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More fun clips there too.
Wommynz never do anything, they are not doers.
Meghan Trainor hits every PoMo Hoe concept:
"Wife Me"
"Old Man from CSPAN"
I wonder how he got the DNA test without the mom knowing. If he is not married to the mom, he cannot get a blood draw from the kid. If he is married to the mom, it is legally his kid no matter who planted the seed.
I would rather shell out $130 for a hotel room than have her know where I live, too.
From Jordan Peterson, and I think it applies to men too:
Fifth wave feminism is a reversion to 1st wave? Nice!
I met a woman and her husband today. They're moving into one of his mother's homes so they can reduce expenses (free rent). Why? So she can quit her job and become a stay at home mother for her 2 young daughters. I cannot tell you how much her face lit up when she told me that. I was genuinely happy for them and their children.
I'm so old I remember old ladies smiling with pride when neighbors, family, their kids, their kids friends, etc. complimented on their cooking.
Let's be real, for most chicks born after the 1960s, unburnt toast is a flex.
Feminism says women need to essentially be men in order to be liberated. They need to hustle in the workforce, act like one of the bros, and have as many one-night stands as possible.
It ruined them. Now they're realizing that competing with men resulted in no fulfillment whatsoever.
A lot of older conservatives who grew up in a majority-Christian culture have been shouting this for years.
But their approach has been "this is wrong" instead of "this DOES NOT WORK."
The nuance is important for reaching a culture that's so far gone that it calls evil good and good evil.
But their approach has been "this is wrong" instead of "this DOES NOT WORK."
Women are a lot more mentally and physically stable in their health.
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE