Feminism Update

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2017 Mar 30, 12:22pm   254,952 views  1,798 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.

Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE

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865   mell   2023 Mar 7, 4:38pm  

Patrick says


More fun clips there too.

Wommynz never do anything, they are not doers. But they will chastise you for not doing things while preventing you from doing things in time by demanding a say on how it's done, usually with grave consequences. Best is to tell them you are dividing the doing and not let them into your doing, and start with simple tasks they can do, and explain that you are not partaking at all in how she does it to empower her, what matters is that it gets done. They are commies at heart because they can cause max payne when time comes to the doing while demanding the biggest piece of the pie when it actually gets done without them, while trying to take credit or shit on the doers. My recommendation is strict separation of duties with very few exception. If you let them form a committee you will never get anything done.
866   HeadSet   2023 Mar 7, 4:52pm  

mell says

Wommynz never do anything, they are not doers.

True, but they are the catalysts to getting things done. That is, they break up the men's group farting contest and get the men out to do the farming and building.
867   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 7, 5:21pm  

Patrick says

33? That's rookie numbers. That's probably the real numbers of a 25 year old chick in the 90s or 2000s, before hook up apps. AKA the ol' "3-4 boyfriends"

I'd say closer to 100, if the pictured gal is Epiphany phase these days, easily.

(Referring to picture)
869   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 2:56pm  

kimchi nyeon - 김치년 - "Kimchee Bitch" Korean term for SJW (called "4B" there) females. Irrational, Arrogant, and Self-centered.

Sound Familiar?
* escapes responsibilities and duties but insists on her rights.
* only asks for equal rights when she’s in a disadvantage.
* sees men as money.
* has double standards like “It’s OK for women but not for men.”

870   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 3:06pm  

More examples of misandry worldwide, also from Korea.

In 2005, Feminists and the Left Wing in Korea conspired in a lawsuit to eliminate "Bonus Points" of 3 to 5% given to men who had completed their mandatory 26 months of Military Service when taking a Government Exam for entry-level Government Jobs. Women do not have to perform this compulsary service, and the points are justified as the men cannot devote time to studying for the job exams due to their deployment.

872   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 13, 12:45pm  

Why would YOU do this?

Blame Shifting and Guilt

In any order, every time, though waterworks is usually later, after desperation to manipulate reality when one or two others fail. Test it. It's true.
873   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 13, 12:47pm  

Meghan Trainor hits every PoMo Hoe concept:

"Wife Me"
"Old Man from CSPAN"

874   mell   2023 Mar 13, 1:01pm  

AmericanKulak says

Meghan Trainor hits every PoMo Hoe concept:

"Wife Me"
"Old Man from CSPAN"


Funny. Although I have to give it to Meghan that she mostly looks nice and presentable, with a tad of old school, in her videos, doesn't twerk or show her clit n shit. In fact I bet she is romanticizing old school love and chivalry under the feminist hood. By today's standards she's a quite moderate hoe ;)
875   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 13, 1:40pm  

She talks about "Controlling" which is PoMo hoe speak for "I'm going to twerk at the club as a married mother without you and if you resist that, you're a controlling, insecure man."

She's a wholesome looking chick, so too bad, but much of this is probably her handlers discussing how to reposition herself for marketing purposes.
877   Patrick   2023 Mar 13, 4:41pm  

Some researchers wanted my mother's brain when she died, since she had a brain tumor.

Sorry, nope. She wanted to be cremated and we did it as soon as possible.
878   HeadSet   2023 Mar 13, 6:28pm  

I wonder how he got the DNA test without the mom knowing. If he is not married to the mom, he cannot get a blood draw from the kid. If he is married to the mom, it is legally his kid no matter who planted the seed.
879   richwicks   2023 Mar 13, 7:41pm  

HeadSet says

I wonder how he got the DNA test without the mom knowing. If he is not married to the mom, he cannot get a blood draw from the kid. If he is married to the mom, it is legally his kid no matter who planted the seed.

You don't need a blood sample any more.

