Feminism Update

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2017 Mar 30, 12:22pm   254,932 views  1,798 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.

Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE

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635   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 8, 5:21pm  

LOL, that hit and run cement wall.
636   anonymous   2022 Mar 15, 11:19am  

637   Patrick   2022 Mar 21, 11:23am  


This was meant to give us freedom. But it has instead trapped us in something else. Now we are not perceived as the thing that identified us: our gender. And we are not perceived as the thing that we are identified by: our bodies. The feminist movement is essentially an Icarus, and now it's destroying our children, our families, and our legal protections.

What was idealized as a means of liberation for women was in many ways a liberation for men. The concept of the single mom is now praised as some kind of brave achievement, leaving men off the hook for fatherhood. Women working straight jobs is now the norm instead of being the exception to the stay-at-home mom standard, leaving men off the hook for being breadwinners. Birth control and abortion keep women sexually available without the consequences of human reproduction, and its the women who pay the price for that with their own bodies.

Now our daughters and little sisters are paying that price, too, and they're presenting with new kinds of scars. Divorced from a gender that feminists told us was weak, contemptible, rightfully oppressible, girls found that they had no reason to embrace it. The feminine is so many things that smart girls hate: it's puke pink, and it has bows on it. It comes with being ogled and needing to buy tampons. It comes with words like "budding breasts" and "Aunt Flo" and people telling you to try not to get raped. Lots of it really sucks, which the feminists knew, which is why they didn't want it anymore.

But men, who we long believed had created femininity just to oppress us, found the feminine gender lying around, and claimed it for their own. While we hated it, it was something they idealized. Now, instead of simply defining it and demanding women live by that definition, they are embracing it, wearing it like a second skin, like a dead animal hide, and claiming that because they have done so, the definition of women must include them, too.

And now women are trapped again, and again it's by a definition we didn't create for ourselves.

We wanted our liberation, we wanted to be free from the feminine gender, and so we had to be willing to give it away as easily as we chucked it off in the first place. But it hasn't been liberating. Girls believe they can choose to not be female simply by rejecting the traditional norms of femininity.

The problem with femininity as defined by traditional, sex-based roles was not what femininity was, but that we hated it. We women thought less of ourselves for being feminine, we thought less of the feminine tasks, and we looked down upon ourselves for not having male characteristics. This we have passed on to our girl children, who when they make that fateful realization that they are no longer the child they were, decide fully that they don't want to be the woman they will become, either.

We do our girls a disservice when we lie to them and tell them they don't have to be women. We harm them when we usher them into a world of adult sexuality with no reproductive consequences, without love, and, in the case of genital mutilation surgery, one that even lacks the potential for sexual pleasure.

We tell them they can be anything they want to be, but we have forgotten to tell them to love being who they are. We forgot to tell them to embrace those aspects of femininity that are unique to women alone, and to live as their authentic, female selves without any concern or regard for male definitions of who and what we are.
639   Patrick   2022 Apr 11, 11:17pm  


Recent data reveal that despite the gender pay gap claims, the exact opposite has been occurring — and it appears to be getting worse. According to a recent report from the Pew Research Center, women younger than 30 are now earning more money than their male counterparts in 22 of the country’s largest cities. Those cities include Washington, DC, New York, and Los Angeles.
641   AmericanKulak   2022 Apr 26, 9:25pm  


Repeal the 19th, raise the voting age to 30, or require proof of $20k in annual income from any source derived under 62.
642   richwicks   2022 Apr 27, 1:09am  

AmericanKulak says
or require proof of $20k in annual income

The definition of a dollar is 0.77 ounces of silver. 20,000 x 0.77 =~ 15,400 ounces of silver which works out to be (at this moment) - 23.61 x 15,400 = $363,594

You can thank Woodrow Wilson for this. I hope that man is burning in hell. Worst traitor to this country ever.
646   Ceffer   2022 May 6, 12:45pm  

My wife cooks relentlessly. I always wonder what fling poo is going on in the kitchen.

She cooks for 'ideas' rather than flavor, so it is always a mystery when I pull into the dinner table whether the effort will taste good or not.

She has gotten into every scratchy, brushy, pungent leaf crap salad hawked by the nutrition mafias lately. I told her I didn't like salads that lacerated throat and palate, and felt like caterpillars going down my throat, and got lectured and pouted for being an ungrateful beast again over her ouvres.

I enjoy being a beast, so it's all good.
647   AmericanKulak   2022 May 9, 9:36pm  

I'm so sick of tatted hos, I'm looking at chicks from before my time.

Nice long hair, great voice, no stunning beauty but natural good looking. Sunkissed, not nacreous flesh.
648   Patrick   2022 May 9, 10:07pm  

AmericanKulak says

Had to look that up:


I must use Wiktionary 10 times a day now. It's blessedly free of wokeness so far.
649   AmericanKulak   2022 May 9, 10:21pm  

Shit, I didn't mean pearl-like. Or like white porcelain.

I think I meant Necrotic, though some are sallow.

Fuck I feel like an ass.
650   Patrick   2022 May 9, 10:27pm  

Don't worry about it. At least you didn't hold Shopify from 1763 down to 340.
651   Ceffer   2022 May 9, 11:20pm  

AmericanKulak says
Fuck I feel like an ass.

Nonsense. Just blame it on the spell checker.

Of course, the implication of 'iridescence' isn't that far off. If only they had a word that meant iridescent and putrid at the same time. The internet has me running for the Oxford every day.
652   AmericanKulak   2022 May 9, 11:29pm  

Yeah: "Pale Moon like, but in a sickly way, not in a gleaming pure skin way" or "24 hour past time of death corpse skin tone"
654   Ceffer   2022 May 11, 10:28am  

Like the princess my nephew married, who thinks that because Daddy Warbucks spoiled her, she is entitled to six weeks a year of foreign travel, it's gonna happen come hell or high water. Being spoiled is a nice gig if you can get it. Nephew likes to travel, too, though, family was/is in foreign service.
AmericanKulak says
655   AmericanKulak   2022 May 11, 11:55am  

Yeah, not into spoiling chicks. Most of them need a weekly raw ass treatment rather than a spa treatment.
656   AmericanKulak   2022 May 16, 9:47am  

"It's SOCIALIZATION that makes people male or female!!!"

"As a skeptic, I'm extremely skeptical of anything that threatens my nurture-uber-alles, tabula rasa-blank slate narrative!"
660   Booger   2022 May 22, 3:15pm  

Tinder With the Genders Reversed

661   Ceffer   2022 May 22, 4:45pm  

Booger says
Tinder With the Genders Reversed

The father didn't mention if he was pregnant or not.
664   AmericanKulak   2022 May 24, 4:44pm  

The Media:



* This is mathematically impossible to anybody that's seen a life insurance pamphlet.
665   Patrick   2022 May 24, 7:02pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
clown world won

It's not over. It's never over.
667   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2022 May 27, 12:24pm  

Patrick says

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
clown world won

It's not over. It's never over.

Let me update it then... at a present time Clown World is winning hard. This is just my personal observation, and I really have no idea when or how this will turn around. I'm working on it, I'm raising my kids right. But feels very outnumbered right now. Not giving up, not being a doomer, just think America (that includes all of us) have a lot of work cut out for us to make it great again.

Reasons for my thinking:
- economy is collapsing
- homeless everywhere
- government corruption is blatant and everywhere
- ruling class doesn't even hide contempt for us working people
- great replacement is real
- trannies are exalted in media and corporations
- schools now worship and celebrate gay shit for entire month and then some, it's a fucking gay worshipping shrine these days.
- gays (and rest of alphabet) exalted in media and corporations
- cancel culture does not allow any criticism of any of those
- black lives matter group cannot be criticized
- Disney promotes gay to kids
- every corporation now focuses on diversity, and government mandated it
- all rich people celebrate degeneracy and sexual deviances (Abigail Disney and many others)
- Republican party is cucked same as Democratic party
- churches are empty, gay bars are full (Omar Mateen had no shortage of targets in Florida)
- social media controlled by crazy cancel culture drones
- media controlled by cancel culture drones
- government controlled by cancel culture drones
- FBI (see above)
- we were forced to lock down for 2 years over a mild cold and only unlocked temporarily due to Ukraine war
- we are constantly demoralized by our media and our economy is collapsing
668   AmericanKulak   2022 May 27, 6:40pm  

Bankrupt Federal Government will pay many dividends, starting with unavoidable decentralization.

The Fed simply won't be able to issue unlimited bonds, and thus programs will be cut.

This includes Soc Sec, probably first, the wet dream of the elite. But also many federal programs, crisis coordination centers, disinfo campaigns.

If the WEF-Woke have to choose between a fat gov subsidy for solar and donating surplus military equipment to cops, they'll choose the former.
669   mell   2022 May 27, 7:02pm  

AmericanKulak says

The Media:



* This is mathematically impossible to anybody that's seen a life insurance pamphlet.

This is brutal. This needs to be placated over every lamestream media disinformation billboard, so that wommynz come to their senses. The globohomo media is the fakest "friend" wommyn have, ruining them forever when reality catches up with them post-wall, priming them for a lonely 2nd half of their life on ssris
670   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 4, 11:23am  

Truth Bomb is REEEE'ed by the Thought Police.
672   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 5, 6:38pm  

List of all the times Collegiate Women lost to High School Boys:


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