prime minister, Shinzo Abe said, as he announced $1.6bn in new assistance for Syrians and Iraqis caught up in conflicts in the Middle East.
“It is an issue of demography,” Abe told reporters after his speech to the UN general assembly. “I would say that before accepting immigrants or refugees, we need to have more activities by women, elderly people and we must raise our birth rate. There are many things that we should do before accepting immigrants.”


16   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 8:41am  

Rashomon says

and am looking at a place in Japan.

You will miss your wonderful Muslim neighbors in Japan. No terrorism there.

17   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 8:46am  

Strategist says

You will miss your wonderful Muslim neighbors in Japan. No terrorism there.

Strange, when I was last living there 12 people were killed in a sarin attack. Must have imagined it.

18   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 8:48am  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

The most Xenophobic country in the world. They even paid to send back South American Japanese because they feared they were somehow 'tainted' by living a few generations there, whether they were 100% ethnic Japanese or not.

How many refugees does Japan take in? And they only take those that can show Japanese Ancestry.

How many Korean-Japanese are still second class citizens there, generations later?

Why are you moving to an extremely racist and xenophobic society obsessed with "Outside Pollution" damaging the Pure Islands?

It's changing quite quickly now, which I guess you'd know if you actually had any experience of it beyond what you search for on google.

20   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 8:55am  

Rashomon says

Strategist says

You will miss your wonderful Muslim neighbors in Japan. No terrorism there.

Strange, when I was last living there 12 people were killed in a sarin attack. Must have imagined it.

That was a crime, not terrorism.
The fact is the more Muslims a place has, more will be the violence. Violence is embedded in their rotten religion.

21   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 8:59am  

Strategist says

That was a crime, not terrorism.

Oh right, that must be why Aum Shinrikyo is listed as a terrorist organisation...

22   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 9:05am  

Rashomon says

Strategist says

That was a crime, not terrorism.

Oh right, that must be why Aum Shinrikyo is listed as a terrorist organisation...

When did the Sarin attack take place, and how many attacks have taken place in Japan since then?
Now till me how many Minutes since the last Islamic attack.

23   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 9:09am  

Strategist says

When did the Sarin attack take place, and how many attacks have taken place in Japan since then?

Now till me how many Minutes since the last Islamic attack.

Except you said Japan has no terrorism when in fact it has quite a history of it.

24   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 9:25am  

Rashomon says

Strategist says

When did the Sarin attack take place, and how many attacks have taken place in Japan since then?

Now till me how many Minutes since the last Islamic attack.

Except you said Japan has no terrorism when in fact it has quite a history of it.

One example, clearly disputed is not quite a history.

25   MisdemeanorRebel   2017 Feb 27, 9:27am  

Rashomon says

It's changing quite quickly now, which I guess you'd know if you actually had any experience of it beyond what you search for on google.

Right. I think they took 30 refugees out of 10,000+ all time record applicants last year.

An assertion of your opinion (with no evidence other than anecdotal perception) is not much of an argument.

Japan never has and never will be and most certainly does not want, a Multicultural Society.

"Who stole bike? Ask Gaijin on block first."

26   curious2   2017 Feb 27, 2:37pm  

Rashomon says

Every single one of my neighbours is a Muslim....

Islam tends to have that effect, because Sharia says to kill and/or persecute the disbelievers. Try telling them you're an atheist and maybe giving them your favorite Dawkins/Hitchens book, and see how long it takes them to rat you out to the religious police. Then decide how "nice" they are.

You can't even tell a smile from a veil.

Rashomon says

I also have a home in Monterey and am looking at a place in Japan.

Since you prefer living among Muslims, you should sell the Monterey place on PatNet. Talk with Bellingham Bill about Japan, he has written of his interest in relocating there.

27   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 4:51pm  

curious2 says

Islam tends to have that effect, because Sharia says to kill and/or persecute the disbelievers. Try telling them you're an atheist and maybe giving them your favorite Dawkins/Hitchens book, and see how long it takes them to rat you out to the religious police. Then decide how "nice" they are.

You can't even tell a smile from a veil.

Typical Patnet type response from a person who has no actual experience of what they're talking about. Muslim majority countries aren't some kind of homogenous group. There's huge differences between them just like anywhere else. And I've had conversations about religion and no-one has reported me to the non-existent religious police when I mentioned I was atheist.

curious2 says

Since you prefer living among Muslims, you should sell the Monterey place on PatNet. Talk with Bellingham Bill about Japan, he has written of his interest in relocating there.

Yawn. Where did I say that? It's a job. I work around the world. As I said, I've already lived in Japan and visit it every year, so have no need to talk to anyone about relocating there.

28   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 4:56pm  

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

Right. I think they took 30 refugees out of 10,000+ all time record applicants last year.

An assertion of your opinion (with no evidence other than anecdotal perception) is not much of an argument.

I wasn't talking about taking in Muslim refugees, I was talking about a decline in racism. Anyone who actually visits there can also vouch for the fact there's been a considerable increase in the number of foreigners entering the country due to the shortage of workers in a number of areas. When I lived there, everyone working in the convenience stores was Japanese. In recent years, they've invariably been foreigners. This process is likely to continue given the declining population.

WaPoIsHitler Lipsovitch says

Japan never has and never will be and most certainly does not want, a Multicultural Society.

Possibly not, but you could say that about most countries until they were.

29   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 4:57pm  

Strategist says

One example, clearly disputed is not quite a history.

My example wasn't clearly disputed. You simply didn't know what you were talking about.

The Japanese Red Army...

30   OneTwo   2017 Feb 27, 5:15pm  


What defense is there for the Wahabinist madrassas?

To me? None. To those funding them, presumably the desire to spread Wahabbism.


Where did they come from?

A country Trump didn't put on his ban list, which I'm guessing is your point.

31   Patrick   2017 Feb 27, 6:03pm  

Saudi Fucking Arabia

Just in case it was not perfectly clear.

32   MMR   2017 Feb 27, 6:25pm  

Rashomon says

PeopleUnited says

Will you defend Islam?

Do you want more Islamic neighbors in your town and on your street?

Err, I'm an expat living in the Middle East. Every single one of my neighbours is a Muslim, and they're as nice or nicer than any neighbours I've had/have in other countries, including the US and the UK.

Cool story bro....My uncle lived in Dammam and Jubail for 10 years and referred to them as animals. Still made decent money but not nearly as much as he did by coming to NJ with the quality of life he has today.

33   MMR   2017 Feb 27, 6:31pm  

Rashomon says

It's changing quite quickly now, which I guess you'd know if you actually had any experience of it beyond what you search for on google.

Not quickly enough to help take in refugees from Middle East

34   marcus   2017 Feb 27, 6:32pm  

PeopleUnited says

So you don't like people who disagree with you? We know Marcus. But will you defend Islam?

Actually I enjoy arguing with people who know how to support their point of view without making it about me, like this: "So you don't like people who disagree with you? We know Marcus."

That's actually an ad hominem, but not one that I think you should be docked for.

Why is your question any more deserving of an answer than these.

marcus says

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being overweight and/or why any thin would consider it a good thing if more overweight people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of nerds and/or why any non-nerd would consider it a good thing if more nerds lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being white and/or why any non-white people would consider it a good thing if more white people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of gun ownership and/or why any non-gun owners would consider it a good thing if more gun owners lived in their town or neighborhood.

etc., etc., etc.

35   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 6:33pm  

Rashomon says

Err, I'm an expat living in the Middle East. Every single one of my neighbours is a Muslim, and they're as nice or nicer than any neighbours I've had/have in other countries, including the US and the UK.

How nice would they be to me if:
I told them I was an atheist.
Mohammad was a child rapist.
Stoning a woman to death was for barbarians.

36   marcus   2017 Feb 27, 6:35pm  

Like personalities repel one another. Some people just need to have someone or some group to hate.

37   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 6:35pm  

marcus says

Why is your question any more deserving of an answer than these.

marcus says

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being overweight and/or why any thin would consider it a good thing if more overweight people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of nerds and/or why any non-nerd would consider it a good thing if more nerds lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of being white and/or why any non-white people would consider it a good thing if more white people lived in their town or neighborhood.

I would be interested in arguments for the merits of gun ownership and/or why any non-gun owners would consider it a good thing if more gun owners lived in their town or neighborhood.

etc., etc., etc.

Not very interesting.
Islamic barbarism and the threats they pose to the world is a lot more exciting.

38   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 6:36pm  

marcus says

Like personalities repel one another. Some people just need to have someone or some group to hate.

I hate all groups that abuse human rights. So should you.

39   marcus   2017 Feb 27, 6:48pm  

I hate incorrect generalizations, so should you.

Those people aren't going to behave better when you shun them from the economies of the world for decades and then centuries. That will make them stronger in their conviction that we are the evil ones. The number of moderate Muslims in secular countries needs to keep on increasing. As these people gain some degree of success and wealth it will eventually be seen as the smart path.

I'm not totally opposed to pressuring the moderate Muslims that this is partly their problem to solve. But at the same time the moderates need to grow.

This isn't rocket science. Either they change or eventually there is great war. Forcing the issue based on hate is not the answer. I'm surprised this isn't more obvious to you and so many others.

40   Strategist   2017 Feb 27, 6:52pm  

marcus says

I hate incorrect generalizations, so should you.

Those people aren't going to behave better when you shun them from the economies of the world for decades and then centuries. That will make them stronger in their conviction that we are the evil ones.

No it won't. If you want to end bad and barbaric practices, you have to speak out first.
We ended slavery because people spoke out and even risked their lives to end it.
We stopped burning witches because people spoke out against the practice.
Why do you think Islamic barbarism is any different?

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