DNA tests can be done with a "buccal swab" which can be obtained with a cotton swab that's rubbed on the inside of your cheek.
881   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 14, 7:02pm  

I'd take a shot on her tits, but double up in the hole, and no way she's Girlfriend material. I would rather shell out $130 for a hotel room than have her know where I live, too.
882   HeadSet   2023 Mar 14, 8:12pm  

AmericanKulak says

I would rather shell out $130 for a hotel room than have her know where I live, too.

Or her current husband.
883   Patrick   2023 Mar 15, 11:04am  

From Jordan Peterson, and I think it applies to men too:

885   HeadSet   2023 Mar 15, 11:27am  

Patrick says

From Jordan Peterson, and I think it applies to men too:

Yes. All lefties are either perma-adolescents or grifters taking advantage of the overgrown adolescents. An adult is one who can take of himself/herself and others. An adolescent just wants to play while being supported.
886   HeadSet   2023 Mar 15, 11:29am  

Patrick says

If that were true we would all be Amish.
887   Patrick   2023 Mar 18, 6:16pm  


There are still some based women who admit being utterly disgusted by "feminist" men. Maybe there are more all the time.
888   Booger   2023 Mar 19, 2:48pm  

It's called a vacation...

892   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 22, 4:37pm  

"B-b-b-but, if men act more responsibly and MAN UP, modern society's benefits to hoing up will magically disappear contrary to all economic and egotistical human nature!" - Tradcucks

"Nothing excites a woman on more than being a responsible Servant-Leader! Responsible Women are not attracted to bad boy Chad Tyrones! " - Tradcucks

Responsible Women in postitions of authority examples from US and UK:


Tennessee Gangbang Female Cop is married to a Sheriff and Pastor's son who is maximally cucking for her:


Stand by your WO-man! Give her 5 cops to please her!

Tammy Wynette's 5 (FIVE) marriages and 4 (FOUR) divorces:
Euple Byrd
(m. 1960; div. 1965)
Don Chapel
(m. 1967; annulled 1968)
George Jones
(m. 1969; div. 1975)
Michael Tomlin
(m. 1976; annulled 1976)
George Richey (m. 1978)

Note the minimal time gap in the last 4 marriages - she was Monkey Branching for sure

"How did she find another guy so fast?" She found them prior to her leaving, Sherlock!
893   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 22, 4:47pm  

Shaman says

Fifth wave feminism is a reversion to 1st wave? Nice!

There is no waves. It's just like LGBTQ. They're just phases to implement more gynocracy.

Back in the first wave, the element to rewrite the Bible to make the Divinity Female and downplay Jezebel, Delilah, etc. were there, as were demands for Free Love. Free Love, rather than Family Duty, is the state we are now in.
894   GNL   2023 Mar 22, 7:26pm  

I met a woman and her husband today. They're moving into one of his mother's homes so they can reduce expenses (free rent). Why? So she can quit her job and become a stay at home mother for her 2 young daughters. I cannot tell you how much her face lit up when she told me that. I was genuinely happy for them and their children.
895   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 22, 8:57pm  

GNL says

I met a woman and her husband today. They're moving into one of his mother's homes so they can reduce expenses (free rent). Why? So she can quit her job and become a stay at home mother for her 2 young daughters. I cannot tell you how much her face lit up when she told me that. I was genuinely happy for them and their children.

"Her" or "Their" young daughters...

At least the home is in his mother's name.
897   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 23, 5:26pm  

I'm so old I remember old ladies smiling with pride when neighbors, family, their kids, their kids friends, etc. complimented on their cooking.

Damn that Cuban sandwich looks good.
898   HeadSet   2023 Mar 23, 6:25pm  

AmericanKulak says

I'm so old I remember old ladies smiling with pride when neighbors, family, their kids, their kids friends, etc. complimented on their cooking.

Not just old ladies, but young wives as well. No woman wanted to be known as a bad cook.

"I heard that newlywed next door absolutely worships her husband - puts burnt offerings in front of him 3 times a day."
899   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 23, 6:46pm  



- Women under 50 today

These days if they take some spaghetti and soak it in a pot for a few minutes, they think they graduated from the Cordon Bleu School. Let's be real, for most chicks born after the 1960s, unburnt toast is a flex.
900   HeadSet   2023 Mar 23, 7:20pm  

AmericanKulak says

Let's be real, for most chicks born after the 1960s, unburnt toast is a flex.

An exception is the Midwest. I got some good meals while I was dating in Omaha and Dayton, and my wife is a very good cook.
901   Patrick   2023 Mar 23, 8:18pm  


Feminism says women need to essentially be men in order to be liberated. They need to hustle in the workforce, act like one of the bros, and have as many one-night stands as possible.

It ruined them. Now they're realizing that competing with men resulted in no fulfillment whatsoever.

A lot of older conservatives who grew up in a majority-Christian culture have been shouting this for years.

But their approach has been "this is wrong" instead of "this DOES NOT WORK."

The nuance is important for reaching a culture that's so far gone that it calls evil good and good evil.
902   richwicks   2023 Mar 23, 8:56pm  

Patrick says

But their approach has been "this is wrong" instead of "this DOES NOT WORK."

I don't think they realized it didn't work.

I imagine for many women it must have felt incredibly limiting to be confined to being a housewife or a secretary, and not having the same opportunities men had. In fact, this was true. My mother was a commercial artist, when she got married, she was immediately fired because it was time for her to get barefoot and pregnant. Women in 1950 didn't have access to credit.

But this idea that women SHOULD have to do what men do, nope. I know some good women engineers, but I know a lot of women that aren't good engineers and felt like they had to go into a STEM field of some sort, and they are unhappy. I code because it was a hobby. I'm actually a VLSI designer by education (glad I didn't pursue that!) How many girls do you know that would code for 12 hours? I know plenty of men that did, not women. There's a sort of pleasure in creating and figuring something out, it's a big puzzle, how many women enjoy that?

There's some formidable chess players, but all the top ones are men. The top female winner in Jeopardy, is a transgendered male to female.

There's a flipside to this as well. Men are more likely to have mental illness, they have a wider range in intelligence going from very retarded to being very intelligent, they are more likely to be criminals, from general thuggery to white collar crime. Women are a lot more mentally and physically stable in their health.
903   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 23, 8:57pm  

In the beginning, this masculinized 50-year old Finance chick who was probably hot once seems like she's going to actually learn something. Asking 100 middle aged men why they date younger gals, and finding the answer isn't so much Appearance, but that they've less Baggage, more pleasant, and semi-malleable.


She then proves them right by discarding their opinions and replacing them with her feels, damning younger women and demanding men her age be "Challenged".

Who the fuck wants to be challenged by a wrinkled old bat after a long work week at a dinner you're paying for? Usually on a subject you know that you know you've spent more time in the last year researching than every article or conversation she had on the subject her whole life, and her opinion came from a single HuffPo article written by a fellow shrew?
904   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 23, 9:03pm  

richwicks says

Women are a lot more mentally and physically stable in their health.

I no longer believe this is true. I think a solid 10-15% of men will never be on the self-supporting wagon due to criminal impulse, antisocial behaviors, severe autism, etc. and this number has been stable through time

But I also think just as many if not more women, once you wade through their more subsidized lives, are incapable of supporting themselves fully. MAMFAT/Fibro, My Ass Gia subsidies, Cubefraus who are really kept at their gov/ed/big corp paperwork job out of lawsuit fears, pension pirates, alimony rustlers, minimal work week EIC + Child Support slobs, Middle Aged crazy ladies who live with kids in return for a couple of hours babysitting during the workweek and eating all the food and getting free rent with no job, the leech SAHMs that continue to stay home despite their 1 or 2 kids being teens/out of the house entirely, etc.

25-55 year old women are now #1 for mental illness and psychoactive drugs.

EDIT: fixed "capable" to INcapable.

Also: Most men would be very happy spending years on the side of a mountain digging potatoes and trapping, hunting, skinning wild pheasants and deer and boar. Most women would be absolutely miserable by themselves alone in less than a week.

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